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# VitamUI
Djamel HAMAS's avatar
Djamel HAMAS committed
# Prerequisites
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## Tools
- Install JDK version >= 8
Djamel HAMAS's avatar
Djamel HAMAS committed
- Install Maven
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Hélène Jonin committed
    - Run [this script]( to set it up
Djamel HAMAS's avatar
Djamel HAMAS committed
- Install Git
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
- Install Node.js and npm (with nvm)
    - Configure default registry: `npm config set registry`
- Python version 2.7 + pip for Python 2
- Install Ansible (see [Ansible](#Ansible))

### Ansible
Current version of VitamUI depends on Ansible version 2.7.0 in order to run installation scripts.

#### With VirtualEnv
In order not to interfere with more recent Ansible version, deploy a Python VirtualEnv
in which you install Ansible 2.7.0:
* Check that VirtualEnv executable is installed: `apt-get install python-virtualenv`
* In a directory of your choice, create the virtual environment: `virtualenv vitamUI-ansible`
* Activate the environment: `vitamUI-ansible/bin/activate`

#### Without VirtualEnv
* First remove older versions of Ansible before re-installing it:
`pip uninstall ansible`.
* Si une version d'ansible à été installée via `apt-get install`, il est nécessaire de la désinstaller : `apt-get remove ansible`
Djamel HAMAS's avatar
Djamel HAMAS committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
#### Common steps
* Install Ansible 2.7.0: `pip install ansible==2.7.0`
* Check the version of ansible: `ansible --version`
Djamel HAMAS's avatar
Djamel HAMAS committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
Il est possible que l'ajout du lien vers ansible dans le PATH et/ou qu'un redémarage soit nécessaire
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## Configuration
- Clone project and change ownership: `sudo chown -R $USER vitam-ui/`
- Build project using the "right" profile (see [Maven profiles](#Maven-profiles) and [Build](#Build))
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### For Vitam internal developers
- Build project using `vitam` profile (see [Build for Vitam developers
- Set up environment variables : `SERVICE_NEXUS_URL` and `SERVICE_REPOSITORY_URL`
- Copy files: `access-external-client.conf`, `ingest-external-client.conf`, `keystore_ihm-demo.p12` and `truststore_ihm-demo.jks` into `api/api-(iam|referential)/(iam|referential)-internal/src/main/config/dev-vitam/`
- Redirect `` URL defined in code to `localhost` : add this line `` to your `hosts` (`/etc/hosts`) file
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### For non Vitam developers
- [Build Vitam locally](

## Common errors
`/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found`
=> Create symlink, for instance:
`sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python`

# Maven profiles
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
Without a profile, only Java projects are build.
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed

## Global Maven profiles
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
In order to build and package UI projects (i.e. Java backend & Angular frontend altogether), we use the plugin `frontend-maven-plugin` provided by `com.github.eirslett`.

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### dev
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vitam-prg committed
This profile is used to build the entire project for dev purposes, backend & frontend included.
* UI modules are packaged with both Java & Angular.
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
* Angular projects are built without optimization in order to reduce global build time.
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
* Jasmine Karma tests are launched with the headless chrome.

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Hélène Jonin committed
### prod
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
This profile is used to build the entire project for prod purposes, backend/frontend included.
* UI modules are packaged with both Java & Angular.
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
* Angular projects are built with optimization.
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
* Jasmine Karma tests are launched with the headless chrome.

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Hélène Jonin committed
### npm-publish
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
This profile is used to build, test & push npm packages to the npm repository.

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
It should be used in ui/ui-frontend-common to push the npm package of the common UI library.
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### rpm
This profile is used to build rpm packages.
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vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
Only Maven modules with `rpm.skip = false` in their properties are eligible.
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vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### rpm-publish
This profile is used to push the generated rpm package.
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vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
Only Maven modules with `rpm.skip = false` in their properties are eligible.
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vitam-prg committed

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Hélène Jonin committed
### skipTestsRun
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vitam-prg committed
This profile is automatically activated if the option `-DskipTests` is used during Maven execution in order to disable Jasmine Karma tests execution.

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Hélène Jonin committed
### sonar
This profile is used to update sonar information.
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vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### webpack
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vitam-prg committed
This profile is used to build the entire project, backend & frontend included.
* Angular projects are build without optimization in order to reduce global build time.
* Jasmine Karma tests are launched with the headless chrome.
* Jenkins can use this profile.

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Hélène Jonin committed
### swagger
This profile is used to generate the `swagger.json` draft file for swagger documentation. It's only needed for API modules.
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vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### swagger-docs
This profile is used to generate `.html` & `.pdf` swagger documentation in `tools/swagger/docs/`.
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vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
Only Maven modules with `rpm.skip = false` in their properties are eligible.
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vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### vitam
This is the profile to use for all Vitam internal developers.
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vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## Integration Tests Maven profiles
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vitam-prg committed
No integration test is launched during the _“normal”_ build of the project.
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Hélène Jonin committed
Integration tests need a full running environment in order to launch API tests & few UI tests also.
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### integration
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
This profile should be used to launch integration tests in Jenkins. The configuration used for the tests is available in `integration-tests/src/test/resources/application-integration.yml`

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### dev-it
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
This profile should be used to launch integration tests in our development environment. The configuration used for the tests is available in `integration-tests/src/test/resources/application-dev.yml`

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### iam
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
This profile should be used to launch API IAM integration tests in our development environment. The configuration used for the tests is available in `integration-tests/src/test/resources/application-dev.yml`

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### security
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
This profile should be used to launch API Security integration tests in our development environment. The configuration used for the tests is available in `integration-tests/src/test/resources/application-dev.yml`

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### front
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
This profile should be used to launch UI integration tests in our development environment. The configuration used for the tests is available in `integration-tests/src/test/resources/application-dev.yml`

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
# Build
## Build (first build) // DEPRECATED?
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
Publish ui-frontend-common package. It's needed for angular projects ui-portal & ui-identity to compile.
Execute this command to build the project with unit tests and without building our angular projects:

    cd ui/ui-frontend-common;
    mvn clean install -Pnpm-publish

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## Build (only Java)
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
Execute this command to build the project with unit tests and without building our angular projects:

    mvn clean install

## Build (only Java) without test
Execute this command to build the project without unit tests and without building our angular projects:

    mvn clean install -DskipTests
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## Build for Vitam internal developers

    mvn clean install [-Ddependency-check.skip=true] -Denv.SERVICE_NEXUS_URL=... -Denv.SERVICE_REPOSITORY_URL=... [-DskipTests] -Pvitam
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

## Build with IHM (JS) in dev mode
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
Use the `dev` maven profile to build the project with our angular projects.

vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
For our angular projects, the build doesn't generate the sourcemap and doesn't optimize the build.
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed

vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
For the karma tests, we don't generate the code coverage and use the headless chrome.

    mvn clean install -Pdev

## Build with IHM (JS) for our Jenkins
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
Use the `webpack` maven profile to build the project with our angular projects.

vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
For our angular projects, the build generate the sourcemap and doesn't optimize the build.
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed

vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
For the karma tests, we don't generate the code coverage and use the headless chrome.

    mvn clean install -Pwebpack

## Build with IHM (JS) for our Production environment
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
Use the `prod` maven profile to build the project with our angular projects.

vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
For our angular projects, the build generate the sourcemap and optimize the build.
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed

vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
For the karma tests, we don't generate the code coverage and use the headless chrome.

    mvn clean install -Pprod

If `-DskipTests` id added during the build of dev, webpack or prod, unit tests and karma tests are both ignored.

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## Build with integration tests for development environment
Use the `dev-it` maven profile to build the project with unit tests and integration tests.
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

    mvn clean verify -Pdev-it

For more details see [README](integration-tests/ in integration-tests module.

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Hélène Jonin committed
## Build with integration tests for Jenkins
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
    mvn clean verify -Pintegration
vitam-prg's avatar
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Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## Package to RPM
Use the `rpm` and `webpack` maven profiles to build the project and package to RPM:
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
    mvn clean package -Prpm,webpack
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

## Execute sonar report

    mvn clean verify -Psonar
You can specify properties to change URL and login to sonar:

    mvn clean verify -Psonar \ \
        -Dsonar.login=<TOKEN AUTHENTICATION>

## Deploy artifact
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
Use the `rpm` and `webpack` maven profiles to build all artifacts and deploy to NEXUS use:
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

    mvn clean deploy -Prpm,webpack

## Swagger
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
To generate `swagger.json`:
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

    mvn test -Pswagger

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
To edit the file you can use [this website](
vitam-prg's avatar
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Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
To generate `index.pdf` and `index.html` from `swagger.json`:
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

     mvn generate-resources -Pswagger-docs

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
# Run
Pour lancer [VITAM](tools/vitamui-conf-dev/ en mode développement et permettre à VITAMUI d'accéder à ces APIs,
voir la [configuration](tools/vitamui-conf-dev/ suivante.

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 1 - Démarrage du Mongo VitamUI
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
├── tools
│   ├── docker
│   │   ├── mongo: './'
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
Makhtar DIAGNE's avatar
Makhtar DIAGNE committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 2 - Démarrage du docker smpt4dev (facultatif)
Makhtar DIAGNE's avatar
Makhtar DIAGNE committed
├── tools
│   ├── docker
│   │   ├── mail: './'
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 3 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot Security-Internal
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
├── api
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
│   ├── api-security
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
│   │   ├── security-internal: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run [-Puse-profile-here]' ou './'
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 4 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot IAM-Internal
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
├── api
│   ├── api-iam
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
│   │   ├── iam-internal: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run [-Puse-profile-here]' ou './'
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 5 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot IAM-External
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
├── api
│   ├── api-iam
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
│   │   ├── iam-external: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run [-Puse-profile-here]' ou './'
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 6 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot Ingest-Internal

├── api
│   ├── api-ingest
│   │   ├── ingest-internal: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run' ou './'

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 7 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot Ingest-External

├── api
│   ├── api-ingest
│   │   ├── ingest-external: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run' ou './'

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 8 - Lancement de l'application CAS Server.
La surcharge faite sur CAS nous empêche de lancer avec le plugin spring-boot

vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed
**CAS-Server dépend de security-internal, iam-internal & iam-external**

├── cas
│   ├── cas-server: './'

## Scénario 1 : utilisation en dev

### 9a - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot correspondant au back de UI-Portal
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

└── ui
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
    └── ui-portal: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run [-Puse-profile-here]'
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
**NB:** Profile should be `vitam` for Vitam internal developers to resolve dependency issues.

### 9b - Lancement de l'application Angular UI-Portal
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

└── ui
    ├── ui-frontend: 'npm run start:portal'

### 10a - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot correspondant au back de UI-Identity
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

└── ui
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
    └── ui-identity: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run [-Puse-profile-here]'
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

### 10b - Lancement de l'application Angular UI-Identity
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

└── ui
    ├── ui-frontend: 'npm run start:identity'

### 11a - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot correspondant au back de UI-Ingest

└── ui
    └── ui-ingest: 'mvn clean spring-boot:run'

### 11b - Lancement de l'application Angular UI-Ingest

└── ui
    ├── ui-frontend: 'npm run start:ingest'

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## Scénario 2 : utilisation en mode recette
Une compilation avec `-Pwebpack` a été effectuée.
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
**Attention les JAR doivent contenir les pages et scripts de la partie UI Frontend générés avec `ng build`.**
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### 9 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot correspondant au back de UI-Portal
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

└── ui
    └── ui-portal: './'

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### 10 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot correspondant au back de UI-Identity
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

└── ui
    └── ui-identity : './'

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
### 11 - Lancement de l'application SpringBoot correspondant au back de UI-Ingest

└── ui
    └── ui-ingest : './'

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 12 - Les certificats sont auto-signés, il faut les accepter dans le navigateur pour :
- UI-Frontend
- Ui-Back
Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
**Attention : sans cette étape, le logout sur toutes les applications par CAS ne fonctionne pas**.
vitam-prg's avatar
vitam-prg committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 13 - Se connecter sur le portail via :
Makhtar DIAGNE's avatar
Makhtar DIAGNE committed

Hélène Jonin's avatar
Hélène Jonin committed
## 14 - Se connecter sur la page de réception des mails smpt4dev via :
- http://localhost:3000/