From 4e7199d3cc47a18b72660b9382b96ab356eb68a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: naji <>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 08:16:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fix: renomer les fichiers de traduction

 .../projects/pastis/src/app/app.module.ts     |    2 +-
 .../pastis/src/assets/i18n-old/en.json        |  125 +
 .../pastis/src/assets/i18n-old/fr.json        |  135 +
 .../projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n/en.json   | 2996 +++++++++++++++-
 .../projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n/fr.json   | 3022 +++++++++++++++-
 .../pastis/src/assets/shared-i18n/en.json     | 3078 ----------------
 .../pastis/src/assets/shared-i18n/fr.json     | 3107 -----------------
 7 files changed, 6232 insertions(+), 6233 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n-old/en.json
 create mode 100644 ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n-old/fr.json
 delete mode 100644 ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/shared-i18n/en.json
 delete mode 100644 ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/shared-i18n/fr.json

diff --git a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/app/app.module.ts b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/app/app.module.ts
index 9df8f664a..8b744c0af 100644
--- a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/app/app.module.ts
+++ b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/app/app.module.ts
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ import {TranslateHttpLoader} from "@ngx-translate/http-loader";
 export function translateHttpLoaderFactory(httpBackend: HttpBackend): TranslateHttpLoader {
-  return new TranslateHttpLoader(new HttpClient(httpBackend), '../assets/shared-i18n/', '.json');
+  return new TranslateHttpLoader(new HttpClient(httpBackend), '../assets/i18n/', '.json');
diff --git a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n-old/en.json b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n-old/en.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09a293bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n-old/en.json
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+    "settings": "Settings",
+    "administrators": "Management",
+    "users": "User",
+    "referential": "Referential",
+    "opaudit": "Audits & operations",
+    "techadmin": "Technical administration",
+    "lastusedapps": "Lastly used"
+  },
+    "SEARCH": "Search for a profile by its title"
+  },
+      "NAME": "Archival Profiles",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Params Archival Profiles"
+    }
+  },
+  "NOTICE": {
+    "ONGLET_NOTICE_TYPE": "Type",
+    "ONGLET_NOTICE_ID": "Username",
+    "ONGLET_NOTICE_INTITULE": "Entitled",
+    "ONGLET_NOTICE_DESCRIPTION": "Description",
+    "NOTICE_CHART_UN": "Authorize in the manifest the presence of",
+    "NOTICE_CHART_DEUX": "metadata not declared in the PUA?"
+  },
+    "NOTIFICATION_CREATE_PROFILE": "RNG data has been loaded successfully",
+    "NOTIFICATION_EDIT": "RNG data has been loaded successfully",
+    "NOTIFICATION_SEDA": "SEDA data has been loaded successfully",
+    "NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_PROFILE": "The RNG file was generated successfully"
+  },
+  },
+  "PROFILE": {
+    "EDIT_PROFILE": {
+      "NOTICE_TAB": "Notice",
+      "ENTETE": "Header",
+      "REGLES": "Rules",
+      "UNITES_ARCHIVES": "Archive units",
+      "OBJETS": "Objects",
+      "NOTICE_PUA_MODE": "Notice",
+      "UNITES_ARCHIVES_PUA_MODE": "Archive units",
+      "NOM_PUA": "Name of the archival unit profile",
+      "NOM_PA": "Archive profile name",
+      "FILE_TREE": {
+        "AJOUTER_UA": "ADD A UA",
+        "AJOUTER_UA_ICON": "ADD A UA",
+        "NOTIFICATION_REMOVE_SUCCESS_TWO": "with success",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_PTWO": "have been added",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_STWO": "has been added",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_FILE_TREE": "ArchiveUnit metadata has been added",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_TITRE": "Do you want to delete",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Deleting an attribute",
+        "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE_METADONNEE": "Deleting a metadata",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M": "deleted",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": "deleted",
+        "POPUP_ADD_CANCEL_LABEL": "Cancel",
+        "POPUP_ADD_TITLE_DIALOG": "Please select one or more metadata",
+        "POPUP_ADD_SUBTITLE_DIALOG": "Add metadata to",
+        "POPUP_ADD_OK_LABEL": "Add metadata"
+      },
+        "NOTIFICATION_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "ArchiveUnit metadata has been added",
+        "BOUTON_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "Add metadata",
+        "BOUTON_AJOUT_UA": "Add UA",
+        "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE": "Editing attributes of",
+        "POPUP_VALIDER": "Validate",
+        "POPUP_ANNULER": "Cancel",
+        "ENREGISTRER_PROFIL_TOOLTIP": "Save profile",
+        "TELECHARGER_MANUEL_TOOLTIP": "Download the PASTIS user manual",
+        "NOM_METADONNEE": "Metadata name",
+        "VALEUR_FIXE": "Fixed value",
+        "CARDINALITE ": "Cardinality",
+        "COMMENTAIRE": "Comment",
+        "DUPLIQUER": "Duplicate",
+        "ATTRIBUT_METADONNEE": "Metadata attributes",
+        "SUPPRIMER": "Remove",
+          "PARTIEUN": "The metadata",
+          "PARTIEDEUX": "does not contain any child metadata. You must add at least one to it to be able to use it in your profile."
+        },
+        "ATTRIBUTS": {
+          "NOM_ATTRIBUT": "Attribute name",
+          "VALEUR_FIXE": "Fixed value",
+          "COMMENTAIRE": "Comment"
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    "LIST_PROFILE": {
+      "CREER_GERER_PROFILE_ARCHIVAGE": "create and manage archiving profiles",
+      "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search for a profile by its title",
+      "CREER_NOUVEAU_PROFIL": "create a new profile",
+      "IMPORTER_PROFIL": "import a profile",
+      "LISTE_DES_PROFILS": "List of profiles",
+      "TOUS_LES_PROFILS": "All profiles",
+      "TABLE": {
+        "TYPE_ETAT": "Type / State",
+        "IDENTIFIANT": "Username",
+        "INTITULE": "Entitled",
+        "DERNIERES_MODIFICATIONS": "Latest changes"
+      }
+    }
+  },
+    "ADD_METADATA": {
+      "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search for a profile by its title",
+      "METADATA_ADD": "The metadata to add",
+      "BOUTON_AJOUTER": "Add",
+      "MESSAGE_PLUS_METADONNEE": "There is no more metadata to add"
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n-old/fr.json b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n-old/fr.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd8a1346b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n-old/fr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+    "settings": "Paramétrage",
+    "administrators": "Management",
+    "users": "Utilisateur",
+    "referential": "Référentiels",
+    "opaudit": "Audits et opérations",
+    "techadmin": "Administration technique",
+    "lastusedapps": "Dernières utilisées"
+  },
+      "NAME": "Profiles d'archives",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profile d'archivage"
+    }
+  },
+  "NOTICE": {
+    "ONGLET_NOTICE_TYPE": "Type",
+    "ONGLET_NOTICE_ID": "Identifiant",
+    "ONGLET_NOTICE_INTITULE": "Intitulé",
+    "ONGLET_NOTICE_DESCRIPTION": "Description",
+    "NOTICE_CHART_UN": "Autoriser dans le manifeste la présence de",
+    "NOTICE_CHART_DEUX": "métadonnées non déclarées dans le PUA ?"
+  },
+    "NOTIFICATION_CREATE_PROFILE": "Les données RNG ont été chargées avec succès",
+    "NOTIFICATION_EDIT":"Les données RNG ont été chargées avec succès",
+    "NOTIFICATION_SEDA": "Les données SEDA ont été chargées avec succès",
+    "NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_PROFILE": "Le fichier RNG a été généré avec succès"
+  },
+  },
+  "PROFILE": {
+    "EDIT_PROFILE": {
+      "NOTICE_TAB": "Notice",
+      "ENTETE": "Entête",
+      "REGLES":  "Règles",
+      "UNITES_ARCHIVES": "Unités d'archives",
+      "OBJETS": "Objets",
+      "NOTICE_PUA_MODE": "Notice",
+      "UNITES_ARCHIVES_PUA_MODE": "Unités d'archives",
+      "NOM_PUA": "Nom du profil d unité archivistique",
+      "NOM_PA": "Nom du profil d'archivage",
+      "PROFILE_ID": "Identifiant",
+      "FILE_TREE": {
+        "AJOUTER_UA": "Ajouter une UA",
+        "AJOUTER_UA_TOOLTIP": "Ajouter une UA",
+        "NOTIFICATION_REMOVE_SUCCESS_TWO": "avec succès",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_MEDATADONNEE_PONE": "Les métadonnées",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_PTWO": "ont été ajoutées",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_SONE": "La métadonnée",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_STWO": "a été ajoutée",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_FILE_TREE": "La métadonnée ArchiveUnit a été ajoutée",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_TITRE": "Voulez-vous supprimer",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Suppression d'un attribut",
+        "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE_METADONNEE": "Suppression d'une métadonnée",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M":  "supprimé",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": "supprimée",
+        "POPUP_ADD_CANCEL_LABEL": "Annuler",
+        "POPUP_ADD_TITLE_DIALOG": "Veuillez sélectionner une ou plusieurs métadonnées",
+        "POPUP_ADD_SUBTITLE_DIALOG":"Ajouter des métadonnées à",
+        "POPUP_ADD_OK_LABEL": "Ajouter les métadonnées"
+      },
+        "NOTIFICATION_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "La métadonnée ArchiveUnit a été ajoutée",
+        "BOUTON_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "Ajouter une métadonnée",
+        "BOUTON_AJOUT_UA": "Ajouter une UA",
+        "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE": "Edition des attributs de",
+        "POPUP_VALIDER": "Valider",
+        "POPUP_ANNULER": "Annuler",
+        "ENREGISTRER_PROFIL_TOOLTIP": "Enregistrer le profil",
+        "TELECHARGER_MANUEL_TOOLTIP": "Télécharger le manuel d'utilisation de PASTIS",
+        "NOM_METADONNEE": "Nom de la métadonnée",
+        "VALEUR_FIXE": "Valeur fixe",
+        "CARDINALITE ": "Cardinalité",
+        "COMMENTAIRE": "Commentaire",
+        "DUPLIQUER": "Dupliquer",
+        "ATTRIBUT_METADONNEE": "Attributs de métadonnée",
+        "SUPPRIMER": "Supprimer",
+          "PARTIEUN": "La métadonnée",
+          "PARTIEDEUX": "ne contient pas de métadonnées filles. Vous devez lui en ajouter au moins une pour pouvoir l&apos;utiliser dans votre profil."
+        },
+        "ATTRIBUTS": {
+          "NOM_ATTRIBUT": "Nom de l'attribut",
+          "VALEUR_FIXE": "Valeur fixe",
+          "COMMENTAIRE": "Commentaire"
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    "LIST_PROFILE": {
+      "CREER_GERER_PROFILE_ARCHIVAGE": "créer et gérer des profils d’archivage",
+      "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Recherche un profil par son intitulé",
+      "CREER_NOUVEAU_PROFIL": "créer un nouveau profil",
+      "IMPORTER_PROFIL": "importer un profil",
+      "LISTE_DES_PROFILS": "Liste des profils",
+      "TOUS_LES_PROFILS": "Tous les profils",
+      "TABLE": {
+        "TYPE_ETAT": "Type/Etat",
+        "IDENTIFIANT": "Identifiant",
+        "INTITULE": "Intitulé",
+        "DERNIERES_MODIFICATIONS": "Dernières modifications"
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  "USER_ACTION" :  {
+    "ADD_METADATA" : {
+      "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Recherche une métadonnée par son intitulé",
+      "METADATA_ADD": "Les métadonnées à ajouter",
+      "BOUTON_AJOUTER": "Ajouter",
+      "MESSAGE_PLUS_METADONNEE": "Il n'y a plus de métadonnées à ajouter"
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n/en.json b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n/en.json
index b95b0ef0f..7d334fc9f 100644
--- a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n/en.json
+++ b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n/en.json
@@ -8,17 +8,6 @@
     "techadmin": "Technical administration",
     "lastusedapps": "Lastly used"
-    "SEARCH": "Search for a profile by its title"
-  },
-  //TODO : Application sécurité
-      "NAME": "Archival Profiles",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Params Archival Profiles"
-    }
-  },
   "NOTICE": {
     "ONGLET_NOTICE_TYPE": "Type",
@@ -49,31 +38,41 @@
       "UNITES_ARCHIVES_PUA_MODE": "Archive units",
       "NOM_PUA": "Name of the archival unit profile",
       "NOM_PA": "Archive profile name",
+      "PROFILE_ID": "Username",
       "FILE_TREE": {
         "AJOUTER_UA": "ADD A UA",
         "AJOUTER_UA_ICON": "ADD A UA",
+        "NOTIFICATION_REMOVE_SUCCESS_ONE": " has been",
         "NOTIFICATION_REMOVE_SUCCESS_TWO": "with success",
+        "NOTIFICATION_DUPLIQUER_SUCCESS_TWO": "with success",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_PTWO": "have been added",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_PTWO": " have been added",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_STWO": "has been added",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_STWO": " has been added",
         "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_FILE_TREE": "ArchiveUnit metadata has been added",
         "POPUP_REMOVE_TITRE": "Do you want to delete",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Deleting an attribute",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Do you want to delete",
         "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE_METADONNEE": "Deleting a metadata",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M": "deleted",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": "deleted",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M": " deleted ",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": " deleted ",
         "POPUP_ADD_CANCEL_LABEL": "Cancel",
         "POPUP_ADD_TITLE_DIALOG": "Please select one or more metadata",
         "POPUP_ADD_SUBTITLE_DIALOG": "Add metadata to",
-        "POPUP_ADD_OK_LABEL": "Add metadata"
+        "POPUP_ADD_OK_LABEL": "Add metadata",
+        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_TITRE": "Do you want to duplicate",
+        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Deleting an attribute",
+        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M": " deleted ",
+        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": " deleted ",
+        "POPUP_DUPLICATE_TITRE_TWO'": "its content and configuration (cardinalities and comments)"
+        "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Find metadata in the table",
         "NOTIFICATION_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "ArchiveUnit metadata has been added",
         "BOUTON_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "Add metadata",
         "BOUTON_AJOUT_UA": "Add UA",
@@ -84,7 +83,7 @@
         "TELECHARGER_MANUEL_TOOLTIP": "Download the PASTIS user manual",
         "NOM_METADONNEE": "Metadata name",
         "VALEUR_FIXE": "Fixed value",
-        "CARDINALITE ": "Cardinality",
+        "CARDINALITE": "Cardinality",
         "COMMENTAIRE": "Comment",
         "DUPLIQUER": "Duplicate",
         "ATTRIBUT_METADONNEE": "Metadata attributes",
@@ -117,10 +116,2963 @@
     "ADD_METADATA": {
-      "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search for a profile by its title",
+      "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search for a metadata by its title",
       "METADATA_ADD": "The metadata to add",
       "BOUTON_AJOUTER": "Add",
       "MESSAGE_PLUS_METADONNEE": "There is no more metadata to add"
+  },
+  "COMMON": {
+    "ADD": "Add",
+    "UNDO": "Cancel",
+    "BACK": "Back",
+    "SUBMIT": "Submit",
+    "UPDATE": "Update",
+    "NEXT": "Next",
+    "CONFIRM": "Confirm",
+    "CLOSE": "Close",
+    "REQUIRED": "Required param",
+    "NO_RESULT": "No result",
+    "SHOW_MORE_RESULTS": "Show more results",
+    "LANGUAGE": {
+      "TITLE": "Language",
+      "ENGLISH": "English",
+      "FRENCH": "French",
+      "GERMAN": "German"
+    },
+    "UNDO_MODAL": {
+      "TITLE": "Close the window",
+      "UNDO_MESSAGE": "Modified data won't be saved. Are you sure you want to close the window ?"
+    },
+    "HISTORY": {
+      "NO_HISTORY": "No history",
+      "OPERATIONS": "Logbook"
+    }
+  },
+  "COLOR": {
+    "PRIMARY": "Primary color",
+    "SECONDARY": "Secondary color",
+    "TERTIARY": "Tertiary color",
+    "HEADER_FOOTER": "Header color",
+    "BACKGROUND": "Background color"
+  },
+  "ACCOUNT": {
+    "TITLE": "My account",
+    "REFRESH_PASSWORD": "Change password",
+    "TAB": {
+      "INFORMATIONS": "Informations"
+    },
+    "LASTNAME": "Lastname",
+    "FIRSTNAME": "Firstname",
+    "MAIL": "Email",
+    "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE": "Interface language",
+    "OTP_AUTH": "OTP authentication",
+    "PHONE": {
+      "MOBILE": "Phone number",
+      "FIX": "Home phone number"
+    },
+    "DELIVERY_ADRESS": "Delivery address",
+    "LEVEL": "Level",
+    "GROUP": "My profile group"
+  },
+    "PREHOME": {
+      "ORGANIZATIONS": "My Organizations"
+    },
+    "HOME": {
+      "RESULTS_TABLE": {
+        "MODAL": {
+          "IMPOSSIBLE_SUBROGATION": "Subragation for this user is temporarily impossible",
+          "DENIED_SUBROGATION": "Your subrogation request has been refused",
+          "CANCEL_SUBROGATION": "Your subragation request has been canceled",
+          "ACTIVE_SUBROGATION": "You already have a subrogation in progress with the user",
+          "WAITING_ACCEPTATION": "Waiting for user approval",
+          "ACCEPT_SUBROGATION": "In order to help you the support has for the next 30 minutes the same rights as you",
+          "ASK_SUBROGATION": "You ask a user to subrogate"
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    "BANNER": {
+      "MESSAGE": "Subrogation of user {{email}} until {{endDate}}",
+      "STOP_LABEL": "Stop the subrogation"
+    }
+  },
+    "PORTAL_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Portal"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Archival Profiles",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Params Archival Profiles"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Clients organizations settings",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Set up a client organization, assign safes and configure user authentication security"
+    },
+    "USERS_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Users settings",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Create, modify or deactivate users. Assign rights to users"
+    },
+    "GROUPS_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Groups rights",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Configure groups of rights profiles, which will be assigned to users"
+    },
+    "PROFILES_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Administrator’s rights",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Set up rights profiles for administrators in an organization"
+    },
+      "NAME": "User support",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Temporarily subrogate the rights of a user in an organization"
+    },
+    "ACCOUNTS_APP": {
+      "NAME": "My account",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Find informations about my user"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Duplicate rights profiles",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Duplicate an existing rights profile to limit its scope or manage privilege"
+    },
+    "ARCHIVE_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Archives research and consultation",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Search and consult archives"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Flows",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Set up ingest flows for organizations"
+    },
+      "NAME": "File ingest organisations supervision",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Supervise file ingest of organizations"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Safe slips",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Supervise all slips of a safe"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Organization slips",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Manage slips of the organizations assigned to the operator of the instance"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Item supervision",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Supervise items"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Ingest validation",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Validate or refuse ingests in a tenant by the authorities designated by the organization"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Filing and monitoring of file transfers",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Submit an archive package (SIP) previously created in SEDA format"
+    },
+    "MY_ACTIVITY_V2_APP": {
+      "NAME": "My slips",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Manage slips I have issued and those assigned to me"
+    },
+      "NAME": "My Operator Activity",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Consult my actions concerning the slips of all organizations"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Rights in the \"Research\" APP",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Set up user rights profiles to access and deposit in a safe"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Filing plan",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Configure the filing plan of a safe and the characteristics of each position in this plan"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Alfresco",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Access to Alfresco"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Docuware",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Access to Docuware"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Record Management",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Organize the repository of management rules and manage the archive life cycle"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Indexation",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Index and deposit batches of physical or electronic archives"
+    },
+      "NAME": "API Supervision",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Supervise APIs"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Forms",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Configure indexing forms and metadata display rules for users when searching"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Physical archives center",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Configure archive centers, sites, buildings and rooms. Monitor occupancy rates"
+    },
+    "BARCODES_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Barcode",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Reserve physical archive identifiers and print barcode labels"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Physical archives Services",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Configure the physical archive services and the rights of the client organization"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Deposit by slip",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Configure user rights profiles to create deposit slips"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Reporting",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Access to dashboards of the archiving service"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Archives Search Service",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Archives Search Service"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Ingest management",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Ingest management"
+    },
+    "RULES_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Management rules",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Management rules"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Files formats",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Files formats"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Holding filling scheme",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Holding filling scheme"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Logbook management operation",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Logbook management operation"
+    },
+      "NAME": "External param profile APP",
+      "TOOLTIP": "External param profile APP"
+    },
+    "AGENCIES_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Agent services",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Declare the producer services and the authorized uploading services in the archiving system"
+    },
+    "CONTEXTS_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Application contexts",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Authenticate an application and assign rights to it"
+    },
+    "ONTOLOGY_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Ontology",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Configure the catalog of SEDA tags and VITAM fields authorized and indexed in the archiving system"
+    },
+    "SECURE_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Securing operation",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Securing operation"
+    },
+    "DSL_APP": {
+      "NAME": "DSL Query",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Find UAs from a Custom DSL Query"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Operations Log",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Consulting the logs of entry, base and elimination operations"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Rights in the \"Item supervision\" APP",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Set up supervision profiles for the \"Item supervision\" APP"
+    }
+  },
+  "FOOTER": {
+    "HELP": "Help",
+    "LEGAL_NOTICE": "Legal notice",
+    "TECHNICAL_REFERENT": "Technical referent"
+  },
+  "HEADER": {
+    "LOGOUT": "Logout",
+    "NAVIGATE_AS": "Activate subrogation mode",
+    "MY_ACCOUNT": "My account",
+    "PROFILE": "Profile"
+  },
+  "MENU": {
+    "GRAB_APPLICATION": "Grab application name",
+    "MY_APPLICATIONS": "My applications",
+    "APPLICATION_TITLE": "Applications",
+    "CUSTOMER_TITLE": "Organizations",
+    "TENANT_TITLE": "Safes",
+    "RESULT": "Result",
+    "settings": "Settings",
+    "administrators": "Management",
+    "users": "User",
+    "referential": "Referential",
+    "opaudit": "Audits & operations",
+    "techadmin": "Technical administration",
+    "ingests": "Ingests monitoring",
+    "lastusedapps": "Lastly used",
+    "ingest_and_consultation": "Ingest & consultation",
+    "supervision_and_audits": "Supervision & Audits",
+    "security_and_application_rights": "Security & application rights",
+    "organization_and_user_rights": "Organization & user rights"
+  },
+    "ENTER_APPLICATION": "Enter to launch the application"
+  },
+    "MY_TENANTS": "My safes",
+    "SELECTED": "Selected tenant",
+    "SELECT": "Select a tenant",
+    "DIALOG_TITLE": "Welcome to ",
+    "DIALOG_SUBTITLE": "The archiving applications portal",
+    "DIALOG_INSTRUCTIONS": "Please select your default safe",
+    "DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your default safe can be modified from your account",
+    "DIALOG_BUTTON_LABEL": "Access to "
+  },
+    "SELECTED": "Selected customer",
+    "SELECT": "Select a customer"
+  },
+    "LANGUAGE": "Language",
+    "ENGLISH": "English",
+    "FRENCH": "French"
+  },
+    "YES": "YES",
+    "NO": "NO"
+  },
+    "SUBLEVEL": "Sub level"
+  },
+    "STEP": "Step"
+  },
+  "LANGUAGE": {
+    "FRENCH": "French",
+    "ENGLISH": "English",
+    "GERMAN": "German"
+  },
+  "COUNTRY": {
+    "FRANCE": "France",
+    "GERMANY": "Germany",
+    "ITALY": "Italy",
+    "UNITED_KINGDOM": "United Kingdom",
+    "DENMARK": "Denmark",
+    "SPAIN": "Spain",
+    "BELGIUM": "Belgium",
+    "PORTUGAL": "Portugal"
+  },
+  "DOWNLOAD": {
+    "CANCELLED": "Download cancelled",
+    "CANCEL_ACTION": "Cancel download",
+    "CONFIRM_CANCEL_ACTION": "Are you sure you want to cancel the file download?",
+      "SINGULAR": "File compression : 1 element",
+      "PLURAL": "File compression : {{ count }} elements"
+    },
+      "SINGULAR": "on {{ total }} (1 element not downloaded)",
+      "PLURAL": "on {{ total }} ({{ count }} elements not downloaded)"
+    },
+    "FILE_GENERATION": "File generation"
+  },
+    "CONFIM_UPDATE": "Are you sure you want to make this change?"
+  },
+    "WRONG_FORMAT": "Incorrect format (",
+    "INVALID_USER": "Invalid user"
+  },
+    "PLACEHOLDER": "",
+    "ERROR": "You must enter at least one email address"
+  },
+    "DEFAULT_LABEL": "(Default)"
+  },
+  "SNACKBAR": {
+    "UPDATED_ACCOUNT": "Information has been updated",
+    "FINISHED_SUBROGATION": "The subrogation mode is stopped",
+    "ACTIVATED_SUBROGATION": "The subrogation mode is activated for {{ duration }} minutes, up to {{ hours }}h{{ minutes }}. Please do not change application.",
+    "ASK_SUBROGATION": "The user {{ user }} requests a temporary access to your rights",
+    "ACCEPT_SUBROGATION": "Accept",
+  },
+    "TITLE": "Internal server error (500)",
+    "MESSAGE": "An internal error occured. Please contact an administrator if the problem persists"
+  },
+    "AUDIT": "Audit",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting application contexts",
+    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to correct the signatures of each corrupt archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.FATAL": "Technical error when writing objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Process for securing the life cycle logs of archival units",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.STARTED": "Beginning of the export process for the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.EXIST.KO": "Business rules repository import process failed: business rules already exist",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.OK": "Success of writing object to storage offers",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.WARNING": "Warning when preparing storage information",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Warning during the global check of the archival unit",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the security profile deletion process",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.OK": "Successful verification of archiving profile compliance",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.OK": "Successful saving of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.KO": "Failure to calculate due dates: the date cannot be managed",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.INVALID.KO": "Failed to verify file hash",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.KO": "Failed to delete format repository",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Successful creation of the list to audit",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.KO": "Failed to audit object group files verification",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check for the presence of the application context: the application context is unknown to the application contexts repository",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Failed to index object group metadata during a preserve operation",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error while finalizing the securing of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.OK": "Success of the comparison of the MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process for checking secure logs",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the classification level",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the overall verification of the archival unit: fields not in conformity",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY.KO": "The date contained in the Start date field must be later than the date contained in the End date field",
+    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error correcting the signatures of each archival unit or corrupted object or group of objects",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
+    "STP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of launching the preparation of the preservation treatment",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "The connection has not been made: impossible to link an existing archival unit to a parent archival unit",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT": "Application context update process",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.OK": "Success of the overall verification of the archival unit",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: non-compliant fields",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Successful verification of the attachments of archival units and groups of objects",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.KO": "Failed to update archival unit management rules",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "Import process for preservation scenarios repository failed",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No entry finalization process",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Technical error while securing lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Start of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED": "Start of the classification level check",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.OK": "Successful update of the management rules for the archival unit",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for updating the access contract",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.STARTED": "Start of checking archiving profile compliance",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Beginning of the griffin launch",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.KO": "Failed to compare MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION": "Preparation for modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Successful update of the object group",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of moving binary objects from the storage offer to the internal workspace",
+    "STP_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during the audit execution process",
+    "STP_PREPARATION.KO": "The process to start the preparation of the preservation treatment failed",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No process for writing archival units to storage offers",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the data recovery process in the database",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of generating the import report for the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION": "Process for deleting operation logs",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the tree non-recursion check",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the format repository",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when updating management rules for the archival unit",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for generating the agent services repository import report",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of securing the journal entries",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the format repository",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation of the preservation treatment",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of backing up security profiles",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No supply to the Funds Register",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP": "Detachment process for groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of retrieving data from the database",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.DIRECTORY.KO": "Global SIP check failed: The SIP contains more than one folder or a folder with invalid naming",
+    "STP_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the update process for archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.OK": "Success of the process of removing metadata from archival units",
+    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.OK": "Successful correction of the signatures of each corrupt archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of creating the provision slip",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.OK": "Success of the pre-entry checks process",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.KO": "Fund Register deletion process (Details) failed",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking archiving profile compliance",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.STARTED": "Beginning of the comparison of the MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving input contracts",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of lifecycle log power supply",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Supply to the Register of Funds",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.KO": "Failed to check archiving profile compliance",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the ontology repository",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of finalizing the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Beginning of the verification of the validity of the dates of application of the management rules",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for deleting access contracts",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the format of the SIP container",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD": "Checking the validity of the dates of application of the management rules",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE": "Process for generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during the audit preparation process",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.OK": "Success of the process for generating the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Failed to validate timestamp buffer",
+    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.OK": "Successful logging of external events",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "There is at least one blank field whose value is mandatory",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.KO": "Failed to save the import file of the business rules repository",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED": "Beginning of the sanitary control of the SIP",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of updating the graphs of archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the process of saving access contracts",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Securing the life cycle logs of archival units",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.WARNING": "Warning when creating secure files of the object group",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful check of consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Beginning to check secure logs",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.STARTED": "Beginning of updating archival units",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.KO": "Failure of the global check of the archival unit",
+    "ELIMINATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the elimination of archival units",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the securing of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.DELETION.KO": "Import process for agent services repository failed: deleted agent services are referenced by archival units already present in the system",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.WARNING": "Warning when comparing the MERKLE tree with the saved Hash",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Success of the import process of the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error when finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the final elimination of disposable archival units",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Beginning of the verification of the update of the management rules of the archival unit",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Import process of the entry contract",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT": "Notification of the end of the audit",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH": "Calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT": "Audit of the verification of the physical objects of the group of objects",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT": "Creation of the list of objects of the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "The process of extracting signatures from secure files failed",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to import archiving profile: the identifier is already in use",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element does not exist in the system",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the security profile",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP": "Retrieving data from the database",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the format repository deletion process",
+    "EXPORT_DIP.OK": "Success of the DIP export process",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.STARTED": "Beginning of the format repository backup process",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of updating the group of objects",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the SIP",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of finalizing signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.OK": "Success of the classification level check",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Warning when indexing the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No global verification of the SIP",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Failed to update ontology",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION": "Powering the lifecycle log",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Details)",
+    "STP_UPDATE.STARTED": "Beginning of the processing process for updating archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Start of the check of the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the number of objects check",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK": "Checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
+    "COMMIT_RULES.OK": "Successful persistence of data in database",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Successful storage of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_AGENT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failed to verify the presence of agent services",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The transfer slip performs an attachment using elements that do not exist in the system",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful comparison of timestamp buffers",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of importing the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the connections of archival units and groups of objects",
+    "TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure operation",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MANIFEST_SUPERIOR_BDO.KO": "The transfer slip declares more binary objects than there are in the SIP Content directory",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.KO": "Format repository backup process failed",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED": "Start of calculation of a hash in SHA-512",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.FATAL": "Technical error during the timestamp verification process",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID.FATAL": "Technical error during the global SIP check",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.INVALID_DATAOBJECTVERSION.KO": "At least one object declares an incorrect usage. The usage must be written as [usage] or [usage] _ [version]. \"Usage \" must be among the DataObjectVersion enumeration defined for Vitam: \"version\" must be a positive integer ",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the final elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of importing the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.KO": "Failed to save agent services repository import file",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.OK": "Successful verification of the validity of the dates of application of the management rules",
+    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to write metadata of objects and groups of objects to the storage offering",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE": "Recording of the archiving profile",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Beginning of indexing of the analysis of elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Report creation process failed for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The binding has not been performed: the entry contract does not declare a binding node",
+    "CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Start of the compliance check of the management rules file",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Failed to save access contracts",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.WARNING": "Warning during the SIP check process",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.STARTED": "Start of the transfer slip name check",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE": "Writing object group metadata on storage offers",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process for deleting entry contracts",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning when creating the timestamp buffer for all write logs",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the agent services repository import process",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT": "Global verification of the archival unit: verification of the conformity of fields",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.OK": "Success of the registration process for the import file of the management rules repository",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE": "Creation of the consistency audit report",
+    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the modified corrective audit process",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.KO": "Failed to delete archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
+    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE": "Writing of metadata of objects and groups of objects on the storage offer",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the business rule with respect to its category: A declared rule is inconsistent with its category",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED": "Start of the generation of the report of final elimination of archival units",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "ELIMINATION.KO": "Failed to eliminate archival units",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED": "Beginning of secondment of archival units",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED": "Start of the verification of the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "PRESERVATION.KO": "Failure of the overall preservation process",
+    "EXPORT_DIP.KO": "DIP export process failed",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Beginning of the attachment of archival units",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.OK": "Success of the verification of the expiration of the business rules",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error checking the name of the transfer slip",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.WARNING": "Warning during the process of checking agent services referenced by archival units",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Technical error while looking for the format of the object in the format repository",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.KO": "The process for generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units failed.",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED": "Beginning of the movement of binary objects from the storage offering to the internal workspace",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT": "Audit of object verification",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.WARNING": "Warning when distributing archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Success of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.KO": "Failed to delete griffon repository",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.KO": "Failed to verify classification level: not authorized by the platform",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize preservation processing",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Failed to create timestamp buffer for all logs",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the audit of the existence and integrity of objects",
+    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Successful writing of metadata of objects and groups of objects to the storage offer",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Beginning of the agent services repository backup process",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No process for writing and indexing objects on the storage offers",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to check the presence of the entry contract: the Archival Agreement field is missing from the transfer slip",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION": "Generation of the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.KO": "Failed to distribute groups of objects",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Storage of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of supplying the Register of Funds",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.STARTED": "Beginning of checking the integrity of the uploaded objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL": "Process for deleting all data in the database",
+    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during the modified corrective audit process",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.OK": "Successful process for saving agent services repository import file",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing the verification of physical objects in the group of objects",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION": "Checking secure logs",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION": "Modification of the tree structure of archival units",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to store object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.WARNING": "Warning during the import process of the archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
+    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Updating entries in progress",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units: this group of objects or one of its objects is not referenced by any archival units",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.FATAL": "Technical error during the SIP entry process",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Failed to check availability of storage offer",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: archival unit profile not found",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Failed to verify MERKLE tree",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the ArchivalAgreement field is missing from the transfer slip",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.KO": "Failed to write objects to storage offers",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of retrieving data from the database",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Failed to prepare signature list in secure files",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.OK": "Success of the format repository backup process",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.OK": "Success of the audit of the files of the group of objects",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of actions when updating descriptive and management metadata for archival units",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME": "Import of the positioning tree",
+    "COMMIT_RULES": "Persistence of database data",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the application context import process",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.KO": "Failed to save object group lifecycle logs",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Warning during the process of saving ontologies",
+    "LFC.OLD_CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Technical error during fingerprint verification",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.WARNING": "Warning when writing objects to storage offers",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Successful completion of preservation treatment",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.FATAL": "Technical error during the general check of the transfer slip",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.KO": "Preparation process for the migration of groups of objects failed",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.STARTED": "Start of the audit of the files of the group of objects",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Import process for archival unit profile failed: at least one of the mandatory fields is not completed",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of importing the management rules repository",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of updating archival unit metadata",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK": "Success of indexing the metadata of the group of objects during a preservation operation",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.FATAL": "Technical error while checking the number of objects",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the ontology import process",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.OK": "Successful process for backing up archive profiles",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful check of the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Failed to check the attachments of archival units and groups of objects: the declared element does not allow attachment",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.KO": "Failed to write object to storage offers",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting operation logs",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FATAL": "Fatal error while identifying the format",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.WARNING": "Warning when checking the format",
+    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.KO": "Failure of the modified corrective audit process",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.KO": "Failed to save griffins",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the import process for the preservation scenarios repository",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting the agent services repository",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.KO": "Backup process for archive profiles failed",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for updating the access contract",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning when updating graphs of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Access contract update process",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST": "Verification of the presence and control of the entry contract",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the griffin repository",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating entries in progress",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.KO": "Failure of the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of secondment of archival units",
+    "PRESERVATION.OK": "Success of the overall preservation process",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of checking the JSON schema",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING": "Process of writing archival units to storage offers",
+    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.WARNING": "Warning when preparing the list of archival units to update",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.OK": "Successful distribution of groups of objects",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT": "Checking the attachments of archival units and groups of objects",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.KO": "Failed to check the validity of the dates of application of the management rules: the date cannot be managed",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the archival unit metadata update process",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION": "Process for securing the journal entries",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting access contracts",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION": "Preparation for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the consistency audit report",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.OK": "Success of the application context update process",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Start of creation of the consistency audit report",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "The connection has not been made: impossible to link an existing archival unit to a parent archival unit",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when preparing life cycle logs and archival unit metadata",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_OBJECT.FATAL": "A technical error occurred while creating the list of objects for the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Success of the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No preparation of storage information",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OK": "Success of writing objects to storage offers",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Beginning of checking the formats of objects and group of objects",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.FATAL": "Technical error when updating archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Start of the process for saving access contracts",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of removing metadata from archival units",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.OK": "Successful final elimination of archival units",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.KO": "Failed to import the positioning shaft",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing to update the chart when modifying the archival unit tree",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No indexing of metadata of objects and groups of objects",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalization of the securing of the lifecycle logs of the groups of objects",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process of the archival unit profile",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.WARNING": "Warning when writing object group metadata to storage offers",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the preservation scenarios repository",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.WARNING": "Warning during the global SIP check",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE": "Signature correction finalization process for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Success of the process of finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK": "Writing of the object on the storage offers",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the finalization of the preservation treatment",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK": "Personal certificate verification process",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.WARNING": "Warning during the SIP entry process",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.WARNING": "Warning when saving logs on storage offers",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.KO": "Failed to move binary objects from storage offering to internal workspace",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the migration of groups of objects",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of importing the griffin repository",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the date declared in the management rules: the date cannot be managed",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH": "Comparison of the MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Success of the preparation process for checking secure logs",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the griffins repository",
+    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error writing metadata of objects and groups of objects to the storage offering",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Start of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.OK": "Successful generation of the griffin repository import report",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Recording of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Object group update process",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Beginning of verification of the thresholds for the final elimination of archival units",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the application of business rules and of the calculation of due dates",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No fund register feed process",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are deleted",
+    "CHECK_RULES.INVALID_CSV.KO": "Failed to check the compliance of the business rules file: invalid CSV file",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.KO": "Failed to verify the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.STARTED": "Beginning of verification of the rights to update metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of linking archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.KO": "Error updating management metadata for archival units",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Checking compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Verification of the thresholds for the final elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.KO": "Failed to delete application contexts",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the list of archival units to update and modification authorizations",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of creating the timestamp buffer for all the lifecycle logs of the archival units",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "a Technical error during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION": "Checking the rights to update metadata of archival units",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES": "Update of the management rules of the archival unit",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare for final disposal of archival units",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.INACTIVE.KO": "Failed to check the active character of the archiving profile",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting all the data in the database",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error while creating the timestamp buffer for all write logs",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of griffin launch",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting application contexts",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN": "Griffins saving process",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Successful indexing of archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving application contexts",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Success of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking secure logs",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of indexing of the elimination analysis of archival units",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Success of the pre-support check process",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preservation processing finalization process",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION": "Preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "a Technical Error occurred during the process of finalizing the signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "PRESERVATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the overall preservation process",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.WARNING": "Warning when generating the format repository import report",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Fetails)",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.KO": "Failed to update archival unit metadata",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Successful preparation of signature list in secure files",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.OK": "Success of the filing plan entry process",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Technical error while calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Checking the availability of storage offers",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning during the update process of the group of objects",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.FATAL": "Technical error writing objects to storage offers",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Start of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the securing operation",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.KO": "Application context update process failed",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.AGENCY_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Access contract update process failed: at least one agent service is unknown",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the connection of objects to groups of objects and archival units",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Successful verification of the formats of objects and group of objects",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process of the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failure of the process to finalize the final disposal of archival units",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.STARTED": "Start of the JSON schema check process",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.WARNING": "Warning during the general check of the transfer slip",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.OK": "Successful import of the positioning tree",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.OK": "Successful launch of the griffin",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting all database data",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Success of the security profile import process",
+    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST": "Preparation of the list of archival units to update",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of generating the agent services repository import report",
+    "INGEST": "Entry",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of JSON schema check process",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "Failed to verify the non-recursion of the tree structure: the transfer slip shows recursion in the tree structure of its archival units",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED": "Start of checking classification levels",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error during the consistency check of the transfer slip",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "The transfer of several versions of the same use in the same payment is prohibited",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.OK": "Success of the migration finalization process",
+    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT": "Correction of signatures for each object, group of objects or audited, faulty unit",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update archival units",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.OK": "Successful process of finalizing signature corrections for each failed object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "EXPORT_DIP.FATAL": "Technical error when exporting the DIP",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating the management rules for archival units",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.OK": "Success of checking the relationship between the entry contract and the profile",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.EMPTY_CONTROL_SCHEMA.KO": "Archival unit profile compliance check failed: Archival unit profile check scheme empty",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.OK": "Success of checking the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of removing metadata from archival units",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of backing up the agent services repository",
+    "ELIMINATION.OK": "Successful elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Preparation process for checking secure logs failed",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID": "Creation of the list of groups of objects to audit",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.OK": "Success of the process of moving binary objects from the storage offering to the internal workspace",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY": "Ontology update process",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES": "Import process of the management rules repository",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Success of checking availability of storage offer",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.OK": "Successful verification of the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of linking archival units",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Start of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD": "Application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK": "Preparing to verify secure logs",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.KO": "Failed to finalize signature corrections process for each failed object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.KO": "Failed to delete all database data",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of retrieving data from the database",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the access contract",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.FATAL": "Technical error when checking objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the SIP control process",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.OK": "Success of the process of writing and indexing objects on the storage offers",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION": "Preparation for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION": "Preparation for updating the graph when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of format check",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of checking the agent services referenced in the access contracts",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT": "Process for removing metadata from archival units",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP": "Comparison of timestamp buffers",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the audit finalization process",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.KO": "Filing plan entry process failed",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Technical error while updating the object group",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.STARTED": "Start of the SIP container format check",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES": "Agent services repository backup process",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of generating the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Failed to index the archival unit",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of preservation processing finalization process",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES": "Checking management rules",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the sanitary control of the SIP",
+    "INGEST.FATAL": "Technical error when entering the SIP",
+    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.WARNING": "Warning when checking concurrent processes",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of detaching archival units",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the pre-takeover check process",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when preparing lifecycle logs and object group metadata",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Pre-support check process failed",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.OK": "Successful process of writing object groups metadata to storage offers",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION": "Finalization of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Success in checking the thresholds for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the securing of the lifecycle logs of the archival units",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.KO": "Failed to feed life cycle log",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failure to apply management rules and calculate due dates: At least one archival unit declares a rule inconsistent with its category",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the fund register process",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Success in securing archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the relationship between the input contract and the archiving profile",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.STARTED": "Beginning of writing archival unit metadata to storage offers",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY": "Standard SIP entry",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failed to import the context: at least one of the mandatory fields is not filled in",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Warning when indexing the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_INACTIVE.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the entry contract declared in the transfer slip is inactive",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.OK": "Successful check for tree non-recursion",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.FATAL": "Technical error when importing the positioning shaft",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.KO": "Failed to check the format of the SIP container",
+    "FILINGSCHEME": "Filing plan entry",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.KO": "Failed to launch preservation",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Security profile import process failed",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "a Technical error during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_URI.KO": "The object declares a URI that does not match a file or declares a URI already used by another object",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE": "Preparation process for the migration of archival units",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.KO": "Failed to check the relationship between the input contract and the profile",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to create the list of objects for the statement of probative value",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.OK": "Successful verification of object uses",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the entry contract update process",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA": "JSON schema control process",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Failed to feed the Register of Funds",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.STARTED": "Beginning of the update process for archival units",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the securing of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS": "Migration of groups of objects",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of threshold verification analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS": "Preparation process for the migration of archival units",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED": "Start of the verification of the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Warning when calculating a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error while comparing timestamp buffers",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation of the preservation treatment",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failure of the archiving profile import process: at least one of the mandatory fields is not filled in",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of the graph when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.FATAL": "Technical error during the archiving profile update process",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.KO": "Failed to write and index objects and groups of objects on storage offers",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.INVALID_JSON_SCHEMA.KO": "Import process of archival unit profile failed: invalid JSON schema",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning when creating the timestamp buffer for all the logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL": "Fund Register deletion process (Details)",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.KO": "Personal certificate verification process failed",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Success of the process of definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the timestamp buffer for all the logs",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Warning during the ontology import process",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Beginning of the pre-takeover check process",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.FATAL": "Technical error when migrating groups of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "The process to delete the archive unit profiles repository failed",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Storage of life cycle logs of archival units",
+    "MASS_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating the metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of updating the graphs of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.OK": "Successful archiving profile update process",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.WARNING": "Warning when generating the griffon repository import report",
+    "INGEST.WARNING": "Warning when entering the SIP",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the agent services repository",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.KO": "Failed to verify agent services referenced by archival units",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.FATAL": "Technical error when comparing the MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.KO": "Failed to write object group metadata to storage offerings",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the agent services repository backup process",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE ": " Security profile update process ",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Timestamp of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN": "Application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST": "Distribution of groups of objects",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing object verification",
+    "TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the securing operation",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of generating the import report for the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the processing limit thresholds for archival units",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP": "Timestamp verification process",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Technical error during the final elimination of archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION": "Preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the probative value statement report",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the verification of the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.OK": "Successful check of SIP container format",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to create list to audit",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of preparation for the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT_BY_CONTRACT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the entry contract does not authorize connections",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the SIP entry process",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.OK": "Success of the process of updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_AU_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: archival unit profile not compliant",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Successful creation of the list of objects of the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of creating the provision slip",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of moving binary objects on the storage offering to the internal workspace",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of finalizing the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Failed to prepare signature list in secure files",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.SECURITY_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Failed to import the application context: security profile not found",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the final disposal of archival units",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE": "Writing of archival unit metadata on storage offers",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP": "Detachment of groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Warning when indexing object group metadata during a preservation operation",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED": "Beginning of data recovery in the database",
+    "UPDATE.STARTED": "Start of update",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.WARNING": "Warning when migrating groups of objects",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating metadata for archival units",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of archival unit metadata indexing",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Failed to check the thresholds for the disposal of archival units analysis",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Successful filling of the Register of Funds",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.OK": "Successful update of the management rules for archival units",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.KO": "Failed to generate griffin repository import report",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error while validating the timestamp buffer",
+    "UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error during the update",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already taken: No checking of the availability of storage offers",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the application context is unknown to the application contexts repository",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning when applying management rules and calculating due dates",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Final elimination process for groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "The transfer slip shows recursion in the tree structure of its archival units",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Preparing the list of lifecycle logs and object group metadata",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.OK": "Successful preparation for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the entry contract is unknown to the entry contract repository",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the generation of the import report of the formats repository",
+    "RULES_REPORT.STARTED": "Start of the generation of the analysis report of the management rules repository",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.FATAL": "Technical error during the pre-entry checks process",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.KO": "Failure to permanently delete archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing the analysis for the elimination of archival units",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error while generating the import report for the formats repository",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Report creation process failed for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.OK": "Success of the personal certificate verification process",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the finalization of the final elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of the archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error while updating the object group",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.OK": "Success of the verification process for agent services referenced by archival units",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Update of the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.KO": "Archive profile update process failed",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.STARTED": "Beginning of importing the positioning tree",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.REJECTED_FORMAT.KO": "Failed to identify formats: the input contract prohibits the upload of an object in an unknown format and the paid SIP contains at least one object in an unknown format, or the SIP contains a format prohibited by the entry contract ",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.STARTED": "Beginning of the checking of the attachments of archival units and groups of objects",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.OK": "Success of the archival unit metadata update process",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Process of preparing signature list in secure files failed",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error when notifying the end of the audit",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY": "Establishment of the list of objects",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.KO": "Metadata indexing process of archival units failed",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.OK": "Success in applying business rules and calculating due dates",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY": "Audit of the existence and integrity of objects",
+    "CHECK_RULES.INVALID_CSV_ENCODING_NOT_UTF_EIGHT.KO": "Failed to check the compliance of the business rules file: CSV file is not encoded in UTF8",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.KO": "Process failed to prepare lists of archival units to update",
+    "CHECK_RULES.OK": "Successful check of the compliance of the management rules file",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Entry contract update process",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Preparation of the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.OK": "Successful update of the management rules for archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.KO": "Failed to update archival unit descriptive metadata",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of saving griffins process",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.KO": "Failed to generate the format repository import report",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Technical error while looking for the format of the object in the format repository",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of backing up archive profiles",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning during the definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check for the presence of the archive profile in the archive profiles repository",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.KO": "Business rules repository backup process failed",
+    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No writing of metadata of objects and groups of objects to the storage offer",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.OK": "Success of the import process of the management rules repository",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED": "Beginning of writing objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.WARNING": "Warning when importing the positioning shaft",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the access contract import process",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the archiving profile import process (xsd or rng file)",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting metadata from groups of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Summary)",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of writing the metadata of the groups of objects on the storage offers",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION": "Data migration process",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP": "Checking the tree for non-recursion",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexing the metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of backing up the format repository",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Start of the check of the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning during the pre-acceptance check process: Free space information on unavailable storage offering",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED": "Beginning of the archiving profile import process",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.PDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_BINARYMASTER.KO": "The physical object declares a use \" BinaryMaster \". This use is not authorized for physical objects",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_MALFORMED_DATA.KO": "The transfer slip has malformed data",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS": "Analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Failed to verify timestamp",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error preparing lifecycle logs and object group metadata",
+    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT": "Correction of signatures for each object, group of objects or audited, faulty unit",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of removing metadata from archival units",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing to verify secure logs",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the verification of the presence and the control of the entry contract",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of actions when updating management metadata for archival units",
+    "STP_AUDIT": "Audit execution process",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the indexing process for archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of writing archival units to storage offers",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.KO": "Import process for business rules repository failed",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION": "Griffin launch process",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "The transfer slip contains objects or groups of objects which do not declare an attachment to an archival unit",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of the creation of the timestamp buffer for all the write logs",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error when finalizing preservation processing",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.FILEFORMAT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Input contract update process failed: at least one format identifier is unknown",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful process for creating the timestamp buffer for all records in the lifecycle of archival units",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of actions when updating management metadata for archival units",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Extraction of signatures from secure files",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST": "Distribution of units archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "The transfer slip shows recursion in the tree structure of its archival units",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Warning during indexing process of the analysis of elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.KO": "Consistency audit report creation process failed (object audits are in errors)",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE.KO": "Failure of the overall SIP check: transfer slip does not conform to the characteristics of an xml file",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.OK": "Success of the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when checking management rules",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the audit",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY": "Write objects to storage offers",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST": "Checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the process of deleting entry contracts",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.OK": "Success of the overall verification of the archival unit",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION.OK": "Successful modification of the tree structure of archival units",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.OK": "Success of the archival unit metadata indexing process",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.STARTED": "Beginning of writing objects to storage offers",
+    "CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the compliance of the management rules file",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.KO": "Failed to index the disposal analysis of archival units",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.OK": "Success of the process of creating the provision slip",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of creating the list to be audited",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED": "Start of the pre-entry checks process",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL": "Checking the classification level",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.BAD_REQUEST.KO": "Access contract update process failed: a bad request was entered",
+    "CHECK_RULES.KO": "Failed to check the compliance of the business rules file",
+    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.FATAL": "Technical error when moving binary objects from the storage offering to the internal workspace",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.OK": "Successful generation of the import report for the formats repository",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.OK": "Successful analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting access contracts",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Success of the update process of the archival unit profile",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process for the preservation scenarios repository",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FATAL": "Technical error while checking the format",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element does not exist in the system",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.OK": "Success of the process of backing up the management rules repository",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning when applying management rules and calculating due dates",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the management rules repository: management rules have been modified and are used by existing archival units",
+    "ROLL_BACK": "Consistency of Life Cycle Logs",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the data migration process",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST.OK": "Successful creation of the DIP and its move to the storage offer",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.OK": "Successful check of management rules",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT": "Checking the presence and control of agent services",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.WARNING": "Warning when deleting object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE": "Process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of timestamp verification",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of saving the write logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the rules repository",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Warning when securing lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Start of the application context backup process",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Supply process for the Register of Funds",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Access contract import process failed",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.WARNING": "Warning when detaching archival units",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to delete security profile process",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the agent services repository",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.VALIDATION_ERROR.KO": "Access contract import process failed: error while validating the access contract",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of creating the consistency audit report",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Warning when extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_CONTEXT.KO": "Failure to check for the presence of the entry contract in the application context",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of exporting the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to import the entry contract: the identifier is already in use",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning when creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT.KO": "Audit failed",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful completion of securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error in the process of creating the timestamp buffer for all object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to create the DIP and move it to the storage offering",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY": "Write objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of backing up preservation scenarios",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.FATAL": "Technical error when saving access logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Failed to delete input contracts",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_CONTEXT.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the entry contract is not compatible with the application context",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the SIP reception process",
+    "ROLL_BACK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No consistency of the lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the format repository",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Successful calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Process to create timestamp buffer for all records of the lifecycle of archival units failed",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of creating the consistency audit report",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing the existence of objects",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful timestamp verification",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.KO": "Failed to update the management rules for archival units",
+    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK": "Checking concurrent processes",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error while saving lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the import process for the archival unit profile",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.KO": "Failed to secure lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Successful calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.OK": "Success of the import process of the archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
+    "OLD_CHECK_DIGEST": "Checking the fingerprint",
+    "STP_OG_STORING": "Process of writing and indexing the metadata of groups of objects on storage offers",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "a Technical Error occurred during the process of finalizing the signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.KO": "Failed to check the formats of objects and group of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds",
+    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to correct the signatures of each archival unit or corrupted object or group of objects",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Failed to verify MERKLE tree",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the thresholds for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Backup process for entry contracts",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION.KO": "Failed to modify the archival unit tree",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning when creating the provision slip",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Checking of the MERKLE tree",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.KO": "Failed to remove metadata from object groups",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the availability of the storage offer",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.FATAL": "Technical error during the existence and integrity of objects",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to create the provision slip",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of definitive disposal of disposable archival units",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Failed to update archival unit profile",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.STARTED": "Beginning of the check for the presence and control of agent services",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the overall preparation process",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Verification process prior to taking over",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.KO": "Failed to analyze the elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to process the update of archival units",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of writing archival units to storage offers",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT": "Process for generating the ontologies repository import report",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_OBJECT.FATAL": "A technical error occurred while creating the list of objects for the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the format repository backup process",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the management rules check",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of writing archival units to storage offers",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.OK": "Success of the update process for archival units",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.OK": "Successful audit of the existence of objects",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT": "Final disposal process for disposable archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "Failed to check the attachments of archival units and groups of objects: the declared element does not allow attachment",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.FATAL": "Technical error while deleting object group lifecycle logs",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.KO": "Failed to check business rules",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Success of retrieving data from the database",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE": "Preparation process for the migration of groups of objects",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful completion of securing archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.OK": "Successful update of archival units",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.OK": "Success of comparing MERKLE tree with saved Hash",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare for analysis of disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.WARNING": "Warning during the probative value statement process",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing to extract signatures from secure files",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.OK": "Format of the identified object, referenced in the internal repository and with consistent information between the expected format and the result of the format identification tool.",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "The transfer of several versions of the same use in the same payment is prohibited",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT": "Process of generating the import report of the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of securing the operations log",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Warning when checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning when updating archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the migration of groups of objects",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.KO": "SIP entry process failed",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "The input contract update process failed: at least one archiving profile is unknown",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the pre-entry checks process",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.OK": "Successful final elimination of disposable archival units",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to create the list of objects for the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the input contract update process",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.KO": "Failed to calculate a hash in SHA-512",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting operation logs",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.OK": "Success of the SIP control process",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the audit preparation process",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No recording of the life cycle logs of archival units",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Warning when indexing object group metadata",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Fatal error while identifying the format",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.KO": "Failed to identify the format",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Checking the availability of the storage offer",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Technical error while looking for the format of the object in the format repository",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Archival unit profiles backup process",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the update of the management rules for the archival unit",
+    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT": "Corrective audit process modified",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.FATAL": "Warning during the process of checking the personal certificate",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of definitive disposal of disposable archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning during the final disposal of disposable archival units",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.WARNING": "Warning when saving the archive profile",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Start of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the audit finalization process",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.OK": "Successful verification of the presence and control of the entry contract",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of securing the operations log",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST": "Creation of the DIP and its movement to the storage offer",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "The transfer slip contains objects or groups of objects which do not declare an attachment to an archival unit",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of generating the import report for the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Merkle tree verification process failed",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error while storing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the security profile backup process",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection element is incorrect",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of securing the write log",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.WARNING": "Warning when auditing the existence and integrity of objects",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.OK": "Successful preparation of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.OK": "Successful correction of the signatures of each archival unit or corrupted object or group of objects",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Success of the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No SIP control process",
+    "STP_UPDATE.OK": "Success of the archival unit update processing process",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.OK": "Successful process for removing metadata from object groups",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the security profile",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Successful verification of the MERKLE tree",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.KO": "Failed to check formats: format of unidentified or missing objects in the format repository",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Checking the thresholds for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to write object group metadata to storage offerings",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE": "Global SIP check",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.WARNING": "Technical warning when writing object group metadata to storage offers",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.KO": "Failed to audit the existence of objects: at least one requested object does not exist or storage strategies are inconsistent with the declared offers",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the griffon repository",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.OK": "Successful saving of archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Beginning of the checking of the attachments of archival units and groups of objects",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC": "Process for updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION": "Creation of the life cycle log",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the migration of groups of objects",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error while checking management rules",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to finalize securing archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.KO": "Failed to compare MERKLE tree with saved Hash",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.OK": "Success of the audit of the files of the group of objects",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Beginning of the application context update process",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check the presence and check for the presence of the entry contract: the entry contract is unknown to the entry contract repository",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED": "Beginning of the data recovery process in the database",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error when updating management metadata for archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP": "Management rules repository backup process",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV": "Backup process of the agent services repository import file",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Failed to retrieve data from the database",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.WARNING": "Warning during the timestamp verification process",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.STARTED": "Beginning of the deletion processn of the Register of Symbolic Funds ",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.KO": "Failure to permanently dispose of disposable archival units",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Successful creation of the list of objects of the statement of probative value",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.OK": "Successful update of archival unit management metadata",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when preparing to check secure logs",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID.KO": "Failed overall SIP check: transfer slip not in accordance with SEDA 2.1 schema",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Timestamp of the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.OK": "Format of the identified object, referenced in the internal repository and with consistent information between the preservation operation and the result of the format identification tool.",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES": "Update of archival unit management metadata",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.OK": "Successful verification of the attachments of archival units and groups of objects",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Successful writing of object group metadata to storage offerings",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of generating the import report of the ontologies repository",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Input contract update process failed",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing signature list in secure files",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG": "Process for removing metadata from groups of objects",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Secondment process for archival units",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Technical error when calculating a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No indexing process for archival unit metadata",
+    "EXPORT_DIP.STARTED": "Start of DIP export",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.FATAL": "A technical error occurred during the process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of preparing the verification of secure logs",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.KO": "Failure of the global verification of the archival unit",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.OK": "Success of the process for finalizing the consistency audit report (no object in error)",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving the import file of the agent services repository",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.OK": "Successful verification of the attachment of objects to groups of objects and archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of the archival units",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.WARNING": "Warning during sanitary control of the SIP",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the format repository import process",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.KO": "SIP slip control process failed",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.WARNING": "Warning when creating the list of object groups to audit",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH": "Consistency check of the graph when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Failed to check MERKLE tree",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Failed to extract signatures from secure files",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving the management rules repository",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the input contract backup process",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of indexing the metadata of archival units",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.STARTED": "Beginning of the filing plan entry process",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the audit preparation process",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the agent services repository",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error when updating management rules for archival units",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC": "Recording of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.KO": "Failed to secure the write log",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning when notification of the end of the audit",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking that there is no object",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation process for the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "General check of the transfer slip: a mandatory field is empty",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP": "Pre-entry checks process",
+    "TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning during the securing operation",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing the verification of files in the group of objects",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.NOT_AU_JSON_VALID.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: invalid json",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Technical error during the processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Beginning of the creation of the provision slip",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.WARNING": "Warning when saving access logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the application context",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Access contract import process",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE": "Update of the metadata of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.MANIFEST_SUPERIOR_BDO.KO": "The transfer slip declares more binary objects than there are in the Content directory of the SIP",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Successful verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of importing the entry contract",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.STARTED": "Start of saving the archiving profile",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation of the preservation treatment",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error while creating secure files for the object group",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV": "Registration process for the import file of the management rules repository",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.KO": "Final disposal process for disposable archival units failed",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Beginning of indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP": "Save write logs",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Technical error while updating the object group",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.FATAL": "Technical error when generating the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.KO": "Failed to audit object group files verification",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update archival unit metadata",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare for final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.STARTED": "Beginning of the establishment of the list of objects",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.KO": "Failed to retrieve data from the database",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.OK": "Success of saving griffins",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.KO": "Failed to audit the existence and integrity of objects",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the integrity check of the uploaded objects",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON": "Archiving profile update process",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the securing of the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.OK": "Successful verification of the footprint of objects",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.STARTED": "Beginning of the distribution of groups of objects",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.OK": "Success of the process of exporting the statement of probative value",
+    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Failed to feed the Fund Registry",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES": "Process for deleting the agent services repository",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.FATAL": "Technical error while writing object group metadata to storage offerings",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: archival unit profile not found",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED": "Start of calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INACTIVE_STATUS.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: archival unit profile not active",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.INVALID.KO": "Failed to verify file hash",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Object format identifier (PUID) missing in the formats repository",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS": "Preparation process for the migration of groups of objects",
+    "OBJ_STORAGE.OK": "Successful writing of objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to save logs on storage offers",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of launching the griffin",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_KO_UNAVAILABLE.KO": "Failed to check availability of at least one storage offering",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Access contract update process failed: access contract not found",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.STARTED": "Beginning of the generation of the griffon repository import report",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the migration of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.KO": "Failure of the process of deleting the application context",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element is not unique in the system",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Summary)",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the entry",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Success in starting verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Successful securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to store archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No process for checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OK": "Successful writing of objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the filing plan entry process",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Extraction of signatures from secure files",
+    "MASTERDATA": "Basic data",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the griffon repository",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Warning when saving preservation scenarios",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Start of verification of secure logs",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION": "Finalization of the preservation treatment",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Successful verification of the MERKLE tree",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of generating the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.FATAL": "Technical error while logging external events",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.STARTED": "Beginning of the migration of groups of objects",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "Import process for preservation scenarios repository failed",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error when updating the management rules for the archival unit",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.OK": "Success of the global SIP check",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.ATTACHMENT_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "The entry contract does not authorize the attachment of an object to an existing group of objects.",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Final elimination process for groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of preparation for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT": "Recording of the Life Cycle Journals of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the object group update process",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for securing the journal entries",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of updating the group of objects",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No indexing of archival unit metadata",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of establishing the list of archival units to update",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of receiving the SIP",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare for preservation treatment",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION": "Entry finalization process",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error while retrieving data from the database",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.KO": "The preparation process for the analysis of the disposal of archival units failed",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Failed to attach archival units",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Import process of the archival unit profile",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.KO": "Failed to check the fingerprint of objects",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION": "Preparation process for the modification of the tree structure of archival units",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of generating the update report for descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Start of securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to finalize securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error when applying management rules and calculating due dates",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.OK": "Success of the process of definitive disposal of disposable archival units",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.KO": "Failed to update archival units",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing to modify the tree structure of archival units",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.OK": "Success of the agent services repository backup process",
+    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Successful filling of the Register of Funds",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.KO": "The process of exporting the statement of probative value failed",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.OK": "Successful update of archival unit metadata",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexing of metadata of objects and groups of objects",
+    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK": "Logging of external events",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.OK": "Successful creation of the consistency audit report",
+    "MASS_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning when updating the metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.STARTED": "Start of the timestamp verification process",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.OK": "Successful identification of formats",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.FATAL": "Technical error when updating archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the security profile import process",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Successful update of the object group",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the expiration of management rules",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS": "Migration of archival units",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check the expiration of the business rules: At least one declared business rule is unknown to the system or the calculated deadline is after 01/01/9000 (Date start + Duration of the rule) ",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Success of the process for preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.FATAL": "Technical error while retrieving data from the database",
+    "MASS_UPDATE": "Update of archival unit metadata",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the business rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category: the request to cancel a business rule is not consistent with its category ",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful completion of securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.WARNING": "Warning during the filing plan entry process",
+    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Supply to the Register of Funds",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the data recovery process in the database",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS": "Process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE": "Creation of secure files for the group of objects",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY": "Ontologies backup process",
+    "OBJ_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to write objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Successful recording of logs on storage offers",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of feeding the Register of Funds",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.STARTED": "Beginning of writing object group metadata to storage offers",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE": "Global SIP check",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MANIFEST_INFERIOR_BDO.KO": "The transfer slip declares fewer binary objects than there are in the Content directory of the SIP",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful creation of the timestamp buffer for all the write logs",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.KO": "Failed to write objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.WARNING": "Warning when updating archival units",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing the archival unit",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS": "Update process for archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the overall verification of the archival unit",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for deleting application contexts",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Warning during the global check of the archival unit",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Successful storage of archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.OK": "Success of the SIP entry process",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED": "Beginning of the calculation of a hash in SHA-512",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP": "Checking the timestamp",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_INACTIVE.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the application context declared in the transfer slip is inactive",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Success of the import process of the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.KO": "Global SIP check failed",
+    "CHECK_RULES.MAX_DURATION_EXCEEDS.KO": "Failure of the security check of the management rules. The durations of the management rules must be greater than or equal to the minimum durations required by the tenant",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.OK": "Success of the process of securing the journal entries",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Import process of the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK": "Checking the connections of archival units and groups of objects",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.OK": "Successful establishment of the list of objects",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import of the positioning tree",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.OK": "Successful indexing of the elimination analysis of archival units",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.STARTED": "Beginning of the SIP blank entry process",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Summary)",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Success of the ontology backup process",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT": "Global verification of the archival unit: verification of the date format",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT": "Process for deleting the life cycle logs of archival units",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.OK": "Success of the entry finalization process",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.KO": "Pre-entry checks process failed",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the graphs of archival units",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.KO": "Failed to update agent services repository",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.WARNING": "Warning during the process of indexing the metadata of archival units",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error while finalizing the securing of lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT": "Checking that there is no object",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.WARNING": "Warning when loading archival units when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the provision slip",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful validation of the timestamp buffer",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.WARNING": "Warning when writing objects to storage offers",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.KO": "Agent services repository backup process failed",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Success of the preservation treatment finalization process",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.STARTED": "Beginning of the global SIP check",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Timestamp of logs",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.KO": "Failed to create consistency audit report",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to finalize the securing of lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the archival unit: compulsory fields empty",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.KO": "Failed to identify formats",
+    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.KO": "Failed to log external events",
+    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "Failed to update current entries",
+    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Warning when updating current entries",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.ARCHIVEUNIT_REFERENCES_MULTIPLE_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "An archival unit references more than one group of technical objects",
+    "STP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of launching the preparation of the preservation treatment",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION": "Securing the operation logs",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.STARTED ": " Beginning of the process of deleting the management rules repository ",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of timestamp buffer comparison",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT.STARTED": "Start of the audit",
+    "COMMIT_RULES.KO": "Failed to persist data in database",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Start of verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to finalize securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNKNOWN": "Checking the format of the object",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.STARTED": "Beginning of the format check",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: unknown reference data",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.KO": "Indexing process for the analysis of elimination of archival units failed",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Start of the consistency check of actions when updating management metadata for archival units",
+    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Technical error while updating current entries",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Update process of graphs of archival units",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Start of the management rules check",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful check of the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED": "Beginning of the update of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of importing the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.STARTED": "Success of the start of the update of the management rules for archival units",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Success of the archival unit attachment process",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error while saving the archive profile",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error in the process of preparing to verify secure logs",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.OK": "Successful loading of archival units when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.KO": "Failed to import archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure object group lifecycle logs",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the verification process for the agent services referenced in the access contracts",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT": "Detachment of archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the entry contract",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the entry contract does not declare a connection node",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Warning when extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE": "Update of management rules for archival units",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.PDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_BINARYMASTER.KO": "At least one physical object declares a \" BinaryMaster \" usage. This usage is not authorized for physical objects",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.OK": "Successful securing lifecycle logs",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.OK": "Success of the process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES": "Process for deleting the management rules repository",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Beginning of the indexing of the metadata of the group of objects ors of a preservation operation",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.WARNING": "Warning when writing objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Success of the ontology update process",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when identifying formats",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Success of the deletion of the security profile process",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE": "Migration finalization process",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error while checking compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.STARTED": "Beginning of feeding the lifecycle log",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning during the creation process of the provision slip",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to update the archiving profile: the identifier is already in use",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.KO": "Failed to establish the list of objects",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.KO": "Failed to finalize entry",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.OK": "Success of the data recovery process in the database",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the security profile update process",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.OK": "Success of the agent services repository update process",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the rights to update metadata for archival units",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REJECTED": "Checking the format of the object",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.KO": "At least one archival unit declares a field whose value does not conform to the expected one",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.OK": "Successful audit of the existence and integrity of objects",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Detachment of archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the security profile",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.OK": "Successful preparation for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of creating the list to be audited",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error preparing life cycle logs and archival unit metadata",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE": "Backup process for archiving profiles",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error during the generation of the ontology repository import report",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Warning when checking the thresholds for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Warning during the JSON schema check process",
+    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Successful update of current entries",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Failed to save ontologies process",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "The process of finalizing preservation processing failed",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the archive profile update process",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE": "Export process for the statement of probative value",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of lifecycle log creation",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT": "Archival unit metadata update process",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.DIFF.KO": "Failed to check the consistency between the archiving profile declared in the transfer slip and that declared in the entry contract",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of attaching archival units",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY": "Application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the update process of the archival unit profile",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Warning when checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful completion of securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.FATAL": "Technical error during the distribution of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.STARTED": "Start of checking of objects and groups of objects",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error when applying management rules and calculating due dates",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error while checking formats",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_CHECK_ERROR.KO": "Failed to verify the presence and control of the application context",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.WARNING": "Warning when starting the process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of saving input contracts",
+    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning when correcting the signatures of each archival unit or corrupted object or group of objects",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON": "Archiving profile import process",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Entry update process in progress",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error while updating archival unit metadata",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation of the preservation treatment",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for securing the journal entries",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.WARNING": "Warning when checking classification levels",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of writing the metadata of the groups of objects on the storage offers",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during the audit finalization process",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST": "SIP blank entry process",
+    "STP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of launching the preparation of the preservation treatment",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Success of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of writing and indexing objects on the storage offers",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.KO": "Failed to load archival units when modifying the archival unit tree",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.KO": "Mass update process for descriptive metadata of archival units failed",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No recording of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error during the final elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failed to import the entry contract: at least one of the mandatory fields is not filled in",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Beginning of securing lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "RULES_REPORT": "Generation of the analysis report of the management rules repository",
+    "UPLOAD_SIP": "Receiving the SIP in Vitam",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_INACTIVE": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the entry contract is inactive",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT": "Creation of the list to audit",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to finalize the audit",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.KO": "JSON schema check process failed",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the presence and control of agent services",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No process for writing the metadata of groups of objects on the storage offers",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Failed to check the conformity of values ​​in fields",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Process of extracting signatures from secured files failed",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the control of the name of the transfer slip",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.WARNING": "Warning during the process of checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT": "Process for deleting application contexts",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Process for preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.INACTIVE.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: reference data inactive",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the backup process for the agent services repository import file",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.OK": "Successful verification of the consistency of the transfer slip",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE": "Application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Successful audit of the existence and integrity of objects",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.KO": "SIP reception process failed: one of the file names contains an illegal character",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.KO": "Failed to save access logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG": "Process for deleting object group lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNCHARTED": "Checking the format of the object",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating the graphs of archival units",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the import process of the archival unit profile",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting entry contracts",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the integrity of the objects uploaded",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE": "Update process for archival units",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL": "Checking the classification level",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.FATAL": "Technical error during the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the general check of the transfer slip",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process for the archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.STARTED": "Start of the creation of the distribution file file allowing to carry out the probative value statement",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.STARTED": "Start of saving the write logs",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.FATAL": "Technical error during the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.KO": "Failed to check the number of objects",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing the preservation treatment",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT": "Checking the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the migration of groups of objects",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: non-compliant fields",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS.KO": "Failed to migrate archival units",
+    "OBJ_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No writing of objects and groups of objects to the storage offers",
+    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning when correcting the signatures of each corrupt archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Success of the ontology import process",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Beginning of the ontology import process",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Beginning of verification of the thresholds for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Technical error during the application context import process",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Failure to permanently delete groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the transfer slip",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP": "SIP sanitary control",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting metadata from groups of objects",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.KO": "Failed to import archiving profile",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.WARNING": "Warning during the process of writing and indexing objects on storage offers",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the thresholds for final disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED": "Beginning of the archiving profile update process",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Failed to import the application context: at least one object declares an unknown value",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation of the final disposal of archival units",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.FATAL": "Technical error when comparing the MERKLE tree with the saved Hash",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the statement of probative value",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Failed to extract signatures from secure files",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.OK": "Successful creation of the distribution file file used to carry out the probative value statement",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the audit finalization process",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.WARNING": "Warning when checking the footprint of objects",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.FATAL": "Technical error during sanitary control of the SIP",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the backup archive profile process",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.KO": "Fund Register deletion process (Summary) failed",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.STARTED": "Start of calculation of a fingerprint in SHA-512",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the migration finalization",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.OK": "Success of the application context import process",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.WARNING": "Warning when checking for the absence of an object",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No checking of objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of updating the graphs of archival units",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the check of the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error during the updating process of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.STARTED": "Start of checking the number of objects",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the entry",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT": "Audit preparation process",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Failed to import the input contract: One or more formats are not referenced in the formats repository",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.OK": "Success of the JSON schema check process",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the verification of the validity of the dates of application of the management rules",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of writing objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
+    "MASTERDATA.KO": "Failed to import master data",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.OK": "Successful saving of access logs",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS.STARTED": "Beginning of the migration of archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "The transfer slip makes a connection using elements outside the scope",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.STARTED": "Beginning of the current entry update process",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of importing the management rules repository",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the security profile update process",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the archival unit metadata update process",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency of actions when updating management metadata for archival units",
+    "EXPORT_DIP.WARNING": "Warning when exporting the DIP",
+    "ROLL_BACK.OK": "Successful alignment of lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.OK": "Success of the indexing process of the disposal analysis of archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the conformity of the values ​​in the fields",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when updating management metadata for archival units",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Update of the object group",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of secondment of archival units",
+    "UPDATE.OK": "Successful update",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.STARTED": "Beginning of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.OK": "Successful verification of the number of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Success of the process of removing the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of generation of griffon repository import report",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.KO": "Failed to update archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the detachment of groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Successful process for saving entry contracts",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Success in securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION": "Checking the relationship between the entry contract and the archiving profile",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.OK": "Success of the process of finalizing signature corrections for each failed object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "MASTERDATA.OK": "Successful import of master data",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE": "Writing objects to the storage offers",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting input contracts",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of verification of the thresholds for the final elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.FATAL": "A technical error occurred during the process of creating the list",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the entry contract does not declare a connection node",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The transfer slip makes an attachment using elements that do not exist in the system",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of removing metadata from groups of objects",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the list to audit",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Technical error while saving griffins",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.OK": "Success of the archiving profile import process",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving the format repository",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Warning when backing up archive unit profiles",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the griffon repository deletion process",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION": "Securing lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of launching the griffin",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_PREPARATION": "Process for initiating the preparation of the preservation treatment",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.OK": "Successful checking of the name of the transfer slip: name of the compliant file",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING": "Audit of the verification of the files of the group of objects",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.KO": "Failed to create lifecycle log",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE": "Preparation process for the statement of probative value",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of writing objects to storage offers",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH": "Calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning during update",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO": "Process of saving preservation scenarios",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the formats of objects and group of objects",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of generating the ontology repository import report",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Signature extraction process from secure files",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNCHARTED.KO": "Failed to verify the format: the format of the object is identified but is unknown to the format repository",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.KO": "Application context import process failed",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the creation of the file of the distribution file allowing to carry out the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE": "Process for deleting the archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Fatal error while checking the format",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the archival unit",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Successful indexing of object group metadata",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the connections of archival units and groups of objects",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.OK": "Success of retrieving data from the database",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.STARTED": "Beginning of writing the object to the storage offers",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to audit object verification",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the entry finalization process",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting all database data",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalization of the securing of the life cycle logs of object groups",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK": "Format check",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error finalizing the securing of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing the verification of files in the group of objects",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of data recovery in the database",
+    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.OK": "Success of the notification of the end of the entry operation to the payment operator",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Successful creation of the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the indexing process for the disposal analysis of archival units",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the timestamp buffer for all logs of the life cycle of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the access contract",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to import the access contract: the identifier is already in use",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Beginning of the agent services repository update process",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for generating the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.KO": "Failed to notify the end of the entry operation to the payment operator",
+    "UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No general check of the transfer slip",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexing of archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.KO": "Format repository import process failed",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the classification level",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to audit the verification of physical objects: there is a binary file relating to this physical object",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA": "Global verification of the archival unit",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of saving access logs",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.STARTED": "Start of the verification of the expiration of the management rules",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the migration of groups of objects",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the formats repository",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "The transfer slip contains objects or groups of objects which do not declare an attachment to an archival unit",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Successful verification of the thresholds for final disposal of archival units",
+    "MASTERDATA.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of import of master data",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the indexing process of the analysis of elimination of archival units",
+    "UPDATE": "Update",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.BAD_REQUEST.KO": "Input contract update process failed: a bad request was entered",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.WARNING": "Warning occurred during the process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED": "Start of updating the metadata of archival units",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION.OK": "Success of the data migration process",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Process for preparing signature list in secure files failed",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.KO": "Failed to finalize migration",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING": "Audit of the existence of objects",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing to update the chart when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "COMMIT_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error while persisting database data",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION": "Finalization of the final elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP": "SIP reception process",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the check of the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the update process for archival units",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the chart when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Failed to create timestamp buffer for all write logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY": "Fund Register Deletion Process (Summary)",
+    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT": "Application context deletion process",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.OK": "Success of the process of checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.OK": "Successful verification of the update of the management rules of the archival unit",
+    "CHECK_HEADER": "General check of the transfer slip",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for generating the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection is not located in the authorized perimeter",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the process for updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of fund register deletion process (Summary)",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.OK": "Success of the general check of the transfer slip",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ONTOLOGIES_UPDATE_INVALID_TYPE.KO": "The ontologies update process failed: at least one value does not match the expected values.",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the ontology update process",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Warning when checking the thresholds for final disposal of archival units",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.KO": "Failed to create the distribution file allowing to carry out the probative value statement",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Warning during the ontology update process",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.KO": "Failed to retrieve data from the database",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.TOOL_DOES_NOT_ANSWER.FATAL": "The object formats analysis tool does not respond",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.STARTED": "Start of generation of the format repository import report",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Update of the object group",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.STARTED": "Beginning of the SIP reception process",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error writing object group metadata to storage offerings",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting all the data in the database",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.OK": "Success of the SIP reception process",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.WARNING": "Warning during the pre-entry checks process",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the archive profiles repository file xsd or rng)",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the application context update process",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning when checking the timestamp",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.OK": "Success of checking the conformity of the values ​​in the fields",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT": "Checking the formats of objects and group of objects",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Success of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to audit the existence and integrity of objects",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.KO": "Failed to detach archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Signature extraction process from secure files",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Successful audit of object verification",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Successful update of archival unit lifecycle logs during migration",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the check of the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Failed to index object group metadata",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.FATAL": "Technical error is during the preparation process for the migration of groups of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the management rules repository",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Failed to create report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.WARNING": "Warning when checking the format of the SIP container",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the audit finalization process",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Start of updating the group of objects",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.WARNING": "Warning during the existence and integrity of objects",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.WARNING": "Warning during the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Beginning of the griffon repository import process",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.OK": "Success of the audit of the verification of the physical objects of the group of objects",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP": "SIP control process",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Object format identifier (PUID) missing in the formats repository",
+    "OBJ_STORAGEOBJ_STORAGE": "Write objects and groups of objects to the storage offer",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.WARNING": "Warning during the process of writing archival units to storage offers",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.KO": "Failed to detach archival units",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.STARTED": "Start of distribution of archival units",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Successful verification of the availability of all storage offers",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK ": " Successful indexing of object group metadata ",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION.KO": "Data migration process failed",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to write archival unit metadata to storage offerings",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error when finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting object group lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY.KO": "At least one archival unit does not conform to its schema due to a problem of consistency between fields",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Failed to import ontology",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.OK": "Successful detachment of archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the finalization of the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "PRESERVATION.WARNING": "Warning during the global preservation process",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.EXISTING_OG_NOT_DECLARED.KO": "At least one archival unit declares an object instead of the corresponding object group",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Failed to prepare for checking secure logs",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Success in securing archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Failed to check the thresholds for final disposal of archival units",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure lifecycle logs",
+    "ATR_NOTIFICATION": "Notification of the end of the entry operation",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree failed",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for generating the agent services repository import report",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.OK": "Successful completion of migration",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.KO": "Failed to check the update of the management rules of the archival unit",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No supply to the Register of Funds",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Warning when calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.OK": "Success of the process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT": "Application context import process",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of backing up security profiles",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Beginning of the creation of the DIP and its movement to the storage offer",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Success of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the agent services repository update process",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.KO": "Failed to import agent services repository",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the availability of at least one storage offer",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error when saving metadata for archival units",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Technical error during the ontology import process",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Access contract deletion process",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.OK": "Successful distribution of archival units",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT": "Format repository import process",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.KO": "The process of creating the list to be audited failed",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.KO": "Failed to apply business rules and calculate due dates",
+    "CHECK.STARTED": "Start of verification of secure logs",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.STARTED.OK": "Start of the timestamp verification process",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Successful process of backing up security profiles",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Beginning of indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning during the final disposal process of disposable archival units",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.KO": "Failed to verify secure logs",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process of the archiving profile",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND.KO": "Format of the unidentified object",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.KO": "Failed to write objects to storage offers",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.STARTED": "Beginning of the archival unit metadata indexing process",
+    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.FATAL": "a Technical Error occurred during the modified corrective audit process",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to delete archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE.KO": "Failure of the overall SIP check: Absence of the transfer slip or transfer slip in the wrong format",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP": "Data retrieval process in the database",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the transfer slip consistency check",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.WARNING": "Warning during the SIP blank entry process",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.STARTED": "Beginning of writing objects to storage offers",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of timestamp of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.WARNING": "Warning when updating management rules for archival units",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.STARTED": "Beginning of the creation of the list of groups of objects to be audited",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_MUST_BE_EMPTY.KO": "Failed to import the input contract: The white list of formats must be empty when all formats are authorized",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.OK": "Success of the process for deleting the agent services repository",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Successful storage of write logs",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.OK": "Success of the preparation of the update of the graph at the time of the modification of the tree structure of the archival units",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.STARTED": "Start of the personal certificate verification process",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE": "Process of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the verification process of the agent services referenced in the access contracts",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Process for updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the preservation treatment",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the archiving profile",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning when comparing timestamp buffers",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful preparation of lifecycle logs and object group metadata",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.KO": "Failed to check the classification level: the transfer slip declares a classification level not authorized by the platform",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Technical error while checking secure logs",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Successful writing of archival unit metadata to storage offers",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.KO": "Failed to prepare the update of the chart when modifying the archival unit tree",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error when detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are deleted",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.WARNING": "Warning when checking objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.OK": "Success of the process of secondment of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.KO": "Failed to delete agent services repository",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Successful preparation for verification of secure logs",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE": "Checking objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK": "Preparation process for checking secure logs",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process for the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Failed to index the metadata of the object group",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.STARTED": "Start of the audit of the verification of objects",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the consistency audit",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.OK": "Success of the process of generating the import report for the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the graph when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the final elimination of disposable archival units",
+    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.KO": "Failed to move binary objects from storage offering to internal workspace",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to verify the format: the format of the object cannot be identified",
+    "STP_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of performing the audit",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.OK": "Format verification success",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when checking the name of the transfer slip",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check the presence and control of agent services: agent services unknown to the agent services repository",
+    "STP_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to perform audit process",
+    "CHECK.KO": "Failed to verify secure logs",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful preparation of life cycle logs and archival unit metadata",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES": "Checking the updating of the management rules of the archival unit",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.STARTED": "Beginning of saving object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.OK": "Success of the process of creating the list to be audited",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.FATAL": "Technical error when saving the write logs",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN": "Griffins repository import process",
+    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No notification of the end of the entry operation to the payment operator",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.ARCHIVEUNIT_REFERENCES_MULTIPLE_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "An archival unit references more than one group of technical objects",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the migration",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to update the input contract: the identifier is already in use",
+    "INGEST.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the entry of the SIP",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.STARTED": "Start of the tree non-recursion check",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.OK": "Success in applying business rules and calculating due dates",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Archive profile update process failed: profile not found",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.STARTED": "Start of the audit of the verification of the physical objects of the group of objects",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH": "Comparison of the MERKLE tree with the saved Hash",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.FATAL": "Technical error during the SIP blank entry process",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when checking the availability of at least one storage offer: Impossibility of knowing the available space",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of detachment of groups of technical objects from which some parent archival units are eliminatedées ",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.STARTED": "Beginning of writing the object to the storage offers",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.OK": "Success of the agent services repository import process",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Security profiles backup process failed",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of detaching archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving access contracts",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN": "Griffon repository deletion process",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing to extract signatures from secure files",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking classification levels",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.DIRECTORY.FATAL": "Technical error during the global SIP check",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the check for the presence and control of agent services",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK": "Write objects to storage offers",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the archival unit",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE": "Audit finalization process and generation of the final report",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the attachment of archival units",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT": "Archival unit attachment process",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.KO": "Failed to check the presence and control of agent services",
+    "STP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of launching the preparation of the preservation treatment",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.OK": "Successful verification of secure logs",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT_BY_CONTRACT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the entry contract does not authorize connections",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the format repository",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_INACTIVE.KO": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the entry contract is inactive",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.KO": "Failed to verify format",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of writing and indexing objects on the storage offers",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the fingerprint of objects",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Start of report creation for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Technical error when launching the griffin",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for securing the operations log",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE": "Process of moving binary objects on the storage offer to the internal workspace",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER": "Check the format of the SIP container",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the securing of the lifecycle logs of the archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Technical error during the application context update process",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of writing objects to storage offers",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Security profile deletion process",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the migration of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the current entry update process",
+    "RULES_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error when generating the analysis report for the management rules repository",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.KO": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS": "Control process and processing of archival units",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during audit",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of creating the provision slip",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.OK": "Success of the import process of the format repository",
+    "OBJ_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error when writing objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_INACTIVE.KO": "Failed to check the active character of the application context",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "The format of the object was not found in the format repository",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing preservation processing",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.OK": "Success of the verification of the classification level",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Access contract backup process",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE": "Creation of the distribution file file allowing to carry out the probative value statement",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION": "Process for finalizing the modification of the tree structure of archival units",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.KO": "The process for generating the import report for the preservation scenarios repository failed",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK": "Check the name of the transfer slip",
+    "CHECK_AGENT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check agent services check",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the list of object groups to audit",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the audit",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error while storing write logs",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.STARTED": "Start of the audit of the verification of objects",
+    "CHECK.OK": "Successful verification of secure logs",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.AGENCY_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Access contract import process failed: at least one agent service is unknown",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.OK": "Success of the chart consistency check when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION": "Preparation of the preservation treatment",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of the archival units",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.KO": "Failed general check of transfer slip",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Failed to import entry contract: archive profile not found",
+    "LFC.UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.WARNING": "Warning when generating the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency between the Start date and End date fields",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to identify formats: the format of the object (s) cannot be identified",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.WARNING": "Warning when establishing the list of objects: there is no object for this step",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the security profile",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting the archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the elimination of archival units",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE": "Data retrieval from the database",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.FATAL": "Technical error when distributing groups of objects",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of exporting the statement of probative value",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED": "Beginning of updating archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing the metadata of objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the migration",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.KO": "Failed to check objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.OK ": " Success of the process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds ",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Beginning of the format check",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION": "Preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Warning during the final disposal of archival units",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.STARTED": "Beginning of the audit of the existence of objects",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the entry contract",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.STARTED": "Start of saving access logs",
+    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Verification of processing limitation thresholds for archival units",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.KO": "Preparation process for migration of archival units failed",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Warning when checking secure logs",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Beginning of the application context import process",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexing the metadata of the group of objects during a preservation operation",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to update the archival unit profile: the identifier is already in use",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the ontologies repository",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Beginning of indexing of archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.KO": "Griffin launch process failed",
+    "STP_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning during the processing process for updating archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED.OK": "Start of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION": "Launch of the griffin",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT.STARTED": "Start of the notification of the end of the audit",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Format of the identified object, referenced in the internal repository and with consistent information between the transfer slip and the result of the format identification tool.",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Preparation of the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the security profile import process",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of finalizing signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the management rules repository",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Storage of write logs",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the consistency audit process",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "The process to delete the preservation scenarios repository failed",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.OK": "Successful update of archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Failed to save input contracts",
+    "TRACEABILITY": "Securing",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the input contract backup process",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.KO": "Failed to finalize signature corrections for each failed object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing object group metadata",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Success of updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the list of archival units to be updated and modification authorizations",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT": "Audit",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Successful process of importing archival unit profile",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "The transfer slip makes a connection using elements outside the scope",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Failed to update archival unit profile: a value does not match the expected values",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.STARTED": "Start of checking the conformity of the values ​​in the fields",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Format of the identified object, referenced in the internal repository and the result of the format identification tool.",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of linking archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT": "Process of deleting the format repository",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK": "Writing of the object on the storage offers",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA": "Global verification of the archival unit",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating graphs of archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the application context backup process",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT": "Verification of the attachment of objects to groups of objects and archival units",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Technical error while calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of removing metadata from groups of objects",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.KO": "Failed to check the name of the transfer slip: name of the file not compliant",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP": "Backup of access logs",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.OK": "Success of writing objects to storage offers",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the SIP",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.INVALID.KO": "Failed to check the fingerprint of objects: There is at least one object whose fingerprint is invalid in the transfer slip",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.OK": "Successful verification of objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.KO": "The process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds failed",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_DATAOBJECTVERSION.KO": "At least one object declares an incorrect usage. The usage must be written in the form [usage] or [usage] _ [version]. \"Usage\" must be among the DataObjectVersion enumeration defined by SEDA: \"version\" must be a positive integer ",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY": "Process of deleting the ontologies repository",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT": "Application context backup process",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.KO": "Failed to distribute archival units",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Successful completion of the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "MASTERDATA.WARNING": "Warning when importing master data",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving the import file for the management rules repository",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No process for checking and processing archival units",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Failed to update graphs of archival units",
+    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS.FATAL": "Technical error when migrating archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Start of the check of the consistency of the transfer slip",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Start of updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Success of the security profile update process",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_SPACE_KO.KO": "Failed to check availability of at least one storage offering: At least one storage offering is insufficient",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the indexing process of the disposal analysis of archival units",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process of the griffin repository",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY": "Audit of the verification of the files of the group of objects",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of validation of the timestamp buffer",
+    "COMMIT_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when persisting database data",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when checking formats: format information has been completed by the Vitam software solution",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.OK": "Success of the griffin launch process",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Security profile backup process",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the rules repository",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when updating management rules for archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning when updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the finalization of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: mandatory field empty",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.KO": "Failure of the consistency audit process",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE": "Recording of the metadata of the archival units on the storage offer",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update archival unit metadata",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to prepare object group lifecycle logs and metadata",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error while updating the object group",
+    "STP_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the audit execution process",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH": "Calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the creation of the distribution file allowing to carry out the statement of probative value",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Successful final elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Security profile update process failed",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Successful migration of archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT": "Format repository backup process",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Beginning of the griffin launch process",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Failed to update the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.STARTED": "Beginning of the comparison of the MERKLE tree with the saved Hash",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.WARNING": "Warning during the archiving profile import process",
+    "CHECK_RULES": "Checking the compliance of the management rules file",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the format identification",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to import the application context: the identifier is already in use",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY": "Ontology import process",
+    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.OK": "Successful move of binary objects from storage offering to internal workspace",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED": "Beginning of writing objects to storage offers",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error while finalizing the securing of lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error while backing up archive unit profiles",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.WARNING": "Warning when updating archival units",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED ": " Beginning of the process of checking the MERKLE tree ",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to prepare archival unit lifecycle logs and metadata",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error when writing objects to storage offers",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.KO": "Preparation process for migration of archival units failed",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Import process for archival unit profile failed",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Start of application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.OK": "Successful creation of secure files for the object group",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of backing up archive profiles",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.OK": "Successful creation of the list of groups of objects to audit",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to prepare audit process",
+    "CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when checking the compliance of the management rules file",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error while updating the object group",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK": "Calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Warning when indexing the analysis for the elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
+    "EXPORT_DIP": "Export of the DIP",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Technical error when attaching archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Beginning of the backup process for preservation scenarios",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to verify the absence of object: object (s) found",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REJECTED.KO": "Failed to verify the format: the format of the object is rejected",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.WARNING": "Warning when auditing the existence of objects: at least one group of objects has no binary object to check",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.OK": "Successful timestamp verification process",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.STARTED": "Start of the SIP control process",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Warning when preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of generating the import report for the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK": "Successful indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of preparing storage information",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Successful update of the graphs of archival units",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.NOT_FOUND.KO": "Format of the unidentified object",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE": "Process of preparing the list of archival units to be updated and modification authorizations",
+    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE": "Move binary objects on the storage offer to the internal workspace",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION": "Preparation process for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the generation of the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "INGEST_TEST": "Blank entry",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.STARTED": "Start of the process of checking and processing archival units",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of actions when updating descriptive and management metadata for archival units",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Successful calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.KO": "Process for preparing list of archival units to update and modification permissions failed",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Warning when calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK ": " Successful preparation of signature list in secure files ",
+    "STP_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the audit execution process",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE": "Update of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.KO": "SIP sanitary check failed: file detected as infected",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.WARNING": "Warning when analyzing the elimination of archival units",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.STARTED": "Beginning of the verification process for agent services referenced by archival units",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the format",
+    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.KO": "Failed to establish list of archival units to update",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Beginning of the agent services repository import process",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the ontology repository",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.KO": "Failed to write object to storage offers",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.WARNING": "Warning when verifying the integrity of the uploaded objects: fingerprint of the object recalculated and recorded in the metadata of the object",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of actions when updating management metadata for archival units",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE": "Process for generating the processing report for updating the generations of the updating report for descriptive metadata for archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Archive profile update process failed: a value does not match the expected values",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.KO": "Failed to update management rules for archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection is not located in the authorized perimeter",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the griffin launch process",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning when updating metadata of archival units",
+    "RULES_REPORT.OK": "Successful generation of the analysis report of the management rules repository",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Process of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation of the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.KO": "Global SIP check failed: SIP contains more than one file at its root",
+    "INGEST.STARTED": "Start of SIP entry",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failure of the access contract import process: at least one of the mandatory fields is not filled in",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.WARNING": "Warning when checking the expiration of management rules",
+    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of establishing the list of archival units to update",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.OK": "Success of the process of generating the import report of the ontologies repository",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Import process of the entry contract failed",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT": "Generation of the format repository import report",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Success of the process for finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Failed to index object group metadata",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.FATAL": "Technical error in the process of checking and processing archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Access contract update process failed",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.OK": "Success of the application context backup process",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of backup process for archival unit profiles",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.KO": "Failed to verify agent services referenced in access contracts",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating the agent services repository",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.OK": "Success of the process for securing the operations log",
+    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.KO": "Failed to prepare the list of archival units to update",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No global verification of the archival unit",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Security profile import process",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.FATAL": "Technical error while writing the object to the storage offers",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the classification level check",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS.WARNING": "Warning when migrating archival units",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning during the updating process of archival units",
+    "ROLL_BACK.FATAL": "Technical error while making the lifecycle logs consistent",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OK": "Success of writing objects to storage offers",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating entries in progress",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for saving access contracts",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT": "Consistency audit",
+    "CHECK_SEDA": "Global verification of the SIP",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the operation logs",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.OK": "Successful check for no object",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Beginning of the ontologies backup process",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Technical error during the ontology update process",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES": "Update of the management rules for archival units",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.OK": "Success of the SIP sanitary check: no virus detected",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.OK": "Successful feeding the lifecycle log",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the consistency check between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
+    "CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error while checking secure logs",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "The connection has not been made: impossible to link an existing archival unit to a parent archival unit",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failure of the global verification of the archival unit: compulsory fields empty",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Storage offer availability check warning: Unable to know the available space",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Fetails)",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No verification of the object fingerprint",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.KO": "Failed to create the list of object groups to audit",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the SIP blank entry process",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP": "Validation of the timestamp buffer",
+    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Establishment of the process for preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize analysis of disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_AUDIT.STARTED": "Start of the audit execution process",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.KO": "Failed to calculate a hash in SHA-512",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.KO": "Time stamp verification process failed",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.WARNING": "Warning when writing objects to storage offers",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.OK": "Success of the process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT": "Process for generating the agent services repository import report",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.KO": "Failed to generate the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error while checking compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.KO": "Failed to save preservation scenarios",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST.OK": "Successful creation of the provision slip",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error when auditing the existence and integrity of objects",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID": "Global SIP check",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process for the access contract",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.FATAL": "Technical error when starting the process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING": "Process of writing and indexing objects on storage offers",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the update process of the archival unit profile",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error while storing lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST": "Checking the integrity of the objects uploaded",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure object group lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Failure of the overall verification of the archival unit: non-compliant fields",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
+    "RULES_REPORT.WARNING": "Warning when generating the analysis report for the management rules repository",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.OK": "Success of the processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of fund register deletion process (Details)",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.KO": "Failed to secure the operations log",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.FATAL": "Technical error while writing the object to the storage offers",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Process for deleting entry contracts",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.FATAL": "Technical error while moving binary objects from storage offering to internal workspace",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the validity of the dates of application of the management rules",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.TOOL_DOES_NOT_ANSWER.FATAL": "The object formats analysis tool does not respond",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the import process of the entry contract",
+    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting the application context",
+    "PRESERVATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the global preservation process",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.WARNING": "Warning when attaching archival units",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error while checking the timestamp",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing storage information",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.KO": "Failed to generate the ontology repository import report",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.FATAL": "Technical error when writing objects to storage offers",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Warning when launching the griffin",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Start of the transfer slip consistency check",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.EMPTY.KO": "Failed to read hash of file",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.WARNING": "Warning when distributing groups of objects",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION.WARNING": "Warning during the data migration process",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the access contract update process",
+    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.OK": "Successful preparation of the list of archival units to be updated",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of updating archival unit metadata",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the verification process for the agent services referenced in the access contracts",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.KO": "Failed to verify the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of SIP container format check",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.OK": "Success of the SIP blank entry process",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to save archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the ontology backup process",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the migration of groups of objects",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error when calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Failed to update the input contract: a value does not match the expected values",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the tree for non-recursion",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the transfer slip",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Technical error when filling the Register of Funds",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.WARNING": "Warning when starting the process of preparing the list of archival units to update and modification permissions",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for saving the agent services repository import file",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.FATAL": "a Technical error during the process of creating the consistency audit report",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION.STARTED": "Start of modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "The format of the object was not found in the format repository",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing object group metadata during a preservation operation",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to audit object verification",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Beginning of the griffin saving process",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the SIP",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.KO": "Failed to prepare storage information",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the uses of objects",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the connection of objects to groups of objects and archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.STARTED": "Beginning of the global verification of the archival unit",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.OK": "Success of the process of finalizing the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the entry contract is unknown to the entry contract repository",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of checking the uses of objects",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error while updating archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.KO": "Preparation process for final disposal of archival units failed",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Warning when preparing signature list in secure files",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.OK": "Successful verification of the presence and control of agent services",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE": "Process of creating the list to audit",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful process of creating timestamp buffer for all object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.WARNING": "Warning during the archiving profile update process",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to apply business rules and calculate due datesance: inconsistent inheritance exclusion ",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_THRESHOLD.KO": "Failed to calculate due dates: the date cannot be managed",
+    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.FATAL": "Technical error while checking concurrent processes",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.OK": "Successful update of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of securing object group lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.KO": "Migration finalization process failed",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to create the DIP and move it to the storage offering",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE": "Checking archiving profile compliance",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.STARTED": "Beginning of the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalization of the securing of the life cycle logs of archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.EMPTY.KO": "Failed to read hash of file",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the input contract",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of writing objects to storage offers",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the security profile import process",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element is not unique in the system",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to create the provision slip",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.OK": "Success of the process for deleting all database data",
+    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Technical error when filling in the Register of Funds",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Start of updating the graphs of archival units",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.AUP_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Archival unit profile update process failed: Archival unit profile not found",
+    "STP_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error during the processing process for updating archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Failed to delete access contracts",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.FATAL": "Technical error while establishing the list of objects",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the security profile backup process",
+    "INGEST.KO": "Failed to enter the SIP",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Start of verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE": "Signature correction finalization process for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.WARNING": "Warning during the import process of the formats repository",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Application context update process failed: at least one object declares an unknown value",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units: the object and its group of objects are not referenced by an archival unit",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the audit preparation process",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.KO": "Failed to calculate a fingerprint in SHA-512",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of removing the ontologies repository",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT": "Creation of the list of objects of the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "MASS_UPDATE.OK": "Successful update of archival unit metadata",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing the verification of objects",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.FATAL": "Technical error during the verification process of agent services referenced by archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.OK": "Successful verification of the integrity of the uploaded objects",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.STARTED": "Start of log recording on storage offers",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT": "Checking the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the audit preparation process",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the migration",
+    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.OK": "Success of the process of establishing the list of archival units to be updated",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to write objects to storage offers",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the object group update process",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation for the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful check of consistency of actions when updating management metadata of archival units",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT.KO": "Failed to generate agent services repository import report",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST": "Loading of archival units when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.KO": "Preparation process for final elimination of groups of technical objects failed",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the creation of secure files for the group of objects",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT": "Checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Beginning of the ontology update process",
+    "REFERENTIAL_FORMAT": "Format repository",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.STARTED": "Beginning of the general check of the transfer slip",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Import process for archival unit profile failed: the identifier is already in use",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD": "Additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Successful audit of object verification",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.FATAL": "Technical error while feeding the lifecycle log",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.OK": "Successful preparation of storage information",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the final disposal of disposable archival units",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Process to create timestamp buffer for all object group lifecycle logs failed",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the archival unit profile",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Warning when checking the validity of the dates of application of management rules",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the verification process for agent services referenced by archival units",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.STARTED": "Beginning of the format repository import process",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA": "Metadata indexing process of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Failed to delete ontology repository",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the list of archival units to be updated and modification authorizations",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Creation of the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to store write logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of the object groups",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION": "Indexing of the elimination analysis of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.MASTER_MANDATORY_REQUIRED.KO": "Absence of a BinaryMaster or PhysicalMaster in the group of objects",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the update process of the archival unit profile",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the security profile deletion process",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.WARNING": "Warning when checking the number of objects",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the backup process for archival unit profiles",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Beginning of the consistency check between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the process for deleting access contracts",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.STARTED": "Start of updating the management metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION": "Indexing process of the analysis of elimination of archival units",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.OK": "Success of the process for deleting application contexts",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS": "Update of archival units",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error while saving logs on storage offers",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION.FATAL": "Technical error when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for removing the agent services repository",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.WARNING": "Warning when checking the classification level",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning when detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are deleted",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.OK": "Successful calculation of a fingerprint in SHA-512",
+    "RULES_REPORT.KO": "Failed to generate the analysis report for the management rules repository",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the ArchivalAgreement field is missing from the transfer slip",
+    "INGEST.OK": "Successful entry of the SIP",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of global SIP check",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the access contract import process",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the security profile update process",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element is incorrect",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the ontologies repository",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD": "Global verification of the archival unit: verification of mandatory fields",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.KO": "Failed to check the integrity of the uploaded objects",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation of the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Successful indexing of archival unit metadata",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.MANIFEST_INFERIOR_BDO.KO": "The transfer slip declares fewer binary objects than there are in the Content directory of the SIP",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME": "Verification process and processing of objects and groups of objects",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.STARTED": "Start of creation of the lifecycle log",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful verification of consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT.OK": "Success of the process for generating the import report for the agent services repository",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the securing of the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Process of securing the lifecycle logs of object groups",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Failed to import the entry contract: at least one of the fields filled in is unknown.",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the griffon repository",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "MASS_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.KO": "Failed to save application contexts",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST": "Creation process of the provision slip",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalization of the securing of the life cycle logs of archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Warning while saving griffins",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Beginning of indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT": "Audit finalization process",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND.FATAL": "The object to be analyzed was not found",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Log storage",
+    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error correcting the signatures of each archival unit or corrupted object or group of objects",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST": "Consistency check of the transfer slip",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.KO": "Failed to check the rights to update metadata of archival units",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION": "Finalization of the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking objects and groups of objects",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION.WARNING": "Warning when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED.OK": "Start of data recovery in the database",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for checking and processing archival units",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of receiving the SIP",
+    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "Failed to prepare lists of archival units to update",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the statement of probative value",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of format check",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.WARNING": "Warning when writing archival unit metadata to storage offers",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error when checking archiving profile compliance",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning when updating archival unit metadata",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT": "Checking the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of removing metadata from archival units",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_KO_UNAVAILABLE.KO": "Failed to check availability of storage offering: Storage offering is not available",
+    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the operation logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.KO": "Failed to delete management rules repository",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT": "Verification process for agent services referenced in access contracts",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.OK": "Successful import process for griffins repository",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the data migration process",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "The transfer slip makes a connection using elements outside the scope",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Start of the check of the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error while generating the import report for the griffins repository",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ONTOLOGIES_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_TENANT.KO": "The ontologies update process failed: the update is not authorized on the tenant.",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.OK": "Success of the process of writing archival units to storage offers",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of generating the ontology repository import report",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Creation of the write log timestamp buffer",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.AGENCY_CHECK.KO": "Failure to index the metadata of objects and groups of objects: the attached object does not declare the same producer service as the group of objects",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the finalization of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing archival unit metadata",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to notify end of audit",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES": "Import process of agent services repository",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Failed to check availability of at least one storage offering",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful check of consistency of actions when updating descriptive metadata rules and management of archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION": "Elimination of archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failure of the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit: compulsory fields empty",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Object group update process failed",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the conformity of values ​​in fields",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE": "Application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC": "Process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error writing archival unit metadata to storage offers",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Failed to index archival unit metadata",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.DIFF.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: difference between the archiving profile declared in the transfer slip and that declared in the contract",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the entry contract is missing in the transfer slip",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES": "Agent services repository update process",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element is not unique in the system",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Success of the process of updating the graphs of the archival units",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE": "Update of archival unit metadata",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of definitive disposal of disposable archival units",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "The process of updating the graphs of the groups of objects",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "The current entry update process failed",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Beginning of the final elimination of archival units",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the agent service repository",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No identification of formats",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED": "Beginning of format verification",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning when validating the timestamp buffer",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error during the pre-support check process",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.WARNING": "Warning when comparing the MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
+    "TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error during the securing operation",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Failure of the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are deleted",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.OK": "Successful preparation of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Success of the process of supplying the Register of Funds",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
+    "TRACEABILITY.OK": "Success of the securing operation",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Success of the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT": "Checking the conformity of values ​​in the fields",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.FATAL": "Technical error while creating the lifecycle log",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.OK": "Successful verification of the rights to update metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the entry contract update process",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Failed to compare timestamp buffers",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the operation logs",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Success in securing archival unit lifecycle logs",
+    "LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION": "Log security process",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.WARNING": "Warning when retrieving data from the database",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION": "Preparation for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.KO": "Failure of the process for checking and processing archival units",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the verification process for the agent services referenced in the access contracts",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Success of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Failed to attach archival units",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process for securing the operations log",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of retrieving data from the database",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "The transfer slip makes a connection using elements outside the scope",
+    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Success of the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Backup process for archive unit profiles failed",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.KO": "Import process of griffin repository failed",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.FATAL": "Technical error while saving lifecycle logs for object groups",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION": "Process of finalizing the preservation treatment",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.KO": "Failed to write archival units to storage offers",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of saving object group lifecycle logs",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failed to check the presence and control of agent services: mandatory field empty",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving ontologies",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.WARNING": "Warning when auditing object verification",
+    "CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking secure logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL ": " Technical error during the process of deleting access contracts ",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.OK": "Success of the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Success of the object group update process",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of preparing the list of archival units to be updated and modification authorizations",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO": "Preparation of storage information",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the personal certificate verification process",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of the timestamp of the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.WARNING": "Warning when checking the rights to update metadata of archival units",
+    "MASTERDATA.FATAL": "Technical error when importing master data",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION": "Final elimination of archival units",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the preparation process for the statement of probative value",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.KO": "Failed to check and process objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION": "Process for generating the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the update of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of the archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.KO": "Failed to delete operation logs",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful creation of the timestamp buffer for all the logs",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.OK": "Success of the process for generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of creation of the timestamp buffer for all the logs",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error while saving lifecycle logs of object groups",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The transfer slip performs an attachment using elements that do not exist in the system",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.KO": "Failed to create the probative value statement report",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Archival unit profile update process",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.EXISTING_OG_NOT_DECLARED.KO": "An archival unit declares an object instead of the corresponding object group",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.UNCHARTED.KO": "Failed to identify formats: the format of the object (s) is identified but is unknown to the format repository",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST": "Checking the integrity of objects",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning when retrieving data from the database",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Summary)",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Failed to update the graphs of archival units",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Fund Registry feed process failed",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
+    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Warning when checking the thresholds for processing archival units",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the notification of the end of the audit",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.FATAL": "Technical error during the filing plan entry process",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning when updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting application contexts",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning when creating the consistency audit report",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.OK": "Success of the transfer slip consistency check",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of backing up archive profiles",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of preparation of life cycle logs and archival unit metadata",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.STARTED": "Beginning of preparation of storage information",
+    "CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when checking secure logs",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the SIP",
+    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.OK": "Successful verification of concurrent processes",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of preparing the verification of secure logs",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Technical error when finalizing the migration",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.FATAL": "Technical error when loading archival units when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Success of the attachment of archival units",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Update of graphs of archival units",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.STARTED": "Beginning of the SIP entry process",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Successful preparation for the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of saving access contracts",
+    "CHECK_RULES.IMPORT_IN_PROCESS.KO": "Failed to check the compliance of the business rules file: The import is impossible because an update of the repository is already in progress",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.OK": "Success of the control process and processing of archival units",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection is not located in the authorized perimeter",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Input contract update process failed: input contract not found",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.KO": "Failed to start process for preparing list of archival units to update and modification permissions",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of writing and indexing objects on the storage offers",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.OK": "Successful generation of the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.KO": "Failed to generate the final disposal report for archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.OK": "Successful completion of the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of updating the group of objects",
+    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing the list of archival units to update",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the migration finalization process",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.KO": "Deletion process for object group lifecycle logs failed",
+    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.FATAL": "Technical error when notifying the end of the entry operation to the payment operator",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.OK": "Successful process of saving preservation scenarios",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the agent services repository",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.WARNING": "Warning when identifying the format",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "At least one archival unit contains an empty field whose value is mandatory",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the migration of groups of objects",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to save archive profile",
+    "UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the update",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Successful saving of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection element is incorrect",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.FATAL": "Technical error during the SIP check process",
+    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Successful verification of processing limitation thresholds for archival units",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Successful process of backing up archival unit profiles",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of preparation of lifecycle logs and object group metadata",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Failed to retrieve data from the database",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the formats of objects and group of objects",
+    "CHECK": "Checking secure logs",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing to analyze the disposal of archival units",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.FATAL": "a Technical error occurred while creating the consistency audit report",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Failed to update the access contract: a value does not correspond to the expected values",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process for the entry contract",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the indexing of the metadata of the group of objects or of a preservation operation",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE": "Import process of the archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.WARNING": "Warning when saving the write logs",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.OK": "Successful update of archival units",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the entry contract is unknown to the entry contract repository",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Successful completion of the final elimination of archival units",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.OK": "Successful creation of the probative value statement report",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of entry finalization process",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.EMPTY.KO": "Failed to check the fingerprint of objects: There is at least one object whose fingerprint is missing in the transfer slip",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.KO": "The processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units failed.",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.WARNING": "Warning when saving object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting input contracts",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during consistency audit",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.KO": "Failed to start the process of mass update of descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Process of deleting the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.OK": "Successful saving of the write logs",
+    "STP_UPDATE": "Processing process for updating archival units",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of moving binary objects from the storage offering to the internal workspace",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Extraction of signatures from secure files",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error in the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the access contract",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Object format identifier (PUID) missing in the formats repository",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Successful detachment of groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.OK": "Successful verification of the association with an archival unit profile",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.KO": "SIP blank entry process failed",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION": "Finalization process for the final disposal of archival units",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No recording of archival unit metadata",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.OK": "Successful creation of lifecycle log",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.KO": "Failed to migrate object groups",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.WARNING": "Warning when writing object to storage offers",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION": "Finalization process of the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_INACTIVE": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the entry contract is in active",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection element does not exist in the system",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Successful registration of archival unit metadata",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful securing of object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of checking and processing archival units",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT": "Generation of the import report of the griffins repository",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation of the list of signatures in secure files",
+    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.KO": "Failed to verify concurrent processes",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK": "Identification of formats",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.KO": "The process to delete the lifecycle logs of archival units failed",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Archive profile import process failed: archive profile not found",
+    "MASTERDATA.STARTED": "Beginning of importing basic data",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Import process of the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU": "Verification process of agent services referenced by archival units",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the preservation treatment",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MASTER_MANDATORY_REQUIRED.KO": "Failed to check objects and groups of objects: the presence of a Master is mandatory",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the MERKLE tree",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.STARTED": "Beginning of the attachment of objects to groups of objects and archival units",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.STARTED": "Beginning of the audit of the files of the group of objects",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the presence and checking of the entry contract",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.KO": "The process for preparing the statement of probative value",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST": "Creation of the provision slip",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Failed to index the metadata of objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of object groups",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.BDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_PHYSICALMASTER.KO": "At least one binary object declares a \"PhysicalMaster\" usage. This usage is not allowed for binary objects",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.KO": "Preparation process for the migration of groups of objects failed",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of removing the repository of preservation scenarios",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare archival unit tree modification",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to apply business rules and calculate due dates: unknown business rule",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_CHECK_ERROR.KO": "Failed general check of the transfer slip: Failed to check the presence and control of the application context",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "The format of the object was not found in the format repository",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize analysis of disposal of archival units",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Success of the data recovery process in the database",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the check of the expiry of the business rules",
+    "ELIMINATION.WARNING": "Warning when disposing of archival units",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.OK": "Success of writing object to storage offers",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Preparation of the list of life cycle logs and archival unit metadata",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.OK": "Successful saving of the archive profile",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of preparing the list of archival units to be updated and modification authorizations",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.KO ": " Failed to create secure files for object group ",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST": "Process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
+    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS": "Establishment of the list of archival units to update",
+    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Failed to check the thresholds for processing archival units",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already taken: No pre-acceptance check process",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT": "Definitive elimination of disposable archival units",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when checking the update of the management rules of the archival unit",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP": "Checking for the presence in the transfer slip of a recursion in the tree structure of its archival units",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of secondment of archival units",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Successful verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.INVALID_URI.KO": "At least one object declares a URI to which a file does not correspond or declares a URI already used by another object",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_AU_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: archival unit profile not compliant",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize the modification of the archival unit tree",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.FATAL": "Technical error when starting the process of preparing the list of archival units to update and modification authorizations",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.KO": "Failed to save the write logs",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION": "Preparation of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC": "Process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Successful indexing of metadata of objects and groups of objects",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE": "Data retrieval process in the database",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN": "Checking the expiration of management rules",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT": "Audit of the verification of objects",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.STARTED": "Start of verification of the presence and control of the entry contract",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize the final disposal of archival units",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the timestamp buffer for all object group lifecycle logs",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Success of the process for updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE": "Finalization of the migration",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY.KO": "Failed to import the input contract: The white list of formats cannot be empty when all formats are not authorized",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Warning when creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.BDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_PHYSICALMASTER.KO": "The binary object declares a \"PhysicalMaster\" usage. This usage is not allowed for binary objects",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.FATAL": "A Technical Error during the consistency audit process",
+    "PRESERVATION": "Global preservation process",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the preservation treatment",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Details)",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of updating the graphs of groups of objects",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the archival unit profile update process",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Warning when indexing the archival unit",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error while identifying formats",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Success of the current entry update process",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.OK": "Successful migration of groups of objects",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of archival units",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.FATAL": "Technical error when detaching archival units",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Failed to detach groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are deleted",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.FATAL": "A technical error occurred while creating the list to audit",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_USER": "User authentication",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTICATION_USER": "User authentication",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_BLOCK_USER": "User blocking",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_REVOCATION": "Revocation of the password",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_INIT": "Password initialization",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_CHANGE": "Password modification",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_OTP_USER": "User authentication with OTP",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTICATION_OTP_USER": "User authentication with OTP",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_CUSTOMER": "Creation of the organization",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_CUSTOMER": "Modification of the organization",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_GROUP": "Group creation",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_GROUP": "Modification of the group",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_IDP": "Creation of the IDP of the organization",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_IDP": "Modification of the organization's IDP",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_OWNER": "Creation of the owner",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_OWNER": "Modification of the owner",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_PROFILE": "Profile creation",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_PROFILE": "Profile modification",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_START_SURROGATE_USER": "Start of user subrogation",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_START_SURROGATE_GENERIC": "Start of generic user subrogation",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_STOP_SURROGATE": "Stopping user subrogation",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_DECLINE_SURROGATE": "Refusal of the subrogation by the user",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_LOGOUT_SURROGATE": "Stop by disconnecting user subrogation",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_TENANT": "Creation of the owner's safe",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_TENANT": "Modification of the owner's safe",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_USER": "User creation",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_USER": "User modification"
diff --git a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n/fr.json b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n/fr.json
index bd8a1346b..137c85068 100644
--- a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n/fr.json
+++ b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/i18n/fr.json
@@ -8,14 +8,6 @@
     "techadmin": "Administration technique",
     "lastusedapps": "Dernières utilisées"
-      "NAME": "Profiles d'archives",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profile d'archivage"
-    }
-  },
   "NOTICE": {
     "ONGLET_NOTICE_TYPE": "Type",
@@ -24,15 +16,13 @@
     "ONGLET_NOTICE_DESCRIPTION": "Description",
     "NOTICE_CHART_UN": "Autoriser dans le manifeste la présence de",
     "NOTICE_CHART_DEUX": "métadonnées non déclarées dans le PUA ?"
     "NOTIFICATION_CREATE_PROFILE": "Les données RNG ont été chargées avec succès",
-    "NOTIFICATION_EDIT":"Les données RNG ont été chargées avec succès",
+    "NOTIFICATION_EDIT": "Les données RNG ont été chargées avec succès",
     "NOTIFICATION_SEDA": "Les données SEDA ont été chargées avec succès",
     "NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_PROFILE": "Le fichier RNG a été généré avec succès"
@@ -42,7 +32,7 @@
     "EDIT_PROFILE": {
       "NOTICE_TAB": "Notice",
       "ENTETE": "Entête",
-      "REGLES":  "Règles",
+      "REGLES": "Règles",
       "UNITES_ARCHIVES": "Unités d'archives",
       "OBJETS": "Objets",
       "NOTICE_PUA_MODE": "Notice",
@@ -54,45 +44,55 @@
         "AJOUTER_UA": "Ajouter une UA",
         "AJOUTER_UA_TOOLTIP": "Ajouter une UA",
         "NOTIFICATION_REMOVE_SUCCESS_TWO": "avec succès",
         "NOTIFICATION_ADD_MEDATADONNEE_PONE": "Les métadonnées",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_PTWO": "ont été ajoutées",
+        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_PTWO": " ont été ajoutées",
         "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_SONE": "La métadonnée",
         "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_STWO": "a été ajoutée",
         "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_FILE_TREE": "La métadonnée ArchiveUnit a été ajoutée",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_SEDA_ELEMENT_METADONNEE": "La métadonnée ",
         "POPUP_REMOVE_TITRE": "Voulez-vous supprimer",
         "POPUP_REMOVE_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Suppression d'un attribut",
         "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE_METADONNEE": "Suppression d'une métadonnée",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M":  "supprimé",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": "supprimée",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M": " supprimé ",
+        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": " supprimée ",
         "POPUP_ADD_CANCEL_LABEL": "Annuler",
         "POPUP_ADD_TITLE_DIALOG": "Veuillez sélectionner une ou plusieurs métadonnées",
-        "POPUP_ADD_SUBTITLE_DIALOG":"Ajouter des métadonnées à",
-        "POPUP_ADD_OK_LABEL": "Ajouter les métadonnées"
+        "POPUP_ADD_SUBTITLE_DIALOG": "Ajouter des métadonnées à",
+        "POPUP_ADD_OK_LABEL": "Ajouter les métadonnées",
+        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_TITRE": "Voulez-vous supprimer",
+        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Suppression d'un attribut",
+        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M": " supprimé ",
+        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": " supprimée ",
+        "POPUP_DUPLICATE_TITRE_TWO'": "son contenu et son paramétrage (cardinalités et commentaire)"
+        "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Rechercher une métadonnée dans le tableau",
         "NOTIFICATION_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "La métadonnée ArchiveUnit a été ajoutée",
         "BOUTON_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "Ajouter une métadonnée",
         "BOUTON_AJOUT_UA": "Ajouter une UA",
         "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE": "Edition des attributs de",
         "POPUP_VALIDER": "Valider",
         "POPUP_ANNULER": "Annuler",
         "ENREGISTRER_PROFIL_TOOLTIP": "Enregistrer le profil",
         "TELECHARGER_MANUEL_TOOLTIP": "Télécharger le manuel d'utilisation de PASTIS",
         "NOM_METADONNEE": "Nom de la métadonnée",
         "VALEUR_FIXE": "Valeur fixe",
-        "CARDINALITE ": "Cardinalité",
+        "CARDINALITE": "Cardinalité",
         "COMMENTAIRE": "Commentaire",
         "DUPLIQUER": "Dupliquer",
         "ATTRIBUT_METADONNEE": "Attributs de métadonnée",
         "SUPPRIMER": "Supprimer",
           "PARTIEUN": "La métadonnée",
-          "PARTIEDEUX": "ne contient pas de métadonnées filles. Vous devez lui en ajouter au moins une pour pouvoir l&apos;utiliser dans votre profil."
+          "PARTIEDEUX": "ne contient pas de métadonnées filles. Vous devez lui en ajouter au moins une pour pouvoir l'utiliser dans votre profil."
         "ATTRIBUTS": {
           "NOM_ATTRIBUT": "Nom de l'attribut",
@@ -116,16 +116,2988 @@
-  "USER_ACTION" :  {
-    "ADD_METADATA" : {
+    "ADD_METADATA": {
       "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Recherche une métadonnée par son intitulé",
       "METADATA_ADD": "Les métadonnées à ajouter",
       "BOUTON_AJOUTER": "Ajouter",
       "MESSAGE_PLUS_METADONNEE": "Il n'y a plus de métadonnées à ajouter"
-  }
+  },
+  "COMMON": {
+    "ADD": "Ajouter",
+    "UNDO": "Annuler",
+    "BACK": "Retour",
+    "SUBMIT": "Terminer",
+    "UPDATE": "Modifier",
+    "NEXT": "Suivant",
+    "CONFIRM": "Confirmer",
+    "CLOSE": "Fermer",
+    "REQUIRED": "Champ requis",
+    "NO_RESULT": "Aucun résultat",
+    "SHOW_MORE_RESULTS": "Afficher plus de résultats...",
+    "LANGUAGE": {
+      "TITLE": "Langue",
+      "ENGLISH": "Anglais",
+      "FRENCH": "Français",
+      "GERMAN": "Allemand"
+    },
+    "UNDO_MODAL": {
+      "TITLE": "Fermer la fenêtre",
+      "UNDO_MESSAGE": "Les données modifiées ne seront pas sauvegardées. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir fermer la fenêtre ?"
+    },
+    "HISTORY": {
+      "NO_HISTORY": "Aucun historique",
+      "OPERATIONS": "Journal des opérations"
+    }
+  },
+  "COLOR": {
+    "PRIMARY": "Couleur primaire",
+    "SECONDARY": "Couleur secondaire",
+    "TERTIARY": "Couleur tertiaire",
+    "HEADER_FOOTER": "Couleur d'entête",
+    "BACKGROUND": "Couleur de fond de page"
+  },
+  "ACCOUNT": {
+    "TITLE": "Mon compte",
+    "REFRESH_PASSWORD": "Changer de mot de passe",
+    "TAB": {
+      "INFORMATIONS": "Informations"
+    },
+    "LASTNAME": "Nom",
+    "FIRSTNAME": "Prénom",
+    "MAIL": "Adresse e-mail",
+    "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE": "Langue de l'interface",
+    "OTP_AUTH": "Authentification OTP",
+    "PHONE": {
+      "MOBILE": "Numéro de mobile",
+      "FIX": "Numéro de fix"
+    },
+    "DELIVERY_ADRESS": "Adresse de livraison",
+    "LEVEL": "Niveau",
+    "GROUP": "Mon groupe de profils"
+  },
+    "PREHOME": {
+      "ORGANIZATIONS": "Mes Organisations"
+    },
+    "HOME": {
+      "RESULTS_TABLE": {
+        "MODAL": {
+          "IMPOSSIBLE_SUBROGATION": "La subrogation pour cet utilisateur est momentanément impossible",
+          "DENIED_SUBROGATION": "Votre demande de subrogation a été refusée",
+          "CANCEL_SUBROGATION": "Votre demande de subrogation a bien été annulée",
+          "ACTIVE_SUBROGATION": "Vous avez déjà une subrogation en cours avec l'utilisateur",
+          "WAITING_ACCEPTATION": "Attente de l'acceptation de l'utilisateur",
+          "ACCEPT_SUBROGATION": "Afin de vous aider le support dispose pour les prochaines 30 minutes des mêmes droits que vous",
+          "ASK_SUBROGATION": "Vous avez demandé à subroger l'utilisateur"
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    "BANNER": {
+      "MESSAGE": "Subrogation de l'utilisateur {{ email }} jusqu'à {{ endDate }}",
+      "STOP_LABEL": "Arrêter la subrogation"
+    }
+  },
+    "PORTAL_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Portail"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Profiles d'archives",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profile d'archivage"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Organisations",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les organisations (clients, ...) et les coffres des organisations"
+    },
+    "USERS_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Utilisateurs",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Créer, Modifier et Gérer les utilisateurs..."
+    },
+    "GROUPS_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Groupes de profils",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les groupes de profil de droits qui seront affectés aux utilisateurs"
+    },
+    "PROFILES_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Profils APP Utilisateurs",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profils de droits des administrateurs qui utilisent l'APP Utilisateurs"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Subrogation",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Subroger les droits d'un utilisateur par le support pour assistance ou pour assurer les prestations de paramètrage/administration pour un client"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Hiérarchisation des Profils",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les niveaux de privilèges des profils de droits pour une organisation. Organisation de la séparation des rôles selon la PSSI de l'organisation"
+    },
+    "ACCOUNTS_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Mon compte",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter mes informations, Choisir la langue de l'interface"
+    },
+    "INGEST_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Contrats d'entrée",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, créer et modifier les contrats d'entrée"
+    },
+    "ACCESS_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Contrats d'accès",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, créer et modifier les contrats d'accès"
+    },
+    "AGENCIES_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Services Agent",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer, Modifier ou Supprimer les services agents"
+    },
+    "CONTEXTS_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Contextes applicatifs",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer, Modifier ou Supprimer les contextes applicatifs"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Profils de sécurité",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer, Modifier ou Supprimer les profils de sécurité"
+    },
+    "ONTOLOGY_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Ontologie",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer ou Supprimer les ontologies"
+    },
+    "AUDIT_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Audits",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Lancer des audits"
+    },
+    "SECURE_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Opération de sécurisations",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Opération de sécurisations"
+    },
+    "DSL_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Requêtes DSL",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Rechercher des UA à partir d'une requête DSL personnalisée"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Relevé de valeur probante",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Exporter un relevé de valeur probante"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Journal des Opérations",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Consultation des journaux des opérations d'entrées, de bases, d'éliminations"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Supervision des API",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Supervision des API"
+    },
+    "ARCHIVE_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Archives",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Déposer, rechercher, consulter des documents dans un coffre"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Dépôt SIP SEDA",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Déposer un lot de documents (SIP) au format SEDA dans un flux"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Dépôt par bordereau",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Déposer un lot de documents"
+    },
+    "MY_ACTIVITY_V2_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Mon Activité",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter mes actions et ordres : versements, bordereaux de sorties..."
+    },
+      "NAME": "Mon Activité Opérateur",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter mes actions concernant les bordereaux de toutes les organisations"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Supervision des versements",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Superviser les versements dans un coffre"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Supervision des bordereaux",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Superviser et opérer les actions sur les bordereaux d'un coffre"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Versements des organisations",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Superviser les versements de toutes les organisations"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Bordereaux des organisations",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Superviser et opérer les actions sur les bordereaux de toutes les organisations"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Validation des versements",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Valider ou refuser les versements dans un coffre par les autorités désignées par l'organisation"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Référentiel Record Management",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer le référentiel de règles de gestion du cycle de vie des archives pour un coffre"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Types d'archives",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les types d'archives"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Coffre",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les coffres d'une organisation : plan de classement, métadonnées d'indexation, autorités de validation..."
+    },
+      "NAME": "Profils APP Archives",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profils de droits des utilisateurs pour accéder aux archives dans un coffre et utiliser les fonctions de l'APP Archives (déposer, consulter, télécharger, ...)"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Flux",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les flux de versement des organisations"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Alfresco",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder à Alfresco"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Docuware",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder à Docuware"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Salles d'archives",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Gestion des archives physiques"
+    },
+    "BARCODES_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Etiquettes",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Gestion des etiquettes"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Organisations physiques",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les organisations physiques"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Profils APP Dépôt par bordereau",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profils de droits des utilisateurs pour créer des bordereaux de dépôt"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Rapports",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter les rapports et les statistiques"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Profils APP Supervision des bordereaux",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer des profils de supervision pour l’APP de supervision des bordereaux"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Recherche et consultation des archives",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Rechercher et consulter les archives"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Dépôt et suivi des versements",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter des versements ou créer un nouveau versement"
+    },
+    "RULES_APP": {
+      "NAME": "Règles de gestion",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer, Modifier ou Supprimer les règles de gestion"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Formats de fichiers",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer, Modifier ou Supprimer les formats de fichiers"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Arbres et Plans",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Importer un arbre de positionnement ou un plan de classement"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Gestion des Opérations",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter et gérer l'ensemble des opérations qui sont en cours"
+    },
+      "NAME": "Profil APP Paramétrages externes",
+      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profils de droits des utilisateurs pour l'application des paramètres externes"
+    }
+  },
+  "FOOTER": {
+    "HELP": "Aide",
+    "LEGAL_NOTICE": "Mentions légales",
+    "TECHNICAL_REFERENT": "Référent technique"
+  },
+  "HEADER": {
+    "LOGOUT": "Déconnexion",
+    "NAVIGATE_AS": "Activer le mode subrogation",
+    "MY_ACCOUNT": "Mon compte",
+    "PROFILE": "Profil"
+  },
+  "MENU": {
+    "GRAB_APPLICATION": "Saisir le nom de l'application",
+    "MY_APPLICATIONS": "Mes applications",
+    "APPLICATION_TITLE": "Applications",
+    "CUSTOMER_TITLE": "Organisations",
+    "TENANT_TITLE": "Coffres",
+    "RESULT": "Résultat(s)",
+    "settings": "Paramétrage",
+    "administrators": "Management",
+    "users": "Utilisateurs",
+    "referential": "Référentiels",
+    "opaudit": "Audits et opérations",
+    "techadmin": "Administration technique",
+    "ingests": "Suivi des versements",
+    "lastusedapps": "Dernières utilisées",
+    "ingest_and_consultation": "Versement & consultation",
+    "supervision_and_audits": "Supervision & Audits",
+    "security_and_application_rights": "Sécurité & droits applicatifs",
+    "organization_and_user_rights": "Organisation & droits utilisateurs"
+  },
+    "ENTER_APPLICATION": "Entrée pour lancer l'application"
+  },
+    "MY_TENANTS": "Mes coffres",
+    "SELECTED": "Coffre sélectionné",
+    "SELECT": "Sélectionner un coffre",
+    "DIALOG_TITLE": "Bienvenue sur ",
+    "DIALOG_SUBTITLE": "Le portail des applications de l'archivage",
+    "DIALOG_INSTRUCTIONS": "Veuillez sélectionner votre coffre par défaut",
+    "DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Votre coffre par défaut pourra être modifié depuis votre compte",
+    "DIALOG_BUTTON_LABEL": "Accéder à "
+  },
+    "SELECTED": "Organisation sélectionnée",
+    "SELECT": "Sélectionner une organisation"
+  },
+    "LANGUAGE": "Langue",
+    "ENGLISH": "Anglais",
+    "FRENCH": "Français"
+  },
+    "YES": "OUI",
+    "NO": "NON"
+  },
+    "SUBLEVEL": "Sous niveau"
+  },
+    "STEP": "Étape"
+  },
+  "LANGUAGE": {
+    "FRENCH": "Français",
+    "ENGLISH": "Anglais",
+    "GERMAN": "Allemand"
+  },
+  "COUNTRY": {
+    "FRANCE": "France",
+    "GERMANY": "Allemagne",
+    "ITALY": "Italie",
+    "UNITED_KINGDOM": "Royaume-Uni",
+    "DENMARK": "Danemark",
+    "SPAIN": "Espagne",
+    "BELGIUM": "Belgique",
+    "PORTUGAL": "Portugal"
+  },
+  "DOWNLOAD": {
+    "CANCELLED": "Téléchargement annulé",
+    "CANCEL_ACTION": "Annuler le téléchargement",
+    "CONFIRM_CANCEL_ACTION": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler le téléchargement du fichier ?",
+      "SINGULAR": "Compression du fichier : 1 élément",
+      "PLURAL": "Compression du fichier : {{ count }} éléments"
+    },
+      "SINGULAR": "sur {{ total }} (1 élément non téléchargeable)",
+      "PLURAL": "sur {{ total }} ({{ count }} éléments non téléchargeables)"
+    },
+    "FILE_GENERATION": "Génération du fichier"
+  },
+    "CONFIM_UPDATE": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effectuer cette modification ?"
+  },
+    "WRONG_FORMAT": "Format incorrect (",
+    "INVALID_USER": "Utilisateur non valide"
+  },
+    "PLACEHOLDER": "",
+    "ERROR": "Vous devez saisir au moins une adresse email"
+  },
+    "DEFAULT_LABEL": "(Défaul)"
+  },
+  "SNACKBAR": {
+    "UPDATED_ACCOUNT": "Les informations ont été mises à jour",
+    "FINISHED_SUBROGATION": "Le mode subrogation est arrêté",
+    "ACTIVATED_SUBROGATION": "Le mode subrogation est activé pour {{ duration }} minutes, jusqu'à {{ hours }}h{{ minutes }}. Veuillez ne pas changer d'application.",
+    "ASK_SUBROGATION": "L'utilisateur {{ user }} demande un accès temporaire à vos droits",
+    "ACCEPT_SUBROGATION": "Accepter",
+  },
+    "TITLE": "Erreur serveur interne (500)",
+    "MESSAGE": "Une erreur interne s'est produite. Veuillez contacter un administrateur si le problème persiste."
+  },
+    "AUDIT": "Audit",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
+    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.KO": "Échec de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Processus de sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.EXIST.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion : des règles de gestion existent déjà",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.OK": "Succès de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation des informations de stockage",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du profil de sécurité",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec du calcul des dates d'échéance : la date ne peut être gérée",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.INVALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte du fichier",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de la création de la liste à auditer",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.KO": "Échec de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la présence du contexte applicatif : le contexte applicatif est inconnu du référentiel des contextes applicatifs",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets lors d'une opération de préservation",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.OK": "Succès de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification du niveau de classification",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : champs non conformes",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY.KO": "La date contenue dans le champ Date de début doit être postérieure à la date contenue dans le champ Date de fin",
+    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY": "Vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "STP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: impossibilité de rattacher une unité archivistique existante à une unité archivistique parente",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT": "Processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.OK": "Succès de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : champs non conformes",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Succès de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus de finalistation de l'entrée",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED": "Début de la vérification du niveau de classification",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Début du lancement du griffon",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.KO": "Échec de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION": "Préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "STP_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
+    "STP_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION": "Processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT.STARTED": "Début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP": "Processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.DIRECTORY.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP : Le SIP contient plus d'un dossier ou un dossier dont le nommage est invalide",
+    "STP_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.OK": "Succès de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.OK": "Succès du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Détails)",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.STARTED": "Début de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD": "Vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE": "Processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de l'audit",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.OK": "Succès du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec de la validation du tampon d'horodatage",
+    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.OK": "Succès de la journalisation d'événements externes",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Il existe au moins un champ non renseigné dont la valeur est obligatoire",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.KO": "Échec du processus d'enregistrement du fichier d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED": "Début du contrôle sanitaire du SIP",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création de fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "ELIMINATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.DELETION.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents : des services agents supprimés sont référencés par des unités archivistiques déjà présentes dans le système",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT": "Notification de la fin de l'audit",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH": "Calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT": "Audit de la vérification des objets physiques du groupe d'objets",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT": "Création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Échec du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'archivage : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'existe pas dans le système",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP": "Récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
+    "EXPORT_DIP.OK": "Succès du processus de l'export du DIP",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.OK": "Succès de la vérification du niveau de classification",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de vérification globale du SIP",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION": "Alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Détails)",
+    "STP_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début du processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK": "Vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "COMMIT_RULES.OK": "Succès de la persistance des données en base",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Succès du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_AGENT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence des services agents",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments inexistants dans le système",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès de la comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
+    "TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de l'opération de sécurisation",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MANIFEST_SUPERIOR_BDO.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert déclare plus d'objets binaires qu'il n'en existe dans le répertoire Content du SIP",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED": "Début du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.INVALID_DATAOBJECTVERSION.KO": "Au moins un objet déclare un usage incorrect. L'usage doit s'écrire sous la forme [usage] ou [usage]_[version]. \"Usage\" doit être parmi l'énumération DataObjectVersion définie pour Vitam : \"version\" doit être un entier positif",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
+    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des métadonnées des objets et groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE": "Enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Échec du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le contrat d'entrée ne déclare pas de nœud de rattachement",
+    "CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Début du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus du contrôle du SIP",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.STARTED": "Début du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE": "Écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux d'écriture",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT": "Vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : vérification de la conformité des champs",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.OK": "Succès du processus d'enregistrement du fichier d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE": "Création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
+    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.OK": "Succès du processus d'audit correctif modifié",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE": "Écriture des métadonnées des objets et groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie : Une règle déclarée est incohérente par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED": "Début de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION.KO": "Échec de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED": "Début du détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "PRESERVATION.KO": "Échec du processus global de préservation",
+    "EXPORT_DIP.KO": "Échec du processus de l'export du DIP",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Début du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la recherche du format de l'objet dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED": "Début du déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_SPACE_KO.KO": "Disponibilité de l'offre de stockage insuffisante",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT": "Audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la distribution des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Succès du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.KO": "Échec de la vérification du niveau de classification : non autorisé par la plateforme",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des métadonnées des objets et groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence du contrat d'entrée : le champ Archival Agreement est absent du bordereau de transfert",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION": "Génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.KO": "Échec de la distribution des groupes d'objets",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL": "Processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
+    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'audit correctif modifié",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de la vérification des objets physiques du groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION": "Vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION": "Modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Échec du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques : ce groupe d'objet ou un de ses objets n'est référencé par aucunes unités archivistiques",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'entrée du SIP",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la disponibilité de l'offre de stockage",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non trouvé",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le champ ArchivalAgreement est absent du bordereau de transfert",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.OK": "Succès de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives et de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME": "Import de l'arbre de positionnement",
+    "COMMIT_RULES": "Persistance des données en base",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.KO": "Échec de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
+    "LFC.OLD_CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'empreinte",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique: au moins un des champs obligatoires n'est pas renseigné",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.INVALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte du fichier",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets lors d'une opération de préservation",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Échec de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets : l'élément déclaré ne permet pas de faire un rattachement",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.KO": "Échec de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FATAL": "Erreur fatale lors de l'identification du format",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification du format",
+    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.KO": "Échec du processus d'audit correctif modifié",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST": "Vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION.OK": "Succès du processus global de préservation",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING": "Processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.OK": "Succès de la distribution des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT": "Vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion : la date ne peut être gérée",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION": "Processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION": "Préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début de la création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: impossibilité de rattacher une unité archivistique existante à une unité archivistique parente",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_OBJECT.FATAL": "Une Erreur technique est survenue lors de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de préparation des informations de stockage",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.OK": "Succès de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.KO": "Échec de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la mise à jour du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE": "Processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK": "Écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK": "Processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'entrée du SIP",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'enregistrement des journaux sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.KO": "Échec du processus de déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion : la date ne peut être gérée",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH": "Comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des métadonnées des objets et groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.OK": "Succès de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Début de vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "CHECK_RULES.INVALID_CSV.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion : fichier CSV invalide",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.KO": "Erreur lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "une Erreur technique lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION": "Vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES": "Mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.INACTIVE.KO": "Échec du contrôle du caractère actif du profil d'archivage",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux d'écriture",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du lancement du griffon",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN": "Processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Succès du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION": "Processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "une Erreur technique est survenue lors du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "PRESERVATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus global de préservation",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Fétails)",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.OK": "Succès du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Vérification de la disponibilité des offres de stockage",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'opération de sécurisation",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du processus mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.AGENCY_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès : au moins un service agent est inconnu",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification du rattachement des objets aux groupes d'objets et aux unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Succès de la vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.STARTED": "Début du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.OK": "Succès de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.OK": "Succès du lancement du griffon",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
+    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST": "Préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "INGEST": "Entrée",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence : le bordereau de transfert présente une récursivité dans l'arborescence de ses unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des niveaux de classification",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "Le transfert de plusieurs versions d'un même usage dans un même versement est interdit",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.KO": "Échec de la vérification des usages des objets",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de la migration",
+    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT": "Correction des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée, défaillante",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "EXPORT_DIP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'export du DIP",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la relation entre le contrat d'entrée et le profil",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.EMPTY_CONTROL_SCHEMA.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : schéma de contrôle du profil d'unité archivistique vide",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
+    "ELIMINATION.OK": "Succès de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID": "Création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.OK": "Succès du processus de déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY": "Processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES": "Processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la disponibilité de l'offre de stockage",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD": "Application des règles de gestion et calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK": "Préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus du contrôle du SIP",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.OK": "Succès du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION": "Préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION": "Préparation de la mise à jour du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des formats",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT": "Processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP": "Comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.KO": "Échec du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.STARTED": "Début du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES": "Processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec de l'indexation de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES": "Vérification des règles de gestion",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du contrôle sanitaire du SIP",
+    "INGEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'entrée du SIP",
+    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des processus concurrents",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.OK": "Succès du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION": "Finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Succès de vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.KO": "Échec de l'alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance : Au moins une unité archivistique déclare une règle non cohérente avec sa catégorie",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.STARTED": "Début du processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la relation entre le contrat d'entrée et le profil d'archivage",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY": "Entrée de SIP standard",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de l'import du contexte : au moins un des champs obligatoires n'est pas renseigné",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_INACTIVE.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contrat d'entrée déclaré dans le bordereau de transfert est inactif",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.KO": "Échec du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
+    "FILINGSCHEME": "Entrée de plan de classement",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.KO": "Échec du lancement de préservation",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "une Erreur technique lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_URI.KO": "L'objet déclare une URI à laquelle ne correspond pas de fichier ou déclare une URI déjà utilisée par un autre objet",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE": "Processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la relation entre le contrat d'entrée et le profil",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.OK": "Succès de la vérification des usages des objets",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA": "Processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Échec de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS": "Migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de vérification des seuils l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS": "Processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'archivage : au moins un des champs obligatoires n'est pas renseigné",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle de cohérence du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.KO": "Échec du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets et groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.INVALID_JSON_SCHEMA.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique: schéma JSON non valide",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL": "Processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Détails)",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Début de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "MASS_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "INGEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'entrée du SIP",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.KO": "Échec du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Horodatage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN": "Application des règles de gestion et calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST": "Distribution des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de l'opération de sécurisation",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des seuils de limitation de traitement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP": "Processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION": "Processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du rapport de relevé de valeur probante",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.OK": "Succès du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de la création de la liste à auditer",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT_BY_CONTRACT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué : le contrat d'entrée n'autorise pas les rattachements",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'entrée du SIP",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_AU_PROFILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non conforme",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de déplacement des objets binaires sur l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.SECURITY_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec de l'import du contexte applicatif : profil de sécurité non trouvé",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE": "Écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP": "Détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets lors d'une opération de préservation",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED": "Début de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "UPDATE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Échec de vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Succès de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.KO": "Échec de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la validation du tampon d'horodatage",
+    "UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de vérification de la disponibilité des offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contexte applicatif est inconnu du référentiel des contextes applicatifs",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert présente une récursivité dans l'arborescence de ses unités archivistiques",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Préparation de la liste des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contrat d'entrée est inconnu du référentiel des contrats d'entrée",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "RULES_REPORT.STARTED": "Début de la génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.KO": "Échec de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Échec du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.STARTED": "Début de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.REJECTED_FORMAT.KO": "Échec de l'identification des formats : le contrat d'entrée interdit le versement d'objet au format inconnu et le SIP versé contient au moins un objet au format inconnu, ou bien le SIP contient un format interdit par le contrat d'entrée",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Échec du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la notification de la fin de l'audit",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY": "Établissement de la liste des objets",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.KO": "Échec du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY": "Audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "CHECK_RULES.INVALID_CSV_ENCODING_NOT_UTF_EIGHT.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion : fichier CSV n'est pas encodé en UTF8",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "CHECK_RULES.OK": "Succès du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.KO": "Échec de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la recherche du format de l'objet dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la présence du profil d'archivage dans le référentiel des profils d'archivage",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'écriture des métadonnées des objets et groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION": "Processus de migration de données",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP": "Vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification préalable à la pris en charge : Information de l'espace libre sur l'offre de stockage indisponible",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.PDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_BINARYMASTER.KO": "L'objet physique déclare un usage \"BinaryMaster\". Cet usage n'est pas autorisé pour les objets physiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_MALFORMED_DATA.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert possède une donnée malformée",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS": "Analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT": "Correction des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée, défaillante",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_AUDIT": "Processus d'exécution de l'audit",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.STARTED": "Début du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION": "Processus de lancement du griffon",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert contient des objets ou groupes d'objets qui ne déclarent pas un rattachement à une unité archivistique",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux d'écriture",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.FILEFORMAT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée: au moins un identifiant de format est inconnu",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST": "Distribution des unités unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert présente une récursivité dans l'arborescence de ses unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence (des audits des objets sont en erreurs )",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP : bordereau de transfert non conforme aux caractéristiques d'un fichier xml",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des règles de gestion",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT.OK": "Succès de l'audit",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY": "Écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST": "Vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.OK": "Succès de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION.OK": "Succès de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.OK": "Succès du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de la création de la liste à auditer",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED": "Début du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL": "Vérification du niveau de classification",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.BAD_REQUEST.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès : une mauvaise requête a été saisie",
+    "CHECK_RULES.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
+    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.OK": "Succès de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.OK": "Succès de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification du format",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'existe pas dans le système",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion : des règles de gestions ont été modifiées et sont utilisées par des unités archivistiques existantes",
+    "ROLL_BACK": "Mise en cohérence des Journaux du Cycle de Vie",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de migration de données",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès de la création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.OK": "Succès de la vérification des règles de gestion",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT": "Vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE": "Processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus suppression du profil de sécurité",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.VALIDATION_ERROR.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'accès : erreur lors de la validation du contrat d'accès",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la présence du contrat d'entrée dans le contexte applicatif",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT.KO": "Échec de l'audit",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec de la création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY": "Ecriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des scénarios de préservation",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sauvegarde des des logs d'accès",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contrat d'entrée n'est pas compatible avec le contexte applicatif",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de réception du SIP",
+    "ROLL_BACK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de mise en cohérence des journaux de cycle de vie",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Succès du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de l'existence des objets",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK": "Vérification des processus concurrents",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.KO": "Échec de la vérification du format",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Succès du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "OLD_CHECK_DIGEST": "Vérification de l'empreinte",
+    "STP_OG_STORING": "Processus d'écriture et d'indexation des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "une Erreur technique est survenue lors du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec de la vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
+    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.KO": "Échec de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION.KO": "Échec de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la disponibilités de l'offre de stockage",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus global de la préparation",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.KO": "Échec de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE.KO": "Échec du processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT": "Processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_OBJECT.FATAL": "Une Erreur technique est survenue lors de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.OK": "Succès de l'audit de l'existence des objets",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT": "Processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "Échec de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets : l'élément déclaré ne permet pas de faire un rattachement",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.KO": "Échec de la vérification des règles de gestion",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès de la récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE": "Processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.OK": "Succès de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.OK": "Format de l'objet identifié, référencé dans le référentiel interne et avec des informations cohérentes entre le format attendu et le résultat de l'outil d'identification des formats.",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "Le transfert de plusieurs versions d'un même usage dans un même versement est interdit",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT": "Processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.KO": "Échec du processus d'entrée du SIP",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée : au moins un profil d'archivage est inconnu",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.OK": "Succès de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.KO": "Échec du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.OK": "Succès du processus du contrôle du SIP",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de préparation de l'audit",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'enregistrement des journaux de cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur fatale lors de l'identification du format",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.KO": "Échec de l'identification du format",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Vérification de la disponibilité de l'offre de stockage",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la recherche du format de l'objet dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT": "Processus d'audit correctif modifié",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.FATAL": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST": "Création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert contient des objets ou des groupes d'objets qui ne déclarent pas de rattachement à une unité archivistique",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement est incorrect",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.OK": "Succès de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de de processus de contrôle du SIP",
+    "STP_UPDATE.OK": "Succès du processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus suppression du profil de sécurité",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.KO": "Échec de la vérification des formats : format des objets non identifiés ou absents dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE": "Vérification globale du SIP",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement technique lors de l'écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.KO": "Échec de l'audit de l'existence des objets : au moins un objet demandé n'existe pas ou des stratégies de stockage sont incohérentes avec les offres déclarées",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC": "Processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION": "Création du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des règles de gestion",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.KO": "Échec de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.OK": "Succès de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle de la présence du contrat d'entrée : le contrat d'entrée est inconnu du référentiel des contrats d'entrée",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED": "Début du processus de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP": "Processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV": "Processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec de la récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.KO": "Échec de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP : bordereau de transfert non conforme au schéma SEDA 2.1",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Horodatage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.OK": "Format de l'objet identifié, référencé dans le référentiel interne et avec des informations cohérentes entre l'opération de préservation et le résultat de l'outil d'identification des formats.",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES": "Mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.OK": "Succès de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG": "Processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "EXPORT_DIP.STARTED": "Début de l'export du DIP",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.FATAL": "Une erreur technique est survenue lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation du rapport de l'audit de cohérence (aucun objet en erreur)",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de la vérification du rattachement des objets aux groupes d'objets et aux unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle sanitaire du SIP",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.KO": "Échec du processus du contrôle du bordereau du SIP",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH": "Contrôle de cohérence du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Échec de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde du rérentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d' objets",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.STARTED": "Début du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de l'audit",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC": "Enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.KO": "Échec du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la notification de la fin de l'audit",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'absence d'objet",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : un champ obligatoire est vide",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP": "Processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
+    "TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'opération de sécurisation",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.NOT_AU_JSON_VALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique:json invalide",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début de la création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sauvegarde des logs d'accès",
+    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du contexte applicatif applicatif",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE": "Mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.MANIFEST_SUPERIOR_BDO.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert déclare plus d'objets binaires qu'il n'en existe dans le répertoire Content du SIP",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.STARTED": "Début de l'enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création de fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV": "Processus d'enregistrement du fichier d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.KO": "Échec du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP": "Sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.KO": "Échec de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.STARTED": "Début de l'établissement de la liste des objets",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.KO": "Échec du processus de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.KO": "Échec de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON": "Processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.STARTED": "Début de la distribution des groupes d'objets",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.OK": "Succès du processus du processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Échec de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non trouvé",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED": "Début du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INACTIVE_STATUS.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non actif",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.INVALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte du fichier",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Identifiant du format de l'objet (PUID) absent dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS": "Processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "OBJ_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'enregistrement des journaux sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de lancement du griffon",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_KO_UNAVAILABLE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la disponibilité d'au moins une offre de stockage",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès : contrat d'accès non trouvé",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.STARTED": "Début de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du contexte applicatif applicatif",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'est pas unique dans le système",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Échec du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "MASTERDATA": "Données de base",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des scénarios de préservation",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION": "Finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la journalisation d'événements externes",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.STARTED": "Début de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.OK": "Succès de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.ATTACHMENT_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "Le contrat d'entrée n'autorise pas le rattachement d'un objet à un groupe d'objets existant.",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT": "Enregistrement des Journaux du Cycle de Vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Début de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'établissement de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de réception du SIP",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION": "Processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Échec du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION": "Processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.OK": "Succès du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
+    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Succès de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.KO": "Échec du processus du processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK": "Journalisation d'événements externes",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès de la création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
+    "MASS_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.OK": "Succès de l'identification des formats",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS": "Migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion: Au moins une règle de gestion déclarée est inconnue du système ou l'échéance calculée est postérieure au 01/01/9000 (Date de début + Durée de la règle)",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la récupération des données dans la base de donné",
+    "MASS_UPDATE": "Mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie : la demande d'annulation d'une règle de gestion n'est pas cohérente avec sa catégorie",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
+    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS": "Processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE": "Création des fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY": "Processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
+    "OBJ_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement des journaux sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE": "Vérification globale du SIP",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MANIFEST_INFERIOR_BDO.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert déclare moins d'objets binaires qu'il n'en existe dans le répertoire Content du SIP",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux d'écriture",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS": "Processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Succès du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.OK": "Succès du processus d'entrée du SIP",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP": "Vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_INACTIVE.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contexte applicatif déclaré dans le bordereau de transfert est inactif",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "CHECK_RULES.MAX_DURATION_EXCEEDS.KO": "Échec du contrôle de sécurité des règles de gestion. Les durées des règles de gestion doivent être supérieures ou égales aux durées minimales requises par le tenant",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.OK": "Succès du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK": "Vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.OK": "Succès de l'établissement de la liste des objets",
+    "HOLDINGSCHEME.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.STARTED": "Début du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT": "Vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : vérification du format des dates",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT": "Processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.KO": "Échec du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT": "Vérification de l'absence d'objet",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du chargement des unités archivistiques au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès de la validation du tampon d'horodatage",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.STARTED": "Début de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Horodatage des journaux",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec de la création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : champs obligatoires vides",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.KO": "Échec de l'identification des formats",
+    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.KO": "Échec de la journalisation d'événements externes",
+    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.ARCHIVEUNIT_REFERENCES_MULTIPLE_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "Une unité archivistique référence plus d'un groupe d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION": "Sécurisation des journaux des opérations",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de la comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début de l'audit",
+    "COMMIT_RULES.KO": "Échec de la persistance des données en base",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNKNOWN": "Vérification du format de l'objet",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des formats",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : donnée référentielle inconnue",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec du processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des règles de gestion",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.STARTED": "Succès du début de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Succès du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.OK": "Succès du chargement des unités archivistiques au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT": "Détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le contrat d'entrée ne déclare pas de nœud de rattachement",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE": "Mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.PDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_BINARYMASTER.KO": "Au moins un objet physique déclare un usage \"BinaryMaster\". Cet usage n'est pas autorisé pour les objets physiques",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES": "Processus de suppression du référentiel de règles de gestion",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objetsl ors d'une opération de préservation",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'identification des formats",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus suppression du profil de sécurité",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE": "Processus de finalisation de la migration",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.STARTED": "Début de l'alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.KO": "Échec de l'établissement de la liste des objets",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.OK": "Succès du processus de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REJECTED": "Vérification du format de l'objet",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.KO": "Au moins une unité archivistique déclare un champ dont la valeur n'est pas conforme à celle attendue",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.OK": "Succès de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.STARTED": "Début du processus de la création de la liste à auditer",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE": "Processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
+    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE": "Processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la création du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT": "Processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.DIFF.KO": "Échec du contrôle de cohérence entre le profil d'archivage déclaré dans le bordereau de transfert et celui déclaré dans le contrat d'entrée",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Début du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY": "Application des règles de gestion et calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la distribution des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des formats",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_CHECK_ERROR.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contexte applicatif",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du début du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
+    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON": "Processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des niveaux de classification",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.STARTED": "Début du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST": "Processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
+    "STP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Succès du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.KO": "Échec du chargement des unités archivistiques au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'enregistrement des journaux de cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : au moins un des champs obligatoires n'est pas renseigné",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "RULES_REPORT": "Génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "UPLOAD_SIP": "Réception du SIP dans Vitam",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_INACTIVE": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le contrat d'entrée est inactif",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT": "Création de la liste à auditer",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.KO": "Échec du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
+    "STP_OG_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Échec du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification et traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT": "Processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.INACTIVE.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : donnée référentielle inactive",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE": "Application des règles de gestion et calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.KO": "Échec du processus de réception du SIP : un des noms de fichiers contient un caractère non autorisé",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.KO": "Échec de la sauvegarde des journaux des logs d'accès",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG": "Processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNCHARTED": "Vérification du format de l'objet",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE": "Processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL": "Vérification du niveau de classification",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.STARTED": "Début de la création du fichier du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.STARTED": "Début de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.KO": "Échec de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT": "Vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique:champs non conformes",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS.KO": "Échec de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "OBJ_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Succès du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Début de vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP": "Contrôle sanitaire du SIP",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Échec de l'import du contexte applicatif : au moins un objet déclare une valeur inconnue",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Échec de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.OK": "Succès de la création du fichier du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle sanitaire du SIP",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.STARTED": "Début du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la migration",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'absence d'objet",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.STARTED": "Début de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT": "Processus de préparation de l'audit",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : Un ou plusieurs formats ne sont pas référencés dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "CTR_SCHEMA.OK": "Succès du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "MASTERDATA.KO": "Échec de l'import des données de base",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.OK": "Succès de la sauvegarde des journaux des logs d'accès",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS.STARTED": "Début de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments hors périmètre",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "EXPORT_DIP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'export du DIP",
+    "ROLL_BACK.OK": "Succès de la mise en cohérence des journaux du cycle de vie",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès du processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.STARTED": "Début de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.OK": "Succès de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION": "Vérification de la relation entre le contrat d'entrée et le profil d'archivage",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "MASTERDATA.OK": "Succès de l'import des données de base",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE": "Écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.FATAL": "Une Erreur technique est survenue lors du processus de la création de la liste",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le contrat d'entrée ne déclare pas de nœud de rattachement",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments inexistants dans le système",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de la création de la liste à auditer",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
+    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION": "Sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de lancement du griffon",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PREPARATION": "Processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.OK": "Succès du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert : nom du fichier conforme",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING": "Audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.KO": "Échec de la création du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE": "Processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO": "Processus de sauvegarde des scénarios de préservation",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNCHARTED.KO": "Échec de la vérification du format : le format de l'objet est identifié mais est inconnu du référentiel des formats",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la création du fichier du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur fatale lors de la vérification du format",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.OK": "Succès de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK": "Vérification des formats",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'identification du format",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début de la récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.OK": "Succès de la notification de la fin de l'opération d'entrée à l'opérateur de versement",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Succès de la création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'accès : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.KO": "Échec de la notification de la fin de l'opération d'entrée à l'opérateur de versement",
+    "UPDATE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification du niveau de classification",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de l'audit de la vérification des objets physiques : il existe un fichier binaire relatif à cet objet physique",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA": "Vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la sauvegarde des logs d'accès",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert contient des objets ou des groupes d'objets qui ne déclarent pas de rattachement à une unité archivistique",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Succès de la vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "MASTERDATA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'import des données de base",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Début du processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE": "Mise à jour",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.BAD_REQUEST.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée : une mauvaise requête a été saisie",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.WARNING": "Avertissement est survenue lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION.OK": "Succès du processus de migration de données",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la migration",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING": "Audit de l'existence des objets",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la mise à jour du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "COMMIT_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la persistance des données en base",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION": "Finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP": "Processus de réception du SIP",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.KO": "Échec du contrôle de cohérence du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux d'écriture",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY": "Processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
+    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT": "Processus de suppression du contexte applicatif",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_HEADER": "Vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le rattachement n'est pas situé dans le périmètre autorisé",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.OK": "Succès de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ONTOLOGIES_UPDATE_INVALID_TYPE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des ontologies : au moins une valeur ne correspond pas aux valeurs attendues.",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UPDATED_FORMAT.WARNING": "Complétion des métadonnées sur les formats",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.KO": "Échec de la création du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.KO": "Échec de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.TOOL_DOES_NOT_ANSWER.FATAL": "L'outil d'analyse des formats de l'objet ne répond pas",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.STARTED": "Début de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.STARTED": "Début du processus de réception du SIP",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.OK": "Succès du processus de réception du SIP",
+    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des usages des objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT": "Vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Succès du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.KO": "Échec du détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des journaux de cycles de vie des unités archivistiques lors de la migration",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.FATAL": "Erreur technique est lors du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Début du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Échec de la création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de l'audit de la vérification des objets physiques du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP": "Processus de contrôle du SIP",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Identifiant du format de l'objet (PUID) absent dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "OBJ_STORAGEOBJ_STORAGE": "Écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.KO": "Échec du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.STARTED": "Début de la distribution des unités archivistiques",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la disponibilité de toutes les offres de stockage",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION.KO": "Échec du processus de migration de données",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY.KO": "Au moins une unité archivistique n'est pas conforme à son schéma en raison d'un problème de cohérence entre champs",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Échec du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.OK": "Succès du détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus global de préservation",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.EXISTING_OG_NOT_DECLARED.KO": "Au moins une unité archivistique déclare un objet à la place du groupe d'objet correspondant",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Échec de la vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
+    "ATR_NOTIFICATION": "Notification de la fin de l'opération d'entrée",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la migration",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT": "Processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début de la création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Succès de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la disponibilité d'au moins une offre de stockage",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'enregistrement des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.OK": "Succès de la distribution des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT": "Processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.KO": "Échec du processus de la création de la liste à auditer",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "CHECK.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.KO": "Échec de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND.KO": "Format de l'objet non identifié",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.STARTED": "Début du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.FATAL": "une Erreur technique est survenue lors du processus d'audit correctif modifié",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP : Absence du bordereau de transfert ou bordereau de transfert au mauvais format",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP": "Processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de l'horodatage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.STARTED": "Début de la création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_MUST_BE_EMPTY.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : La liste blanche des formats doit être vide lorsque tous les formats sont autorisés",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Succès du stockage des journaux d'écriture",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la mise à jour du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE": "Processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE": "Vérification globale du SIP",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.KO": "Échec de la vérification du niveau de classification : le bordereau de transfert déclare un niveau de classification non autorisé par la plateforme",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la mise à jour du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.OK": "Succès du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
+    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE": "Vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK": "Processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de cohérence",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.OK": "Succès du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle de cohérence du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED": "Début de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.KO": "Échec du déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification du format : le format de l'objet ne peut pas être identifié",
+    "STP_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.OK": "Succès de la vérification des formats",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents : services agents inconnus du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_AUDIT.KO": "Échec du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
+    "CHECK.KO": "Échec de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES": "Vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.STARTED": "Début de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.OK": "Succès du processus de la création de la liste à auditer",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN": "Processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de notification de la fin de l'opération d'entrée à l'opérateur de versement",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.ARCHIVEUNIT_REFERENCES_MULTIPLE_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "Une unité archivistique référence plus d'un groupe d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de la migration",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.DIRECTORY": "Vérification globale du SIP",
+    "INGEST.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'entrée du SIP",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage : profil non trouvé",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de la vérification des objets physiques du groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH": "Comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la disponibilité d'au moins une offre de stockage : Impossibilité de connaître l'espace disponible",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des niveaux de classification",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.DIRECTORY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK": "Écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE": "Processus de finalisation de l'audit et génération du rapport final",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT": "Processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
+    "STP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.OK": "Succès de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Début de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT_BY_CONTRACT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué : le contrat d'entrée n'autorise pas les rattachements",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_INACTIVE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée : le contrat d'entrée est inactif",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec de la vérification du format",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Début de la création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du lancement du griffon",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE": "Processus de déplacement des objets binaires sur l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER": "Contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Processus de suppression du profil de sécurité",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "RULES_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS": "Processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'audit",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "OBJ_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_INACTIVE.KO": "Échec du contrôle du caractère actif du contexte applicatif",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "Le format de l'objet n'a pas été trouvé dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.OK": "Succès de la vérification du niveau de classification",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE": "Création du fichier du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION": "Processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.KO": "Échec du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK": "Contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert",
+    "CHECK_AGENT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification du contrôle des services agents",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du stockage des journaux d'écriture",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec de l'identification du format",
+    "CHECK.OK": "Succès de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.AGENCY_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'accès : au moins un service agent est inconnu",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.OK": "Succès du contrôle de cohérence du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION": "Préparation du traitement de préservation",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : profil d'archivage non trouvé",
+    "LFC.UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Modification d'arborescence de l'unité archivistique",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY": "Vérification de la cohérence entre les champs Date de début et Date de fin",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de l'identification des formats : le format de ou des objet(s) ne peut pas être identifié",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'établissement de la liste des objets : il n'y a pas d'objet pour cette étape",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus suppression du profil de sécurité",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION.STARTED": "Début de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE": "Récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la distribution des groupes d'objets",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de la migration",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.KO": "Échec de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification du format",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION": "Processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de l'existence des objets",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.STARTED": "Début de la sauvegarde des logs d'accès",
+    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Vérification des seuils de limitation de traitement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets lors d'une opération de préservation",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.KO": "Échec du processus de lancement du griffon",
+    "STP_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION": "Lancement du griffon",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début de la notification de la fin de l'audit",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Format de l'objet identifié, référencé dans le référentiel interne et avec des informations cohérentes entre le bordereau de transfert et le résultat de l'outil d'identification des formats.",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Stockage des journaux d'écriture",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.OK": "Succès du processus d'audit de cohérence",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
+    "TRACEABILITY": "Sécurisation",
+    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
+    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
+    "PROCESS_AUDIT": "Audit",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments hors périmètre",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique : une valeur ne correspond pas aux valeurs attendues",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Format de l'objet identifié, référencé dans le référentiel interne et le résultat de l'outil d'identification des formats.",
+    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK": "Écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA": "Vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.KO": "Échec du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT": "Vérification du rattachement des objets aux groupes d'objets et aux unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.KO": "Échec du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert : nom du fichier non conforme",
+    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP": "Sauvegarde des logs d'accès",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.INVALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets : Il existe au moins un objet dont l'empreinte est invalide dans le bordereau de transfert",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.OK": "Succès de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_DATAOBJECTVERSION.KO": "Au moins un objet déclare un usage incorrect. L'usage doit s'écrire sous la forme [usage] ou [usage]_[version]. \"Usage\" doit être parmi l'énumération DataObjectVersion définie par le SEDA : \"version\" doit être un entier positif",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT": "Processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.KO": "Échec de la distribution des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "MASTERDATA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'import des données de base",
+    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'enregistrement du fichier d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus de contrôle et traitement des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.TOOL_DOES_NOT_ANSWER.FATAL": "L'outil d'analyse des formats de l'objet ne répond pas",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation des listes des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_SPACE_KO.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la disponibilité d'au moins une offre de stockage : Au moins une offre de stockage est insuffisante",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY": "Audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de la validation du tampon d'horodatage",
+    "COMMIT_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la persistance des données en base",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des formats : des informations relatives aux formats ont été complétées par la solution logicielle Vitam",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.OK": "Succès du processus de lancement du griffon",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : champ obligatoire vide",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.KO": "Échec du processus d'audit de cohérence",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE": "Enregistrement des métadonnées des unités archivistiques sur l'offre de stockage",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_AUDIT.OK": "Succès du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH": "Calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Succès de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT": "Processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Début du processus de lancement du griffon",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.STARTED": "Début de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
+    "CHECK_RULES": "Contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED": "Début de l'identification du format",
+    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec de l'import du contexte applicatif : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
+    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY": "Processus d'import de l'ontologie",
+    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.OK": "Succès du déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.OK": "Succès de la création de fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.OK": "Succès de la création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de l'audit",
+    "CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
+    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Succès du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK": "Calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "EXPORT_DIP": "Export du DIP",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde ddes scénarios de préservation",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'absence d'objet : objet(s) trouvé(s)",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REJECTED.KO": "Échec de la vérification du format : le format de l'objet est rejeté",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'audit de l'existence des objets : au moins un groupe d'objets n'a pas d'objet binaire à vérifier",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.STARTED": "Début du processus du contrôle du SIP",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "SCENARIO_REPORT.STARTED": "Début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation des informations de stockage",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE": "Processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
+    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE": "Déplacement des objets binaires sur l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION": "Processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "INGEST_TEST": "Entrée à blanc",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.STARTED": "Début du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives et de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Succès du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE": "Mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.KO": "Échec du contrôle sanitaire du SIP : fichier détecté comme infecté",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification du format",
+    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.KO": "Échec du processus d'établissement de la liste unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.KO": "Échec de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérfication de l'intégrité des objets versés : empreinte de l'objet recalculée et enregistrée dans les métadonnées de l'objet",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE": "Processus de génération du rapport de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage : une valeur ne correspond pas aux valeurs attendues",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le rattachement n'est pas situé dans le périmètre autorisé",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_MALFORMED_DATA.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert possède une donnée malformée",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de lancement du griffon",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "RULES_REPORT.OK": "Succès de la génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP : Le SIP contient plus d'un fichier à sa racine",
+    "INGEST.STARTED": "Début de l'entrée du SIP",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'accès : au moins un des champs obligatoires n'est pas renseigné",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
+    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'établissement de la liste unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.OK": "Succès du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
+    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT": "Génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.FATAL": "Erreur technique du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.OK": "Succès du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
+    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification du niveau de classification",
+    "MIGRATION_UNITS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "ROLL_BACK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise en cohérence des journaux du cycle de vie",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT": "Audit de cohérence",
+    "CHECK_SEDA": "Vérification globale du SIP",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'absence d'objet",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES": "Mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.OK": "Succès du contrôle sanitaire du SIP : aucun virus détecté",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.OK": "Succès de l'alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des usages des objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: impossibilité de rattacher une unité archivistique existante à une unité archivistique parente",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : champs obligatoires vides",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement de la vérification de la disponibilité de l'offre de stockage : Impossibilité de connaître l'espace disponible",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Fétails)",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de vérification de l'empreinte des objets",
+    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.KO": "Échec de la création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP": "Validation du tampon d'horodatage",
+    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Établissement du processus de préparation des listes des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.KO": "Échec du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT": "Processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.KO": "Échec de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des scénarios de préservation",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès de la création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID": "Vérification globale du SIP",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du début du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING": "Processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST": "Vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : champs non conformes",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "RULES_REPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Détails)",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.KO": "Échec du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.TOOL_DOES_NOT_ANSWER.FATAL": "L'outil d'analyse des formats de l'objet ne répond pas",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
+    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du contexte applicatif ",
+    "PRESERVATION.STARTED": "Début du processus global de préservation",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'horodatage",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation des informations de stockage",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.KO": "Échec du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du lancement du griffon",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.EMPTY.KO": "Échec de la lecture de l'empreinte du fichier",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la distribution des groupes d'objets",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de migration de données",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
+    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_CONTAINER.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.OK": "Succès du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'enregistrement des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée : une valeur ne correspond pas aux valeurs attendues",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du début du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.FATAL": "une Erreur technique lors du processus de création du rapport d'audit de cohérence",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION.STARTED": "Début de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "Le format de l'objet n'a pas été trouvé dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets lors d'une opération de préservation",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.KO": "Échec de la préparation des informations de stockage",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des usages des objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification du rattachement des objets aux groupes d'objets et aux unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.STARTED": "Début de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le contrat d'entrée est inconnu du référentiel des contrats d'entrée",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des usages des objets",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE": "Processus de création de la liste à auditer",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
+    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance : exclusion d'héritage incohérente",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_THRESHOLD.KO": "Échec du calcul des dates d'échéance : la date ne peut être gérée",
+    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des processus concurrents",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de la finalisation de la migration",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE": "Vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.STARTED": "Début du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.EMPTY.KO": "Échec de la lecture de l'empreinte du fichier",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'est pas unique dans le système",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec de la création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "STP_DELETE_ALL.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
+    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.AUP_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non trouvé",
+    "STP_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
+    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'établissement de la liste des objets",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT": "Vérification du format",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
+    "INGEST.KO": "Échec de l'entrée du SIP",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE": "Processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif : au moins un objet déclare une valeur inconnue",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques : l'objet et son groupe d'objets ne sont pas référencés par une unité archivistique",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de l'audit",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.KO": "Échec du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT": "Création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "MASS_UPDATE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.STARTED": "Début de l'enregistrement des journaux sur les offres de stockage",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT": "Vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
+    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de l'audit",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la migration",
+    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.OK": "Succès du processus d'établissement de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT.KO": "Échec du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST": "Chargement des unités archivistiques au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.STARTED": "Début de la création de fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT": "Vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
+    "REFERENTIAL_FORMAT": "Référentiel des formats",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.STARTED": "Début de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD": "Contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.OK": "Succès de la préparation des informations de stockage",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
+    "STP_UNIT_METADATA": "Processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Échec du stockage des journaux d'écriture",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION": "Indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.MASTER_MANDATORY_REQUIRED.KO": "Absence d'un BinaryMaster ou PhysicalMaster dans le groupe d'objets",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du profil de sécurité",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION": "Processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY": "Vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS": "Mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'enregistrement des journaux sur les offres de stockage",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification du niveau de classification",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.OK": "Succès du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
+    "RULES_REPORT.KO": "Échec de la génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le champ ArchivalAgreement est absent du bordereau de transfert",
+    "INGEST.OK": "Succès de l'entrée du SIP",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
+    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement est incorrect",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD": "Vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : vérification des champs obligatoires",
+    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.MANIFEST_INFERIOR_BDO.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert déclare moins d'objets binaires qu'il n'en existe dans le répertoire Content du SIP",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME": "Processus de vérification et traitements des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.STARTED": "Début de la création du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
+    "AGENCIES_REPORT.OK": "Succès du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Processus de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : au moins un des champs renseignés est inconnu.",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "MASS_UPDATE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
+    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST": "Processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
+    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT": "Processus de finalisation de l'audit",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND.FATAL": "L'objet à analyser n'a pas été trouvé",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Stockage des journaux",
+    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST": "Contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.KO": "Échec de la vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION": "Finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la Modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED.OK": "Début de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de réception du SIP",
+    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation des listes des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification du format",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT": "Vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_KO_UNAVAILABLE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la disponibilité de l'offre de stockage : L'offre de stockage n'est pas disponible",
+    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation des listes des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
+    "STP_DELETE_RULES.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles de gestion",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT": "Processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
+    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "DATA_MIGRATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de migration de données",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments hors périmètre",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.UPDATED_FORMAT.WARNING": "Complétion des métadonnées sur les formats",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ONTOLOGIES_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_TENANT.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des ontologies : la mise à jour n'est pas autorisée sur le tenant.",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.OK": "Succès du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
+    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.STARTED": "Début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
+    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Création du tampon d'horodatage des journaux d'écriture",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.AGENCY_CHECK.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets : l'objet rattaché ne déclare pas le même service producteur que le groupe d'objet",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT.KO": "Échec de la notification de la fin de l'audit",
+    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES": "Processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
+    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la disponibilité d'au moins une offre de stockage",
+    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des règles métadonnées descriptives et de gestion des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION": "Élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique : champs obligatoires vides",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE": "Application des règles de gestion et calcul des dates d'échéances",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC": "Processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.DIFF.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : différence entre le profil d'archivage déclaré dans le bordereau de transfert et celui déclaré dans le contrat",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contrat d'entrée est absent dans le bordereau de transfert",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES": "Processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'est pas unique dans le système",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE": "Mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Début de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des service agents",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'identification des formats",
+    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED": "Début de la vérification du format",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la validation du tampon d'horodatage",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
+    "TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'opération de sécurisation",
+    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Succès du processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
+    "TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de l'opération de sécurisation",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT": "Vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de la préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.OK": "Succès de la vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
+    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec de la comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
+    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION": "Processus de sécurisation des journaux",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION": "Préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.KO": "Échec du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Succès du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Échec du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments hors périmètre",
+    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation des listes des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.EMPTY.KO": "Échec de la lecture de l'empreinte du fichier",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION": "Processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_UNIT_STORING.KO": "Échec du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents : champ obligatoire vide",
+    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
+    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.OK": "Succès du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
+    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO": "Préparation des informations de stockage",
+    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
+    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de l'horodatage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "MASTERDATA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'import des données de base",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION": "Élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION": "Processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux",
+    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments inexistants dans le système",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.KO": "Échec de la création du rapport de relevé de valeur probante",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.EXISTING_OG_NOT_DECLARED.KO": "Une unité archivistique déclare un objet à la place du groupe d'objet correspondant",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.UNCHARTED.KO": "Échec de l'identification des formats : le format de ou des objet(s) est identifié mais est inconnu du référentiel des formats",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST": "Vérification de l'intégrité des objets",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors la récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
+    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Échec du processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des seuils de limitation de traitement des unités archivistiques",
+    "REPORT_AUDIT.OK": "Succès de la notification de la fin de l'audit",
+    "FILINGSCHEME.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "BACKUP_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.STARTED": "Début de la préparation des informations de stockage",
+    "CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
+    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.OK": "Succès de la vérification des processus concurrents",
+    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la migration",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du chargement des unités archivistiques au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Succès du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.STARTED": "Début du processus d'entrée du SIP",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
+    "CHECK_RULES.IMPORT_IN_PROCESS.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion : L'import est impossible car une mise à jour du référentiel est déjà en cours",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.OK": "Succès du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le rattachement n'est pas situé dans le périmètre autorisé",
+    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée : contrat d'entrée non trouvé",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.KO": "Échec du début du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
+    "STP_OBJ_STORING.STARTED": "Début du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.OK": "Succès de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.KO": "Échec du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Début de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
+    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de la migration",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la notification de la fin de l'opération d'entrée à l'opérateur de versement",
+    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des scénarios de préservation",
+    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'identification du format",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Au moins une unité archivistique contient un champ non renseigné dont la valeur est obligatoire",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
+    "UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour",
+    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement est incorrect",
+    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus du contrôle du SIP",
+    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Succès de la vérification des seuils de limitation de traitement des unités archivistiques",
+    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK": "Vérification des journaux sécurisés",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.FATAL": "une Erreur technique est survenue lors de la création du rapport d'audit de cohérence",
+    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès : une valeur ne correspond pas aux valeurs attendues",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objetsl ors d'une opération de préservation",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE": "Processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le contrat d'entrée est inconnu du référentiel des contrats d'entrée",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.OK": "Succès de la création du rapport de relevé de valeur probante",
+    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
+    "CHECK_DIGEST.EMPTY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets : Il existe au moins un objet dont l'empreinte est absente dans le bordereau de transfert",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'enregistrement des journaux de cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'audit de cohérence",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.KO": "Échec du début du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.OK": "Succès de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
+    "STP_UPDATE": "Processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED": "Début du processus de déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
+    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Identifiant du format de l'objet (PUID) absent dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.KO": "Échec du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION": "Processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'enregistrement des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.OK": "Succès de la création du journal du cycle de vie",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.KO": "Échec de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION": "Processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_INACTIVE": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le contrat d'entrée est inactif",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'existe pas dans le système",
+    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
+    "GRIFFIN_REPORT": "Génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
+    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.KO": "Échec de la vérification des processus concurrents",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK": "Identification des formats",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'archivage : profil d'archivage non trouvé",
+    "MASTERDATA.STARTED": "Début de l'import des données de base",
+    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU": "Processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MASTER_MANDATORY_REQUIRED.KO": "Échec de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets : la présence d'un Master est obligatoire",
+    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
+    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.STARTED": "Début du rattachement des objets aux groupes d'objets et aux unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
+    "CREATE_MANIFEST": "Création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.BDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_PHYSICALMASTER.KO": "Au moins un objet binaire déclare un usage \"PhysicalMaster\". Cet usage n'est pas autorisé pour les objets binaires",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
+    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance : règle de gestion inconnue",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_CHECK_ERROR.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contexte applicatif",
+    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "Le format de l'objet n'a pas été trouvé dans le référentiel des formats",
+    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
+    "ELIMINATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
+    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.OK": "Succès de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
+    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Préparation de la liste des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
+    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
+    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.KO": "Échec de la création de fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
+    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST": "Processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS": "Établissement de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
+    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Échec de la vérification des seuils de limitation de traitement des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT": "Elimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP": "Vérification de la présence dans le bordereau de transfert d'une récursivité dans l'arborescence de ses unités archivistiques",
+    "STORE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
+    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED": "Début du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.INVALID_URI.KO": "Au moins un objet déclare une URI à laquelle ne correspond pas de fichier ou déclare une URI déjà utilisée par un autre objet",
+    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_AU_PROFILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non conforme",
+    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
+    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du début du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
+    "STORAGE_BACKUP.KO": "Échec de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION": "Préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC": "Processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
+    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE": "Processus de récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
+    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN": "Vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
+    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT": "Audit de la vérification des objets",
+    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
+    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE": "Finalisation de la migration",
+    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : La liste blanches des formats ne peut pas être vide lorsque tous les formats ne sont pas autorisés",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
+    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.BDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_PHYSICALMASTER.KO": "L'objet binaire déclare un usage \"PhysicalMaster\". Cet usage n'est pas autorisé pour les objets binaires",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Une Erreur technique lors du processus d'audit de cohérence",
+    "PRESERVATION": "Processus global de préservation",
+    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
+    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Détails)",
+    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
+    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
+    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation de l'unité archivistique",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
+    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'identification des formats",
+    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
+    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.OK": "Succès de la migration des groupes d'objets",
+    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
+    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du détachement des unités archivistiques",
+    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
+    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.FATAL": "Une Erreur technique est survenue lors de la création de la liste à auditer",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_USER": "Authentification de l'utilisateur",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTICATION_USER": "Authentification de l'utilisateur",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_BLOCK_USER": "Blocage de l'utilisateur",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_REVOCATION": "Révocation du mot de passe",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_INIT": "Initialisation du mot de passe",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_CHANGE": "Modification du mot de passe",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_OTP_USER": "Authentification de l'utilisateur avec OTP",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTICATION_OTP_USER": "Authentification de l'utilisateur avec OTP",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_CUSTOMER": "Création de l'organisation",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_CUSTOMER": "Modification de l'organisation",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_GROUP": "Création du groupe",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_GROUP": "Modification du groupe",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_IDP": "Création de L'IDP de l'organisaton",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_IDP": "Modification de L'IDP de l'organisaton",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_OWNER": "Création du propriétaire",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_OWNER": "Modification du propriétaire",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_PROFILE": "Création du profil",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_PROFILE": "Modification du profil",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_START_SURROGATE_USER": "Démarrage de la subrogation de l'utilisateur",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_START_SURROGATE_GENERIC": "Démarrage de la subrogation de l'utilisateur générique",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_STOP_SURROGATE": "Arrêt de la subrogation de l'utilisateur",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_DECLINE_SURROGATE": "Refus de la subrogation par l'utilisateur",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_LOGOUT_SURROGATE": "Arrêt par déconnexion de la subrogation de l'utilisateur",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_TENANT": "Création du coffre du propriétaire",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_TENANT": "Modification du coffre du propriétaire",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_USER": "Création de l'utilisateur",
+    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_USER": "Modification de l'utilisateur"
+  }
diff --git a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/shared-i18n/en.json b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/shared-i18n/en.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d334fc9f..000000000
--- a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/shared-i18n/en.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3078 +0,0 @@
-    "settings": "Settings",
-    "administrators": "Management",
-    "users": "User",
-    "referential": "Referential",
-    "opaudit": "Audits & operations",
-    "techadmin": "Technical administration",
-    "lastusedapps": "Lastly used"
-  },
-  "NOTICE": {
-    "ONGLET_NOTICE_TYPE": "Type",
-    "ONGLET_NOTICE_ID": "Username",
-    "ONGLET_NOTICE_INTITULE": "Entitled",
-    "ONGLET_NOTICE_DESCRIPTION": "Description",
-    "NOTICE_CHART_UN": "Authorize in the manifest the presence of",
-    "NOTICE_CHART_DEUX": "metadata not declared in the PUA?"
-  },
-    "NOTIFICATION_CREATE_PROFILE": "RNG data has been loaded successfully",
-    "NOTIFICATION_EDIT": "RNG data has been loaded successfully",
-    "NOTIFICATION_SEDA": "SEDA data has been loaded successfully",
-    "NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_PROFILE": "The RNG file was generated successfully"
-  },
-  },
-  "PROFILE": {
-    "EDIT_PROFILE": {
-      "NOTICE_TAB": "Notice",
-      "ENTETE": "Header",
-      "REGLES": "Rules",
-      "UNITES_ARCHIVES": "Archive units",
-      "OBJETS": "Objects",
-      "NOTICE_PUA_MODE": "Notice",
-      "UNITES_ARCHIVES_PUA_MODE": "Archive units",
-      "NOM_PUA": "Name of the archival unit profile",
-      "NOM_PA": "Archive profile name",
-      "PROFILE_ID": "Username",
-      "FILE_TREE": {
-        "AJOUTER_UA": "ADD A UA",
-        "AJOUTER_UA_ICON": "ADD A UA",
-        "NOTIFICATION_REMOVE_SUCCESS_ONE": " has been",
-        "NOTIFICATION_REMOVE_SUCCESS_TWO": "with success",
-        "NOTIFICATION_DUPLIQUER_SUCCESS_TWO": "with success",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_PTWO": " have been added",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_STWO": " has been added",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_FILE_TREE": "ArchiveUnit metadata has been added",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_TITRE": "Do you want to delete",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Do you want to delete",
-        "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE_METADONNEE": "Deleting a metadata",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M": " deleted ",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": " deleted ",
-        "POPUP_ADD_CANCEL_LABEL": "Cancel",
-        "POPUP_ADD_TITLE_DIALOG": "Please select one or more metadata",
-        "POPUP_ADD_SUBTITLE_DIALOG": "Add metadata to",
-        "POPUP_ADD_OK_LABEL": "Add metadata",
-        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_TITRE": "Do you want to duplicate",
-        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Deleting an attribute",
-        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M": " deleted ",
-        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": " deleted ",
-        "POPUP_DUPLICATE_TITRE_TWO'": "its content and configuration (cardinalities and comments)"
-      },
-        "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Find metadata in the table",
-        "NOTIFICATION_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "ArchiveUnit metadata has been added",
-        "BOUTON_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "Add metadata",
-        "BOUTON_AJOUT_UA": "Add UA",
-        "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE": "Editing attributes of",
-        "POPUP_VALIDER": "Validate",
-        "POPUP_ANNULER": "Cancel",
-        "ENREGISTRER_PROFIL_TOOLTIP": "Save profile",
-        "TELECHARGER_MANUEL_TOOLTIP": "Download the PASTIS user manual",
-        "NOM_METADONNEE": "Metadata name",
-        "VALEUR_FIXE": "Fixed value",
-        "CARDINALITE": "Cardinality",
-        "COMMENTAIRE": "Comment",
-        "DUPLIQUER": "Duplicate",
-        "ATTRIBUT_METADONNEE": "Metadata attributes",
-        "SUPPRIMER": "Remove",
-          "PARTIEUN": "The metadata",
-          "PARTIEDEUX": "does not contain any child metadata. You must add at least one to it to be able to use it in your profile."
-        },
-        "ATTRIBUTS": {
-          "NOM_ATTRIBUT": "Attribute name",
-          "VALEUR_FIXE": "Fixed value",
-          "COMMENTAIRE": "Comment"
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    "LIST_PROFILE": {
-      "CREER_GERER_PROFILE_ARCHIVAGE": "create and manage archiving profiles",
-      "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search for a profile by its title",
-      "CREER_NOUVEAU_PROFIL": "create a new profile",
-      "IMPORTER_PROFIL": "import a profile",
-      "LISTE_DES_PROFILS": "List of profiles",
-      "TOUS_LES_PROFILS": "All profiles",
-      "TABLE": {
-        "TYPE_ETAT": "Type / State",
-        "IDENTIFIANT": "Username",
-        "INTITULE": "Entitled",
-        "DERNIERES_MODIFICATIONS": "Latest changes"
-      }
-    }
-  },
-    "ADD_METADATA": {
-      "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search for a metadata by its title",
-      "METADATA_ADD": "The metadata to add",
-      "BOUTON_AJOUTER": "Add",
-      "MESSAGE_PLUS_METADONNEE": "There is no more metadata to add"
-    }
-  },
-  "COMMON": {
-    "ADD": "Add",
-    "UNDO": "Cancel",
-    "BACK": "Back",
-    "SUBMIT": "Submit",
-    "UPDATE": "Update",
-    "NEXT": "Next",
-    "CONFIRM": "Confirm",
-    "CLOSE": "Close",
-    "REQUIRED": "Required param",
-    "NO_RESULT": "No result",
-    "SHOW_MORE_RESULTS": "Show more results",
-    "LANGUAGE": {
-      "TITLE": "Language",
-      "ENGLISH": "English",
-      "FRENCH": "French",
-      "GERMAN": "German"
-    },
-    "UNDO_MODAL": {
-      "TITLE": "Close the window",
-      "UNDO_MESSAGE": "Modified data won't be saved. Are you sure you want to close the window ?"
-    },
-    "HISTORY": {
-      "NO_HISTORY": "No history",
-      "OPERATIONS": "Logbook"
-    }
-  },
-  "COLOR": {
-    "PRIMARY": "Primary color",
-    "SECONDARY": "Secondary color",
-    "TERTIARY": "Tertiary color",
-    "HEADER_FOOTER": "Header color",
-    "BACKGROUND": "Background color"
-  },
-  "ACCOUNT": {
-    "TITLE": "My account",
-    "REFRESH_PASSWORD": "Change password",
-    "TAB": {
-      "INFORMATIONS": "Informations"
-    },
-    "LASTNAME": "Lastname",
-    "FIRSTNAME": "Firstname",
-    "MAIL": "Email",
-    "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE": "Interface language",
-    "OTP_AUTH": "OTP authentication",
-    "PHONE": {
-      "MOBILE": "Phone number",
-      "FIX": "Home phone number"
-    },
-    "DELIVERY_ADRESS": "Delivery address",
-    "LEVEL": "Level",
-    "GROUP": "My profile group"
-  },
-    "PREHOME": {
-      "ORGANIZATIONS": "My Organizations"
-    },
-    "HOME": {
-      "RESULTS_TABLE": {
-        "MODAL": {
-          "IMPOSSIBLE_SUBROGATION": "Subragation for this user is temporarily impossible",
-          "DENIED_SUBROGATION": "Your subrogation request has been refused",
-          "CANCEL_SUBROGATION": "Your subragation request has been canceled",
-          "ACTIVE_SUBROGATION": "You already have a subrogation in progress with the user",
-          "WAITING_ACCEPTATION": "Waiting for user approval",
-          "ACCEPT_SUBROGATION": "In order to help you the support has for the next 30 minutes the same rights as you",
-          "ASK_SUBROGATION": "You ask a user to subrogate"
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    "BANNER": {
-      "MESSAGE": "Subrogation of user {{email}} until {{endDate}}",
-      "STOP_LABEL": "Stop the subrogation"
-    }
-  },
-    "PORTAL_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Portal"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Archival Profiles",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Params Archival Profiles"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Clients organizations settings",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Set up a client organization, assign safes and configure user authentication security"
-    },
-    "USERS_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Users settings",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Create, modify or deactivate users. Assign rights to users"
-    },
-    "GROUPS_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Groups rights",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Configure groups of rights profiles, which will be assigned to users"
-    },
-    "PROFILES_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Administrator’s rights",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Set up rights profiles for administrators in an organization"
-    },
-      "NAME": "User support",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Temporarily subrogate the rights of a user in an organization"
-    },
-    "ACCOUNTS_APP": {
-      "NAME": "My account",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Find informations about my user"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Duplicate rights profiles",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Duplicate an existing rights profile to limit its scope or manage privilege"
-    },
-    "ARCHIVE_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Archives research and consultation",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Search and consult archives"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Flows",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Set up ingest flows for organizations"
-    },
-      "NAME": "File ingest organisations supervision",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Supervise file ingest of organizations"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Safe slips",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Supervise all slips of a safe"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Organization slips",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Manage slips of the organizations assigned to the operator of the instance"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Item supervision",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Supervise items"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Ingest validation",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Validate or refuse ingests in a tenant by the authorities designated by the organization"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Filing and monitoring of file transfers",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Submit an archive package (SIP) previously created in SEDA format"
-    },
-    "MY_ACTIVITY_V2_APP": {
-      "NAME": "My slips",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Manage slips I have issued and those assigned to me"
-    },
-      "NAME": "My Operator Activity",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Consult my actions concerning the slips of all organizations"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Rights in the \"Research\" APP",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Set up user rights profiles to access and deposit in a safe"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Filing plan",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Configure the filing plan of a safe and the characteristics of each position in this plan"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Alfresco",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Access to Alfresco"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Docuware",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Access to Docuware"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Record Management",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Organize the repository of management rules and manage the archive life cycle"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Indexation",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Index and deposit batches of physical or electronic archives"
-    },
-      "NAME": "API Supervision",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Supervise APIs"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Forms",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Configure indexing forms and metadata display rules for users when searching"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Physical archives center",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Configure archive centers, sites, buildings and rooms. Monitor occupancy rates"
-    },
-    "BARCODES_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Barcode",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Reserve physical archive identifiers and print barcode labels"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Physical archives Services",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Configure the physical archive services and the rights of the client organization"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Deposit by slip",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Configure user rights profiles to create deposit slips"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Reporting",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Access to dashboards of the archiving service"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Archives Search Service",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Archives Search Service"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Ingest management",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Ingest management"
-    },
-    "RULES_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Management rules",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Management rules"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Files formats",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Files formats"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Holding filling scheme",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Holding filling scheme"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Logbook management operation",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Logbook management operation"
-    },
-      "NAME": "External param profile APP",
-      "TOOLTIP": "External param profile APP"
-    },
-    "AGENCIES_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Agent services",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Declare the producer services and the authorized uploading services in the archiving system"
-    },
-    "CONTEXTS_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Application contexts",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Authenticate an application and assign rights to it"
-    },
-    "ONTOLOGY_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Ontology",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Configure the catalog of SEDA tags and VITAM fields authorized and indexed in the archiving system"
-    },
-    "SECURE_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Securing operation",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Securing operation"
-    },
-    "DSL_APP": {
-      "NAME": "DSL Query",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Find UAs from a Custom DSL Query"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Operations Log",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Consulting the logs of entry, base and elimination operations"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Rights in the \"Item supervision\" APP",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Set up supervision profiles for the \"Item supervision\" APP"
-    }
-  },
-  "FOOTER": {
-    "HELP": "Help",
-    "LEGAL_NOTICE": "Legal notice",
-    "TECHNICAL_REFERENT": "Technical referent"
-  },
-  "HEADER": {
-    "LOGOUT": "Logout",
-    "NAVIGATE_AS": "Activate subrogation mode",
-    "MY_ACCOUNT": "My account",
-    "PROFILE": "Profile"
-  },
-  "MENU": {
-    "GRAB_APPLICATION": "Grab application name",
-    "MY_APPLICATIONS": "My applications",
-    "APPLICATION_TITLE": "Applications",
-    "CUSTOMER_TITLE": "Organizations",
-    "TENANT_TITLE": "Safes",
-    "RESULT": "Result",
-    "settings": "Settings",
-    "administrators": "Management",
-    "users": "User",
-    "referential": "Referential",
-    "opaudit": "Audits & operations",
-    "techadmin": "Technical administration",
-    "ingests": "Ingests monitoring",
-    "lastusedapps": "Lastly used",
-    "ingest_and_consultation": "Ingest & consultation",
-    "supervision_and_audits": "Supervision & Audits",
-    "security_and_application_rights": "Security & application rights",
-    "organization_and_user_rights": "Organization & user rights"
-  },
-    "ENTER_APPLICATION": "Enter to launch the application"
-  },
-    "MY_TENANTS": "My safes",
-    "SELECTED": "Selected tenant",
-    "SELECT": "Select a tenant",
-    "DIALOG_TITLE": "Welcome to ",
-    "DIALOG_SUBTITLE": "The archiving applications portal",
-    "DIALOG_INSTRUCTIONS": "Please select your default safe",
-    "DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Your default safe can be modified from your account",
-    "DIALOG_BUTTON_LABEL": "Access to "
-  },
-    "SELECTED": "Selected customer",
-    "SELECT": "Select a customer"
-  },
-    "LANGUAGE": "Language",
-    "ENGLISH": "English",
-    "FRENCH": "French"
-  },
-    "YES": "YES",
-    "NO": "NO"
-  },
-    "SUBLEVEL": "Sub level"
-  },
-    "STEP": "Step"
-  },
-  "LANGUAGE": {
-    "FRENCH": "French",
-    "ENGLISH": "English",
-    "GERMAN": "German"
-  },
-  "COUNTRY": {
-    "FRANCE": "France",
-    "GERMANY": "Germany",
-    "ITALY": "Italy",
-    "UNITED_KINGDOM": "United Kingdom",
-    "DENMARK": "Denmark",
-    "SPAIN": "Spain",
-    "BELGIUM": "Belgium",
-    "PORTUGAL": "Portugal"
-  },
-  "DOWNLOAD": {
-    "CANCELLED": "Download cancelled",
-    "CANCEL_ACTION": "Cancel download",
-    "CONFIRM_CANCEL_ACTION": "Are you sure you want to cancel the file download?",
-      "SINGULAR": "File compression : 1 element",
-      "PLURAL": "File compression : {{ count }} elements"
-    },
-      "SINGULAR": "on {{ total }} (1 element not downloaded)",
-      "PLURAL": "on {{ total }} ({{ count }} elements not downloaded)"
-    },
-    "FILE_GENERATION": "File generation"
-  },
-    "CONFIM_UPDATE": "Are you sure you want to make this change?"
-  },
-    "WRONG_FORMAT": "Incorrect format (",
-    "INVALID_USER": "Invalid user"
-  },
-    "PLACEHOLDER": "",
-    "ERROR": "You must enter at least one email address"
-  },
-    "DEFAULT_LABEL": "(Default)"
-  },
-  "SNACKBAR": {
-    "UPDATED_ACCOUNT": "Information has been updated",
-    "FINISHED_SUBROGATION": "The subrogation mode is stopped",
-    "ACTIVATED_SUBROGATION": "The subrogation mode is activated for {{ duration }} minutes, up to {{ hours }}h{{ minutes }}. Please do not change application.",
-    "ASK_SUBROGATION": "The user {{ user }} requests a temporary access to your rights",
-    "ACCEPT_SUBROGATION": "Accept",
-  },
-    "TITLE": "Internal server error (500)",
-    "MESSAGE": "An internal error occured. Please contact an administrator if the problem persists"
-  },
-    "AUDIT": "Audit",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting application contexts",
-    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to correct the signatures of each corrupt archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.FATAL": "Technical error when writing objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Process for securing the life cycle logs of archival units",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.STARTED": "Beginning of the export process for the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.EXIST.KO": "Business rules repository import process failed: business rules already exist",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.OK": "Success of writing object to storage offers",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.WARNING": "Warning when preparing storage information",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Warning during the global check of the archival unit",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the security profile deletion process",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.OK": "Successful verification of archiving profile compliance",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.OK": "Successful saving of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.KO": "Failure to calculate due dates: the date cannot be managed",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.INVALID.KO": "Failed to verify file hash",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.KO": "Failed to delete format repository",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Successful creation of the list to audit",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.KO": "Failed to audit object group files verification",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check for the presence of the application context: the application context is unknown to the application contexts repository",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Failed to index object group metadata during a preserve operation",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error while finalizing the securing of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.OK": "Success of the comparison of the MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process for checking secure logs",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the classification level",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the overall verification of the archival unit: fields not in conformity",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY.KO": "The date contained in the Start date field must be later than the date contained in the End date field",
-    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error correcting the signatures of each archival unit or corrupted object or group of objects",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
-    "STP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of launching the preparation of the preservation treatment",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "The connection has not been made: impossible to link an existing archival unit to a parent archival unit",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT": "Application context update process",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.OK": "Success of the overall verification of the archival unit",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: non-compliant fields",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Successful verification of the attachments of archival units and groups of objects",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.KO": "Failed to update archival unit management rules",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "Import process for preservation scenarios repository failed",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No entry finalization process",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Technical error while securing lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Start of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED": "Start of the classification level check",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.OK": "Successful update of the management rules for the archival unit",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for updating the access contract",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.STARTED": "Start of checking archiving profile compliance",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Beginning of the griffin launch",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.KO": "Failed to compare MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION": "Preparation for modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Successful update of the object group",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of moving binary objects from the storage offer to the internal workspace",
-    "STP_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during the audit execution process",
-    "STP_PREPARATION.KO": "The process to start the preparation of the preservation treatment failed",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No process for writing archival units to storage offers",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the data recovery process in the database",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of generating the import report for the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION": "Process for deleting operation logs",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the tree non-recursion check",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the format repository",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when updating management rules for the archival unit",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for generating the agent services repository import report",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of securing the journal entries",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the format repository",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation of the preservation treatment",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of backing up security profiles",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No supply to the Funds Register",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP": "Detachment process for groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of retrieving data from the database",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.DIRECTORY.KO": "Global SIP check failed: The SIP contains more than one folder or a folder with invalid naming",
-    "STP_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the update process for archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.OK": "Success of the process of removing metadata from archival units",
-    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.OK": "Successful correction of the signatures of each corrupt archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of creating the provision slip",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.OK": "Success of the pre-entry checks process",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.KO": "Fund Register deletion process (Details) failed",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking archiving profile compliance",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.STARTED": "Beginning of the comparison of the MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving input contracts",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of lifecycle log power supply",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Supply to the Register of Funds",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.KO": "Failed to check archiving profile compliance",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the ontology repository",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of finalizing the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Beginning of the verification of the validity of the dates of application of the management rules",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for deleting access contracts",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the format of the SIP container",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD": "Checking the validity of the dates of application of the management rules",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE": "Process for generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during the audit preparation process",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.OK": "Success of the process for generating the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Failed to validate timestamp buffer",
-    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.OK": "Successful logging of external events",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "There is at least one blank field whose value is mandatory",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.KO": "Failed to save the import file of the business rules repository",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED": "Beginning of the sanitary control of the SIP",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of updating the graphs of archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the process of saving access contracts",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Securing the life cycle logs of archival units",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.WARNING": "Warning when creating secure files of the object group",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful check of consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Beginning to check secure logs",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.STARTED": "Beginning of updating archival units",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.KO": "Failure of the global check of the archival unit",
-    "ELIMINATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the elimination of archival units",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the securing of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.DELETION.KO": "Import process for agent services repository failed: deleted agent services are referenced by archival units already present in the system",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.WARNING": "Warning when comparing the MERKLE tree with the saved Hash",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Success of the import process of the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error when finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the final elimination of disposable archival units",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Beginning of the verification of the update of the management rules of the archival unit",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Import process of the entry contract",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT": "Notification of the end of the audit",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH": "Calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT": "Audit of the verification of the physical objects of the group of objects",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT": "Creation of the list of objects of the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "The process of extracting signatures from secure files failed",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to import archiving profile: the identifier is already in use",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element does not exist in the system",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the security profile",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP": "Retrieving data from the database",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the format repository deletion process",
-    "EXPORT_DIP.OK": "Success of the DIP export process",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.STARTED": "Beginning of the format repository backup process",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of updating the group of objects",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the SIP",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of finalizing signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.OK": "Success of the classification level check",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Warning when indexing the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No global verification of the SIP",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Failed to update ontology",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION": "Powering the lifecycle log",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Details)",
-    "STP_UPDATE.STARTED": "Beginning of the processing process for updating archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Start of the check of the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the number of objects check",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK": "Checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
-    "COMMIT_RULES.OK": "Successful persistence of data in database",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Successful storage of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_AGENT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failed to verify the presence of agent services",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The transfer slip performs an attachment using elements that do not exist in the system",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful comparison of timestamp buffers",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of importing the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the connections of archival units and groups of objects",
-    "TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure operation",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MANIFEST_SUPERIOR_BDO.KO": "The transfer slip declares more binary objects than there are in the SIP Content directory",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.KO": "Format repository backup process failed",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED": "Start of calculation of a hash in SHA-512",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.FATAL": "Technical error during the timestamp verification process",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID.FATAL": "Technical error during the global SIP check",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.INVALID_DATAOBJECTVERSION.KO": "At least one object declares an incorrect usage. The usage must be written as [usage] or [usage] _ [version]. \"Usage \" must be among the DataObjectVersion enumeration defined for Vitam: \"version\" must be a positive integer ",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the final elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of importing the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.KO": "Failed to save agent services repository import file",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.OK": "Successful verification of the validity of the dates of application of the management rules",
-    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to write metadata of objects and groups of objects to the storage offering",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE": "Recording of the archiving profile",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Beginning of indexing of the analysis of elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Report creation process failed for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The binding has not been performed: the entry contract does not declare a binding node",
-    "CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Start of the compliance check of the management rules file",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Failed to save access contracts",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.WARNING": "Warning during the SIP check process",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.STARTED": "Start of the transfer slip name check",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE": "Writing object group metadata on storage offers",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process for deleting entry contracts",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning when creating the timestamp buffer for all write logs",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the agent services repository import process",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT": "Global verification of the archival unit: verification of the conformity of fields",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.OK": "Success of the registration process for the import file of the management rules repository",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE": "Creation of the consistency audit report",
-    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the modified corrective audit process",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.KO": "Failed to delete archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
-    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE": "Writing of metadata of objects and groups of objects on the storage offer",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the business rule with respect to its category: A declared rule is inconsistent with its category",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED": "Start of the generation of the report of final elimination of archival units",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "ELIMINATION.KO": "Failed to eliminate archival units",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED": "Beginning of secondment of archival units",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED": "Start of the verification of the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "PRESERVATION.KO": "Failure of the overall preservation process",
-    "EXPORT_DIP.KO": "DIP export process failed",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Beginning of the attachment of archival units",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.OK": "Success of the verification of the expiration of the business rules",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error checking the name of the transfer slip",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.WARNING": "Warning during the process of checking agent services referenced by archival units",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Technical error while looking for the format of the object in the format repository",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.KO": "The process for generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units failed.",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED": "Beginning of the movement of binary objects from the storage offering to the internal workspace",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT": "Audit of object verification",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.WARNING": "Warning when distributing archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Success of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.KO": "Failed to delete griffon repository",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.KO": "Failed to verify classification level: not authorized by the platform",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize preservation processing",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Failed to create timestamp buffer for all logs",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the audit of the existence and integrity of objects",
-    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Successful writing of metadata of objects and groups of objects to the storage offer",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Beginning of the agent services repository backup process",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No process for writing and indexing objects on the storage offers",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to check the presence of the entry contract: the Archival Agreement field is missing from the transfer slip",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION": "Generation of the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.KO": "Failed to distribute groups of objects",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Storage of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of supplying the Register of Funds",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.STARTED": "Beginning of checking the integrity of the uploaded objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL": "Process for deleting all data in the database",
-    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during the modified corrective audit process",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.OK": "Successful process for saving agent services repository import file",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing the verification of physical objects in the group of objects",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION": "Checking secure logs",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION": "Modification of the tree structure of archival units",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to store object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.WARNING": "Warning during the import process of the archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
-    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Updating entries in progress",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units: this group of objects or one of its objects is not referenced by any archival units",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.FATAL": "Technical error during the SIP entry process",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Failed to check availability of storage offer",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: archival unit profile not found",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Failed to verify MERKLE tree",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the ArchivalAgreement field is missing from the transfer slip",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.KO": "Failed to write objects to storage offers",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of retrieving data from the database",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Failed to prepare signature list in secure files",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.OK": "Success of the format repository backup process",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.OK": "Success of the audit of the files of the group of objects",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of actions when updating descriptive and management metadata for archival units",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME": "Import of the positioning tree",
-    "COMMIT_RULES": "Persistence of database data",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the application context import process",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.KO": "Failed to save object group lifecycle logs",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Warning during the process of saving ontologies",
-    "LFC.OLD_CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Technical error during fingerprint verification",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.WARNING": "Warning when writing objects to storage offers",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Successful completion of preservation treatment",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.FATAL": "Technical error during the general check of the transfer slip",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.KO": "Preparation process for the migration of groups of objects failed",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.STARTED": "Start of the audit of the files of the group of objects",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Import process for archival unit profile failed: at least one of the mandatory fields is not completed",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of importing the management rules repository",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of updating archival unit metadata",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK": "Success of indexing the metadata of the group of objects during a preservation operation",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.FATAL": "Technical error while checking the number of objects",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the ontology import process",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.OK": "Successful process for backing up archive profiles",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful check of the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Failed to check the attachments of archival units and groups of objects: the declared element does not allow attachment",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.KO": "Failed to write object to storage offers",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting operation logs",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FATAL": "Fatal error while identifying the format",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.WARNING": "Warning when checking the format",
-    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.KO": "Failure of the modified corrective audit process",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.KO": "Failed to save griffins",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the import process for the preservation scenarios repository",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting the agent services repository",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.KO": "Backup process for archive profiles failed",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for updating the access contract",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning when updating graphs of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Access contract update process",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST": "Verification of the presence and control of the entry contract",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the griffin repository",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating entries in progress",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.KO": "Failure of the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of secondment of archival units",
-    "PRESERVATION.OK": "Success of the overall preservation process",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of checking the JSON schema",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING": "Process of writing archival units to storage offers",
-    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.WARNING": "Warning when preparing the list of archival units to update",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.OK": "Successful distribution of groups of objects",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT": "Checking the attachments of archival units and groups of objects",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.KO": "Failed to check the validity of the dates of application of the management rules: the date cannot be managed",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the archival unit metadata update process",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION": "Process for securing the journal entries",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting access contracts",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION": "Preparation for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the consistency audit report",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.OK": "Success of the application context update process",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Start of creation of the consistency audit report",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "The connection has not been made: impossible to link an existing archival unit to a parent archival unit",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when preparing life cycle logs and archival unit metadata",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_OBJECT.FATAL": "A technical error occurred while creating the list of objects for the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Success of the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No preparation of storage information",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OK": "Success of writing objects to storage offers",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Beginning of checking the formats of objects and group of objects",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.FATAL": "Technical error when updating archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Start of the process for saving access contracts",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of removing metadata from archival units",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.OK": "Successful final elimination of archival units",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.KO": "Failed to import the positioning shaft",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing to update the chart when modifying the archival unit tree",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No indexing of metadata of objects and groups of objects",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalization of the securing of the lifecycle logs of the groups of objects",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process of the archival unit profile",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.WARNING": "Warning when writing object group metadata to storage offers",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the preservation scenarios repository",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.WARNING": "Warning during the global SIP check",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE": "Signature correction finalization process for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Success of the process of finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK": "Writing of the object on the storage offers",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the finalization of the preservation treatment",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK": "Personal certificate verification process",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.WARNING": "Warning during the SIP entry process",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.WARNING": "Warning when saving logs on storage offers",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.KO": "Failed to move binary objects from storage offering to internal workspace",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the migration of groups of objects",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of importing the griffin repository",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the date declared in the management rules: the date cannot be managed",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH": "Comparison of the MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Success of the preparation process for checking secure logs",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the griffins repository",
-    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error writing metadata of objects and groups of objects to the storage offering",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Start of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.OK": "Successful generation of the griffin repository import report",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Recording of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Object group update process",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Beginning of verification of the thresholds for the final elimination of archival units",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the application of business rules and of the calculation of due dates",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No fund register feed process",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are deleted",
-    "CHECK_RULES.INVALID_CSV.KO": "Failed to check the compliance of the business rules file: invalid CSV file",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.KO": "Failed to verify the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.STARTED": "Beginning of verification of the rights to update metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of linking archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.KO": "Error updating management metadata for archival units",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Checking compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Verification of the thresholds for the final elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.KO": "Failed to delete application contexts",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the list of archival units to update and modification authorizations",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of creating the timestamp buffer for all the lifecycle logs of the archival units",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "a Technical error during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION": "Checking the rights to update metadata of archival units",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES": "Update of the management rules of the archival unit",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare for final disposal of archival units",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.INACTIVE.KO": "Failed to check the active character of the archiving profile",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting all the data in the database",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error while creating the timestamp buffer for all write logs",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of griffin launch",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting application contexts",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN": "Griffins saving process",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Successful indexing of archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving application contexts",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Success of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking secure logs",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of indexing of the elimination analysis of archival units",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Success of the pre-support check process",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preservation processing finalization process",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION": "Preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "a Technical Error occurred during the process of finalizing the signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "PRESERVATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the overall preservation process",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.WARNING": "Warning when generating the format repository import report",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Fetails)",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.KO": "Failed to update archival unit metadata",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Successful preparation of signature list in secure files",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.OK": "Success of the filing plan entry process",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Technical error while calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Checking the availability of storage offers",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning during the update process of the group of objects",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.FATAL": "Technical error writing objects to storage offers",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Start of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the securing operation",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.KO": "Application context update process failed",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.AGENCY_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Access contract update process failed: at least one agent service is unknown",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the connection of objects to groups of objects and archival units",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Successful verification of the formats of objects and group of objects",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process of the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failure of the process to finalize the final disposal of archival units",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.STARTED": "Start of the JSON schema check process",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.WARNING": "Warning during the general check of the transfer slip",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.OK": "Successful import of the positioning tree",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.OK": "Successful launch of the griffin",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting all database data",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Success of the security profile import process",
-    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST": "Preparation of the list of archival units to update",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of generating the agent services repository import report",
-    "INGEST": "Entry",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of JSON schema check process",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "Failed to verify the non-recursion of the tree structure: the transfer slip shows recursion in the tree structure of its archival units",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED": "Start of checking classification levels",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error during the consistency check of the transfer slip",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "The transfer of several versions of the same use in the same payment is prohibited",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.OK": "Success of the migration finalization process",
-    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT": "Correction of signatures for each object, group of objects or audited, faulty unit",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update archival units",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.OK": "Successful process of finalizing signature corrections for each failed object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "EXPORT_DIP.FATAL": "Technical error when exporting the DIP",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating the management rules for archival units",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.OK": "Success of checking the relationship between the entry contract and the profile",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.EMPTY_CONTROL_SCHEMA.KO": "Archival unit profile compliance check failed: Archival unit profile check scheme empty",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.OK": "Success of checking the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of removing metadata from archival units",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of backing up the agent services repository",
-    "ELIMINATION.OK": "Successful elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Preparation process for checking secure logs failed",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID": "Creation of the list of groups of objects to audit",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.OK": "Success of the process of moving binary objects from the storage offering to the internal workspace",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY": "Ontology update process",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES": "Import process of the management rules repository",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Success of checking availability of storage offer",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.OK": "Successful verification of the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of linking archival units",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Start of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD": "Application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK": "Preparing to verify secure logs",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.KO": "Failed to finalize signature corrections process for each failed object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.KO": "Failed to delete all database data",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of retrieving data from the database",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the access contract",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.FATAL": "Technical error when checking objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the SIP control process",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.OK": "Success of the process of writing and indexing objects on the storage offers",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION": "Preparation for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION": "Preparation for updating the graph when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of format check",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of checking the agent services referenced in the access contracts",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT": "Process for removing metadata from archival units",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP": "Comparison of timestamp buffers",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the audit finalization process",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.KO": "Filing plan entry process failed",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Technical error while updating the object group",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.STARTED": "Start of the SIP container format check",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES": "Agent services repository backup process",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of generating the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Failed to index the archival unit",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of preservation processing finalization process",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES": "Checking management rules",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the sanitary control of the SIP",
-    "INGEST.FATAL": "Technical error when entering the SIP",
-    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.WARNING": "Warning when checking concurrent processes",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of detaching archival units",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the pre-takeover check process",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when preparing lifecycle logs and object group metadata",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Pre-support check process failed",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.OK": "Successful process of writing object groups metadata to storage offers",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION": "Finalization of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Success in checking the thresholds for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the securing of the lifecycle logs of the archival units",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.KO": "Failed to feed life cycle log",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failure to apply management rules and calculate due dates: At least one archival unit declares a rule inconsistent with its category",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the fund register process",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Success in securing archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the relationship between the input contract and the archiving profile",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.STARTED": "Beginning of writing archival unit metadata to storage offers",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY": "Standard SIP entry",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failed to import the context: at least one of the mandatory fields is not filled in",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Warning when indexing the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_INACTIVE.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the entry contract declared in the transfer slip is inactive",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.OK": "Successful check for tree non-recursion",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.FATAL": "Technical error when importing the positioning shaft",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.KO": "Failed to check the format of the SIP container",
-    "FILINGSCHEME": "Filing plan entry",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.KO": "Failed to launch preservation",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Security profile import process failed",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "a Technical error during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_URI.KO": "The object declares a URI that does not match a file or declares a URI already used by another object",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE": "Preparation process for the migration of archival units",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.KO": "Failed to check the relationship between the input contract and the profile",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to create the list of objects for the statement of probative value",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.OK": "Successful verification of object uses",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the entry contract update process",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA": "JSON schema control process",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Failed to feed the Register of Funds",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.STARTED": "Beginning of the update process for archival units",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the securing of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS": "Migration of groups of objects",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of threshold verification analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS": "Preparation process for the migration of archival units",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED": "Start of the verification of the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Warning when calculating a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error while comparing timestamp buffers",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation of the preservation treatment",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failure of the archiving profile import process: at least one of the mandatory fields is not filled in",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of the graph when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.FATAL": "Technical error during the archiving profile update process",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.KO": "Failed to write and index objects and groups of objects on storage offers",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.INVALID_JSON_SCHEMA.KO": "Import process of archival unit profile failed: invalid JSON schema",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning when creating the timestamp buffer for all the logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL": "Fund Register deletion process (Details)",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.KO": "Personal certificate verification process failed",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Success of the process of definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the timestamp buffer for all the logs",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Warning during the ontology import process",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Beginning of the pre-takeover check process",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.FATAL": "Technical error when migrating groups of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "The process to delete the archive unit profiles repository failed",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Storage of life cycle logs of archival units",
-    "MASS_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating the metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of updating the graphs of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.OK": "Successful archiving profile update process",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.WARNING": "Warning when generating the griffon repository import report",
-    "INGEST.WARNING": "Warning when entering the SIP",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the agent services repository",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.KO": "Failed to verify agent services referenced by archival units",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.FATAL": "Technical error when comparing the MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.KO": "Failed to write object group metadata to storage offerings",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the agent services repository backup process",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE ": " Security profile update process ",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Timestamp of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN": "Application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST": "Distribution of groups of objects",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing object verification",
-    "TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the securing operation",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of generating the import report for the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the processing limit thresholds for archival units",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP": "Timestamp verification process",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Technical error during the final elimination of archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION": "Preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the probative value statement report",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the verification of the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.OK": "Successful check of SIP container format",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to create list to audit",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of preparation for the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT_BY_CONTRACT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the entry contract does not authorize connections",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the SIP entry process",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.OK": "Success of the process of updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_AU_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: archival unit profile not compliant",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Successful creation of the list of objects of the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of creating the provision slip",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of moving binary objects on the storage offering to the internal workspace",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of finalizing the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Failed to prepare signature list in secure files",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.SECURITY_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Failed to import the application context: security profile not found",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the final disposal of archival units",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE": "Writing of archival unit metadata on storage offers",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP": "Detachment of groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Warning when indexing object group metadata during a preservation operation",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED": "Beginning of data recovery in the database",
-    "UPDATE.STARTED": "Start of update",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.WARNING": "Warning when migrating groups of objects",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating metadata for archival units",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of archival unit metadata indexing",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Failed to check the thresholds for the disposal of archival units analysis",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Successful filling of the Register of Funds",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.OK": "Successful update of the management rules for archival units",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.KO": "Failed to generate griffin repository import report",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error while validating the timestamp buffer",
-    "UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error during the update",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already taken: No checking of the availability of storage offers",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the application context is unknown to the application contexts repository",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning when applying management rules and calculating due dates",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Final elimination process for groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "The transfer slip shows recursion in the tree structure of its archival units",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Preparing the list of lifecycle logs and object group metadata",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.OK": "Successful preparation for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the entry contract is unknown to the entry contract repository",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the generation of the import report of the formats repository",
-    "RULES_REPORT.STARTED": "Start of the generation of the analysis report of the management rules repository",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.FATAL": "Technical error during the pre-entry checks process",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.KO": "Failure to permanently delete archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing the analysis for the elimination of archival units",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error while generating the import report for the formats repository",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Report creation process failed for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.OK": "Success of the personal certificate verification process",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the finalization of the final elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of the archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error while updating the object group",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.OK": "Success of the verification process for agent services referenced by archival units",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Update of the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.KO": "Archive profile update process failed",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.STARTED": "Beginning of importing the positioning tree",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.REJECTED_FORMAT.KO": "Failed to identify formats: the input contract prohibits the upload of an object in an unknown format and the paid SIP contains at least one object in an unknown format, or the SIP contains a format prohibited by the entry contract ",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.STARTED": "Beginning of the checking of the attachments of archival units and groups of objects",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.OK": "Success of the archival unit metadata update process",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Process of preparing signature list in secure files failed",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error when notifying the end of the audit",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY": "Establishment of the list of objects",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.KO": "Metadata indexing process of archival units failed",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.OK": "Success in applying business rules and calculating due dates",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY": "Audit of the existence and integrity of objects",
-    "CHECK_RULES.INVALID_CSV_ENCODING_NOT_UTF_EIGHT.KO": "Failed to check the compliance of the business rules file: CSV file is not encoded in UTF8",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.KO": "Process failed to prepare lists of archival units to update",
-    "CHECK_RULES.OK": "Successful check of the compliance of the management rules file",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Entry contract update process",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Preparation of the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.OK": "Successful update of the management rules for archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.KO": "Failed to update archival unit descriptive metadata",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of saving griffins process",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.KO": "Failed to generate the format repository import report",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Technical error while looking for the format of the object in the format repository",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of backing up archive profiles",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning during the definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check for the presence of the archive profile in the archive profiles repository",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.KO": "Business rules repository backup process failed",
-    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No writing of metadata of objects and groups of objects to the storage offer",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.OK": "Success of the import process of the management rules repository",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED": "Beginning of writing objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.WARNING": "Warning when importing the positioning shaft",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the access contract import process",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the archiving profile import process (xsd or rng file)",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting metadata from groups of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Summary)",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of writing the metadata of the groups of objects on the storage offers",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION": "Data migration process",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP": "Checking the tree for non-recursion",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexing the metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of backing up the format repository",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Start of the check of the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning during the pre-acceptance check process: Free space information on unavailable storage offering",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED": "Beginning of the archiving profile import process",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.PDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_BINARYMASTER.KO": "The physical object declares a use \" BinaryMaster \". This use is not authorized for physical objects",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_MALFORMED_DATA.KO": "The transfer slip has malformed data",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS": "Analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Failed to verify timestamp",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error preparing lifecycle logs and object group metadata",
-    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT": "Correction of signatures for each object, group of objects or audited, faulty unit",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of removing metadata from archival units",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing to verify secure logs",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the verification of the presence and the control of the entry contract",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of actions when updating management metadata for archival units",
-    "STP_AUDIT": "Audit execution process",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the indexing process for archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of writing archival units to storage offers",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.KO": "Import process for business rules repository failed",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION": "Griffin launch process",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "The transfer slip contains objects or groups of objects which do not declare an attachment to an archival unit",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of the creation of the timestamp buffer for all the write logs",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error when finalizing preservation processing",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.FILEFORMAT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Input contract update process failed: at least one format identifier is unknown",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful process for creating the timestamp buffer for all records in the lifecycle of archival units",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of actions when updating management metadata for archival units",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Extraction of signatures from secure files",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST": "Distribution of units archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "The transfer slip shows recursion in the tree structure of its archival units",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Warning during indexing process of the analysis of elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.KO": "Consistency audit report creation process failed (object audits are in errors)",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE.KO": "Failure of the overall SIP check: transfer slip does not conform to the characteristics of an xml file",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.OK": "Success of the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when checking management rules",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the audit",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY": "Write objects to storage offers",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST": "Checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the process of deleting entry contracts",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.OK": "Success of the overall verification of the archival unit",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION.OK": "Successful modification of the tree structure of archival units",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.OK": "Success of the archival unit metadata indexing process",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.STARTED": "Beginning of writing objects to storage offers",
-    "CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the compliance of the management rules file",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.KO": "Failed to index the disposal analysis of archival units",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.OK": "Success of the process of creating the provision slip",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of creating the list to be audited",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED": "Start of the pre-entry checks process",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL": "Checking the classification level",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.BAD_REQUEST.KO": "Access contract update process failed: a bad request was entered",
-    "CHECK_RULES.KO": "Failed to check the compliance of the business rules file",
-    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.FATAL": "Technical error when moving binary objects from the storage offering to the internal workspace",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.OK": "Successful generation of the import report for the formats repository",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.OK": "Successful analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting access contracts",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Success of the update process of the archival unit profile",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process for the preservation scenarios repository",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FATAL": "Technical error while checking the format",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element does not exist in the system",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.OK": "Success of the process of backing up the management rules repository",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning when applying management rules and calculating due dates",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the management rules repository: management rules have been modified and are used by existing archival units",
-    "ROLL_BACK": "Consistency of Life Cycle Logs",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the data migration process",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST.OK": "Successful creation of the DIP and its move to the storage offer",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.OK": "Successful check of management rules",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT": "Checking the presence and control of agent services",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.WARNING": "Warning when deleting object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE": "Process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of timestamp verification",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of saving the write logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the rules repository",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Warning when securing lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Start of the application context backup process",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Supply process for the Register of Funds",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Access contract import process failed",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.WARNING": "Warning when detaching archival units",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to delete security profile process",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the agent services repository",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.VALIDATION_ERROR.KO": "Access contract import process failed: error while validating the access contract",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of creating the consistency audit report",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Warning when extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_CONTEXT.KO": "Failure to check for the presence of the entry contract in the application context",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of exporting the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to import the entry contract: the identifier is already in use",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning when creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT.KO": "Audit failed",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful completion of securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error in the process of creating the timestamp buffer for all object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to create the DIP and move it to the storage offering",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY": "Write objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of backing up preservation scenarios",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.FATAL": "Technical error when saving access logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Failed to delete input contracts",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_CONTEXT.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the entry contract is not compatible with the application context",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the SIP reception process",
-    "ROLL_BACK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No consistency of the lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the format repository",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Successful calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Process to create timestamp buffer for all records of the lifecycle of archival units failed",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of creating the consistency audit report",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing the existence of objects",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful timestamp verification",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.KO": "Failed to update the management rules for archival units",
-    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK": "Checking concurrent processes",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error while saving lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the import process for the archival unit profile",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.KO": "Failed to secure lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Successful calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.OK": "Success of the import process of the archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
-    "OLD_CHECK_DIGEST": "Checking the fingerprint",
-    "STP_OG_STORING": "Process of writing and indexing the metadata of groups of objects on storage offers",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "a Technical Error occurred during the process of finalizing the signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.KO": "Failed to check the formats of objects and group of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds",
-    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to correct the signatures of each archival unit or corrupted object or group of objects",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Failed to verify MERKLE tree",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the thresholds for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Backup process for entry contracts",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION.KO": "Failed to modify the archival unit tree",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning when creating the provision slip",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Checking of the MERKLE tree",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.KO": "Failed to remove metadata from object groups",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the availability of the storage offer",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.FATAL": "Technical error during the existence and integrity of objects",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to create the provision slip",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of definitive disposal of disposable archival units",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Failed to update archival unit profile",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.STARTED": "Beginning of the check for the presence and control of agent services",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the overall preparation process",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Verification process prior to taking over",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.KO": "Failed to analyze the elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to process the update of archival units",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of writing archival units to storage offers",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT": "Process for generating the ontologies repository import report",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_OBJECT.FATAL": "A technical error occurred while creating the list of objects for the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the format repository backup process",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the management rules check",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of writing archival units to storage offers",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.OK": "Success of the update process for archival units",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.OK": "Successful audit of the existence of objects",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT": "Final disposal process for disposable archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "Failed to check the attachments of archival units and groups of objects: the declared element does not allow attachment",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.FATAL": "Technical error while deleting object group lifecycle logs",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.KO": "Failed to check business rules",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Success of retrieving data from the database",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE": "Preparation process for the migration of groups of objects",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful completion of securing archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.OK": "Successful update of archival units",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.OK": "Success of comparing MERKLE tree with saved Hash",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare for analysis of disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.WARNING": "Warning during the probative value statement process",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing to extract signatures from secure files",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.OK": "Format of the identified object, referenced in the internal repository and with consistent information between the expected format and the result of the format identification tool.",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "The transfer of several versions of the same use in the same payment is prohibited",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT": "Process of generating the import report of the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of securing the operations log",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Warning when checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning when updating archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the migration of groups of objects",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.KO": "SIP entry process failed",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "The input contract update process failed: at least one archiving profile is unknown",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the pre-entry checks process",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.OK": "Successful final elimination of disposable archival units",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to create the list of objects for the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the input contract update process",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.KO": "Failed to calculate a hash in SHA-512",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting operation logs",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.OK": "Success of the SIP control process",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the audit preparation process",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No recording of the life cycle logs of archival units",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Warning when indexing object group metadata",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Fatal error while identifying the format",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.KO": "Failed to identify the format",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Checking the availability of the storage offer",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Technical error while looking for the format of the object in the format repository",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Archival unit profiles backup process",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the update of the management rules for the archival unit",
-    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT": "Corrective audit process modified",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.FATAL": "Warning during the process of checking the personal certificate",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of definitive disposal of disposable archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning during the final disposal of disposable archival units",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.WARNING": "Warning when saving the archive profile",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Start of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the audit finalization process",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.OK": "Successful verification of the presence and control of the entry contract",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of securing the operations log",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST": "Creation of the DIP and its movement to the storage offer",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "The transfer slip contains objects or groups of objects which do not declare an attachment to an archival unit",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of generating the import report for the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Merkle tree verification process failed",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error while storing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the security profile backup process",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection element is incorrect",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of securing the write log",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.WARNING": "Warning when auditing the existence and integrity of objects",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.OK": "Successful preparation of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.OK": "Successful correction of the signatures of each archival unit or corrupted object or group of objects",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Success of the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No SIP control process",
-    "STP_UPDATE.OK": "Success of the archival unit update processing process",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.OK": "Successful process for removing metadata from object groups",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the security profile",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Successful verification of the MERKLE tree",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.KO": "Failed to check formats: format of unidentified or missing objects in the format repository",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Checking the thresholds for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to write object group metadata to storage offerings",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE": "Global SIP check",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.WARNING": "Technical warning when writing object group metadata to storage offers",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.KO": "Failed to audit the existence of objects: at least one requested object does not exist or storage strategies are inconsistent with the declared offers",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the griffon repository",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.OK": "Successful saving of archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Beginning of the checking of the attachments of archival units and groups of objects",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC": "Process for updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION": "Creation of the life cycle log",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the migration of groups of objects",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error while checking management rules",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to finalize securing archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.KO": "Failed to compare MERKLE tree with saved Hash",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.OK": "Success of the audit of the files of the group of objects",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Beginning of the application context update process",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check the presence and check for the presence of the entry contract: the entry contract is unknown to the entry contract repository",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED": "Beginning of the data recovery process in the database",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error when updating management metadata for archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP": "Management rules repository backup process",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV": "Backup process of the agent services repository import file",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Failed to retrieve data from the database",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.WARNING": "Warning during the timestamp verification process",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.STARTED": "Beginning of the deletion processn of the Register of Symbolic Funds ",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.KO": "Failure to permanently dispose of disposable archival units",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Successful creation of the list of objects of the statement of probative value",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.OK": "Successful update of archival unit management metadata",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when preparing to check secure logs",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID.KO": "Failed overall SIP check: transfer slip not in accordance with SEDA 2.1 schema",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Timestamp of the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.OK": "Format of the identified object, referenced in the internal repository and with consistent information between the preservation operation and the result of the format identification tool.",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES": "Update of archival unit management metadata",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.OK": "Successful verification of the attachments of archival units and groups of objects",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Successful writing of object group metadata to storage offerings",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of generating the import report of the ontologies repository",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Input contract update process failed",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing signature list in secure files",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG": "Process for removing metadata from groups of objects",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Secondment process for archival units",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Technical error when calculating a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No indexing process for archival unit metadata",
-    "EXPORT_DIP.STARTED": "Start of DIP export",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.FATAL": "A technical error occurred during the process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of preparing the verification of secure logs",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.KO": "Failure of the global verification of the archival unit",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.OK": "Success of the process for finalizing the consistency audit report (no object in error)",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving the import file of the agent services repository",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.OK": "Successful verification of the attachment of objects to groups of objects and archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of the archival units",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.WARNING": "Warning during sanitary control of the SIP",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the format repository import process",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.KO": "SIP slip control process failed",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.WARNING": "Warning when creating the list of object groups to audit",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH": "Consistency check of the graph when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Failed to check MERKLE tree",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Failed to extract signatures from secure files",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving the management rules repository",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the input contract backup process",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of indexing the metadata of archival units",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.STARTED": "Beginning of the filing plan entry process",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the audit preparation process",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the agent services repository",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error when updating management rules for archival units",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC": "Recording of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.KO": "Failed to secure the write log",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning when notification of the end of the audit",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking that there is no object",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation process for the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "General check of the transfer slip: a mandatory field is empty",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP": "Pre-entry checks process",
-    "TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning during the securing operation",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing the verification of files in the group of objects",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.NOT_AU_JSON_VALID.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: invalid json",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Technical error during the processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Beginning of the creation of the provision slip",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.WARNING": "Warning when saving access logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the application context",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Access contract import process",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE": "Update of the metadata of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.MANIFEST_SUPERIOR_BDO.KO": "The transfer slip declares more binary objects than there are in the Content directory of the SIP",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Successful verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of importing the entry contract",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.STARTED": "Start of saving the archiving profile",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation of the preservation treatment",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error while creating secure files for the object group",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV": "Registration process for the import file of the management rules repository",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.KO": "Final disposal process for disposable archival units failed",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Beginning of indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP": "Save write logs",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Technical error while updating the object group",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.FATAL": "Technical error when generating the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.KO": "Failed to audit object group files verification",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update archival unit metadata",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare for final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.STARTED": "Beginning of the establishment of the list of objects",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.KO": "Failed to retrieve data from the database",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.OK": "Success of saving griffins",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.KO": "Failed to audit the existence and integrity of objects",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the integrity check of the uploaded objects",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON": "Archiving profile update process",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the securing of the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.OK": "Successful verification of the footprint of objects",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.STARTED": "Beginning of the distribution of groups of objects",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.OK": "Success of the process of exporting the statement of probative value",
-    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Failed to feed the Fund Registry",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES": "Process for deleting the agent services repository",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.FATAL": "Technical error while writing object group metadata to storage offerings",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: archival unit profile not found",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED": "Start of calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INACTIVE_STATUS.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: archival unit profile not active",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.INVALID.KO": "Failed to verify file hash",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Object format identifier (PUID) missing in the formats repository",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS": "Preparation process for the migration of groups of objects",
-    "OBJ_STORAGE.OK": "Successful writing of objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to save logs on storage offers",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of launching the griffin",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_KO_UNAVAILABLE.KO": "Failed to check availability of at least one storage offering",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Access contract update process failed: access contract not found",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.STARTED": "Beginning of the generation of the griffon repository import report",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the migration of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.KO": "Failure of the process of deleting the application context",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element is not unique in the system",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Summary)",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the entry",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Success in starting verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Successful securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to store archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No process for checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OK": "Successful writing of objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the filing plan entry process",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Extraction of signatures from secure files",
-    "MASTERDATA": "Basic data",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the griffon repository",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Warning when saving preservation scenarios",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Start of verification of secure logs",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION": "Finalization of the preservation treatment",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Successful verification of the MERKLE tree",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of generating the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.FATAL": "Technical error while logging external events",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.STARTED": "Beginning of the migration of groups of objects",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "Import process for preservation scenarios repository failed",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error when updating the management rules for the archival unit",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.OK": "Success of the global SIP check",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.ATTACHMENT_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "The entry contract does not authorize the attachment of an object to an existing group of objects.",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Final elimination process for groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of preparation for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT": "Recording of the Life Cycle Journals of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the object group update process",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for securing the journal entries",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of updating the group of objects",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No indexing of archival unit metadata",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of establishing the list of archival units to update",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of receiving the SIP",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare for preservation treatment",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION": "Entry finalization process",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error while retrieving data from the database",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.KO": "The preparation process for the analysis of the disposal of archival units failed",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Failed to attach archival units",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Import process of the archival unit profile",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.KO": "Failed to check the fingerprint of objects",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION": "Preparation process for the modification of the tree structure of archival units",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of generating the update report for descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Start of securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to finalize securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error when applying management rules and calculating due dates",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.OK": "Success of the process of definitive disposal of disposable archival units",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.KO": "Failed to update archival units",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing to modify the tree structure of archival units",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.OK": "Success of the agent services repository backup process",
-    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Successful filling of the Register of Funds",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.KO": "The process of exporting the statement of probative value failed",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.OK": "Successful update of archival unit metadata",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexing of metadata of objects and groups of objects",
-    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK": "Logging of external events",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.OK": "Successful creation of the consistency audit report",
-    "MASS_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning when updating the metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.STARTED": "Start of the timestamp verification process",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.OK": "Successful identification of formats",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.FATAL": "Technical error when updating archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the security profile import process",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Successful update of the object group",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the expiration of management rules",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS": "Migration of archival units",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check the expiration of the business rules: At least one declared business rule is unknown to the system or the calculated deadline is after 01/01/9000 (Date start + Duration of the rule) ",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Success of the process for preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.FATAL": "Technical error while retrieving data from the database",
-    "MASS_UPDATE": "Update of archival unit metadata",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the business rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category: the request to cancel a business rule is not consistent with its category ",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful completion of securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.WARNING": "Warning during the filing plan entry process",
-    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Supply to the Register of Funds",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the data recovery process in the database",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS": "Process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE": "Creation of secure files for the group of objects",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY": "Ontologies backup process",
-    "OBJ_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to write objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Successful recording of logs on storage offers",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of feeding the Register of Funds",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.STARTED": "Beginning of writing object group metadata to storage offers",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE": "Global SIP check",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MANIFEST_INFERIOR_BDO.KO": "The transfer slip declares fewer binary objects than there are in the Content directory of the SIP",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful creation of the timestamp buffer for all the write logs",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.KO": "Failed to write objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.WARNING": "Warning when updating archival units",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing the archival unit",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS": "Update process for archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the overall verification of the archival unit",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for deleting application contexts",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Warning during the global check of the archival unit",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Successful storage of archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.OK": "Success of the SIP entry process",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED": "Beginning of the calculation of a hash in SHA-512",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP": "Checking the timestamp",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_INACTIVE.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the application context declared in the transfer slip is inactive",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Success of the import process of the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.KO": "Global SIP check failed",
-    "CHECK_RULES.MAX_DURATION_EXCEEDS.KO": "Failure of the security check of the management rules. The durations of the management rules must be greater than or equal to the minimum durations required by the tenant",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.OK": "Success of the process of securing the journal entries",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Import process of the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK": "Checking the connections of archival units and groups of objects",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.OK": "Successful establishment of the list of objects",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import of the positioning tree",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.OK": "Successful indexing of the elimination analysis of archival units",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.STARTED": "Beginning of the SIP blank entry process",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Summary)",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Success of the ontology backup process",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT": "Global verification of the archival unit: verification of the date format",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT": "Process for deleting the life cycle logs of archival units",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.OK": "Success of the entry finalization process",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.KO": "Pre-entry checks process failed",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the graphs of archival units",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.KO": "Failed to update agent services repository",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.WARNING": "Warning during the process of indexing the metadata of archival units",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error while finalizing the securing of lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT": "Checking that there is no object",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.WARNING": "Warning when loading archival units when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the provision slip",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful validation of the timestamp buffer",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.WARNING": "Warning when writing objects to storage offers",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.KO": "Agent services repository backup process failed",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Success of the preservation treatment finalization process",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.STARTED": "Beginning of the global SIP check",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Timestamp of logs",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.KO": "Failed to create consistency audit report",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to finalize the securing of lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the archival unit: compulsory fields empty",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.KO": "Failed to identify formats",
-    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.KO": "Failed to log external events",
-    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "Failed to update current entries",
-    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Warning when updating current entries",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.ARCHIVEUNIT_REFERENCES_MULTIPLE_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "An archival unit references more than one group of technical objects",
-    "STP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of launching the preparation of the preservation treatment",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION": "Securing the operation logs",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.STARTED ": " Beginning of the process of deleting the management rules repository ",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of timestamp buffer comparison",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT.STARTED": "Start of the audit",
-    "COMMIT_RULES.KO": "Failed to persist data in database",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Start of verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to finalize securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNKNOWN": "Checking the format of the object",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.STARTED": "Beginning of the format check",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: unknown reference data",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.KO": "Indexing process for the analysis of elimination of archival units failed",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Start of the consistency check of actions when updating management metadata for archival units",
-    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Technical error while updating current entries",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Update process of graphs of archival units",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Start of the management rules check",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful check of the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED": "Beginning of the update of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of importing the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.STARTED": "Success of the start of the update of the management rules for archival units",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Success of the archival unit attachment process",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error while saving the archive profile",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error in the process of preparing to verify secure logs",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.OK": "Successful loading of archival units when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.KO": "Failed to import archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure object group lifecycle logs",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the verification process for the agent services referenced in the access contracts",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT": "Detachment of archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the entry contract",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the entry contract does not declare a connection node",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Warning when extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE": "Update of management rules for archival units",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.PDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_BINARYMASTER.KO": "At least one physical object declares a \" BinaryMaster \" usage. This usage is not authorized for physical objects",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.OK": "Successful securing lifecycle logs",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.OK": "Success of the process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES": "Process for deleting the management rules repository",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Beginning of the indexing of the metadata of the group of objects ors of a preservation operation",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.WARNING": "Warning when writing objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Success of the ontology update process",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when identifying formats",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Success of the deletion of the security profile process",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE": "Migration finalization process",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error while checking compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.STARTED": "Beginning of feeding the lifecycle log",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning during the creation process of the provision slip",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to update the archiving profile: the identifier is already in use",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.KO": "Failed to establish the list of objects",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.KO": "Failed to finalize entry",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.OK": "Success of the data recovery process in the database",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the security profile update process",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.OK": "Success of the agent services repository update process",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the rights to update metadata for archival units",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REJECTED": "Checking the format of the object",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.KO": "At least one archival unit declares a field whose value does not conform to the expected one",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.OK": "Successful audit of the existence and integrity of objects",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Detachment of archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the security profile",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.OK": "Successful preparation for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of creating the list to be audited",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error preparing life cycle logs and archival unit metadata",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE": "Backup process for archiving profiles",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error during the generation of the ontology repository import report",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Warning when checking the thresholds for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Warning during the JSON schema check process",
-    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Successful update of current entries",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Failed to save ontologies process",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "The process of finalizing preservation processing failed",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the archive profile update process",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE": "Export process for the statement of probative value",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of lifecycle log creation",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT": "Archival unit metadata update process",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.DIFF.KO": "Failed to check the consistency between the archiving profile declared in the transfer slip and that declared in the entry contract",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of attaching archival units",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY": "Application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the update process of the archival unit profile",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Warning when checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful completion of securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.FATAL": "Technical error during the distribution of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.STARTED": "Start of checking of objects and groups of objects",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error when applying management rules and calculating due dates",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error while checking formats",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_CHECK_ERROR.KO": "Failed to verify the presence and control of the application context",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.WARNING": "Warning when starting the process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of saving input contracts",
-    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning when correcting the signatures of each archival unit or corrupted object or group of objects",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON": "Archiving profile import process",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Entry update process in progress",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error while updating archival unit metadata",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation of the preservation treatment",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for securing the journal entries",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.WARNING": "Warning when checking classification levels",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of writing the metadata of the groups of objects on the storage offers",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during the audit finalization process",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST": "SIP blank entry process",
-    "STP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of launching the preparation of the preservation treatment",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Success of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of writing and indexing objects on the storage offers",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.KO": "Failed to load archival units when modifying the archival unit tree",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.KO": "Mass update process for descriptive metadata of archival units failed",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No recording of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error during the final elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failed to import the entry contract: at least one of the mandatory fields is not filled in",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Beginning of securing lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "RULES_REPORT": "Generation of the analysis report of the management rules repository",
-    "UPLOAD_SIP": "Receiving the SIP in Vitam",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_INACTIVE": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the entry contract is inactive",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT": "Creation of the list to audit",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to finalize the audit",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.KO": "JSON schema check process failed",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the presence and control of agent services",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No process for writing the metadata of groups of objects on the storage offers",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Failed to check the conformity of values ​​in fields",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Process of extracting signatures from secured files failed",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the control of the name of the transfer slip",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.WARNING": "Warning during the process of checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT": "Process for deleting application contexts",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Process for preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.INACTIVE.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: reference data inactive",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the backup process for the agent services repository import file",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.OK": "Successful verification of the consistency of the transfer slip",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE": "Application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Successful audit of the existence and integrity of objects",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.KO": "SIP reception process failed: one of the file names contains an illegal character",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.KO": "Failed to save access logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG": "Process for deleting object group lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNCHARTED": "Checking the format of the object",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating the graphs of archival units",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the import process of the archival unit profile",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting entry contracts",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the integrity of the objects uploaded",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE": "Update process for archival units",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL": "Checking the classification level",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.FATAL": "Technical error during the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the general check of the transfer slip",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process for the archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.STARTED": "Start of the creation of the distribution file file allowing to carry out the probative value statement",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.STARTED": "Start of saving the write logs",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.FATAL": "Technical error during the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.KO": "Failed to check the number of objects",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing the preservation treatment",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT": "Checking the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the migration of groups of objects",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: non-compliant fields",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS.KO": "Failed to migrate archival units",
-    "OBJ_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No writing of objects and groups of objects to the storage offers",
-    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning when correcting the signatures of each corrupt archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Success of the ontology import process",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Beginning of the ontology import process",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Beginning of verification of the thresholds for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Technical error during the application context import process",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Failure to permanently delete groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the transfer slip",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP": "SIP sanitary control",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting metadata from groups of objects",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.KO": "Failed to import archiving profile",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.WARNING": "Warning during the process of writing and indexing objects on storage offers",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the thresholds for final disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED": "Beginning of the archiving profile update process",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Failed to import the application context: at least one object declares an unknown value",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation of the final disposal of archival units",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.FATAL": "Technical error when comparing the MERKLE tree with the saved Hash",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the statement of probative value",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Failed to extract signatures from secure files",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.OK": "Successful creation of the distribution file file used to carry out the probative value statement",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the audit finalization process",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.WARNING": "Warning when checking the footprint of objects",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.FATAL": "Technical error during sanitary control of the SIP",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the backup archive profile process",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.KO": "Fund Register deletion process (Summary) failed",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.STARTED": "Start of calculation of a fingerprint in SHA-512",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the migration finalization",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.OK": "Success of the application context import process",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.WARNING": "Warning when checking for the absence of an object",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No checking of objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of updating the graphs of archival units",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the check of the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error during the updating process of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.STARTED": "Start of checking the number of objects",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the entry",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT": "Audit preparation process",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Failed to import the input contract: One or more formats are not referenced in the formats repository",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.OK": "Success of the JSON schema check process",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the verification of the validity of the dates of application of the management rules",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of writing objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
-    "MASTERDATA.KO": "Failed to import master data",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.OK": "Successful saving of access logs",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS.STARTED": "Beginning of the migration of archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "The transfer slip makes a connection using elements outside the scope",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.STARTED": "Beginning of the current entry update process",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of importing the management rules repository",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the security profile update process",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the archival unit metadata update process",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency of actions when updating management metadata for archival units",
-    "EXPORT_DIP.WARNING": "Warning when exporting the DIP",
-    "ROLL_BACK.OK": "Successful alignment of lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.OK": "Success of the indexing process of the disposal analysis of archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the conformity of the values ​​in the fields",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when updating management metadata for archival units",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Update of the object group",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of secondment of archival units",
-    "UPDATE.OK": "Successful update",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.STARTED": "Beginning of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.OK": "Successful verification of the number of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Success of the process of removing the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of generation of griffon repository import report",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.KO": "Failed to update archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the detachment of groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Successful process for saving entry contracts",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Success in securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION": "Checking the relationship between the entry contract and the archiving profile",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.OK": "Success of the process of finalizing signature corrections for each failed object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "MASTERDATA.OK": "Successful import of master data",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE": "Writing objects to the storage offers",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting input contracts",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of verification of the thresholds for the final elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.FATAL": "A technical error occurred during the process of creating the list",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the entry contract does not declare a connection node",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The transfer slip makes an attachment using elements that do not exist in the system",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of removing metadata from groups of objects",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the list to audit",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Technical error while saving griffins",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.OK": "Success of the archiving profile import process",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving the format repository",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Warning when backing up archive unit profiles",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the griffon repository deletion process",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION": "Securing lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of launching the griffin",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_PREPARATION": "Process for initiating the preparation of the preservation treatment",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.OK": "Successful checking of the name of the transfer slip: name of the compliant file",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING": "Audit of the verification of the files of the group of objects",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.KO": "Failed to create lifecycle log",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE": "Preparation process for the statement of probative value",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of writing objects to storage offers",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH": "Calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning during update",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO": "Process of saving preservation scenarios",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the formats of objects and group of objects",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of generating the ontology repository import report",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Signature extraction process from secure files",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNCHARTED.KO": "Failed to verify the format: the format of the object is identified but is unknown to the format repository",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.KO": "Application context import process failed",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the creation of the file of the distribution file allowing to carry out the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE": "Process for deleting the archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Fatal error while checking the format",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the archival unit",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Successful indexing of object group metadata",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the connections of archival units and groups of objects",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.OK": "Success of retrieving data from the database",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.STARTED": "Beginning of writing the object to the storage offers",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to audit object verification",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the entry finalization process",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting all database data",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalization of the securing of the life cycle logs of object groups",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK": "Format check",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error finalizing the securing of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing the verification of files in the group of objects",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of data recovery in the database",
-    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.OK": "Success of the notification of the end of the entry operation to the payment operator",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Successful creation of the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the indexing process for the disposal analysis of archival units",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the timestamp buffer for all logs of the life cycle of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the access contract",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to import the access contract: the identifier is already in use",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Beginning of the agent services repository update process",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for generating the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.KO": "Failed to notify the end of the entry operation to the payment operator",
-    "UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No general check of the transfer slip",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexing of archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.KO": "Format repository import process failed",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the classification level",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to audit the verification of physical objects: there is a binary file relating to this physical object",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA": "Global verification of the archival unit",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of saving access logs",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.STARTED": "Start of the verification of the expiration of the management rules",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the migration of groups of objects",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the formats repository",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "The transfer slip contains objects or groups of objects which do not declare an attachment to an archival unit",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Successful verification of the thresholds for final disposal of archival units",
-    "MASTERDATA.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of import of master data",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the indexing process of the analysis of elimination of archival units",
-    "UPDATE": "Update",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.BAD_REQUEST.KO": "Input contract update process failed: a bad request was entered",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.WARNING": "Warning occurred during the process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED": "Start of updating the metadata of archival units",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION.OK": "Success of the data migration process",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Process for preparing signature list in secure files failed",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.KO": "Failed to finalize migration",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING": "Audit of the existence of objects",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing to update the chart when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "COMMIT_RULES.FATAL": "Technical error while persisting database data",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION": "Finalization of the final elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP": "SIP reception process",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the check of the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the update process for archival units",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the chart when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Failed to create timestamp buffer for all write logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY": "Fund Register Deletion Process (Summary)",
-    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT": "Application context deletion process",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.OK": "Success of the process of checking and processing objects and groups of objects",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.OK": "Successful verification of the update of the management rules of the archival unit",
-    "CHECK_HEADER": "General check of the transfer slip",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for generating the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection is not located in the authorized perimeter",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the process for updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of fund register deletion process (Summary)",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.OK": "Success of the general check of the transfer slip",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ONTOLOGIES_UPDATE_INVALID_TYPE.KO": "The ontologies update process failed: at least one value does not match the expected values.",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the ontology update process",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Warning when checking the thresholds for final disposal of archival units",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.KO": "Failed to create the distribution file allowing to carry out the probative value statement",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Warning during the ontology update process",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.KO": "Failed to retrieve data from the database",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.TOOL_DOES_NOT_ANSWER.FATAL": "The object formats analysis tool does not respond",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.STARTED": "Start of generation of the format repository import report",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Update of the object group",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.STARTED": "Beginning of the SIP reception process",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error writing object group metadata to storage offerings",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting all the data in the database",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.OK": "Success of the SIP reception process",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.WARNING": "Warning during the pre-entry checks process",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the archive profiles repository file xsd or rng)",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the application context update process",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning when checking the timestamp",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.OK": "Success of checking the conformity of the values ​​in the fields",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT": "Checking the formats of objects and group of objects",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Success of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to audit the existence and integrity of objects",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.KO": "Failed to detach archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Signature extraction process from secure files",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Successful audit of object verification",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Successful update of archival unit lifecycle logs during migration",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the check of the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Failed to index object group metadata",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.FATAL": "Technical error is during the preparation process for the migration of groups of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the management rules repository",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Failed to create report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.WARNING": "Warning when checking the format of the SIP container",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the audit finalization process",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Start of updating the group of objects",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.WARNING": "Warning during the existence and integrity of objects",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.WARNING": "Warning during the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Beginning of the griffon repository import process",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.OK": "Success of the audit of the verification of the physical objects of the group of objects",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP": "SIP control process",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Object format identifier (PUID) missing in the formats repository",
-    "OBJ_STORAGEOBJ_STORAGE": "Write objects and groups of objects to the storage offer",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.WARNING": "Warning during the process of writing archival units to storage offers",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.KO": "Failed to detach archival units",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.STARTED": "Start of distribution of archival units",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Successful verification of the availability of all storage offers",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK ": " Successful indexing of object group metadata ",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION.KO": "Data migration process failed",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to write archival unit metadata to storage offerings",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error when finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting object group lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY.KO": "At least one archival unit does not conform to its schema due to a problem of consistency between fields",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Failed to import ontology",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.OK": "Successful detachment of archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the finalization of the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "PRESERVATION.WARNING": "Warning during the global preservation process",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.EXISTING_OG_NOT_DECLARED.KO": "At least one archival unit declares an object instead of the corresponding object group",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Failed to prepare for checking secure logs",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Success in securing archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Failed to check the thresholds for final disposal of archival units",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure lifecycle logs",
-    "ATR_NOTIFICATION": "Notification of the end of the entry operation",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree failed",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for generating the agent services repository import report",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.OK": "Successful completion of migration",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.KO": "Failed to check the update of the management rules of the archival unit",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No supply to the Register of Funds",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Warning when calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.OK": "Success of the process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT": "Application context import process",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of backing up security profiles",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Beginning of the creation of the DIP and its movement to the storage offer",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Success of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the agent services repository update process",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.KO": "Failed to import agent services repository",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the availability of at least one storage offer",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error when saving metadata for archival units",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Technical error during the ontology import process",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Access contract deletion process",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.OK": "Successful distribution of archival units",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT": "Format repository import process",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.KO": "The process of creating the list to be audited failed",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.KO": "Failed to apply business rules and calculate due dates",
-    "CHECK.STARTED": "Start of verification of secure logs",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.STARTED.OK": "Start of the timestamp verification process",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Successful process of backing up security profiles",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Beginning of indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning during the final disposal process of disposable archival units",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.KO": "Failed to verify secure logs",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process of the archiving profile",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND.KO": "Format of the unidentified object",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.KO": "Failed to write objects to storage offers",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.STARTED": "Beginning of the archival unit metadata indexing process",
-    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.FATAL": "a Technical Error occurred during the modified corrective audit process",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to delete archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE.KO": "Failure of the overall SIP check: Absence of the transfer slip or transfer slip in the wrong format",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP": "Data retrieval process in the database",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the transfer slip consistency check",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.WARNING": "Warning during the SIP blank entry process",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.STARTED": "Beginning of writing objects to storage offers",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of timestamp of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.WARNING": "Warning when updating management rules for archival units",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.STARTED": "Beginning of the creation of the list of groups of objects to be audited",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_MUST_BE_EMPTY.KO": "Failed to import the input contract: The white list of formats must be empty when all formats are authorized",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.OK": "Success of the process for deleting the agent services repository",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency of the management rule with respect to its category",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Successful storage of write logs",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.OK": "Success of the preparation of the update of the graph at the time of the modification of the tree structure of the archival units",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.STARTED": "Start of the personal certificate verification process",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE": "Process of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the verification process of the agent services referenced in the access contracts",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Process for updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the preservation treatment",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the archiving profile",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning when comparing timestamp buffers",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful preparation of lifecycle logs and object group metadata",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.KO": "Failed to check the classification level: the transfer slip declares a classification level not authorized by the platform",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Technical error while checking secure logs",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Successful writing of archival unit metadata to storage offers",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.KO": "Failed to prepare the update of the chart when modifying the archival unit tree",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error when detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are deleted",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.WARNING": "Warning when checking objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.OK": "Success of the process of secondment of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.KO": "Failed to delete agent services repository",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Successful preparation for verification of secure logs",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE": "Checking objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK": "Preparation process for checking secure logs",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process for the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Failed to index the metadata of the object group",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.STARTED": "Start of the audit of the verification of objects",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the consistency audit",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.OK": "Success of the process of generating the import report for the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the graph when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED": "Beginning of the final elimination of disposable archival units",
-    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.KO": "Failed to move binary objects from storage offering to internal workspace",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to verify the format: the format of the object cannot be identified",
-    "STP_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of performing the audit",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.OK": "Format verification success",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when checking the name of the transfer slip",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check the presence and control of agent services: agent services unknown to the agent services repository",
-    "STP_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to perform audit process",
-    "CHECK.KO": "Failed to verify secure logs",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful preparation of life cycle logs and archival unit metadata",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES": "Checking the updating of the management rules of the archival unit",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.STARTED": "Beginning of saving object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.OK": "Success of the process of creating the list to be audited",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.FATAL": "Technical error when saving the write logs",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN": "Griffins repository import process",
-    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No notification of the end of the entry operation to the payment operator",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.ARCHIVEUNIT_REFERENCES_MULTIPLE_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "An archival unit references more than one group of technical objects",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the migration",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to update the input contract: the identifier is already in use",
-    "INGEST.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the entry of the SIP",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.STARTED": "Start of the tree non-recursion check",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.OK": "Success in applying business rules and calculating due dates",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Archive profile update process failed: profile not found",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.STARTED": "Start of the audit of the verification of the physical objects of the group of objects",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH": "Comparison of the MERKLE tree with the saved Hash",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.FATAL": "Technical error during the SIP blank entry process",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when checking the availability of at least one storage offer: Impossibility of knowing the available space",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of detachment of groups of technical objects from which some parent archival units are eliminatedées ",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.STARTED": "Beginning of writing the object to the storage offers",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.OK": "Success of the agent services repository import process",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Security profiles backup process failed",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of detaching archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving access contracts",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN": "Griffon repository deletion process",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing to extract signatures from secure files",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking classification levels",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.DIRECTORY.FATAL": "Technical error during the global SIP check",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the check for the presence and control of agent services",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK": "Write objects to storage offers",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the archival unit",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE": "Audit finalization process and generation of the final report",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the attachment of archival units",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT": "Archival unit attachment process",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.KO": "Failed to check the presence and control of agent services",
-    "STP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of launching the preparation of the preservation treatment",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.OK": "Successful verification of secure logs",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT_BY_CONTRACT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the entry contract does not authorize connections",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the format repository",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_INACTIVE.KO": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the entry contract is inactive",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.KO": "Failed to verify format",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of writing and indexing objects on the storage offers",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the fingerprint of objects",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Start of report creation for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Technical error when launching the griffin",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for securing the operations log",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE": "Process of moving binary objects on the storage offer to the internal workspace",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER": "Check the format of the SIP container",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the securing of the lifecycle logs of the archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Technical error during the application context update process",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of writing objects to storage offers",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Security profile deletion process",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation process for the migration of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the current entry update process",
-    "RULES_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error when generating the analysis report for the management rules repository",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.KO": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS": "Control process and processing of archival units",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during audit",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of creating the provision slip",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.OK": "Success of the import process of the format repository",
-    "OBJ_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error when writing objects and groups of objects to storage offers",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_INACTIVE.KO": "Failed to check the active character of the application context",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "The format of the object was not found in the format repository",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing preservation processing",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.OK": "Success of the verification of the classification level",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Access contract backup process",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE": "Creation of the distribution file file allowing to carry out the probative value statement",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION": "Process for finalizing the modification of the tree structure of archival units",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.KO": "The process for generating the import report for the preservation scenarios repository failed",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK": "Check the name of the transfer slip",
-    "CHECK_AGENT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to check agent services check",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the list of object groups to audit",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the audit",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error while storing write logs",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.STARTED": "Start of the audit of the verification of objects",
-    "CHECK.OK": "Successful verification of secure logs",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.AGENCY_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Access contract import process failed: at least one agent service is unknown",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.OK": "Success of the chart consistency check when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION": "Preparation of the preservation treatment",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of the archival units",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.KO": "Failed general check of transfer slip",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Failed to import entry contract: archive profile not found",
-    "LFC.UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.WARNING": "Warning when generating the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency between the Start date and End date fields",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to identify formats: the format of the object (s) cannot be identified",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.WARNING": "Warning when establishing the list of objects: there is no object for this step",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the security profile",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting the archive profiles repository (xsd or rng file)",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the elimination of archival units",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE": "Data retrieval from the database",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.FATAL": "Technical error when distributing groups of objects",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of exporting the statement of probative value",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED": "Beginning of updating archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing the metadata of objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the migration",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.KO": "Failed to check objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.OK ": " Success of the process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds ",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Beginning of the format check",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION": "Preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Warning during the final disposal of archival units",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.STARTED": "Beginning of the audit of the existence of objects",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of importing the entry contract",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.STARTED": "Start of saving access logs",
-    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Verification of processing limitation thresholds for archival units",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.KO": "Preparation process for migration of archival units failed",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Warning when checking secure logs",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Beginning of the application context import process",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexing the metadata of the group of objects during a preservation operation",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to update the archival unit profile: the identifier is already in use",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the ontologies repository",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Beginning of indexing of archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.KO": "Griffin launch process failed",
-    "STP_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning during the processing process for updating archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED.OK": "Start of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION": "Launch of the griffin",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT.STARTED": "Start of the notification of the end of the audit",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Format of the identified object, referenced in the internal repository and with consistent information between the transfer slip and the result of the format identification tool.",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Preparation of the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the security profile import process",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of finalizing signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the management rules repository",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Storage of write logs",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the consistency audit process",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "The process to delete the preservation scenarios repository failed",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.OK": "Successful update of archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Failed to save input contracts",
-    "TRACEABILITY": "Securing",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the input contract backup process",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.KO": "Failed to finalize signature corrections for each failed object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing object group metadata",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Success of updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the list of archival units to be updated and modification authorizations",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT": "Audit",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Successful process of importing archival unit profile",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "The transfer slip makes a connection using elements outside the scope",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Failed to update archival unit profile: a value does not match the expected values",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.STARTED": "Start of checking the conformity of the values ​​in the fields",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Format of the identified object, referenced in the internal repository and the result of the format identification tool.",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of linking archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT": "Process of deleting the format repository",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK": "Writing of the object on the storage offers",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA": "Global verification of the archival unit",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating graphs of archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the application context backup process",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT": "Verification of the attachment of objects to groups of objects and archival units",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Technical error while calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of removing metadata from groups of objects",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.KO": "Failed to check the name of the transfer slip: name of the file not compliant",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP": "Backup of access logs",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.OK": "Success of writing objects to storage offers",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the SIP",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.INVALID.KO": "Failed to check the fingerprint of objects: There is at least one object whose fingerprint is invalid in the transfer slip",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.OK": "Successful verification of objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.KO": "The process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds failed",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_DATAOBJECTVERSION.KO": "At least one object declares an incorrect usage. The usage must be written in the form [usage] or [usage] _ [version]. \"Usage\" must be among the DataObjectVersion enumeration defined by SEDA: \"version\" must be a positive integer ",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY": "Process of deleting the ontologies repository",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT": "Application context backup process",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.KO": "Failed to distribute archival units",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Successful completion of the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "MASTERDATA.WARNING": "Warning when importing master data",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving the import file for the management rules repository",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No process for checking and processing archival units",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Failed to update graphs of archival units",
-    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS.FATAL": "Technical error when migrating archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Start of the check of the consistency of the transfer slip",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Start of updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Success of the security profile update process",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_SPACE_KO.KO": "Failed to check availability of at least one storage offering: At least one storage offering is insufficient",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the indexing process of the disposal analysis of archival units",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process of the griffin repository",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY": "Audit of the verification of the files of the group of objects",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of validation of the timestamp buffer",
-    "COMMIT_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when persisting database data",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when checking formats: format information has been completed by the Vitam software solution",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.OK": "Success of the griffin launch process",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Security profile backup process",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the rules repository",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when updating management rules for archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning when updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the finalization of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: mandatory field empty",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.KO": "Failure of the consistency audit process",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE": "Recording of the metadata of the archival units on the storage offer",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update archival unit metadata",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to prepare object group lifecycle logs and metadata",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error while updating the object group",
-    "STP_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the audit execution process",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH": "Calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the creation of the distribution file allowing to carry out the statement of probative value",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Successful final elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Security profile update process failed",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Successful migration of archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT": "Format repository backup process",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Beginning of the griffin launch process",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Failed to update the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.STARTED": "Beginning of the comparison of the MERKLE tree with the saved Hash",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.WARNING": "Warning during the archiving profile import process",
-    "CHECK_RULES": "Checking the compliance of the management rules file",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the format identification",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Failed to import the application context: the identifier is already in use",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY": "Ontology import process",
-    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.OK": "Successful move of binary objects from storage offering to internal workspace",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED": "Beginning of writing objects to storage offers",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error while finalizing the securing of lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error while backing up archive unit profiles",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.WARNING": "Warning when updating archival units",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED ": " Beginning of the process of checking the MERKLE tree ",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to prepare archival unit lifecycle logs and metadata",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error when writing objects to storage offers",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.KO": "Preparation process for migration of archival units failed",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Import process for archival unit profile failed",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Start of application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.OK": "Successful creation of secure files for the object group",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of backing up archive profiles",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.OK": "Successful creation of the list of groups of objects to audit",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to prepare audit process",
-    "CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when checking the compliance of the management rules file",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error while updating the object group",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK": "Calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Warning when indexing the analysis for the elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of finalizing the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
-    "EXPORT_DIP": "Export of the DIP",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Technical error when attaching archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Beginning of the backup process for preservation scenarios",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to verify the absence of object: object (s) found",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REJECTED.KO": "Failed to verify the format: the format of the object is rejected",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.WARNING": "Warning when auditing the existence of objects: at least one group of objects has no binary object to check",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.OK": "Successful timestamp verification process",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.STARTED": "Start of the SIP control process",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Warning when preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of generating the import report for the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK": "Successful indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of preparing storage information",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Successful update of the graphs of archival units",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.NOT_FOUND.KO": "Format of the unidentified object",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE": "Process of preparing the list of archival units to be updated and modification authorizations",
-    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE": "Move binary objects on the storage offer to the internal workspace",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION": "Preparation process for the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the generation of the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "INGEST_TEST": "Blank entry",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.STARTED": "Start of the process of checking and processing archival units",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of actions when updating descriptive and management metadata for archival units",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Successful calculation of a footprint in SHA-512",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.KO": "Process for preparing list of archival units to update and modification permissions failed",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Warning when calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK ": " Successful preparation of signature list in secure files ",
-    "STP_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the audit execution process",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE": "Update of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.KO": "SIP sanitary check failed: file detected as infected",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.WARNING": "Warning when analyzing the elimination of archival units",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.STARTED": "Beginning of the verification process for agent services referenced by archival units",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the format",
-    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.KO": "Failed to establish list of archival units to update",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Beginning of the agent services repository import process",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the ontology repository",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.KO": "Failed to write object to storage offers",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.WARNING": "Warning when verifying the integrity of the uploaded objects: fingerprint of the object recalculated and recorded in the metadata of the object",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of actions when updating management metadata for archival units",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE": "Process for generating the processing report for updating the generations of the updating report for descriptive metadata for archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Archive profile update process failed: a value does not match the expected values",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.KO": "Failed to update management rules for archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection is not located in the authorized perimeter",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the griffin launch process",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning when updating metadata of archival units",
-    "RULES_REPORT.OK": "Successful generation of the analysis report of the management rules repository",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Process of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation of the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.KO": "Global SIP check failed: SIP contains more than one file at its root",
-    "INGEST.STARTED": "Start of SIP entry",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failure of the access contract import process: at least one of the mandatory fields is not filled in",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.WARNING": "Warning when checking the expiration of management rules",
-    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of establishing the list of archival units to update",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.OK": "Success of the process of generating the import report of the ontologies repository",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Import process of the entry contract failed",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT": "Generation of the format repository import report",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Success of the process for finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Failed to index object group metadata",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.FATAL": "Technical error in the process of checking and processing archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Access contract update process failed",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.OK": "Success of the application context backup process",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of backup process for archival unit profiles",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.KO": "Failed to verify agent services referenced in access contracts",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating the agent services repository",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.OK": "Success of the process for securing the operations log",
-    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.KO": "Failed to prepare the list of archival units to update",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No global verification of the archival unit",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Security profile import process",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.FATAL": "Technical error while writing the object to the storage offers",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the classification level check",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS.WARNING": "Warning when migrating archival units",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning during the updating process of archival units",
-    "ROLL_BACK.FATAL": "Technical error while making the lifecycle logs consistent",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OK": "Success of writing objects to storage offers",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating entries in progress",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for saving access contracts",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT": "Consistency audit",
-    "CHECK_SEDA": "Global verification of the SIP",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the operation logs",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.OK": "Successful check for no object",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Beginning of the ontologies backup process",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Technical error during the ontology update process",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES": "Update of the management rules for archival units",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.OK": "Success of the SIP sanitary check: no virus detected",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.OK": "Successful feeding the lifecycle log",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the consistency check between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
-    "CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error while checking secure logs",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "The connection has not been made: impossible to link an existing archival unit to a parent archival unit",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failure of the global verification of the archival unit: compulsory fields empty",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Storage offer availability check warning: Unable to know the available space",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Fetails)",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No verification of the object fingerprint",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.KO": "Failed to create the list of object groups to audit",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the SIP blank entry process",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP": "Validation of the timestamp buffer",
-    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Establishment of the process for preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize analysis of disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_AUDIT.STARTED": "Start of the audit execution process",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.KO": "Failed to calculate a hash in SHA-512",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.KO": "Time stamp verification process failed",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.WARNING": "Warning when writing objects to storage offers",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.OK": "Success of the process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT": "Process for generating the agent services repository import report",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.KO": "Failed to generate the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error while checking compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.KO": "Failed to save preservation scenarios",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST.OK": "Successful creation of the provision slip",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error when auditing the existence and integrity of objects",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID": "Global SIP check",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process for the access contract",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.FATAL": "Technical error when starting the process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING": "Process of writing and indexing objects on storage offers",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the update process of the archival unit profile",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error while storing lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST": "Checking the integrity of the objects uploaded",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure object group lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Failure of the overall verification of the archival unit: non-compliant fields",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the repository of archival unit profiles",
-    "RULES_REPORT.WARNING": "Warning when generating the analysis report for the management rules repository",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.OK": "Success of the processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of fund register deletion process (Details)",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.KO": "Failed to secure the operations log",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.FATAL": "Technical error while writing the object to the storage offers",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Process for deleting entry contracts",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.FATAL": "Technical error while moving binary objects from storage offering to internal workspace",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the validity of the dates of application of the management rules",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.TOOL_DOES_NOT_ANSWER.FATAL": "The object formats analysis tool does not respond",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the import process of the entry contract",
-    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting the application context",
-    "PRESERVATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the global preservation process",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.WARNING": "Warning when attaching archival units",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Technical error while checking the timestamp",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing storage information",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.KO": "Failed to generate the ontology repository import report",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.FATAL": "Technical error when writing objects to storage offers",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Warning when launching the griffin",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Start of the transfer slip consistency check",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.EMPTY.KO": "Failed to read hash of file",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.WARNING": "Warning when distributing groups of objects",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION.WARNING": "Warning during the data migration process",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the access contract update process",
-    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.OK": "Successful preparation of the list of archival units to be updated",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of updating archival unit metadata",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the verification process for the agent services referenced in the access contracts",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.KO": "Failed to verify the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of SIP container format check",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.OK": "Success of the SIP blank entry process",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to save archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the ontology backup process",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the migration of groups of objects",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error when calculating a fingerprint in SHA-512",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Failed to update the input contract: a value does not match the expected values",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the tree for non-recursion",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to check the consistency of the transfer slip",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Technical error when filling the Register of Funds",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.WARNING": "Warning when starting the process of preparing the list of archival units to update and modification permissions",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for saving the agent services repository import file",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.FATAL": "a Technical error during the process of creating the consistency audit report",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION.STARTED": "Start of modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "The format of the object was not found in the format repository",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing object group metadata during a preservation operation",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Failed to audit object verification",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Beginning of the griffin saving process",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the SIP",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.KO": "Failed to prepare storage information",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the uses of objects",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the connection of objects to groups of objects and archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.STARTED": "Beginning of the global verification of the archival unit",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.OK": "Success of the process of finalizing the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the entry contract is unknown to the entry contract repository",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of checking the uses of objects",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error while updating archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.KO": "Preparation process for final disposal of archival units failed",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Warning when preparing signature list in secure files",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.OK": "Successful verification of the presence and control of agent services",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE": "Process of creating the list to audit",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful process of creating timestamp buffer for all object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.WARNING": "Warning during the archiving profile update process",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to apply business rules and calculate due datesance: inconsistent inheritance exclusion ",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_THRESHOLD.KO": "Failed to calculate due dates: the date cannot be managed",
-    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.FATAL": "Technical error while checking concurrent processes",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.OK": "Successful update of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of securing object group lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.KO": "Migration finalization process failed",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to create the DIP and move it to the storage offering",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE": "Checking archiving profile compliance",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.STARTED": "Beginning of the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalization of the securing of the life cycle logs of archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.EMPTY.KO": "Failed to read hash of file",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the input contract",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of writing objects to storage offers",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the security profile import process",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element is not unique in the system",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST.KO": "Failed to create the provision slip",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.OK": "Success of the process for deleting all database data",
-    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Technical error when filling in the Register of Funds",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Start of updating the graphs of archival units",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.AUP_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Archival unit profile update process failed: Archival unit profile not found",
-    "STP_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error during the processing process for updating archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Failed to delete access contracts",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.FATAL": "Technical error while establishing the list of objects",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the security profile backup process",
-    "INGEST.KO": "Failed to enter the SIP",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Start of verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE": "Signature correction finalization process for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.WARNING": "Warning during the import process of the formats repository",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Application context update process failed: at least one object declares an unknown value",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Failed to check consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units: the object and its group of objects are not referenced by an archival unit",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the audit preparation process",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.KO": "Failed to calculate a fingerprint in SHA-512",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of removing the ontologies repository",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT": "Creation of the list of objects of the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "MASS_UPDATE.OK": "Successful update of archival unit metadata",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Technical error while auditing the verification of objects",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.FATAL": "Technical error during the verification process of agent services referenced by archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.OK": "Successful verification of the integrity of the uploaded objects",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.STARTED": "Start of log recording on storage offers",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT": "Checking the consistency of the date declared in the management rules",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the audit preparation process",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the migration",
-    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.OK": "Success of the process of establishing the list of archival units to be updated",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to write objects to storage offers",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Beginning of the object group update process",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation for the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful check of consistency of actions when updating management metadata of archival units",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT.KO": "Failed to generate agent services repository import report",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST": "Loading of archival units when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.KO": "Preparation process for final elimination of groups of technical objects failed",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the creation of secure files for the group of objects",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT": "Checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Beginning of the ontology update process",
-    "REFERENTIAL_FORMAT": "Format repository",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.STARTED": "Beginning of the general check of the transfer slip",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Import process for archival unit profile failed: the identifier is already in use",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD": "Additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Successful audit of object verification",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.FATAL": "Technical error while feeding the lifecycle log",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.OK": "Successful preparation of storage information",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the final disposal of disposable archival units",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Process to create timestamp buffer for all object group lifecycle logs failed",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the archival unit profile",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Warning when checking the validity of the dates of application of management rules",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the verification process for agent services referenced by archival units",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.STARTED": "Beginning of the format repository import process",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA": "Metadata indexing process of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Failed to delete ontology repository",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when securing lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the list of archival units to be updated and modification authorizations",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Creation of the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to store write logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of the object groups",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION": "Indexing of the elimination analysis of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.MASTER_MANDATORY_REQUIRED.KO": "Absence of a BinaryMaster or PhysicalMaster in the group of objects",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the update process of the archival unit profile",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the security profile deletion process",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.WARNING": "Warning when checking the number of objects",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the backup process for archival unit profiles",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Beginning of the consistency check between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning during the preparation process of the Register of Funds following the final disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Success of the process for deleting access contracts",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.STARTED": "Start of updating the management metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION": "Indexing process of the analysis of elimination of archival units",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY": "Checking the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.OK": "Success of the process for deleting application contexts",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS": "Update of archival units",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error while saving logs on storage offers",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION.FATAL": "Technical error when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for removing the agent services repository",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.WARNING": "Warning when checking the classification level",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning when detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are deleted",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.OK": "Successful calculation of a fingerprint in SHA-512",
-    "RULES_REPORT.KO": "Failed to generate the analysis report for the management rules repository",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the ArchivalAgreement field is missing from the transfer slip",
-    "INGEST.OK": "Successful entry of the SIP",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of global SIP check",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the access contract import process",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the security profile update process",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element is incorrect",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the ontologies repository",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD": "Global verification of the archival unit: verification of mandatory fields",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.KO": "Failed to check the integrity of the uploaded objects",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation of the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Successful indexing of archival unit metadata",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.MANIFEST_INFERIOR_BDO.KO": "The transfer slip declares fewer binary objects than there are in the Content directory of the SIP",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME": "Verification process and processing of objects and groups of objects",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.STARTED": "Start of creation of the lifecycle log",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful verification of consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT.OK": "Success of the process for generating the import report for the agent services repository",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Warning when finalizing the securing of the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Process of securing the lifecycle logs of object groups",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Failed to import the entry contract: at least one of the fields filled in is unknown.",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the griffon repository",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "MASS_UPDATE.KO": "Failed to update archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.KO": "Failed to save application contexts",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST": "Creation process of the provision slip",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalization of the securing of the life cycle logs of archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the consistency between objects, groups of objects and archival units",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Warning while saving griffins",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Beginning of indexing of the metadata of the group of objects",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT": "Audit finalization process",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND.FATAL": "The object to be analyzed was not found",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Log storage",
-    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Technical error correcting the signatures of each archival unit or corrupted object or group of objects",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST": "Consistency check of the transfer slip",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.KO": "Failed to check the rights to update metadata of archival units",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION": "Finalization of the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking objects and groups of objects",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION.WARNING": "Warning when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED.OK": "Start of data recovery in the database",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process for checking and processing archival units",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of receiving the SIP",
-    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "Failed to prepare lists of archival units to update",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.OK": "Success of the preparation process for the statement of probative value",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of format check",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.WARNING": "Warning when writing archival unit metadata to storage offers",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.FATAL": "Technical error when checking archiving profile compliance",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Failed to secure archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.WARNING": "Warning when updating archival unit metadata",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT": "Checking the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of removing metadata from archival units",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_KO_UNAVAILABLE.KO": "Failed to check availability of storage offering: Storage offering is not available",
-    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the operation logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.KO": "Failed to delete management rules repository",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT": "Verification process for agent services referenced in access contracts",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.OK": "Successful import process for griffins repository",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the data migration process",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "The transfer slip makes a connection using elements outside the scope",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Start of the check of the consistency of the management rule whose cancellation is requested in relation to its category",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.FATAL": "Technical error while generating the import report for the griffins repository",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ONTOLOGIES_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_TENANT.KO": "The ontologies update process failed: the update is not authorized on the tenant.",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.OK": "Success of the process of writing archival units to storage offers",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of generating the ontology repository import report",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Creation of the write log timestamp buffer",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.FATAL": "Technical error when updating the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.AGENCY_CHECK.KO": "Failure to index the metadata of objects and groups of objects: the attached object does not declare the same producer service as the group of objects",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the finalization of the analysis of the elimination of archival units",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Technical error while indexing archival unit metadata",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT.KO": "Failed to notify end of audit",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing signature corrections for each faulty object, group of objects or audited unit",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES": "Import process of agent services repository",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Failed to check availability of at least one storage offering",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Successful check of consistency of actions when updating descriptive metadata rules and management of archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION": "Elimination of archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failure of the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit: compulsory fields empty",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Object group update process failed",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the final disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the conformity of values ​​in fields",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE": "Application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC": "Process of deleting the Register of Symbolic Funds",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.WARNING": "Warning when checking the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Technical error writing archival unit metadata to storage offers",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Failed to index archival unit metadata",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.DIFF.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: difference between the archiving profile declared in the transfer slip and that declared in the contract",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST.KO": "Failure of the general check of the transfer slip: the entry contract is missing in the transfer slip",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES": "Agent services repository update process",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The attachment has not been made: the attachment element is not unique in the system",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Success of the process of updating the graphs of the archival units",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE": "Update of archival unit metadata",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of definitive disposal of disposable archival units",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "The process of updating the graphs of the groups of objects",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "The current entry update process failed",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Beginning of the final elimination of archival units",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the agent service repository",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already executed: No identification of formats",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED": "Beginning of format verification",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning when validating the timestamp buffer",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error during the pre-support check process",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.WARNING": "Warning when comparing the MERKLE tree with the indexed Hash",
-    "TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Technical error during the securing operation",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Failure of the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are deleted",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.OK": "Successful preparation of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Success of the process of supplying the Register of Funds",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
-    "TRACEABILITY.OK": "Success of the securing operation",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Success of the process of detaching groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT": "Checking the conformity of values ​​in the fields",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of preparing the migration of archival units",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.FATAL": "Technical error while creating the lifecycle log",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.OK": "Successful verification of the rights to update metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Beginning of the entry contract update process",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Failed to compare timestamp buffers",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of deleting the operation logs",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Success in securing archival unit lifecycle logs",
-    "LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION": "Log security process",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Warning during the process of preparing the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.WARNING": "Warning when retrieving data from the database",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION": "Preparation for the final elimination of groups of technical objects",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.KO": "Failure of the process for checking and processing archival units",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the verification process for the agent services referenced in the access contracts",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Success of the report creation process for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Failed to attach archival units",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process for securing the operations log",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of retrieving data from the database",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "The transfer slip makes a connection using elements outside the scope",
-    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Success of the process of preparing lists of archival units to be updated",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Backup process for archive unit profiles failed",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.KO": "Import process of griffin repository failed",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.FATAL": "Technical error while saving lifecycle logs for object groups",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION": "Process of finalizing the preservation treatment",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.KO": "Failed to write archival units to storage offers",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of saving object group lifecycle logs",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Failed to check the presence and control of agent services: mandatory field empty",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of saving ontologies",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.WARNING": "Warning when auditing object verification",
-    "CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of checking secure logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL ": " Technical error during the process of deleting access contracts ",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.OK": "Success of the additional check on the validity of the fields of the archival unit",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Success of the object group update process",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of preparing the list of archival units to be updated and modification authorizations",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO": "Preparation of storage information",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the personal certificate verification process",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of the timestamp of the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.WARNING": "Warning when checking the rights to update metadata of archival units",
-    "MASTERDATA.FATAL": "Technical error when importing master data",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION": "Final elimination of archival units",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the preparation process for the statement of probative value",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.KO": "Failed to check and process objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION": "Process for generating the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the update of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of the archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.KO": "Failed to delete operation logs",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Successful creation of the timestamp buffer for all the logs",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.OK": "Success of the process for generating the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Start of creation of the timestamp buffer for all the logs",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error while saving lifecycle logs of object groups",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The transfer slip performs an attachment using elements that do not exist in the system",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.KO": "Failed to create the probative value statement report",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Archival unit profile update process",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.EXISTING_OG_NOT_DECLARED.KO": "An archival unit declares an object instead of the corresponding object group",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.UNCHARTED.KO": "Failed to identify formats: the format of the object (s) is identified but is unknown to the format repository",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST": "Checking the integrity of objects",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Warning when retrieving data from the database",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Summary)",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Failed to update the graphs of archival units",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Fund Registry feed process failed",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No application of management rules and calculation of due dates",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of extracting signatures from secure files",
-    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Warning when checking the thresholds for processing archival units",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT.OK": "Success of the notification of the end of the audit",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.FATAL": "Technical error during the filing plan entry process",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Warning when updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process for deleting application contexts",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Warning when creating the consistency audit report",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.OK": "Success of the transfer slip consistency check",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.WARNING": "Warning during the process of backing up archive profiles",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of preparation of life cycle logs and archival unit metadata",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.STARTED": "Beginning of preparation of storage information",
-    "CHECK.WARNING": "Warning when checking secure logs",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.FATAL": "Technical error during the global check of the SIP",
-    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.OK": "Successful verification of concurrent processes",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of the process of preparing the verification of secure logs",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of securing the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Technical error when finalizing the migration",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.FATAL": "Technical error when loading archival units when modifying the tree structure of archival units",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Success of the attachment of archival units",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Update of graphs of archival units",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.STARTED": "Beginning of the SIP entry process",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Successful preparation for the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of saving access contracts",
-    "CHECK_RULES.IMPORT_IN_PROCESS.KO": "Failed to check the compliance of the business rules file: The import is impossible because an update of the repository is already in progress",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.OK": "Success of the control process and processing of archival units",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection is not located in the authorized perimeter",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Input contract update process failed: input contract not found",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.KO": "Failed to start process for preparing list of archival units to update and modification permissions",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of writing and indexing objects on the storage offers",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.OK": "Successful generation of the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.KO": "Failed to generate the final disposal report for archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.OK": "Successful completion of the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Beginning of updating the group of objects",
-    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.FATAL": "Technical error while preparing the list of archival units to update",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Beginning of the migration finalization process",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.KO": "Deletion process for object group lifecycle logs failed",
-    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.FATAL": "Technical error when notifying the end of the entry operation to the payment operator",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.OK": "Successful process of saving preservation scenarios",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of updating the agent services repository",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.WARNING": "Warning when identifying the format",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "At least one archival unit contains an empty field whose value is mandatory",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.OK": "Success of the process of preparing the migration of groups of objects",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.KO": "Failed to save archive profile",
-    "UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the update",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Successful saving of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection element is incorrect",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.FATAL": "Technical error during the SIP check process",
-    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Successful verification of processing limitation thresholds for archival units",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Successful process of backing up archival unit profiles",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Beginning of preparation of lifecycle logs and object group metadata",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Failed to retrieve data from the database",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the formats of objects and group of objects",
-    "CHECK": "Checking secure logs",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Warning when preparing to analyze the disposal of archival units",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.FATAL": "a Technical error occurred while creating the consistency audit report",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Failed to update the access contract: a value does not correspond to the expected values",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the import process for the entry contract",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the indexing of the metadata of the group of objects or of a preservation operation",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE": "Import process of the archiving profile (xsd or rng file)",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.WARNING": "Warning when saving the write logs",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.OK": "Successful update of archival units",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the entry contract is unknown to the entry contract repository",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Successful completion of the final elimination of archival units",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.OK": "Successful creation of the probative value statement report",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of entry finalization process",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.EMPTY.KO": "Failed to check the fingerprint of objects: There is at least one object whose fingerprint is missing in the transfer slip",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.KO": "The processing process for updating the generations of the update report for the descriptive metadata of archival units failed.",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.WARNING": "Warning when saving object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Warning during the process of deleting input contracts",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Warning during consistency audit",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Technical error during the preparation process for the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.WARNING": "Warning during the process of updating the descriptive metadata of the archival unit",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.KO": "Failed to start the process of mass update of descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Process of deleting the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.OK": "Successful saving of the write logs",
-    "STP_UPDATE": "Processing process for updating archival units",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of moving binary objects from the storage offering to the internal workspace",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Extraction of signatures from secure files",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.FATAL": "Technical error in the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Technical error during the import process of the access contract",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Object format identifier (PUID) missing in the formats repository",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Successful detachment of groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are eliminated",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.OK": "Successful verification of the association with an archival unit profile",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.KO": "SIP blank entry process failed",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION": "Finalization process for the final disposal of archival units",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already carried out: No recording of archival unit metadata",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.OK": "Successful creation of lifecycle log",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.KO": "Failed to migrate object groups",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.WARNING": "Warning when writing object to storage offers",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION": "Finalization process of the analysis of the disposal of archival units",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_INACTIVE": "Failed to check the presence and control of the entry contract: the entry contract is in active",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "The connection has not been made: the connection element does not exist in the system",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Successful registration of archival unit metadata",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Successful securing of object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.WARNING": "Warning during the process of checking and processing archival units",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT": "Generation of the import report of the griffins repository",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Beginning of the preparation of the list of signatures in secure files",
-    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.KO": "Failed to verify concurrent processes",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK": "Identification of formats",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.KO": "The process to delete the lifecycle logs of archival units failed",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Archive profile import process failed: archive profile not found",
-    "MASTERDATA.STARTED": "Beginning of importing basic data",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Import process of the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU": "Verification process of agent services referenced by archival units",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Warning during the process of finalizing the preservation treatment",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MASTER_MANDATORY_REQUIRED.KO": "Failed to check objects and groups of objects: the presence of a Master is mandatory",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the MERKLE tree",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.STARTED": "Beginning of the attachment of objects to groups of objects and archival units",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.STARTED": "Beginning of the audit of the files of the group of objects",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.FATAL": "Technical error when checking the presence and checking of the entry contract",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.KO": "The process for preparing the statement of probative value",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST": "Creation of the provision slip",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Failed to index the metadata of objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of object groups",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.BDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_PHYSICALMASTER.KO": "At least one binary object declares a \"PhysicalMaster\" usage. This usage is not allowed for binary objects",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.KO": "Preparation process for the migration of groups of objects failed",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the process of removing the repository of preservation scenarios",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare archival unit tree modification",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.KO": "Failed to apply business rules and calculate due dates: unknown business rule",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_CHECK_ERROR.KO": "Failed general check of the transfer slip: Failed to check the presence and control of the application context",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "The format of the object was not found in the format repository",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize analysis of disposal of archival units",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Success of the data recovery process in the database",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of the check of the expiry of the business rules",
-    "ELIMINATION.WARNING": "Warning when disposing of archival units",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.OK": "Success of writing object to storage offers",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Preparation of the list of life cycle logs and archival unit metadata",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.OK": "Successful saving of the archive profile",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Successful start of the process of preparing the list of archival units to be updated and modification authorizations",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.KO ": " Failed to create secure files for object group ",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST": "Process of creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
-    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS": "Establishment of the list of archival units to update",
-    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Failed to check the thresholds for processing archival units",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action already taken: No pre-acceptance check process",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT": "Definitive elimination of disposable archival units",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Warning when checking the update of the management rules of the archival unit",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP": "Checking for the presence in the transfer slip of a recursion in the tree structure of its archival units",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Technical error when creating the DIP and moving it to the storage offer",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of secondment of archival units",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Successful verification of compliance with archival unit profiles",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.INVALID_URI.KO": "At least one object declares a URI to which a file does not correspond or declares a URI already used by another object",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_AU_PROFILE.KO": "Failed to verify compliance with archival unit profiles: archival unit profile not compliant",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize the modification of the archival unit tree",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.FATAL": "Technical error when starting the process of preparing the list of archival units to update and modification authorizations",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.KO": "Failed to save the write logs",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION": "Preparation of the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC": "Process of mass updating of descriptive metadata of archival units",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Successful indexing of metadata of objects and groups of objects",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE": "Data retrieval process in the database",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN": "Checking the expiration of management rules",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT": "Audit of the verification of objects",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.STARTED": "Start of verification of the presence and control of the entry contract",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Failed to finalize the final disposal of archival units",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Warning during the process of creating the timestamp buffer for all object group lifecycle logs",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Success of the process for updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Warning when checking the consistency of the transfer slip",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE": "Finalization of the migration",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY.KO": "Failed to import the input contract: The white list of formats cannot be empty when all formats are not authorized",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Warning when creating the report for each archival unit or object or group of objects",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.BDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_PHYSICALMASTER.KO": "The binary object declares a \"PhysicalMaster\" usage. This usage is not allowed for binary objects",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.FATAL": "A Technical Error during the consistency audit process",
-    "PRESERVATION": "Global preservation process",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Beginning of the finalization of the preservation treatment",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.STARTED": "Beginning of the process of deleting the Register of Funds (Details)",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Technical error during the process of definitive elimination of groups of technical objects whose parent archival units are deleted",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Success of the start of updating the graphs of groups of objects",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Beginning of the archival unit profile update process",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Warning when indexing the archival unit",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.KO": "Failed to prepare the Register of Funds following the final elimination of archival units",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FATAL": "Technical error while identifying formats",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Success of the current entry update process",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.OK": "Successful migration of groups of objects",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.OK": "Success of the process of deleting the lifecycle logs of archival units",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.FATAL": "Technical error when detaching archival units",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Failed to detach groups of technical objects from which certain parent archival units are deleted",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.FATAL": "A technical error occurred while creating the list to audit",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_USER": "User authentication",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTICATION_USER": "User authentication",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_BLOCK_USER": "User blocking",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_REVOCATION": "Revocation of the password",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_INIT": "Password initialization",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_CHANGE": "Password modification",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_OTP_USER": "User authentication with OTP",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTICATION_OTP_USER": "User authentication with OTP",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_CUSTOMER": "Creation of the organization",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_CUSTOMER": "Modification of the organization",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_GROUP": "Group creation",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_GROUP": "Modification of the group",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_IDP": "Creation of the IDP of the organization",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_IDP": "Modification of the organization's IDP",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_OWNER": "Creation of the owner",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_OWNER": "Modification of the owner",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_PROFILE": "Profile creation",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_PROFILE": "Profile modification",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_START_SURROGATE_USER": "Start of user subrogation",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_START_SURROGATE_GENERIC": "Start of generic user subrogation",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_STOP_SURROGATE": "Stopping user subrogation",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_DECLINE_SURROGATE": "Refusal of the subrogation by the user",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_LOGOUT_SURROGATE": "Stop by disconnecting user subrogation",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_TENANT": "Creation of the owner's safe",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_TENANT": "Modification of the owner's safe",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_USER": "User creation",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_USER": "User modification"
-  }
diff --git a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/shared-i18n/fr.json b/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/shared-i18n/fr.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 137c85068..000000000
--- a/ui/ui-frontend/projects/pastis/src/assets/shared-i18n/fr.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3107 +0,0 @@
-    "settings": "Paramétrage",
-    "administrators": "Management",
-    "users": "Utilisateur",
-    "referential": "Référentiels",
-    "opaudit": "Audits et opérations",
-    "techadmin": "Administration technique",
-    "lastusedapps": "Dernières utilisées"
-  },
-  "NOTICE": {
-    "ONGLET_NOTICE_TYPE": "Type",
-    "ONGLET_NOTICE_ID": "Identifiant",
-    "ONGLET_NOTICE_INTITULE": "Intitulé",
-    "ONGLET_NOTICE_DESCRIPTION": "Description",
-    "NOTICE_CHART_UN": "Autoriser dans le manifeste la présence de",
-    "NOTICE_CHART_DEUX": "métadonnées non déclarées dans le PUA ?"
-  },
-    "NOTIFICATION_CREATE_PROFILE": "Les données RNG ont été chargées avec succès",
-    "NOTIFICATION_EDIT": "Les données RNG ont été chargées avec succès",
-    "NOTIFICATION_SEDA": "Les données SEDA ont été chargées avec succès",
-    "NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_PROFILE": "Le fichier RNG a été généré avec succès"
-  },
-  },
-  "PROFILE": {
-    "EDIT_PROFILE": {
-      "NOTICE_TAB": "Notice",
-      "ENTETE": "Entête",
-      "REGLES": "Règles",
-      "UNITES_ARCHIVES": "Unités d'archives",
-      "OBJETS": "Objets",
-      "NOTICE_PUA_MODE": "Notice",
-      "UNITES_ARCHIVES_PUA_MODE": "Unités d'archives",
-      "NOM_PUA": "Nom du profil d unité archivistique",
-      "NOM_PA": "Nom du profil d'archivage",
-      "PROFILE_ID": "Identifiant",
-      "FILE_TREE": {
-        "AJOUTER_UA": "Ajouter une UA",
-        "AJOUTER_UA_TOOLTIP": "Ajouter une UA",
-        "NOTIFICATION_REMOVE_SUCCESS_TWO": "avec succès",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_MEDATADONNEE_PONE": "Les métadonnées",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_PTWO": " ont été ajoutées",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_SONE": "La métadonnée",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_STWO": "a été ajoutée",
-        "NOTIFICATION_ADD_METADONNEE_FILE_TREE": "La métadonnée ArchiveUnit a été ajoutée",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_SEDA_ELEMENT_METADONNEE": "La métadonnée ",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_TITRE": "Voulez-vous supprimer",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Suppression d'un attribut",
-        "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE_METADONNEE": "Suppression d'une métadonnée",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M": " supprimé ",
-        "POPUP_REMOVE_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": " supprimée ",
-        "POPUP_ADD_CANCEL_LABEL": "Annuler",
-        "POPUP_ADD_TITLE_DIALOG": "Veuillez sélectionner une ou plusieurs métadonnées",
-        "POPUP_ADD_SUBTITLE_DIALOG": "Ajouter des métadonnées à",
-        "POPUP_ADD_OK_LABEL": "Ajouter les métadonnées",
-        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_TITRE": "Voulez-vous supprimer",
-        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_SOUS_TITRE_ATTRIBUT": "Suppression d'un attribut",
-        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_M": " supprimé ",
-        "POPUP_DUPLIQUER_DELETE_TYPE_TEXT_F": " supprimée ",
-        "POPUP_DUPLICATE_TITRE_TWO'": "son contenu et son paramétrage (cardinalités et commentaire)"
-      },
-        "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Rechercher une métadonnée dans le tableau",
-        "NOTIFICATION_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "La métadonnée ArchiveUnit a été ajoutée",
-        "BOUTON_AJOUT_METADONNEE": "Ajouter une métadonnée",
-        "BOUTON_AJOUT_UA": "Ajouter une UA",
-        "POPUP_SOUS_TITRE": "Edition des attributs de",
-        "POPUP_VALIDER": "Valider",
-        "POPUP_ANNULER": "Annuler",
-        "ENREGISTRER_PROFIL_TOOLTIP": "Enregistrer le profil",
-        "TELECHARGER_MANUEL_TOOLTIP": "Télécharger le manuel d'utilisation de PASTIS",
-        "NOM_METADONNEE": "Nom de la métadonnée",
-        "VALEUR_FIXE": "Valeur fixe",
-        "CARDINALITE": "Cardinalité",
-        "COMMENTAIRE": "Commentaire",
-        "DUPLIQUER": "Dupliquer",
-        "ATTRIBUT_METADONNEE": "Attributs de métadonnée",
-        "SUPPRIMER": "Supprimer",
-          "PARTIEUN": "La métadonnée",
-          "PARTIEDEUX": "ne contient pas de métadonnées filles. Vous devez lui en ajouter au moins une pour pouvoir l'utiliser dans votre profil."
-        },
-        "ATTRIBUTS": {
-          "NOM_ATTRIBUT": "Nom de l'attribut",
-          "VALEUR_FIXE": "Valeur fixe",
-          "COMMENTAIRE": "Commentaire"
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    "LIST_PROFILE": {
-      "CREER_GERER_PROFILE_ARCHIVAGE": "créer et gérer des profils d’archivage",
-      "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Recherche un profil par son intitulé",
-      "CREER_NOUVEAU_PROFIL": "créer un nouveau profil",
-      "IMPORTER_PROFIL": "importer un profil",
-      "LISTE_DES_PROFILS": "Liste des profils",
-      "TOUS_LES_PROFILS": "Tous les profils",
-      "TABLE": {
-        "TYPE_ETAT": "Type/Etat",
-        "IDENTIFIANT": "Identifiant",
-        "INTITULE": "Intitulé",
-        "DERNIERES_MODIFICATIONS": "Dernières modifications"
-      }
-    }
-  },
-    "ADD_METADATA": {
-      "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Recherche une métadonnée par son intitulé",
-      "METADATA_ADD": "Les métadonnées à ajouter",
-      "BOUTON_AJOUTER": "Ajouter",
-      "MESSAGE_PLUS_METADONNEE": "Il n'y a plus de métadonnées à ajouter"
-    }
-  },
-  "COMMON": {
-    "ADD": "Ajouter",
-    "UNDO": "Annuler",
-    "BACK": "Retour",
-    "SUBMIT": "Terminer",
-    "UPDATE": "Modifier",
-    "NEXT": "Suivant",
-    "CONFIRM": "Confirmer",
-    "CLOSE": "Fermer",
-    "REQUIRED": "Champ requis",
-    "NO_RESULT": "Aucun résultat",
-    "SHOW_MORE_RESULTS": "Afficher plus de résultats...",
-    "LANGUAGE": {
-      "TITLE": "Langue",
-      "ENGLISH": "Anglais",
-      "FRENCH": "Français",
-      "GERMAN": "Allemand"
-    },
-    "UNDO_MODAL": {
-      "TITLE": "Fermer la fenêtre",
-      "UNDO_MESSAGE": "Les données modifiées ne seront pas sauvegardées. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir fermer la fenêtre ?"
-    },
-    "HISTORY": {
-      "NO_HISTORY": "Aucun historique",
-      "OPERATIONS": "Journal des opérations"
-    }
-  },
-  "COLOR": {
-    "PRIMARY": "Couleur primaire",
-    "SECONDARY": "Couleur secondaire",
-    "TERTIARY": "Couleur tertiaire",
-    "HEADER_FOOTER": "Couleur d'entête",
-    "BACKGROUND": "Couleur de fond de page"
-  },
-  "ACCOUNT": {
-    "TITLE": "Mon compte",
-    "REFRESH_PASSWORD": "Changer de mot de passe",
-    "TAB": {
-      "INFORMATIONS": "Informations"
-    },
-    "LASTNAME": "Nom",
-    "FIRSTNAME": "Prénom",
-    "MAIL": "Adresse e-mail",
-    "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE": "Langue de l'interface",
-    "OTP_AUTH": "Authentification OTP",
-    "PHONE": {
-      "MOBILE": "Numéro de mobile",
-      "FIX": "Numéro de fix"
-    },
-    "DELIVERY_ADRESS": "Adresse de livraison",
-    "LEVEL": "Niveau",
-    "GROUP": "Mon groupe de profils"
-  },
-    "PREHOME": {
-      "ORGANIZATIONS": "Mes Organisations"
-    },
-    "HOME": {
-      "RESULTS_TABLE": {
-        "MODAL": {
-          "IMPOSSIBLE_SUBROGATION": "La subrogation pour cet utilisateur est momentanément impossible",
-          "DENIED_SUBROGATION": "Votre demande de subrogation a été refusée",
-          "CANCEL_SUBROGATION": "Votre demande de subrogation a bien été annulée",
-          "ACTIVE_SUBROGATION": "Vous avez déjà une subrogation en cours avec l'utilisateur",
-          "WAITING_ACCEPTATION": "Attente de l'acceptation de l'utilisateur",
-          "ACCEPT_SUBROGATION": "Afin de vous aider le support dispose pour les prochaines 30 minutes des mêmes droits que vous",
-          "ASK_SUBROGATION": "Vous avez demandé à subroger l'utilisateur"
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    "BANNER": {
-      "MESSAGE": "Subrogation de l'utilisateur {{ email }} jusqu'à {{ endDate }}",
-      "STOP_LABEL": "Arrêter la subrogation"
-    }
-  },
-    "PORTAL_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Portail"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Profiles d'archives",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profile d'archivage"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Organisations",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les organisations (clients, ...) et les coffres des organisations"
-    },
-    "USERS_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Utilisateurs",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Créer, Modifier et Gérer les utilisateurs..."
-    },
-    "GROUPS_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Groupes de profils",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les groupes de profil de droits qui seront affectés aux utilisateurs"
-    },
-    "PROFILES_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Profils APP Utilisateurs",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profils de droits des administrateurs qui utilisent l'APP Utilisateurs"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Subrogation",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Subroger les droits d'un utilisateur par le support pour assistance ou pour assurer les prestations de paramètrage/administration pour un client"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Hiérarchisation des Profils",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les niveaux de privilèges des profils de droits pour une organisation. Organisation de la séparation des rôles selon la PSSI de l'organisation"
-    },
-    "ACCOUNTS_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Mon compte",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter mes informations, Choisir la langue de l'interface"
-    },
-    "INGEST_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Contrats d'entrée",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, créer et modifier les contrats d'entrée"
-    },
-    "ACCESS_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Contrats d'accès",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, créer et modifier les contrats d'accès"
-    },
-    "AGENCIES_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Services Agent",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer, Modifier ou Supprimer les services agents"
-    },
-    "CONTEXTS_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Contextes applicatifs",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer, Modifier ou Supprimer les contextes applicatifs"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Profils de sécurité",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer, Modifier ou Supprimer les profils de sécurité"
-    },
-    "ONTOLOGY_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Ontologie",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer ou Supprimer les ontologies"
-    },
-    "AUDIT_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Audits",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Lancer des audits"
-    },
-    "SECURE_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Opération de sécurisations",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Opération de sécurisations"
-    },
-    "DSL_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Requêtes DSL",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Rechercher des UA à partir d'une requête DSL personnalisée"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Relevé de valeur probante",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Exporter un relevé de valeur probante"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Journal des Opérations",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Consultation des journaux des opérations d'entrées, de bases, d'éliminations"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Supervision des API",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Supervision des API"
-    },
-    "ARCHIVE_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Archives",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Déposer, rechercher, consulter des documents dans un coffre"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Dépôt SIP SEDA",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Déposer un lot de documents (SIP) au format SEDA dans un flux"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Dépôt par bordereau",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Déposer un lot de documents"
-    },
-    "MY_ACTIVITY_V2_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Mon Activité",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter mes actions et ordres : versements, bordereaux de sorties..."
-    },
-      "NAME": "Mon Activité Opérateur",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter mes actions concernant les bordereaux de toutes les organisations"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Supervision des versements",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Superviser les versements dans un coffre"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Supervision des bordereaux",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Superviser et opérer les actions sur les bordereaux d'un coffre"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Versements des organisations",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Superviser les versements de toutes les organisations"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Bordereaux des organisations",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Superviser et opérer les actions sur les bordereaux de toutes les organisations"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Validation des versements",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Valider ou refuser les versements dans un coffre par les autorités désignées par l'organisation"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Référentiel Record Management",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer le référentiel de règles de gestion du cycle de vie des archives pour un coffre"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Types d'archives",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les types d'archives"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Coffre",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les coffres d'une organisation : plan de classement, métadonnées d'indexation, autorités de validation..."
-    },
-      "NAME": "Profils APP Archives",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profils de droits des utilisateurs pour accéder aux archives dans un coffre et utiliser les fonctions de l'APP Archives (déposer, consulter, télécharger, ...)"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Flux",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les flux de versement des organisations"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Alfresco",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder à Alfresco"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Docuware",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder à Docuware"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Salles d'archives",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Gestion des archives physiques"
-    },
-    "BARCODES_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Etiquettes",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Gestion des etiquettes"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Organisations physiques",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les organisations physiques"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Profils APP Dépôt par bordereau",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profils de droits des utilisateurs pour créer des bordereaux de dépôt"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Rapports",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter les rapports et les statistiques"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Profils APP Supervision des bordereaux",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer des profils de supervision pour l’APP de supervision des bordereaux"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Recherche et consultation des archives",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Rechercher et consulter les archives"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Dépôt et suivi des versements",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter des versements ou créer un nouveau versement"
-    },
-    "RULES_APP": {
-      "NAME": "Règles de gestion",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer, Modifier ou Supprimer les règles de gestion"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Formats de fichiers",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Accéder, Créer, Modifier ou Supprimer les formats de fichiers"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Arbres et Plans",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Importer un arbre de positionnement ou un plan de classement"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Gestion des Opérations",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Consulter et gérer l'ensemble des opérations qui sont en cours"
-    },
-      "NAME": "Profil APP Paramétrages externes",
-      "TOOLTIP": "Paramétrer les profils de droits des utilisateurs pour l'application des paramètres externes"
-    }
-  },
-  "FOOTER": {
-    "HELP": "Aide",
-    "LEGAL_NOTICE": "Mentions légales",
-    "TECHNICAL_REFERENT": "Référent technique"
-  },
-  "HEADER": {
-    "LOGOUT": "Déconnexion",
-    "NAVIGATE_AS": "Activer le mode subrogation",
-    "MY_ACCOUNT": "Mon compte",
-    "PROFILE": "Profil"
-  },
-  "MENU": {
-    "GRAB_APPLICATION": "Saisir le nom de l'application",
-    "MY_APPLICATIONS": "Mes applications",
-    "APPLICATION_TITLE": "Applications",
-    "CUSTOMER_TITLE": "Organisations",
-    "TENANT_TITLE": "Coffres",
-    "RESULT": "Résultat(s)",
-    "settings": "Paramétrage",
-    "administrators": "Management",
-    "users": "Utilisateurs",
-    "referential": "Référentiels",
-    "opaudit": "Audits et opérations",
-    "techadmin": "Administration technique",
-    "ingests": "Suivi des versements",
-    "lastusedapps": "Dernières utilisées",
-    "ingest_and_consultation": "Versement & consultation",
-    "supervision_and_audits": "Supervision & Audits",
-    "security_and_application_rights": "Sécurité & droits applicatifs",
-    "organization_and_user_rights": "Organisation & droits utilisateurs"
-  },
-    "ENTER_APPLICATION": "Entrée pour lancer l'application"
-  },
-    "MY_TENANTS": "Mes coffres",
-    "SELECTED": "Coffre sélectionné",
-    "SELECT": "Sélectionner un coffre",
-    "DIALOG_TITLE": "Bienvenue sur ",
-    "DIALOG_SUBTITLE": "Le portail des applications de l'archivage",
-    "DIALOG_INSTRUCTIONS": "Veuillez sélectionner votre coffre par défaut",
-    "DIALOG_MESSAGE": "Votre coffre par défaut pourra être modifié depuis votre compte",
-    "DIALOG_BUTTON_LABEL": "Accéder à "
-  },
-    "SELECTED": "Organisation sélectionnée",
-    "SELECT": "Sélectionner une organisation"
-  },
-    "LANGUAGE": "Langue",
-    "ENGLISH": "Anglais",
-    "FRENCH": "Français"
-  },
-    "YES": "OUI",
-    "NO": "NON"
-  },
-    "SUBLEVEL": "Sous niveau"
-  },
-    "STEP": "Étape"
-  },
-  "LANGUAGE": {
-    "FRENCH": "Français",
-    "ENGLISH": "Anglais",
-    "GERMAN": "Allemand"
-  },
-  "COUNTRY": {
-    "FRANCE": "France",
-    "GERMANY": "Allemagne",
-    "ITALY": "Italie",
-    "UNITED_KINGDOM": "Royaume-Uni",
-    "DENMARK": "Danemark",
-    "SPAIN": "Espagne",
-    "BELGIUM": "Belgique",
-    "PORTUGAL": "Portugal"
-  },
-  "DOWNLOAD": {
-    "CANCELLED": "Téléchargement annulé",
-    "CANCEL_ACTION": "Annuler le téléchargement",
-    "CONFIRM_CANCEL_ACTION": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler le téléchargement du fichier ?",
-      "SINGULAR": "Compression du fichier : 1 élément",
-      "PLURAL": "Compression du fichier : {{ count }} éléments"
-    },
-      "SINGULAR": "sur {{ total }} (1 élément non téléchargeable)",
-      "PLURAL": "sur {{ total }} ({{ count }} éléments non téléchargeables)"
-    },
-    "FILE_GENERATION": "Génération du fichier"
-  },
-    "CONFIM_UPDATE": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir effectuer cette modification ?"
-  },
-    "WRONG_FORMAT": "Format incorrect (",
-    "INVALID_USER": "Utilisateur non valide"
-  },
-    "PLACEHOLDER": "",
-    "ERROR": "Vous devez saisir au moins une adresse email"
-  },
-    "DEFAULT_LABEL": "(Défaul)"
-  },
-  "SNACKBAR": {
-    "UPDATED_ACCOUNT": "Les informations ont été mises à jour",
-    "FINISHED_SUBROGATION": "Le mode subrogation est arrêté",
-    "ACTIVATED_SUBROGATION": "Le mode subrogation est activé pour {{ duration }} minutes, jusqu'à {{ hours }}h{{ minutes }}. Veuillez ne pas changer d'application.",
-    "ASK_SUBROGATION": "L'utilisateur {{ user }} demande un accès temporaire à vos droits",
-    "ACCEPT_SUBROGATION": "Accepter",
-  },
-    "TITLE": "Erreur serveur interne (500)",
-    "MESSAGE": "Une erreur interne s'est produite. Veuillez contacter un administrateur si le problème persiste."
-  },
-    "AUDIT": "Audit",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
-    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.KO": "Échec de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Processus de sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.EXIST.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion : des règles de gestion existent déjà",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.OK": "Succès de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation des informations de stockage",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du profil de sécurité",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec du calcul des dates d'échéance : la date ne peut être gérée",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.INVALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte du fichier",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de la création de la liste à auditer",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.KO": "Échec de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la présence du contexte applicatif : le contexte applicatif est inconnu du référentiel des contextes applicatifs",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets lors d'une opération de préservation",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.OK": "Succès de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification du niveau de classification",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : champs non conformes",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY.KO": "La date contenue dans le champ Date de début doit être postérieure à la date contenue dans le champ Date de fin",
-    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY": "Vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "STP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: impossibilité de rattacher une unité archivistique existante à une unité archivistique parente",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT": "Processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.OK": "Succès de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : champs non conformes",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Succès de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus de finalistation de l'entrée",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED": "Début de la vérification du niveau de classification",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Début du lancement du griffon",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.KO": "Échec de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION": "Préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "STP_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
-    "STP_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION": "Processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT.STARTED": "Début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP": "Processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.DIRECTORY.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP : Le SIP contient plus d'un dossier ou un dossier dont le nommage est invalide",
-    "STP_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.OK": "Succès de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.OK": "Succès du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Détails)",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.STARTED": "Début de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD": "Vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE": "Processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de l'audit",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.OK": "Succès du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec de la validation du tampon d'horodatage",
-    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.OK": "Succès de la journalisation d'événements externes",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Il existe au moins un champ non renseigné dont la valeur est obligatoire",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.KO": "Échec du processus d'enregistrement du fichier d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED": "Début du contrôle sanitaire du SIP",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création de fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "ELIMINATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.DELETION.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents : des services agents supprimés sont référencés par des unités archivistiques déjà présentes dans le système",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT": "Notification de la fin de l'audit",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH": "Calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT": "Audit de la vérification des objets physiques du groupe d'objets",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT": "Création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Échec du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'archivage : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'existe pas dans le système",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP": "Récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
-    "EXPORT_DIP.OK": "Succès du processus de l'export du DIP",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.OK": "Succès de la vérification du niveau de classification",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de vérification globale du SIP",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION": "Alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Détails)",
-    "STP_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début du processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK": "Vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "COMMIT_RULES.OK": "Succès de la persistance des données en base",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Succès du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_AGENT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence des services agents",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments inexistants dans le système",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès de la comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
-    "TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de l'opération de sécurisation",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MANIFEST_SUPERIOR_BDO.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert déclare plus d'objets binaires qu'il n'en existe dans le répertoire Content du SIP",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED": "Début du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.INVALID_DATAOBJECTVERSION.KO": "Au moins un objet déclare un usage incorrect. L'usage doit s'écrire sous la forme [usage] ou [usage]_[version]. \"Usage\" doit être parmi l'énumération DataObjectVersion définie pour Vitam : \"version\" doit être un entier positif",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
-    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des métadonnées des objets et groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE": "Enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Échec du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le contrat d'entrée ne déclare pas de nœud de rattachement",
-    "CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Début du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus du contrôle du SIP",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.STARTED": "Début du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE": "Écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux d'écriture",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT": "Vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : vérification de la conformité des champs",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.OK": "Succès du processus d'enregistrement du fichier d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE": "Création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
-    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.OK": "Succès du processus d'audit correctif modifié",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE": "Écriture des métadonnées des objets et groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie : Une règle déclarée est incohérente par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED": "Début de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION.KO": "Échec de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED": "Début du détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "PRESERVATION.KO": "Échec du processus global de préservation",
-    "EXPORT_DIP.KO": "Échec du processus de l'export du DIP",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Début du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la recherche du format de l'objet dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED": "Début du déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_SPACE_KO.KO": "Disponibilité de l'offre de stockage insuffisante",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT": "Audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la distribution des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Succès du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.KO": "Échec de la vérification du niveau de classification : non autorisé par la plateforme",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des métadonnées des objets et groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence du contrat d'entrée : le champ Archival Agreement est absent du bordereau de transfert",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION": "Génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.KO": "Échec de la distribution des groupes d'objets",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL": "Processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
-    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'audit correctif modifié",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de la vérification des objets physiques du groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION": "Vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION": "Modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Échec du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques : ce groupe d'objet ou un de ses objets n'est référencé par aucunes unités archivistiques",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'entrée du SIP",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la disponibilité de l'offre de stockage",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non trouvé",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le champ ArchivalAgreement est absent du bordereau de transfert",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.OK": "Succès de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives et de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME": "Import de l'arbre de positionnement",
-    "COMMIT_RULES": "Persistance des données en base",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.KO": "Échec de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
-    "LFC.OLD_CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'empreinte",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique: au moins un des champs obligatoires n'est pas renseigné",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.INVALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte du fichier",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets lors d'une opération de préservation",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Échec de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets : l'élément déclaré ne permet pas de faire un rattachement",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.KO": "Échec de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FATAL": "Erreur fatale lors de l'identification du format",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification du format",
-    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.KO": "Échec du processus d'audit correctif modifié",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST": "Vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION.OK": "Succès du processus global de préservation",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING": "Processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.OK": "Succès de la distribution des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT": "Vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion : la date ne peut être gérée",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION": "Processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION": "Préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début de la création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: impossibilité de rattacher une unité archivistique existante à une unité archivistique parente",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_OBJECT.FATAL": "Une Erreur technique est survenue lors de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de préparation des informations de stockage",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.OK": "Succès de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.KO": "Échec de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la mise à jour du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE": "Processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK": "Écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK": "Processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'entrée du SIP",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'enregistrement des journaux sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.KO": "Échec du processus de déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion : la date ne peut être gérée",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH": "Comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des métadonnées des objets et groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.OK": "Succès de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Début de vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "CHECK_RULES.INVALID_CSV.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion : fichier CSV invalide",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.KO": "Erreur lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "une Erreur technique lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION": "Vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES": "Mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.INACTIVE.KO": "Échec du contrôle du caractère actif du profil d'archivage",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux d'écriture",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du lancement du griffon",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN": "Processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Succès du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION": "Processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "une Erreur technique est survenue lors du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "PRESERVATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus global de préservation",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Fétails)",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.OK": "Succès du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Vérification de la disponibilité des offres de stockage",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'opération de sécurisation",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du processus mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.AGENCY_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès : au moins un service agent est inconnu",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification du rattachement des objets aux groupes d'objets et aux unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Succès de la vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.STARTED": "Début du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.OK": "Succès de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.OK": "Succès du lancement du griffon",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
-    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST": "Préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "INGEST": "Entrée",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence : le bordereau de transfert présente une récursivité dans l'arborescence de ses unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des niveaux de classification",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "Le transfert de plusieurs versions d'un même usage dans un même versement est interdit",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.KO": "Échec de la vérification des usages des objets",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de la migration",
-    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT": "Correction des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée, défaillante",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "EXPORT_DIP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'export du DIP",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la relation entre le contrat d'entrée et le profil",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.EMPTY_CONTROL_SCHEMA.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : schéma de contrôle du profil d'unité archivistique vide",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
-    "ELIMINATION.OK": "Succès de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID": "Création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.OK": "Succès du processus de déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY": "Processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES": "Processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la disponibilité de l'offre de stockage",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD": "Application des règles de gestion et calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK": "Préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus du contrôle du SIP",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.OK": "Succès du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION": "Préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION": "Préparation de la mise à jour du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des formats",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT": "Processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP": "Comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.KO": "Échec du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.STARTED": "Début du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES": "Processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec de l'indexation de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES": "Vérification des règles de gestion",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du contrôle sanitaire du SIP",
-    "INGEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'entrée du SIP",
-    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des processus concurrents",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.OK": "Succès du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION": "Finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Succès de vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.KO": "Échec de l'alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance : Au moins une unité archivistique déclare une règle non cohérente avec sa catégorie",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.STARTED": "Début du processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la relation entre le contrat d'entrée et le profil d'archivage",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY": "Entrée de SIP standard",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de l'import du contexte : au moins un des champs obligatoires n'est pas renseigné",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_INACTIVE.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contrat d'entrée déclaré dans le bordereau de transfert est inactif",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.KO": "Échec du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
-    "FILINGSCHEME": "Entrée de plan de classement",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.KO": "Échec du lancement de préservation",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "une Erreur technique lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_URI.KO": "L'objet déclare une URI à laquelle ne correspond pas de fichier ou déclare une URI déjà utilisée par un autre objet",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE": "Processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la relation entre le contrat d'entrée et le profil",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.OK": "Succès de la vérification des usages des objets",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA": "Processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Échec de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS": "Migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de vérification des seuils l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS": "Processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'archivage : au moins un des champs obligatoires n'est pas renseigné",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle de cohérence du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.KO": "Échec du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets et groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.INVALID_JSON_SCHEMA.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique: schéma JSON non valide",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL": "Processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Détails)",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Début de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "MASS_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "INGEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'entrée du SIP",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.KO": "Échec du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Horodatage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN": "Application des règles de gestion et calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST": "Distribution des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de l'opération de sécurisation",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des seuils de limitation de traitement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP": "Processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION": "Processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du rapport de relevé de valeur probante",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.OK": "Succès du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de la création de la liste à auditer",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT_BY_CONTRACT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué : le contrat d'entrée n'autorise pas les rattachements",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'entrée du SIP",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_AU_PROFILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non conforme",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de déplacement des objets binaires sur l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.SECURITY_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec de l'import du contexte applicatif : profil de sécurité non trouvé",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE": "Écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP": "Détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets lors d'une opération de préservation",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED": "Début de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "UPDATE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Échec de vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Succès de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.KO": "Échec de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la validation du tampon d'horodatage",
-    "UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de vérification de la disponibilité des offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contexte applicatif est inconnu du référentiel des contextes applicatifs",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert présente une récursivité dans l'arborescence de ses unités archivistiques",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Préparation de la liste des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contrat d'entrée est inconnu du référentiel des contrats d'entrée",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "RULES_REPORT.STARTED": "Début de la génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.KO": "Échec de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Échec du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.STARTED": "Début de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.REJECTED_FORMAT.KO": "Échec de l'identification des formats : le contrat d'entrée interdit le versement d'objet au format inconnu et le SIP versé contient au moins un objet au format inconnu, ou bien le SIP contient un format interdit par le contrat d'entrée",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Échec du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la notification de la fin de l'audit",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY": "Établissement de la liste des objets",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.KO": "Échec du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY": "Audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "CHECK_RULES.INVALID_CSV_ENCODING_NOT_UTF_EIGHT.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion : fichier CSV n'est pas encodé en UTF8",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "CHECK_RULES.OK": "Succès du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.KO": "Échec de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la recherche du format de l'objet dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la présence du profil d'archivage dans le référentiel des profils d'archivage",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "OG_METADATA_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'écriture des métadonnées des objets et groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION": "Processus de migration de données",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP": "Vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification préalable à la pris en charge : Information de l'espace libre sur l'offre de stockage indisponible",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.PDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_BINARYMASTER.KO": "L'objet physique déclare un usage \"BinaryMaster\". Cet usage n'est pas autorisé pour les objets physiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_MALFORMED_DATA.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert possède une donnée malformée",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS": "Analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT": "Correction des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée, défaillante",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_AUDIT": "Processus d'exécution de l'audit",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.STARTED": "Début du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION": "Processus de lancement du griffon",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert contient des objets ou groupes d'objets qui ne déclarent pas un rattachement à une unité archivistique",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux d'écriture",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.FILEFORMAT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée: au moins un identifiant de format est inconnu",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST": "Distribution des unités unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert présente une récursivité dans l'arborescence de ses unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence (des audits des objets sont en erreurs )",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP : bordereau de transfert non conforme aux caractéristiques d'un fichier xml",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des règles de gestion",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT.OK": "Succès de l'audit",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY": "Écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST": "Vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.OK": "Succès de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION.OK": "Succès de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.OK": "Succès du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de la création de la liste à auditer",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED": "Début du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL": "Vérification du niveau de classification",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.BAD_REQUEST.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès : une mauvaise requête a été saisie",
-    "CHECK_RULES.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
-    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.OK": "Succès de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.OK": "Succès de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification du format",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'existe pas dans le système",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion : des règles de gestions ont été modifiées et sont utilisées par des unités archivistiques existantes",
-    "ROLL_BACK": "Mise en cohérence des Journaux du Cycle de Vie",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de migration de données",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès de la création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.OK": "Succès de la vérification des règles de gestion",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT": "Vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE": "Processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus suppression du profil de sécurité",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.VALIDATION_ERROR.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'accès : erreur lors de la validation du contrat d'accès",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la présence du contrat d'entrée dans le contexte applicatif",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT.KO": "Échec de l'audit",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec de la création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY": "Ecriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des scénarios de préservation",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sauvegarde des des logs d'accès",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contrat d'entrée n'est pas compatible avec le contexte applicatif",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de réception du SIP",
-    "ROLL_BACK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de mise en cohérence des journaux de cycle de vie",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Succès du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de l'existence des objets",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK": "Vérification des processus concurrents",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.KO": "Échec de la vérification du format",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Succès du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "OLD_CHECK_DIGEST": "Vérification de l'empreinte",
-    "STP_OG_STORING": "Processus d'écriture et d'indexation des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "une Erreur technique est survenue lors du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec de la vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
-    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.KO": "Échec de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION.KO": "Échec de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la disponibilités de l'offre de stockage",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus global de la préparation",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.KO": "Échec de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE.KO": "Échec du processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT": "Processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_OBJECT.FATAL": "Une Erreur technique est survenue lors de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.OK": "Succès de l'audit de l'existence des objets",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT": "Processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "Échec de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets : l'élément déclaré ne permet pas de faire un rattachement",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.KO": "Échec de la vérification des règles de gestion",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès de la récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE": "Processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.OK": "Succès de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.OK": "Format de l'objet identifié, référencé dans le référentiel interne et avec des informations cohérentes entre le format attendu et le résultat de l'outil d'identification des formats.",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "Le transfert de plusieurs versions d'un même usage dans un même versement est interdit",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT": "Processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.KO": "Échec du processus d'entrée du SIP",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée : au moins un profil d'archivage est inconnu",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.OK": "Succès de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.KO": "Échec du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.OK": "Succès du processus du contrôle du SIP",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de préparation de l'audit",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'enregistrement des journaux de cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur fatale lors de l'identification du format",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.KO": "Échec de l'identification du format",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK": "Vérification de la disponibilité de l'offre de stockage",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.REFERENTIAL_ERROR.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la recherche du format de l'objet dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT": "Processus d'audit correctif modifié",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.FATAL": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Début du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST": "Création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert contient des objets ou des groupes d'objets qui ne déclarent pas de rattachement à une unité archivistique",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement est incorrect",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.OK": "Succès de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de de processus de contrôle du SIP",
-    "STP_UPDATE.OK": "Succès du processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus suppression du profil de sécurité",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.KO": "Échec de la vérification des formats : format des objets non identifiés ou absents dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE": "Vérification globale du SIP",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement technique lors de l'écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.KO": "Échec de l'audit de l'existence des objets : au moins un objet demandé n'existe pas ou des stratégies de stockage sont incohérentes avec les offres déclarées",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC": "Processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION": "Création du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des règles de gestion",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.KO": "Échec de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.OK": "Succès de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle de la présence du contrat d'entrée : le contrat d'entrée est inconnu du référentiel des contrats d'entrée",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED": "Début du processus de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP": "Processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV": "Processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec de la récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.KO": "Échec de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de la création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP : bordereau de transfert non conforme au schéma SEDA 2.1",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Horodatage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.OK": "Format de l'objet identifié, référencé dans le référentiel interne et avec des informations cohérentes entre l'opération de préservation et le résultat de l'outil d'identification des formats.",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES": "Mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.OK": "Succès de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG": "Processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "EXPORT_DIP.STARTED": "Début de l'export du DIP",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.FATAL": "Une erreur technique est survenue lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation du rapport de l'audit de cohérence (aucun objet en erreur)",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de la vérification du rattachement des objets aux groupes d'objets et aux unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle sanitaire du SIP",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.KO": "Échec du processus du contrôle du bordereau du SIP",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH": "Contrôle de cohérence du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Échec de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde du rérentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d' objets",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.STARTED": "Début du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de l'audit",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC": "Enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.KO": "Échec du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la notification de la fin de l'audit",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'absence d'objet",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : un champ obligatoire est vide",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP": "Processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
-    "TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'opération de sécurisation",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.NOT_AU_JSON_VALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique:json invalide",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début de la création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sauvegarde des logs d'accès",
-    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du contexte applicatif applicatif",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE": "Mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.MANIFEST_SUPERIOR_BDO.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert déclare plus d'objets binaires qu'il n'en existe dans le répertoire Content du SIP",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.STARTED": "Début de l'enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création de fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV": "Processus d'enregistrement du fichier d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.KO": "Échec du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP": "Sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.KO": "Échec de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.STARTED": "Début de l'établissement de la liste des objets",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.KO": "Échec du processus de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.KO": "Échec de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON": "Processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.STARTED": "Début de la distribution des groupes d'objets",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.OK": "Succès du processus du processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Échec de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non trouvé",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED": "Début du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INACTIVE_STATUS.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non actif",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.INVALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte du fichier",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Identifiant du format de l'objet (PUID) absent dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS": "Processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "OBJ_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'enregistrement des journaux sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de lancement du griffon",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_KO_UNAVAILABLE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la disponibilité d'au moins une offre de stockage",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès : contrat d'accès non trouvé",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.STARTED": "Début de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du contexte applicatif applicatif",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'est pas unique dans le système",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Échec du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "MASTERDATA": "Données de base",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des scénarios de préservation",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION": "Finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la journalisation d'événements externes",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.STARTED": "Début de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.OK": "Succès de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.ATTACHMENT_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "Le contrat d'entrée n'autorise pas le rattachement d'un objet à un groupe d'objets existant.",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_UNIT": "Enregistrement des Journaux du Cycle de Vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Début de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'établissement de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de réception du SIP",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION": "Processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Échec du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION": "Processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.OK": "Succès du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
-    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Succès de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.KO": "Échec du processus du processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK": "Journalisation d'événements externes",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès de la création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
-    "MASS_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.OK": "Succès de l'identification des formats",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS": "Migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion: Au moins une règle de gestion déclarée est inconnue du système ou l'échéance calculée est postérieure au 01/01/9000 (Date de début + Durée de la règle)",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la récupération des données dans la base de donné",
-    "MASS_UPDATE": "Mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie : la demande d'annulation d'une règle de gestion n'est pas cohérente avec sa catégorie",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
-    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION": "Alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS": "Processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE": "Création des fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY": "Processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
-    "OBJ_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement des journaux sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE": "Vérification globale du SIP",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MANIFEST_INFERIOR_BDO.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert déclare moins d'objets binaires qu'il n'en existe dans le répertoire Content du SIP",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux d'écriture",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS": "Processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Succès du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.OK": "Succès du processus d'entrée du SIP",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP": "Vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_INACTIVE.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contexte applicatif déclaré dans le bordereau de transfert est inactif",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "CHECK_RULES.MAX_DURATION_EXCEEDS.KO": "Échec du contrôle de sécurité des règles de gestion. Les durées des règles de gestion doivent être supérieures ou égales aux durées minimales requises par le tenant",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.OK": "Succès du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK": "Vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.OK": "Succès de l'établissement de la liste des objets",
-    "HOLDINGSCHEME.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'import de l'arbre de positionnement",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.STARTED": "Début du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT": "Vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : vérification du format des dates",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT": "Processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.KO": "Échec du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT": "Vérification de l'absence d'objet",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du chargement des unités archivistiques au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès de la validation du tampon d'horodatage",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "BACKUP_AGENCIES.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.STARTED": "Début de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Horodatage des journaux",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec de la création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : champs obligatoires vides",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.KO": "Échec de l'identification des formats",
-    "EXTERNAL_LOGBOOK.KO": "Échec de la journalisation d'événements externes",
-    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.ARCHIVEUNIT_REFERENCES_MULTIPLE_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "Une unité archivistique référence plus d'un groupe d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION": "Sécurisation des journaux des opérations",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de la comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début de l'audit",
-    "COMMIT_RULES.KO": "Échec de la persistance des données en base",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNKNOWN": "Vérification du format de l'objet",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des formats",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : donnée référentielle inconnue",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec du processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des règles de gestion",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.STARTED": "Succès du début de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Succès du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.OK": "Succès du chargement des unités archivistiques au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT": "Détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le contrat d'entrée ne déclare pas de nœud de rattachement",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE": "Mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.PDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_BINARYMASTER.KO": "Au moins un objet physique déclare un usage \"BinaryMaster\". Cet usage n'est pas autorisé pour les objets physiques",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES": "Processus de suppression du référentiel de règles de gestion",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objetsl ors d'une opération de préservation",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'identification des formats",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus suppression du profil de sécurité",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE": "Processus de finalisation de la migration",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.STARTED": "Début de l'alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.KO": "Échec de l'établissement de la liste des objets",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.OK": "Succès du processus de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REJECTED": "Vérification du format de l'objet",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.KO": "Au moins une unité archivistique déclare un champ dont la valeur n'est pas conforme à celle attendue",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.OK": "Succès de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.STARTED": "Début du processus de la création de la liste à auditer",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE": "Processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
-    "UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE": "Processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la création du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT": "Processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION.DIFF.KO": "Échec du contrôle de cohérence entre le profil d'archivage déclaré dans le bordereau de transfert et celui déclaré dans le contrat d'entrée",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED": "Début du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY": "Application des règles de gestion et calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la distribution des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des formats",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_CHECK_ERROR.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contexte applicatif",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du début du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
-    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON": "Processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_STORAGE_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sécurisation du journal des écritures",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des niveaux de classification",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.STARTED": "Début du processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST": "Processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
-    "STP_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Succès du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.KO": "Échec du chargement des unités archivistiques au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'enregistrement des journaux de cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : au moins un des champs obligatoires n'est pas renseigné",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "RULES_REPORT": "Génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "UPLOAD_SIP": "Réception du SIP dans Vitam",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_INACTIVE": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le contrat d'entrée est inactif",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT": "Création de la liste à auditer",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.KO": "Échec du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
-    "STP_OG_STORING.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus d'écriture des métadonnées des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Échec du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification et traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT": "Processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.INACTIVE.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : donnée référentielle inactive",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE": "Application des règles de gestion et calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.KO": "Échec du processus de réception du SIP : un des noms de fichiers contient un caractère non autorisé",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.KO": "Échec de la sauvegarde des journaux des logs d'accès",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG": "Processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNCHARTED": "Vérification du format de l'objet",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE": "Processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL": "Vérification du niveau de classification",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.STARTED": "Début de la création du fichier du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.STARTED": "Début de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.KO": "Échec de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT": "Vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique:champs non conformes",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS.KO": "Échec de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "OBJ_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Succès du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED": "Début de vérification des seuils de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP": "Contrôle sanitaire du SIP",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Échec de l'import du contexte applicatif : au moins un objet déclare une valeur inconnue",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_UNIT_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.KO": "Échec de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.OK": "Succès de la création du fichier du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du contrôle sanitaire du SIP",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.STARTED": "Début du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la migration",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'absence d'objet",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.STARTED": "Début de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT": "Processus de préparation de l'audit",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : Un ou plusieurs formats ne sont pas référencés dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "CTR_SCHEMA.OK": "Succès du processus de contrôle du schéma JSON",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "MASTERDATA.KO": "Échec de l'import des données de base",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.OK": "Succès de la sauvegarde des journaux des logs d'accès",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS.STARTED": "Début de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments hors périmètre",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "EXPORT_DIP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'export du DIP",
-    "ROLL_BACK.OK": "Succès de la mise en cohérence des journaux du cycle de vie",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès du processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.STARTED": "Début de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.OK": "Succès de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_IC_AP_RELATION": "Vérification de la relation entre le contrat d'entrée et le profil d'archivage",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "MASTERDATA.OK": "Succès de l'import des données de base",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE": "Écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.FATAL": "Une Erreur technique est survenue lors du processus de la création de la liste",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.NULL_LINK_PARENT_ID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le contrat d'entrée ne déclare pas de nœud de rattachement",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments inexistants dans le système",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de la création de la liste à auditer",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
-    "LOGBOOK_LC_SECURISATION": "Sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de lancement du griffon",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PREPARATION": "Processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.OK": "Succès du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert : nom du fichier conforme",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING": "Audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.KO": "Échec de la création du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE": "Processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO": "Processus de sauvegarde des scénarios de préservation",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNCHARTED.KO": "Échec de la vérification du format : le format de l'objet est identifié mais est inconnu du référentiel des formats",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la création du fichier du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur fatale lors de la vérification du format",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des rattachements des unités archivistiques et groupes d'objets",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.OK": "Succès de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK": "Vérification des formats",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'identification du format",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début de la récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.OK": "Succès de la notification de la fin de l'opération d'entrée à l'opérateur de versement",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Succès de la création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'accès : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.KO": "Échec de la notification de la fin de l'opération d'entrée à l'opérateur de versement",
-    "UPDATE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification du niveau de classification",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de l'audit de la vérification des objets physiques : il existe un fichier binaire relatif à cet objet physique",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA": "Vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la sauvegarde des logs d'accès",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert contient des objets ou des groupes d'objets qui ne déclarent pas de rattachement à une unité archivistique",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Succès de la vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "MASTERDATA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'import des données de base",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Début du processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE": "Mise à jour",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.BAD_REQUEST.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée : une mauvaise requête a été saisie",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.WARNING": "Avertissement est survenue lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION.OK": "Succès du processus de migration de données",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de la migration",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING": "Audit de l'existence des objets",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la mise à jour du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "COMMIT_RULES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la persistance des données en base",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION": "Finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP": "Processus de réception du SIP",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.KO": "Échec du contrôle de cohérence du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux d'écriture",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY": "Processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
-    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT": "Processus de suppression du contexte applicatif",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_HEADER": "Vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le rattachement n'est pas situé dans le périmètre autorisé",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.OK": "Succès de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ONTOLOGIES_UPDATE_INVALID_TYPE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des ontologies : au moins une valeur ne correspond pas aux valeurs attendues.",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UPDATED_FORMAT.WARNING": "Complétion des métadonnées sur les formats",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.KO": "Échec de la création du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.KO": "Échec de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.TOOL_DOES_NOT_ANSWER.FATAL": "L'outil d'analyse des formats de l'objet ne répond pas",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT.STARTED": "Début de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.STARTED": "Début du processus de réception du SIP",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des métadonnées du groupe d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.OK": "Succès du processus de réception du SIP",
-    "STP_SANITY_CHECK_SIP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus des contrôles préalables à l'entrée",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des usages des objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT": "Vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Succès du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.KO": "Échec du détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des journaux de cycles de vie des unités archivistiques lors de la migration",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_PREPARE.FATAL": "Erreur technique est lors du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Début du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.KO": "Échec de la création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de l'audit",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de l'audit de la vérification des objets physiques du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP": "Processus de contrôle du SIP",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Identifiant du format de l'objet (PUID) absent dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "OBJ_STORAGEOBJ_STORAGE": "Écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur l'offre de stockage",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.KO": "Échec du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.STARTED": "Début de la distribution des unités archivistiques",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la disponibilité de toutes les offres de stockage",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION.KO": "Échec du processus de migration de données",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY.KO": "Au moins une unité archivistique n'est pas conforme à son schéma en raison d'un problème de cohérence entre champs",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Échec du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.OK": "Succès du détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus global de préservation",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.EXISTING_OG_NOT_DECLARED.KO": "Au moins une unité archivistique déclare un objet à la place du groupe d'objet correspondant",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Échec de la vérification des seuils de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie",
-    "ATR_NOTIFICATION": "Notification de la fin de l'opération d'entrée",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la migration",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT": "Processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début de la création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.OK": "Succès de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la disponibilité d'au moins une offre de stockage",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'enregistrement des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import de l'ontologie",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.OK": "Succès de la distribution des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT": "Processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.KO": "Échec du processus de la création de la liste à auditer",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "CHECK.STARTED": "Début de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.KO": "Échec de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND.KO": "Format de l'objet non identifié",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA.STARTED": "Début du processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "RECTIFICATION_AUDIT.FATAL": "une Erreur technique est survenue lors du processus d'audit correctif modifié",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP : Absence du bordereau de transfert ou bordereau de transfert au mauvais format",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP": "Processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de l'horodatage des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.STARTED": "Début de la création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_MUST_BE_EMPTY.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : La liste blanche des formats doit être vide lorsque tous les formats sont autorisés",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.OK": "Succès du stockage des journaux d'écriture",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la mise à jour du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE": "Processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE": "Vérification globale du SIP",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.KO": "Échec de la vérification du niveau de classification : le bordereau de transfert déclare un niveau de classification non autorisé par la plateforme",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_UPDATE_DISTRIBUTION.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la mise à jour du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.OK": "Succès du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
-    "PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE": "Vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK": "Processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de cohérence",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.OK": "Succès du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle de cohérence du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.STARTED": "Début de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.KO": "Échec du déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification du format : le format de l'objet ne peut pas être identifié",
-    "STP_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.OK": "Succès de la vérification des formats",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents : services agents inconnus du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_AUDIT.KO": "Échec du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
-    "CHECK.KO": "Échec de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES": "Vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.STARTED": "Début de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE.OK": "Succès du processus de la création de la liste à auditer",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN": "Processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de notification de la fin de l'opération d'entrée à l'opérateur de versement",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.ARCHIVEUNIT_REFERENCES_MULTIPLE_OBJECTGROUP.KO": "Une unité archivistique référence plus d'un groupe d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de la migration",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.DIRECTORY": "Vérification globale du SIP",
-    "INGEST.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'entrée du SIP",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage : profil non trouvé",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.PHYSICAL_OBJECT.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de la vérification des objets physiques du groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH": "Comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la disponibilité d'au moins une offre de stockage : Impossibilité de connaître l'espace disponible",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des niveaux de classification",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.DIRECTORY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK": "Écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE": "Processus de finalisation de l'audit et génération du rapport final",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT": "Processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
-    "STP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de lancement de la préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.OK": "Succès de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Début de l'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT_BY_CONTRACT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué : le contrat d'entrée n'autorise pas les rattachements",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_INACTIVE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée : le contrat d'entrée est inactif",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec de la vérification du format",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED": "Début de la création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du lancement du griffon",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE": "Processus de déplacement des objets binaires sur l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER": "Contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Processus de suppression du profil de sécurité",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "RULES_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS": "Processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'audit",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "OBJ_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des objets et des groupes d'objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTEXT_INACTIVE.KO": "Échec du contrôle du caractère actif du contexte applicatif",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "Le format de l'objet n'a pas été trouvé dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.OK": "Succès de la vérification du niveau de classification",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT": "Processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE": "Création du fichier du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION": "Processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.KO": "Échec du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK": "Contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert",
-    "CHECK_AGENT.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de la vérification du contrôle des services agents",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du stockage des journaux d'écriture",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.KO": "Échec de l'identification du format",
-    "CHECK.OK": "Succès de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.AGENCY_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'accès : au moins un service agent est inconnu",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_CHECK_GRAPH.OK": "Succès du contrôle de cohérence du graphe au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION_PREPARATION": "Préparation du traitement de préservation",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.STARTED": "Début de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : profil d'archivage non trouvé",
-    "LFC.UNIT_DETACHMENT": "Modification d'arborescence de l'unité archivistique",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.CONSISTENCY": "Vérification de la cohérence entre les champs Date de début et Date de fin",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de l'identification des formats : le format de ou des objet(s) ne peut pas être identifié",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'établissement de la liste des objets : il n'y a pas d'objet pour cette étape",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus suppression du profil de sécurité",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION.STARTED": "Début de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE": "Récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la distribution des groupes d'objets",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'export du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de la migration",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.KO": "Échec de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification du format",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION": "Processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de l'existence des objets",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP.STARTED": "Début de la sauvegarde des logs d'accès",
-    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD": "Vérification des seuils de limitation de traitement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du contexte applicatif",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA": "Indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets lors d'une opération de préservation",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.KO": "Échec du processus de lancement du griffon",
-    "STP_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION": "Lancement du griffon",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début de la notification de la fin de l'audit",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Format de l'objet identifié, référencé dans le référentiel interne et avec des informations cohérentes entre le bordereau de transfert et le résultat de l'outil d'identification des formats.",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD": "Préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Stockage des journaux d'écriture",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.OK": "Succès du processus d'audit de cohérence",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
-    "TRACEABILITY": "Sécurisation",
-    "STP_BACKUP_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'entrée",
-    "CORRECTION_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
-    "PROCESS_AUDIT": "Audit",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments hors périmètre",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique : une valeur ne correspond pas aux valeurs attendues",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.OK": "Format de l'objet identifié, référencé dans le référentiel interne et le résultat de l'outil d'identification des formats.",
-    "STP_UNIT_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_FORMAT": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK": "Écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA": "Vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.KO": "Échec du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT": "Vérification du rattachement des objets aux groupes d'objets et aux unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_OG.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "MANIFEST_FILE_NAME_CHECK.KO": "Échec du contrôle du nom du bordereau de transfert : nom du fichier non conforme",
-    "STORAGE_ACCESS_BACKUP": "Sauvegarde des logs d'accès",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NO_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.INVALID.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets : Il existe au moins un objet dont l'empreinte est invalide dans le bordereau de transfert",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.OK": "Succès de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.INVALID_DATAOBJECTVERSION.KO": "Au moins un objet déclare un usage incorrect. L'usage doit s'écrire sous la forme [usage] ou [usage]_[version]. \"Usage\" doit être parmi l'énumération DataObjectVersion définie par le SEDA : \"version\" doit être un entier positif",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT": "Processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS_LIST.KO": "Échec de la distribution des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "MASTERDATA.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'import des données de base",
-    "STP_IMPORT_RULES_BACKUP_CSV.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'enregistrement du fichier d'import du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus de contrôle et traitement des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.TOOL_DOES_NOT_ANSWER.FATAL": "L'outil d'analyse des formats de l'objet ne répond pas",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation des listes des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_SPACE_KO.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la disponibilité d'au moins une offre de stockage : Au moins une offre de stockage est insuffisante",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_INTEGRITY": "Audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de la validation du tampon d'horodatage",
-    "COMMIT_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la persistance des données en base",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des formats : des informations relatives aux formats ont été complétées par la solution logicielle Vitam",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.OK": "Succès du processus de lancement du griffon",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : champ obligatoire vide",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.KO": "Échec du processus d'audit de cohérence",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE": "Enregistrement des métadonnées des unités archivistiques sur l'offre de stockage",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_AUDIT.OK": "Succès du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH": "Calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CREATE_DISTRIBUTION_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du fichier de distribution permettant de réaliser le relevé de valeur probante",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS.OK": "Succès de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT": "Processus de sauvegarde du référentiel des formats",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Début du processus de lancement du griffon",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_SAVED_HASH.STARTED": "Début de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash enregistré",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du profil d'archivage",
-    "CHECK_RULES": "Contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED": "Début de l'identification du format",
-    "STP_IMPORT_CONTEXT.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec de l'import du contexte applicatif : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
-    "IMPORT_ONTOLOGY": "Processus d'import de l'ontologie",
-    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.OK": "Succès du déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.STARTED": "Début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE_RULES_ARCHIVE_UNITS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.OK": "Succès de la création de fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.OK": "Succès de la création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de l'audit",
-    "CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion",
-    "LFC.UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Succès du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK": "Calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "EXPORT_DIP": "Export du DIP",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde ddes scénarios de préservation",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'absence d'objet : objet(s) trouvé(s)",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.REJECTED.KO": "Échec de la vérification du format : le format de l'objet est rejeté",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'audit de l'existence des objets : au moins un groupe d'objets n'a pas d'objet binaire à vérifier",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.STARTED": "Début du processus du contrôle du SIP",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "SCENARIO_REPORT.STARTED": "Début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation des informations de stockage",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE": "Processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
-    "PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE": "Déplacement des objets binaires sur l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION": "Processus de préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "INGEST_TEST": "Entrée à blanc",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.STARTED": "Début du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives et de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.OK": "Succès du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_AUDIT.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE": "Mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.KO": "Échec du contrôle sanitaire du SIP : fichier détecté comme infecté",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.STARTED": "Début du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification du format",
-    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.KO": "Échec du processus d'établissement de la liste unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.KO": "Échec de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérfication de l'intégrité des objets versés : empreinte de l'objet recalculée et enregistrée dans les métadonnées de l'objet",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE": "Processus de génération du rapport de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage : une valeur ne correspond pas aux valeurs attendues",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_RULE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le rattachement n'est pas situé dans le périmètre autorisé",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_MALFORMED_DATA.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert possède une donnée malformée",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_ACTION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de lancement du griffon",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "RULES_REPORT.OK": "Succès de la génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE": "Processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale du SIP : Le SIP contient plus d'un fichier à sa racine",
-    "INGEST.STARTED": "Début de l'entrée du SIP",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'accès : au moins un des champs obligatoires n'est pas renseigné",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
-    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'établissement de la liste unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.OK": "Succès du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
-    "FILE_FORMAT_REPORT": "Génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.FATAL": "Erreur technique du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.OK": "Succès du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
-    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE": "Processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification du niveau de classification",
-    "MIGRATION_UNITS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UNIT_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "ROLL_BACK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise en cohérence des journaux du cycle de vie",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT": "Audit de cohérence",
-    "CHECK_SEDA": "Vérification globale du SIP",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_NO_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'absence d'objet",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES": "Mise à jour des règles de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "SANITY_CHECK_SIP.OK": "Succès du contrôle sanitaire du SIP : aucun virus détecté",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.OK": "Succès de l'alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des usages des objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.MODIFY_PARENT_EXISTING_UNIT_UNAUTHORIZED.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: impossibilité de rattacher une unité archivistique existante à une unité archivistique parente",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : champs obligatoires vides",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement de la vérification de la disponibilité de l'offre de stockage : Impossibilité de connaître l'espace disponible",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Fétails)",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de vérification de l'empreinte des objets",
-    "LIST_OBJECTGROUP_ID.KO": "Échec de la création de la liste des groupes d'objets à auditer",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP": "Validation du tampon d'horodatage",
-    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS": "Établissement du processus de préparation des listes des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_AUDIT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'exécution de l'audit",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.KO": "Échec du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_VERIFY_STAMP.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY": "Vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT": "Processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.KO": "Échec de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des scénarios de préservation",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès de la création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de l'existence et de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XSD_VALID": "Vérification globale du SIP",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du début du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING": "Processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du stockage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST": "Vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.KO": "Échec de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : champs non conformes",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "RULES_REPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Détails)",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.KO": "Échec du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT": "Processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.TOOL_DOES_NOT_ANSWER.FATAL": "L'outil d'analyse des formats de l'objet ne répond pas",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
-    "STP_DELETE_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du contexte applicatif ",
-    "PRESERVATION.STARTED": "Début du processus global de préservation",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'horodatage",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation des informations de stockage",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.KO": "Échec du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACTION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du lancement du griffon",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.STARTED": "Début du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.EMPTY.KO": "Échec de la lecture de l'empreinte du fichier",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS_LIST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la distribution des groupes d'objets",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de migration de données",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès",
-    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_CONTAINER.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du contrôle du format du conteneur du SIP",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.OK": "Succès du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'enregistrement des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée : une valeur ne correspond pas aux valeurs attendues",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la non-récursivité de l'arborescence",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "PRESERVATION_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du début du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES_BACKUP_CSV.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde du fichier d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.FATAL": "une Erreur technique lors du processus de création du rapport d'audit de cohérence",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION.STARTED": "Début de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.FILE_FORMAT.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "Le format de l'objet n'a pas été trouvé dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets lors d'une opération de préservation",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.KO": "Échec de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.NOT_XML_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.KO": "Échec de la préparation des informations de stockage",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des usages des objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification du rattachement des objets aux groupes d'objets et aux unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.STARTED": "Début de la vérification globale de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès du processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le contrat d'entrée est inconnu du référentiel des contrats d'entrée",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des usages des objets",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE": "Processus de création de la liste à auditer",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_UPDATE_PROFILE_JSON.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour du profil d'archivage",
-    "LOGBOOK_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance : exclusion d'héritage incohérente",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_THRESHOLD.KO": "Échec du calcul des dates d'échéance : la date ne peut être gérée",
-    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des processus concurrents",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "LOGBOOK_OBJECTGROUP_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE": "Vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de la finalisation de la migration",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec du processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE": "Vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.STARTED": "Début du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.EMPTY.KO": "Échec de la lecture de l'empreinte du fichier",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_STORAGE_BINARY.OBJECT_STORAGE_TASK.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_IMPORT_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du profil de sécurité",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'est pas unique dans le système",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec de la création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "STP_DELETE_ALL.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression de toutes les données en base",
-    "ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.OG_METADATA_INDEXATION": "Indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.AUP_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non trouvé",
-    "STP_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
-    "OBJECTS_LIST_EMPTY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'établissement de la liste des objets",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT": "Vérification du format",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de sauvegarde des profils de sécurité",
-    "INGEST.KO": "Échec de l'entrée du SIP",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE": "Processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "STP_UPDATE_CONTEXT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contexte applicatif : au moins un objet déclare une valeur inconnue",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques : l'objet et son groupe d'objets ne sont pas référencés par une unité archivistique",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de l'audit",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.KO": "Échec du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "EXPORT_PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_OBJECT": "Création de la liste des objets du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "MASS_UPDATE.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.STARTED": "Début de l'enregistrement des journaux sur les offres de stockage",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.RULE_DATE_FORMAT": "Vérification de la cohérence de la date déclarée dans les règles de gestion",
-    "STP_PREPARE_AUDIT.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de l'audit",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la migration",
-    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS.OK": "Succès du processus d'établissement de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'écriture des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT.KO": "Échec du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST": "Chargement des unités archivistiques au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.STARTED": "Début de la création de fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT": "Vérification de la cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "UPDATE_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour de l'ontologie",
-    "REFERENTIAL_FORMAT": "Référentiel des formats",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.STARTED": "Début de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.IDENTIFIER_DUPLICATION.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique : l'identifiant est déjà utilisé",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD": "Contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.OK": "Succès de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "LFC.LFC_CREATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'alimentation du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.OK": "Succès de la préparation des informations de stockage",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "IMPORT_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.DATE_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la validité des dates d'application des règles de gestion",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_REFERENTIAL_FORMAT_IMPORT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du référentiel des formats",
-    "STP_UNIT_METADATA": "Processus d'indexation des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS": "Création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_STORAGE.KO": "Échec du stockage des journaux d'écriture",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION": "Indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.MASTER_MANDATORY_REQUIRED.KO": "Absence d'un BinaryMaster ou PhysicalMaster dans le groupe d'objets",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_DELETE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du profil de sécurité",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification du nombre d'objets",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS_RULES.STARTED": "Début de la mise à jour des métadonnées de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_UNIT_INDEXATION": "Processus d'indexation de l'analyse d'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY": "Vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS": "Mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'enregistrement des journaux sur les offres de stockage",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_AGENCIES.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des services agents",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CLASSIFICATION_LEVEL.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification du niveau de classification",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.CALC_CHECK.OK": "Succès du calcul d'une empreinte en SHA-512",
-    "RULES_REPORT.KO": "Échec de la génération du rapport d'analyse du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le champ ArchivalAgreement est absent du bordereau de transfert",
-    "INGEST.OK": "Succès de l'entrée du SIP",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
-    "STP_UPDATE_SECURITY_PROFILE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de mise à jour du profil de sécurité",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement est incorrect",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ONTOLOGY.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD": "Vérification globale de l'unité archivistique : vérification des champs obligatoires",
-    "LFC.CHECK_DIGEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'intégrité des objets versés",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.MANIFEST_INFERIOR_BDO.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert déclare moins d'objets binaires qu'il n'en existe dans le répertoire Content du SIP",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME": "Processus de vérification et traitements des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.STARTED": "Début de la création du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
-    "AGENCIES_REPORT.OK": "Succès du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Processus de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.UNKNOWN_VALUE.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : au moins un des champs renseignés est inconnu.",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_GRIFFIN.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression du référentiel des griffons",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "MASS_UPDATE.KO": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_CONTEXT.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des contextes applicatifs",
-    "STP_CREATE_MANIFEST": "Processus de création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Finalisation de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la cohérence entre objets, groupes d'objets et unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_GRIFFIN.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des griffons",
-    "PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED": "Début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_FINALISE_AUDIT": "Processus de finalisation de l'audit",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.OBJECT_NOT_FOUND.FATAL": "L'objet à analyser n'a pas été trouvé",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_STORAGE": "Stockage des journaux",
-    "CORRECTIVE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique de la correction des signatures de chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets corrompue",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST": "Contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.KO": "Échec de la vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION": "Finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la Modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.STARTED.OK": "Début de la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPLOAD_SIP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de réception du SIP",
-    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation des listes des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification du format",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_ARCHIVEPROFILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la conformité au profil d'archivage",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.KO": "Échec de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT": "Vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_DELETE_METADATA_UNIT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.STORAGE_OFFER_KO_UNAVAILABLE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la disponibilité de l'offre de stockage : L'offre de stockage n'est pas disponible",
-    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation des listes des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
-    "STP_DELETE_RULES.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression du référentiel des règles de gestion",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT": "Processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
-    "STP_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.OK": "Succès du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "DATA_MIGRATION.STARTED": "Début du processus de migration de données",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT_LINK.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments hors périmètre",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.UPDATED_FORMAT.WARNING": "Complétion des métadonnées sur les formats",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.REF_INCONSISTENCY.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la cohérence de la règle de gestion dont l'annulation est demandée par rapport à sa catégorie",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ONTOLOGIES_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_TENANT.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des ontologies : la mise à jour n'est pas autorisée sur le tenant.",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.OK": "Succès du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
-    "ONTOLOGY_REPORT.STARTED": "Début du processus de génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des ontologies",
-    "STORAGE_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP": "Création du tampon d'horodatage des journaux d'écriture",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.AGENCY_CHECK.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets : l'objet rattaché ne déclare pas le même service producteur que le groupe d'objet",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT.KO": "Échec de la notification de la fin de l'audit",
-    "STP_CORRECTION_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation des corrections des signatures pour chaque objet, groupe d'objets ou unité auditée défaillante",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES": "Processus d'import du référentiel des services agents",
-    "STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la disponibilité d'au moins une offre de stockage",
-    "UPDATE_UNIT_RULES_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.OK": "Succès de la vérification de cohérence des actions lors de la mise à jour des règles métadonnées descriptives et de gestion des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION": "Élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique : champs obligatoires vides",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE": "Application des règles de gestion et calcul des dates d'échéances",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SYMBOLIC": "Processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds symboliques",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'écriture des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique sur les offres de stockage",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.DIFF.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : différence entre le profil d'archivage déclaré dans le bordereau de transfert et celui déclaré dans le contrat",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_NOT_IN_MANIFEST.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : le contrat d'entrée est absent dans le bordereau de transfert",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES": "Processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.TOO_MANY_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'est pas unique dans le système",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE": "Mise à jour des métadonnées de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION.STARTED": "Début de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du référentiel des service agents",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'identification des formats",
-    "PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.STARTED": "Début de la vérification du format",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.VALIDATE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la validation du tampon d'horodatage",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.COMPARE_MERKLE_HASH_WITH_INDEXED_HASH.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la comparaison de l'arbre de MERKLE avec le Hash indexé",
-    "TRACEABILITY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'opération de sécurisation",
-    "STP_PREPARE_LISTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de préparation des listes d'unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.OK": "Succès du processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
-    "TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de l'opération de sécurisation",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès du processus de détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.INVALID_UNIT": "Vérification de la conformité des valeurs dans les champs",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_UNITS_PREPARE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de la préparation de la migration des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.OK": "Succès de la vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée",
-    "VERIFY_TIMESTAMP.COMPARE_TOKEN_TIMESTAMP.KO": "Échec de la comparaison des tampons d'horodatage",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
-    "BUILD_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "LOGBOOK_OP_SECURISATION": "Processus de sécurisation des journaux",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors la récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_OBJECT_GROUP_PREPARATION": "Préparation de l'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.KO": "Échec du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de vérification des services agents référencés dans les contrats d'accès",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.OK": "Succès du processus de création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Échec du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_OP_SECURISATION.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de sécurisation du journal des opérations",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.TOO_MANY_VERSION_BY_USAGE.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments hors périmètre",
-    "LIST_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation des listes des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.KO": "Échec du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "STP_IMPORT_GRIFFIN.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.PRESERVATION_BINARY_HASH.EMPTY.KO": "Échec de la lecture de l'empreinte du fichier",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION": "Processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_UNIT_STORING.KO": "Échec du processus d'écriture des unités archivistiques sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_AGENT.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle des services agents : champ obligatoire vide",
-    "BACKUP_ONTOLOGY.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de sauvegarde des ontologies",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des contrats d'accès",
-    "LFC.CHECK_UNIT_SCHEMA.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.OK": "Succès du contrôle additionnel sur la validité des champs de l'unité archivistique",
-    "STP_UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED": "Début du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO": "Préparation des informations de stockage",
-    "STP_PERSONAL_CERTIFICATE_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de vérification du certificat personnel",
-    "FINALIZE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de l'horodatage des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_PERMISSION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des droits de mise à jour des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "MASTERDATA.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'import des données de base",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION": "Élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_OG_CHECK_AND_TRANSFORME.KO": "Échec du processus de vérification et de traitement des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION": "Processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_OPERATION.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des journaux d'opérations",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.OK": "Succès de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux",
-    "STP_MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.OK": "Succès du processus de génération du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.STARTED": "Début de la création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_WRONG_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le bordereau de transfert procède à un rattachement en utilisant des éléments inexistants dans le système",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.KO": "Échec de la création du rapport de relevé de valeur probante",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE": "Processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.EXISTING_OG_NOT_DECLARED.KO": "Une unité archivistique déclare un objet à la place du groupe d'objet correspondant",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.UNCHARTED.KO": "Échec de l'identification des formats : le format de ou des objet(s) est identifié mais est inconnu du référentiel des formats",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST": "Vérification de l'intégrité des objets",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors la récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_SUMMARY.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Résumé)",
-    "STP_UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ACCESSION_REGISTRATION.KO": "Échec du processus d'alimentation du Registre des Fonds",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE.STARTED": "Début du processus d'extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des seuils de limitation de traitement des unités archivistiques",
-    "REPORT_AUDIT.OK": "Succès de la notification de la fin de l'audit",
-    "FILINGSCHEME.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'entrée du plan de classement",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_CONTEXT.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression des contextes applicatifs",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du rapport de l'audit de cohérence",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.OK": "Succès du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "BACKUP_PROFILE.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'archivage",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "PREPARE_STORAGE_INFO.STARTED": "Début de la préparation des informations de stockage",
-    "CHECK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_SEDA.CONTAINER_FORMAT.FILE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification globale du SIP",
-    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.OK": "Succès de la vérification des processus concurrents",
-    "STP_PREPARE_TRACEABILITY_CHECK.STARTED.OK": "Début du processus de préparation de la vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "STP_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED.OK": "Début de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la finalisation de la migration",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION_LOAD_REQUEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du chargement des unités archivistiques au moment de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_ATTACHMENT.OK": "Succès du rattachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_GRAPH_COMPUTE": "Mise à jour des graphes des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY.STARTED": "Début du processus d'entrée du SIP",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.OK": "Succès de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_BACKUP_ACCESS_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de sauvegarde des contrats d'accès",
-    "CHECK_RULES.IMPORT_IN_PROCESS.KO": "Échec du contrôle de la conformité du fichier des règles de gestion : L'import est impossible car une mise à jour du référentiel est déjà en cours",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.OK": "Succès du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.UNAUTHORIZED_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: le rattachement n'est pas situé dans le périmètre autorisé",
-    "STP_UPDATE_INGEST_CONTRACT.CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'entrée : contrat d'entrée non trouvé",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.KO": "Échec du début du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
-    "STP_OBJ_STORING.STARTED": "Début du processus d'écriture et d'indexation des objets sur les offres de stockage",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.OK": "Succès de la de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_REPORT_GENERATION.KO": "Échec du processus de génération du rapport d'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "UPDATE_OBJECT_GROUP.STARTED.OK": "Début de la mise à jour du groupe d'objets",
-    "PREPARE_UPDATE_UNIT_LIST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_FINALIZE.STARTED": "Début du processus de finalisation de la migration",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "ATR_NOTIFICATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la notification de la fin de l'opération d'entrée à l'opérateur de versement",
-    "STP_BACKUP_SCENARIO.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des scénarios de préservation",
-    "UPDATE_AGENCIES.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de mise à jour du référentiel des services agents",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'identification du format",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.EMPTY_REQUIRED_FIELD.KO": "Au moins une unité archivistique contient un champ non renseigné dont la valeur est obligatoire",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.OK": "Succès du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.KO": "Échec de l'enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
-    "UPDATE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour",
-    "COMMIT_LIFE_CYCLE_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.INVALID_GUID_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement est incorrect",
-    "STP_INGEST_CONTROL_SIP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus du contrôle du SIP",
-    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.OK": "Succès de la vérification des seuils de limitation de traitement des unités archivistiques",
-    "BACKUP_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.OK": "Succès du processus de sauvegarde des profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "PREPARE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.STARTED": "Début de la préparation des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "CHECK_FILE_FORMAT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification des formats des objets et groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK": "Vérification des journaux sécurisés",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_PREPARATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la préparation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_FINALIZE.FATAL": "une Erreur technique est survenue lors de la création du rapport d'audit de cohérence",
-    "STP_UPDATE_ACCESS_CONTRACT.NOT_IN_ENUM.KO": "Échec du processus de mise à jour du contrat d'accès : une valeur ne correspond pas aux valeurs attendues",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus d'import du contrat d'entrée",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.PRESERVATION_INDEXATION_METADATA.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de l'indexation des métadonnées du groupe d'objetsl ors d'une opération de préservation",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_FILE": "Processus d'import du profil d'archivage (fichier xsd ou rng)",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNITS.OK": "Succès de la mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_UNKNOWN": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le contrat d'entrée est inconnu du référentiel des contrats d'entrée",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.OK": "Succès de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_REPORTS.OK": "Succès de la création du rapport de relevé de valeur probante",
-    "STP_INGEST_FINALISATION.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de finalisation de l'entrée",
-    "CHECK_DIGEST.EMPTY.KO": "Échec de la vérification de l'empreinte des objets : Il existe au moins un objet dont l'empreinte est absente dans le bordereau de transfert",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_FINALIZE.KO": "Échec du processus de traitement de mise à jour des générations du rapport de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "PRESERVATION_STORAGE_METADATA_LFC.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'enregistrement des journaux de cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_INGEST_CONTRACT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de suppression des contrats d'entrée",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'audit de cohérence",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de mise à jour des métadonnées descriptives de l'unité archivistique",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC.STARTED.KO": "Échec du début du processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.OK": "Succès de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
-    "STP_UPDATE": "Processus de traitement de mise à jour des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PUT_BINARY_ON_WORKSPACE.STARTED": "Début du processus de déplacement des objets binaires de l'offre de stockage vers l'espace de travail interne",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_EXTRACT_ZIP_FILE": "Extraction des signatures à partir des fichiers sécurisés",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_IMPORT_ACCESS_CONTRACT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'import du contrat d'accès",
-    "LFC.OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FILE_FORMAT.PUID_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Identifiant du format de l'objet (PUID) absent dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_DT.OK": "Succès de la vérification de l'association à un profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "PROCESS_SIP_UNITARY_TEST.KO": "Échec du processus d'entrée à blanc du SIP",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION": "Processus de finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas d'enregistrement des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.CHECK_MANIFEST.LFC_CREATION.OK": "Succès de la création du journal du cycle de vie",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.KO": "Échec de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJ_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION": "Processus de finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTRACT_INACTIVE": "Échec de la vérification de la présence et contrôle du contrat d'entrée: le contrat d'entrée est inactif",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.NOT_FOUND_ATTACHMENT.KO": "Le rattachement n'a pas été effectué: l'élément de rattachement n'existe pas dans le système",
-    "UNIT_METADATA_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "BUILD_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OK": "Succès de la sécurisation des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_UNIT_CHECK_AND_PROCESS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de contrôle et traitements des unités archivistiques",
-    "GRIFFIN_REPORT": "Génération du rapport d'import du référentiel des griffons",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_SECURED_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD.STARTED": "Début de la préparation de la liste des signatures dans les fichiers sécurisés",
-    "CHECK_CONCURRENT_WORKFLOW_LOCK.KO": "Échec de la vérification des processus concurrents",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK": "Identification des formats",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.KO": "Échec du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PROFILE_JSON.PROFILE_NOT_FOUND.KO": "Échec du processus d'import du profil d'archivage : profil d'archivage non trouvé",
-    "MASTERDATA.STARTED": "Début de l'import des données de base",
-    "STP_IMPORT_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO": "Processus d'import du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "IMPORT_AGENCIES.USED_AU": "Processus de vérification des services agents référencés par les unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.MASTER_MANDATORY_REQUIRED.KO": "Échec de la vérification des objets et groupes d'objets : la présence d'un Master est obligatoire",
-    "CHECK_MERKLE_TREE.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de l'arbre de MERKLE",
-    "LFC.CHECK_CONSISTENCY_ORPHAN_OBJECT.STARTED": "Début du rattachement des objets aux groupes d'objets et aux unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT.AUDIT_FILE_EXISTING.STARTED": "Début de l'audit de la vérification des fichiers du groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_PREPARE.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation du relevé de valeur probante",
-    "CREATE_MANIFEST": "Création du bordereau de mise à disposition",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.KO": "Échec de l'indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_OG.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.BDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_PHYSICALMASTER.KO": "Au moins un objet binaire déclare un usage \"PhysicalMaster\". Cet usage n'est pas autorisé pour les objets binaires",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP": "Élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "STP_MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.KO": "Échec du processus de préparation de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_MASTERDATA_PRESERVATION_SCENARIO.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de suppression du référentiel des scénarios de préservation",
-    "RECLASSIFICATION_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.KO": "Échec de l'application des règles de gestion et du calcul des dates d'échéance : règle de gestion inconnue",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CONTEXT_CHECK_ERROR.KO": "Échec de la vérification générale du bordereau de transfert : Échec de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contexte applicatif",
-    "LFC.PRESERVATION_SIEGFRIED_IDENTIFICATION.NOT_FOUND_REFERENTIAL.KO": "Le format de l'objet n'a pas été trouvé dans le référentiel des formats",
-    "ELIMINATION_ANALYSIS_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de l'analyse de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_PROBATIVE_VALUE_CHECK_OBJECT_GROUP.OK": "Succès du processus de récupération des données dans la base de données",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
-    "ELIMINATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'élimination des unités archivistiques",
-    "LFC.OBJ_STORAGE.OBJECT_STORAGE_SUB_TASK.OK": "Succès de l'écriture de l'objet sur les offres de stockage",
-    "PREPARE_UNIT_LFC_TRACEABILITY": "Préparation de la liste des journaux du cycle de vie et des métadonnées des unités archivistiques",
-    "OP_PROFILE_STORAGE.OK": "Succès de l'enregistrement du profil d'archivage",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
-    "LFC.OG_CREATE_SECURED_FILE.KO": "Échec de la création de fichiers sécurisés du groupe d'objets",
-    "STP_STORE_MANIFEST": "Processus de création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "LIST_ARCHIVE_UNITS": "Établissement de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour",
-    "CHECK_DISTRIBUTION_THRESHOLD.KO": "Échec de la vérification des seuils de limitation de traitement des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_STORAGE_AVAILABILITY_CHECK.ALREADY_EXECUTED": "Action déjà exécutée : Pas de processus de vérification préalable à la prise en charge",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_UNIT": "Elimination définitive des unités archivistiques éliminables",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_UPDATE_CHECK_RULES.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la vérification de la mise à jour des règles de gestion de l'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.CHECK_MANIFEST_LOOP": "Vérification de la présence dans le bordereau de transfert d'une récursivité dans l'arborescence de ses unités archivistiques",
-    "STORE_MANIFEST.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de la création du DIP et de son déplacement vers l'offre de stockage",
-    "STP_UNIT_DETACHMENT.STARTED": "Début du processus de détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.OK": "Succès de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_OBJECTNUMBER.INVALID_URI.KO": "Au moins un objet déclare une URI à laquelle ne correspond pas de fichier ou déclare une URI déjà utilisée par un autre objet",
-    "LFC.CHECK_ARCHIVE_UNIT_PROFILE.INVALID_AU_PROFILE.KO": "Échec de la vérification de la conformité aux profils d'unité archivistique : profil d'unité archivistique non conforme",
-    "STP_RECLASSIFICATION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec du processus de finalisation de la modification d'arborescence des unités archivistiques",
-    "STP_CHECK_AND_COMPUTE.STARTED.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du début du processus de préparation de la liste des unités archivistiques à mettre à jour et des autorisations de modification",
-    "STORAGE_BACKUP.KO": "Échec de la sauvegarde des journaux des écritures",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION": "Préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "MASS_UPDATE_UNIT_DESC": "Processus de mise à jour en masse des métadonnées descriptives des unités archivistiques",
-    "OG_METADATA_INDEXATION.OK": "Succès de l'indexation des métadonnées des objets et des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_EVIDENCE_AUDIT_CHECK_DATABASE": "Processus de récupération des données dans la base de donnée",
-    "LFC.UNITS_RULES_COMPUTE.UNKNOWN": "Vérification de l'échéance des règles de gestion",
-    "AUDIT_CHECK_OBJECT": "Audit de la vérification des objets",
-    "CHECK_HEADER.CHECK_CONTRACT_INGEST.STARTED": "Début de la vérification de la présence et du contrôle du contrat d'entrée",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_FINALIZATION.KO": "Échec de la finalisation de l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "FINALIZE_OG_LFC_TRACEABILITY.OP_SECURISATION_TIMESTAMP.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du processus de création du tampon d'horodatage de l'ensemble des journaux du cycle de vie des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST.WARNING": "Avertissement lors du contrôle de cohérence du bordereau de transfert",
-    "MIGRATION_FINALIZE": "Finalisation de la migration",
-    "STP_IMPORT_INGEST_CONTRACT.FORMAT_MUST_NOT_BE_EMPTY.KO": "Échec de l'import du contrat d'entrée : La liste blanches des formats ne peut pas être vide lorsque tous les formats ne sont pas autorisés",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_PREPARE_GENERATE_REPORTS.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de la création du rapport pour chaque unité archivistique ou objet ou groupe d'objets",
-    "CHECK_DATAOBJECTPACKAGE.CHECK_MANIFEST_DATAOBJECT_VERSION.BDO_DATAOBJECTIONVERSION_PHYSICALMASTER.KO": "L'objet binaire déclare un usage \"PhysicalMaster\". Cet usage n'est pas autorisé pour les objets binaires",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT.FATAL": "Une Erreur technique lors du processus d'audit de cohérence",
-    "PRESERVATION": "Processus global de préservation",
-    "PRESERVATION_FINALIZATION.STARTED": "Début de la finalisation du traitement de préservation",
-    "STP_DELETE_ACCESSION_REGISTER_DETAIL.STARTED": "Début du processus de suppression du Registre des Fonds (Détails)",
-    "STP_ELIMINATION_ACTION_DELETE_OBJECT_GROUP.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du processus d'élimination définitive des groupes d'objets techniques dont les unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "OBJECT_GROUP_GRAPH_COMPUTE.STARTED.OK": "Succès du début de la mise à jour des graphes des groupes d'objets",
-    "UPDATE_ARCHIVEUNITPROFILE.STARTED": "Début du processus de mise à jour du profil d'unité archivistique",
-    "LFC.UNIT_METADATA_INDEXATION.WARNING": "Avertissement lors de l'indexation de l'unité archivistique",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_ACCESSION_REGISTER_PREPARATION.KO": "Échec de la préparation du Registre des Fonds suite à l'élimination définitive des unités archivistiques",
-    "OG_OBJECTS_FORMAT_CHECK.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors de l'identification des formats",
-    "STP_UPDATE_RUNNING_INGESTS.OK": "Succès du processus de mise à jour des entrées en cours",
-    "MIGRATION_OBJECT_GROUPS.OK": "Succès de la migration des groupes d'objets",
-    "STP_DELETE_LOGBOOK_LIFECYCLE_UNIT.OK": "Succès du processus de suppression des journaux du cycle de vie des unités archivistiques",
-    "UNIT_DETACHMENT.FATAL": "Erreur technique lors du détachement des unités archivistiques",
-    "ELIMINATION_ACTION_DETACH_OBJECT_GROUP.KO": "Échec du détachement des groupes d'objets techniques dont certaines unités archivistiques parentes sont éliminées",
-    "EVIDENCE_AUDIT_LIST_OBJECT.FATAL": "Une Erreur technique est survenue lors de la création de la liste à auditer",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_USER": "Authentification de l'utilisateur",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTICATION_USER": "Authentification de l'utilisateur",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_BLOCK_USER": "Blocage de l'utilisateur",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_REVOCATION": "Révocation du mot de passe",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_INIT": "Initialisation du mot de passe",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_PASSWORD_CHANGE": "Modification du mot de passe",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_OTP_USER": "Authentification de l'utilisateur avec OTP",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTICATION_OTP_USER": "Authentification de l'utilisateur avec OTP",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_CUSTOMER": "Création de l'organisation",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_CUSTOMER": "Modification de l'organisation",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_GROUP": "Création du groupe",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_GROUP": "Modification du groupe",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_IDP": "Création de L'IDP de l'organisaton",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_IDP": "Modification de L'IDP de l'organisaton",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_OWNER": "Création du propriétaire",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_OWNER": "Modification du propriétaire",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_PROFILE": "Création du profil",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_PROFILE": "Modification du profil",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_START_SURROGATE_USER": "Démarrage de la subrogation de l'utilisateur",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_START_SURROGATE_GENERIC": "Démarrage de la subrogation de l'utilisateur générique",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_STOP_SURROGATE": "Arrêt de la subrogation de l'utilisateur",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_DECLINE_SURROGATE": "Refus de la subrogation par l'utilisateur",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_LOGOUT_SURROGATE": "Arrêt par déconnexion de la subrogation de l'utilisateur",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_TENANT": "Création du coffre du propriétaire",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_TENANT": "Modification du coffre du propriétaire",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_CREATE_USER": "Création de l'utilisateur",
-    "EXT_VITAMUI_UPDATE_USER": "Modification de l'utilisateur"
-  }