#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Please provide the targeted machine from:" ls machines/ echo "" echo "Example: ./compile.sh occigen-bdw" exit 1 fi env_file="machines/$1/env_bench" if [ ! -f $env_file ] then echo "ERROR: $env_file not found!" exit 1 else source $env_file fi #xios-2.5 directory must be a sub-directory of NEMO/release-4.0 # 1. Prepare an arch file for the target machine #cp machines/$1/arch-XIOS.fcm xios-2.5/arch/arch-$1.fcm #cd xios-2.5 #./make_xios --arch $1 -j 8 #cd - #NEMO #create a configuration file for the targeted machine ( i.e. irene) arch-irene.fcm # lancement de la compilation pour BENCH cp machines/$1/arch-NEMO.fcm release-4.0/arch/arch-$1.fcm cd release-4.0 ./makenemo -m $1 -a BENCH -v3 # # Find the produced exec # # find . -name nemo.exe # ./tests/BENCH/BLD/bin/nemo.exe #