Makhtar DIAGNE authored710c9371
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This component is the CAS server.
mvn clean package
java -Dspring.config.location=src/main/config/cas-server-application-dev.yml -jar target/cas-server.jar
SAML metadata generation
- Retrieval of the IdP metadata, IdP metadata are ignored, so test metdata can be used instead
- Creation of a keystore for the IdP:
keytool -genkeypair -alias idp-test -keypass password -keystore idp-test-keystore.jks -storepass password -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 3650
- Generation of the SP metadata using the
class (inapi-iam-server
) and saving into a file
Generate the certificate:
keytool -genkeypair -alias cas-client-keystore -keyalg RSA -validity 1825 -keystore cas-client-keystore.jks -storetype JKS -keypass keyspwd -storepass keyspwd
keytool -genkeypair -alias cas-server-keystore -keyalg RSA -validity 1825 -keystore cas-server-keystore.jks -storetype JKS -keypass keyspwd -storepass keyspwd
Extract the public key: