#################################### # REMOVE PREVIOUS LOGS #################################### rm -rf $GYSELA_PATH/wk/*SCAL*TKE* rm -rf $GYSELA_PATH/wk/scal* #################################### # Source the right environment #################################### if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Please provide the targeted machine from:" ls machines/ echo "" echo "Example: ./prepare.sh occigen-bdw" exit 1 fi env_file="../machines/$1/env_bench" if [ ! -f $env_file ] then echo "ERROR: $env_file not found!" exit 1 else source $env_file fi #################################### # COMPILE THE TEST CASE #################################### if [ ${ARCH} = 'occigen2' ]; then cp ../machines/occigen-bdw/scaltest_TKE_A139_n14_dlogTi0.0 $GYSELA_PATH/wk/ elif [ ${ARCH} = 'jeanzay' ]; then cp ../machines/jean-zay-cpu/scaltest_TKE_A139_n14_dlogTi0.0 $GYSELA_PATH/wk/ elif [ ${ARCH} = 'irene_amd' ]; then cp ../machines/irene-amd/scaltest_TKE_A139_n14_dlogTi0.0 $GYSELA_PATH/wk/ fi