diff --git a/NEMO/README.md b/NEMO/README.md
index f8cc4cec54866a651727cc9538af40a005fd902c..422edebc868c5984f1637cf512761390fad8a8fa 100644
--- a/NEMO/README.md
+++ b/NEMO/README.md
@@ -11,26 +11,26 @@ Here I describe that this template is not performing any scientific simulation,
 Technical information:
-* website : http://this.url.doesnot.work 
-* Scientific domain : none 
-* Language : C/C++/Fortran/Python
-* Parallelism : MPI + OpenMP
-* GPU acceleration : Yes (CUDA) 
+* Scientific domain :climate
+* Language : Fortran
+* Parallelism : MPI + 
+* GPU acceleration : No
 * Scalability : high
-* Vectorization: poor
+* Vectorization: moderate
 Compilation and simulation:
-Here we describe the different phases from the download to the validation of the simulation.
 Information (if needed) about how to get the sources.
-For instance:
@@ -38,17 +38,13 @@ For instance:
-Information (if needed) about how to compile the application. 
-For instance:
-Compile the code using:
-source machines/occigen-bdw/env
-`machines/occigen-bdw/env` contains the information for compilation (module load gcc openmpi lapack hdf5 ...)
 Run and validate the simulation:
diff --git a/NEMO/machines/irene-amd/batch_small.slurm b/NEMO/machines/irene-amd/batch_small.slurm
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..03ee70fe7c24daeef0e1b96f9f1d73b5c9a85bdb 100644
--- a/NEMO/machines/irene-amd/batch_small.slurm
+++ b/NEMO/machines/irene-amd/batch_small.slurm
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#  BENCH launching scripts for Irene
+# Modified for Irene 30/12/2019
+#  To be modified for other machines
+#set -u
+set -x
+ncore_node=108 # 108 cores used over 128 ( bi-proc 64 cores)
+machine=$( hostname | sed -e "s/[0-9]*//g" )
+# number of processes for each executable
+    nproc_exe1=$( echo $cores | bc )
+  (( nproc = $nproc_exe1 ))
+(( nnode = $nproc / $ncore_node ))
+[ $nnode -lt 1 ] && nnode=1
+nproc5=$( printf "%05d\n" ${nproc_exe1} )
+    cat > $jobname << EOF
+#MSUB -r bench${nproc5}
+#MSUB -m work,scratch
+#MSUB -n ${nproc_exe1}
+#MSUB -N ${nnode}
+#MSUB -T $timejob
+#MSUB -e bench_${resolution}_${nproc5}_%I.eo
+#MSUB -o bench_${resolution}_${nproc5}_%I.eo
+#MSUB -j oe
+#MSUB -x
+#MSUB -q rome
+#MSUB -A tgcc0090
+set -u
+module load  intel/
+module load mpi/openmpi/4.0.1
+module load hdf5
+module load  netcdf-c/4.6.0
+module load netcdf-fortran/4.4.4
+set -x
+echo " avant aller dans le repertoire de soumission"
+mkdir -p ${EXPjob}
+cp ${BRIDGE_MSUB_PWD}/tests/BENCH/EXP00/* ${EXPjob}
+ls ${EXPjob}
+#rsync -av --exclude="*eo" EXPREF/ \${EXPjob}/
+#rsync -av EXP00/nemo \${EXPjob}/nemo
+cd \${EXPjob}
+ls -la
+sed -e "s/jpni *=.*/jpni = \${jpni}/" -e "s/jpnj *=.*/jpnj = \${jpnj}/" namelist_cfg_orca${resolution}_like > namelist_cfg
+time ccc_mprun -n \${BRIDGE_MSUB_NPROC} ./nemo > jobout_${resolution}_${nproc5}_${dateref}
+ls -lrt
+rm -rf *.nc
+cp *  \${BRIDGE_MSUB_PWD}/.
+cat $jobname
+    ccc_msub $jobname
diff --git a/NEMO/machines/irene-amd/env_bench b/NEMO/machines/irene-amd/env_bench
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000