diff --git a/deployment/pki/scripts/generate_certs.sh b/deployment/pki/scripts/generate_certs.sh
index ed422bb4bfb7335442328092325f69478ba285f5..a5981901fcf46b0b4737c19142a1fb133f712326 100755
--- a/deployment/pki/scripts/generate_certs.sh
+++ b/deployment/pki/scripts/generate_certs.sh
@@ -278,10 +278,7 @@ initVault   certs   ${ERASE}
 if [ "${ERASE}" == "true" ]; then
     if [ -d ${REPERTOIRE_CERTIFICAT} ]; then
         # We remove all generated certs
-        find ${REPERTOIRE_CERTIFICAT} -type f -name *.crt -exec rm -f {} \;
-        find ${REPERTOIRE_CERTIFICAT} -type f -name *.key -exec rm -f {} \;
-        find ${REPERTOIRE_CERTIFICAT} -type f -name *.pem -exec rm -f {} \;
-        find ${REPERTOIRE_CERTIFICAT} -type d -empty -delete
+        find "${REPERTOIRE_CERTIFICAT}/" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -Rf {} \;
 if [ ! -d ${REPERTOIRE_CERTIFICAT} ]; then
diff --git a/deployment/pki/scripts/lib/functions.sh b/deployment/pki/scripts/lib/functions.sh
index 9469d288905f7e89de582f95317b4b2d1c5d510e..9eb4f0de044a0e8f8922613e11235b41c61465ca 100755
--- a/deployment/pki/scripts/lib/functions.sh
+++ b/deployment/pki/scripts/lib/functions.sh
@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ function setComponentPassphrase {
     local RETURN_CODE=0
     local VAULT_FILE=$(getVaultFile "$TYPE")
     local VAULT_PASS=$(getVaultPass "$TYPE")
+    local KEY_PREFIX=$(getKeyPrefix "$TYPE")
     if [ ! -f "${VAULT_FILE}" ]; then
         pki_logger "ERROR" "The vault file is not found. Please, initialize it before call me ! Vault file: ${VAULT_FILE}"
diff --git a/deployment/roles/vitamui/files/customer-init.yml b/deployment/roles/vitamui/files/customer-init.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e549a6d7c9c57f17a1f2b4dce26a57e22bd27d61..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/deployment/roles/vitamui/files/customer-init.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# This configuration file indicates profiles , profiles groups and users automatically create when a new customer or customer tenant is created.
-# Put as many as you want following the template given
-  # Default profiles for each customer created
-  profiles:
-  #- name: profileName
-  #  description: desc
-  #  level: 1
-  #  app-name: app
-  #  roles:
-  #    - role_1
-  #    - role_2
-  #    - role_3
-  #  ...
-  # Default profiles groups for each customer created
-  profiles-groups:
-  #- name: group1
-  #   description: desc
-  #   level: 2
-  #   profiles:
-  #     - profileName
-  #  ...
-  # Default users for each customer created
-  users:
-  #- last-name: lastName
-  #   first-name: firstName
-  #   profiles-group-name: group1
-  #   level: 1
-  #   email-prefix: a@mail.com
-  # Default profiles for each tenant created
-  tenant-profiles:
-  #- name: profileName
-  #  description: desc
-  #  level: 1
-  #  app-name: app
-  #  roles:
-  #   - role_1
-  #   - role_2
-  #   - role_3
-  #  ...
-  # Other Default profiles for admin group
-  admin-profiles:
-  #- name: profileName
-  #  description: desc
-  #  level: 1
-  #  app-name: app
-  #  roles:
-  #   - role_1
-  #   - role_2
-  #   - role_3
-  #  ...
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/deployment/roles/vitamui/tasks/main.yml b/deployment/roles/vitamui/tasks/main.yml
index aad7ad14a9a5b16b103e339ea112726957eea4fa..e6cb01bc1d8baf6cf265de17ae8c640ab7c37fd3 100644
--- a/deployment/roles/vitamui/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/deployment/roles/vitamui/tasks/main.yml
@@ -141,9 +141,21 @@
     - restart service
-- name: "Execute sub-tasks for the component type: {{ vitamui_struct.vitamui_component_type }}" 
-  include_tasks: "{{ vitamui_struct.vitamui_component_type }}.yml"
-  when: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'test -f {{ role_path }}/tasks/{{ vitamui_struct.vitamui_component_type }}.yml || echo nofile') == \"\" }}"
+- name: "Copy vitam certificates"
+  copy:
+    src: "{{ item }}"
+    dest: "{{ vitamui_folder_conf }}/{{ item | basename }}"
+    owner: "{{ vitamui_defaults.users.vitamui }}"
+    group: "{{ vitamui_defaults.users.group }}"
+    mode: "{{ vitamui_defaults.folder.folder_permission }}"
+  with_fileglob:
+    - "{{ inventory_dir }}/keystores/client-vitam/*.*"
+  when:
+    - vitam_cert is defined
+  tags:
+    - update_vitam_configuration
+  notify:
+    - restart service
 - name: "Execute sub-tasks for the component: {{ vitamui_struct.vitamui_component }}" 
   include_tasks: "{{ vitamui_struct.vitamui_component }}.yml"