diff --git a/deployment/environments/group_vars/all/mongodb_vars.yml b/deployment/environments/group_vars/all/mongodb_vars.yml
index 799fc1eb2d34b75e31eefb21d48d58ce958db8d8..925b6c1fc83ccf5e7c683f48a4b3c65bd15fd497 100755
--- a/deployment/environments/group_vars/all/mongodb_vars.yml
+++ b/deployment/environments/group_vars/all/mongodb_vars.yml
@@ -5,8 +5,19 @@ mongodb:
     host: "mongo-vitamui-mongod.service.consul"
     mongod_port: 27017
     check_consul: 10 # in seconds
-    drop_info_log: false # Drop mongo (I)nformational log, for Verbosity Level of 0
+    drop_info_log: false # Drop mongo (I)nformational log, for Verbosity Level of 0    
+    versioning:
+        enable: true # Enable or not the versioning of the scripts.
+    included_scripts: # List of regexs allowing to determine which scripts will be included and applied on database.
+        - ".*"
+    excluded_scripts: # List of regexs allowing to determine which scripts will be excluded.
+        - ".*_dev.js.*"
+        - ".*_demo.js.*"
 mongod_replicaset_name: "shard{{ mongo_shard_id }}"
 mongod_client_connect_timeout_ms: 2000
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deployment/environments/group_vars/all/vitamui_vars.yml b/deployment/environments/group_vars/all/vitamui_vars.yml
index 612837c1f2313005c3f8b63cc3dbf1b5566ca993..82fc596a8f25c39c0bb97321f8a29ad9ee5fd270 100755
--- a/deployment/environments/group_vars/all/vitamui_vars.yml
+++ b/deployment/environments/group_vars/all/vitamui_vars.yml
@@ -200,10 +200,3 @@ vitamui_platform_informations:
     vitamui_primary: "#ff4a54"
     vitamui_secondary: "#241f63"
-  included_scripts:
-    - ".*"
-  excluded_scripts:
-    - ".*_dev.js.*"
-    - ".*_demo.js.*"
diff --git a/deployment/mongo.yml b/deployment/mongo.yml
index 5fb651fbcec004d2df31cbae66eaeafa37602900..6b2cdf36dbe992612b90f52b938d3606fcfa06bd 100644
--- a/deployment/mongo.yml
+++ b/deployment/mongo.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
         - mongo
         - { 
             role: mongo_init, 
-            mongod_source_template_dir: "{{playbook_dir}}/scripts/mongod/"
+            mongod_source_template_dir: "{{playbook_dir}}/scripts/mongod/",
+            tags: mongo_init
         - mongo_configure
         - { role: mongo-express, when: "mongo_express is defined and mongo_express|lower == 'true'"}
diff --git a/deployment/roles/mongo_init/README.md b/deployment/roles/mongo_init/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bded25cc800822e8c433cf1ca58d2782ffb23857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deployment/roles/mongo_init/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Init of mongo
+Script allowing to apply scripts on database.
+Scripts are mutualized between dev's docker and deployment.
+All scripts are stored into the directory `{PROJECT_ROOT}/tools/docker/mongo/database_scripts/`.
+Each version of the application, embedding Mongo scripts, is represented by a folder.
+Into each version's folder, scripts are indexed according the following format: {index}_{name_of_the_script}.js(.j2).
+- **database_scripts**
+    - 0.0.0
+        - 1_init-database.js.j2
+        - 2_create-users.js.j2
+    - 1.0.0
+        - 1_init-security-context.js.j2
+        - 100_init-security-context_dev.js.j2
+The role creates an ordered list of scripts will be executed on database.
+For the sort , we use an option of the Unix command `sort`. The option `-V` allows to sort versions numbers.
+Once the list of eligibles scripts is set, we must version them (if the feature is enabled) before their execution.
+For this purpose, we inject the content of the script into the template `versionned_script.js.j2`. 
+According to this script, we check by its filename if the script has already been executed. If not, the original script is executed and an entry is added into the collection **changelog**.
+- Mongo database must be deployed and ready.
+- The following variables must be defined:
+    - **mongod_source_template_dir** (source: playbook): Path where scripts are located.
+    - **mongodb.versioning.enable** (source: mongodb_vars.yml): Boolean indicating if a script must be versioned (i.n its execution is recorded into a database. On the next execution of this role, this script will be ignored because it will have already been executed.)
+    - **mongodb.included_scripts** (source: mongodb_vars.yml): List of regexs allowing to determine which scripts will be included and applied on database. By default, we accept all.
+    - **mongodb.excluded_scripts** (source: mongodb_vars.yml): List of regexs allowing to determine which scripts will be excluded. By default, dev and demo scripts are excluded.
+- The following variable(s) can be defined:
+    - **mock_insert_data** (source: extra-vars): Flag used in a versioning context, scripts won't be executed. It can be used for a data recovery - the collection *changelog* will be provided with scripts' information.
+    - **mongodb.docker.enable** (source: mongodb_vars.yml): Boolean indicating if we use Docker for the database. In this case, a volume must be mounted on the output directory **mongod_output_dir_entry_point**.
+    - **mongodb.docker.image_name** (source: mongodb_vars.yml): Name of the docker image.
+    - **mongodb.docker.internal_dir** (source: mongodb_vars.yml): Internal path into the container where the host's directory **mongod_output_dir_entry_point** is mapped.
+Author Information
diff --git a/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/check_auth.yml b/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/check_auth.yml
index 2afac0e3a476ace51720c94fd8797fc2fbbfd0e3..f5486f9815e7a102896468ac7f3b4eaf12119c91 100644
--- a/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/check_auth.yml
+++ b/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/check_auth.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - name: Check if authent is enabled
-  command: "mongo --host {{ mongod_uri }}/admin -u {{ mongodb.localadmin.user }} -p {{ mongodb.localadmin.password }} --quiet --eval 'db.help()'"
+  command: "mongo --host {{ mongod_uri }}/admin -u {{ mongodb.admin.user }} -p {{ mongodb.admin.password }} --quiet --eval 'db.help()'"
   register: mongo_authent_enabled
   failed_when: false
   no_log: "{{ hide_passwords_during_deploy }}"
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 # When authentication is required, we set mongodb admin credentials
 - name: Set mongodb authentication credentials
-    mongo_credentials: " -u {{ mongodb.localadmin.user }} -p {{ mongodb.localadmin.password }} --authenticationDatabase {{ mongodb.localadmin.db }} "
+    mongo_credentials: " -u {{ mongodb.admin.user }} -p {{ mongodb.admin.password }} --authenticationDatabase {{ mongodb.admin.db }} "
   when: "mongo_authent_enabled.rc == 0"
   no_log: "{{ hide_passwords_during_deploy }}"
diff --git a/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/execute_script.yml b/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/execute_script.yml
index 03ec476f0957214d65062e67f4f2e62a2ae55ff9..c2ecfceb9cafa3ba05e40cb4c59075fc7de46217 100644
--- a/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/execute_script.yml
+++ b/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/execute_script.yml
@@ -5,61 +5,46 @@
 - name: 
-    msg: ">>>> Execution of the file {{ mongo_file.finalname }} <<<<"
+    msg: ">>>> Execution of the file {{ mongo_file.finalname }}<<<<"
 - name: Check if the script exists
     path: "{{ mongod_output_dir_entry_point }}/{{ mongo_file.finalname }}"
   register: stat_result
-- fail: msg="The file '{{ mongo_file.finalname }}' is not exist"
-  when: not stat_result.stat.exists
 - block:
+    - fail: msg="The file '{{ mongo_file.finalname }}' is not exist"
+      when: not stat_result.stat.exists
+    - name: Compute versionned script files
+      template:
+        src: "versionned_script.js.j2"
+        dest: "{{ mongod_output_dir_entry_point }}/versionned_{{ mongo_file.finalname }}"
+        owner: "{{ vitamui_defaults.users.vitamuidb }}"
+        group: "{{ vitamui_defaults.users.group }}"
+        mode: 0755
+    - name: Insert original script into versionned script.
+      blockinfile:
+        path: "{{ mongod_output_dir_entry_point }}/versionned_{{ mongo_file.finalname }}"
+        insertafter: "// Insert data"
+        marker: "// {mark} of the script"
+        block: |
+          {{lookup('file', '{{ mongod_output_dir_entry_point }}/{{ mongo_file.finalname }}') }}
+      when: mock_insert_data is not defined
-  - name: Check if the script has already been executed
-    shell: "mongo \"mongodb://{{ mongod_uri }}/admin\" {{ mongo_credentials }} --quiet --eval \"db.changelog.find({filename: '{{ mongo_file.finalname }}', checksum: '{{ stat_result.stat.checksum}}'});\""
-    no_log: "{{ hide_passwords_during_deploy }}"
-    register: mongo_versionning_result
-  - name: Debug mongo return
-    debug:
-      msg: "{{ mongo_versionning_result.stdout }}" 
-  - block:
-      - name: Load script in database
-        shell: "mongo \"mongodb://{{ mongod_uri }}/admin\" {{ mongo_credentials }} {{ mongod_output_dir_entry_point }}/{{ mongo_file.finalname }}"
-        no_log: "{{ hide_passwords_during_deploy }}"
-        when: mock_insert_data is not defined
-      - name: Update changelog
-        shell: "mongo \"mongodb://{{ mongod_uri }}/versioning\" {{ mongo_credentials }} --eval \"db.changelog.insertOne({filename: '{{ mongo_file.finalname }}', date: new Date(), version: '{{ mongo_file.version }}', checksum: '{{ stat_result.stat.checksum}}'});\""
-        no_log: "{{ hide_passwords_during_deploy }}"
-    when: 
-      - "'_id' not in mongo_versionning_result.stdout"
+    - name: Update finalname script
+      set_fact:
+        mongo_file: "{{ mongo_file | combine( { 'finalname': 'versionned_{{ mongo_file.finalname }}' } ) }}"
+  when: mongodb.versioning is defined and mongodb.versioning.enable
+- name: Load script in database
+  shell: "mongo \"mongodb://{{ mongod_uri }}/admin\" {{ mongo_credentials }} {{ mongod_output_dir_entry_point }}/{{ mongo_file.finalname }}"
+  no_log: "{{ hide_passwords_during_deploy }}"
   when: mongodb.docker is not defined or not mongodb.docker.enable
-- block:
-  - name: Check if the script has already been executed (docker)
-    shell: "docker exec --tty vitamui-mongo /bin/bash -c \"mongo \\\"mongodb://{{ mongod_uri }}/versioning\\\" {{ mongo_credentials }} --quiet --eval \\\"db.changelog.find({filename: '{{ mongo_file.finalname }}', checksum: '{{ stat_result.stat.checksum}}'});\\\"\""
-    no_log: "{{ hide_passwords_during_deploy }}"
-    register: mongo_versionning_result
-  - name: Debug mongo return (Docker)
-    debug:
-      msg: "{{ mongo_versionning_result.stdout }}" 
-  - block:
-    - name: Load script in database (docker)
-      command: "docker exec --tty vitamui-mongo /bin/bash -c \"mongo \\\"mongodb://{{ mongod_uri }}/admin\\\" {{ mongo_credentials }} {{ mongodb.docker.internal_dir}}/app/mongod/{{ mongo_file.finalname }}\""
-      no_log: "{{ hide_passwords_during_deploy }}"
-      when: mock_insert_data is not defined
-    - name: Update changelog (docker)
-      shell: "docker exec --tty vitamui-mongo /bin/bash -c \"mongo \\\"mongodb://{{ mongod_uri }}/versioning\\\" {{ mongo_credentials }} --quiet --eval \\\"db.changelog.insertOne({filename: '{{ mongo_file.finalname }}', date: new Date(), version: '{{ mongo_file.version }}', checksum: '{{ stat_result.stat.checksum}}'});\\\"\""
-      no_log: "{{ hide_passwords_during_deploy }}"
-    when: 
-      - "'_id' not in mongo_versionning_result.stdout"
+- name: Load script in database (docker)
+  command: "docker exec --tty {{ mongodb.docker.image_name }} /bin/bash -c \"mongo \\\"mongodb://{{ mongod_uri }}/admin\\\" {{ mongo_credentials }} {{ mongodb.docker.internal_dir}}/app/mongod/{{ mongo_file.finalname }}\""
+  no_log: "{{ hide_passwords_during_deploy }}"
   when: mongodb.docker is defined and mongodb.docker.enable
diff --git a/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/main.yml b/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/main.yml
index 36d383de616625909d80f2e2264bd583cd2c3115..62280541ce08590bd815325d7187c49f433658ec 100644
--- a/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/deployment/roles/mongo_init/tasks/main.yml
@@ -82,4 +82,4 @@
   include_tasks: "execute_script.yml"
   loop: "{{ mongod_eligible_files | unique }}"
-    loop_var: mongo_file
\ No newline at end of file
+    loop_var: mongo_file
diff --git a/deployment/roles/mongo_init/templates/versionned_script.js.j2 b/deployment/roles/mongo_init/templates/versionned_script.js.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6d41a907d17283d05c8a3980239a527a8ea3ddfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deployment/roles/mongo_init/templates/versionned_script.js.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+versioningDb = db.getSiblingDB('versioning')
+var commitChangelog = versioningDb.changelog.find({filename: '{{ mongo_file.finalname }}'}).toArray();
+if (commitChangelog.length  == 0) {
+    // Insert data
+    // Insert changelog
+    versioningDb.changelog.insertOne({filename: '{{ mongo_file.finalname }}', date: new Date(), version: '{{ mongo_file.version }}', checksum: '{{ stat_result.stat.checksum}}'});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/docker/mongo/README.md b/tools/docker/mongo/README.md
index eac4b8ed8016e55144c0e5ead75a622b9fda4300..a6e256fab8cadf92e3264c2cf7f2ece04e5e70cf 100644
--- a/tools/docker/mongo/README.md
+++ b/tools/docker/mongo/README.md
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Afin d'injecter les bonnes valeurs aux variables des templates, le fichier **mon
 Afin d'intégrer une surcharge extérieure des variables par défaut, il est possible de renseigner le chemin d'un autre fichier de variable à travers la variable d'environnements **ADDITIONNAL_VITAMUI_CONFIG_FILE**.
 Attention, toute variable définie dans ce fichier additionnel écrasera la valeur existante.
-## Versionning des scripts Mongo
+## Versioning des scripts Mongo
 Avant l'exécution d'un script, on vérifie que ce dernier a été exécuté. Pour ce faire, nous nous basons sur deux éléments:
 - le nom du fichier
diff --git a/tools/docker/mongo/mongo_vars_dev.yml b/tools/docker/mongo/mongo_vars_dev.yml
index 3d25358a2454d45c1a961dbd3bc456b82e8047cd..733281883ab5ffb4f18ffabff7df584dbb66c399 100644
--- a/tools/docker/mongo/mongo_vars_dev.yml
+++ b/tools/docker/mongo/mongo_vars_dev.yml
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ mongodb:
     - "nothing"
     enable: true
+    image_name: vitamui-mongo
     internal_dir: /scripts/mongo/data
   mongod_port: 27018
   passphrase: mongogo
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ mongodb:
     password: "mongod_dbpwd_cas"
     roles: '[{ role: "readWrite", db: "cas" }]'
+    enable: true
     db: versioning
     user: "mongod_dbuser_versioning"
     password: "mongod_dbpwd_versioning"