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Commit a22f2b4c authored by Cindy's avatar Cindy Committed by pybelecalo
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[US TRTL-584] add animations ts in common front end

parent a3469129
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with 153 additions and 151 deletions
export * from './vitamui-common-animations';
import { animate, keyframes, query, stagger, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
export const collapseAnimation = trigger('collapseAnimation', [
state('collapsed', style({ height: 0, visibility: 'hidden' })),
state('expanded', style({ height: '*' })),
transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate('300ms ease-out')),
export const rotateAnimation = trigger('rotateAnimation', [
state('collapsed', style({ transform: 'rotate(180deg)' })),
state('expanded', style({ transform: 'none' })),
transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)')),
export const rotateUpAnimation = trigger('rotateUpAnimation', [
state('true', style({ transform: 'none' })),
state('false', style({ transform: 'rotate(180deg)' })),
transition('true <=> false', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)')),
export const rotate90Animation = trigger('rotate90Animation', [
state('collapsed', style({ transform: 'rotate(-90deg)' })),
state('expanded', style({ transform: 'rotate(0deg)' })),
transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate('200ms ease-out')),
export const fadeInOutAnimation = trigger('fadeInOutAnimation', [
transition(':enter', [style({ opacity: 0 }), animate('200ms', style({ opacity: 1 }))]),
transition(':leave', [style({ opacity: 1 }), animate('200ms', style({ opacity: 0 }))]),
export const slideDownAnimation = trigger('slideDownAnimation', [
state('*', style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)' })),
transition(':enter', [
opacity: 0,
transform: 'translateY(-100%)'
animate('100ms ease-out'),
export const tooltipAnimation = trigger('tooltipAnimation', [
state('*', style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)' })),
transition(':enter', [
opacity: 0,
transform: 'translateY(-100%)'
animate('100ms ease-out'),
export const opacityAnimation = trigger('opacityAnimation', [
state('close', style({})),
transition(':enter', [
animate('500ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)', keyframes([
style({ opacity: 0 }),
style({ opacity: 1 }),
transition('* => close', [
animate('500ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)', keyframes([
style({ opacity: 1 }),
style({ opacity: 0 }),
export const transitionAnimation = trigger('transitionAnimation', [
state('previous', style({ height: '0px', visibility: 'hidden' })),
state('next', style({ height: '0px', visibility: 'hidden' })),
state('current', style({ height: '*', visibility: 'visible' })),
transition('* <=> current', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1)')),
export const slideAnimation = trigger('slideAnimation', [
transition(':enter', [
query('*', [
style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(-20px)' }),
stagger(50, [
style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'none' })
transition(':leave', [
style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(+100px)' })
<div class="collapse-title" (click)="toggle()">
<i class="material-icons" [@rotateAnimation]="collapseState">keyboard_arrow_down</i> {{collapseTitle}}
<i class="material-icons" [@rotate90Animation]="collapseState">keyboard_arrow_down</i> {{collapseTitle}}
<div class="collapse-content" [@collapseAnimation]="collapseState"><ng-content></ng-content></div>
......@@ -86,16 +86,16 @@ describe('CollapseComponent', () => {
it('should toggle the content on click on the title', () => {
const elTitle = fixture.nativeElement.querySelector('.collapse-title');;
......@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { Component, HostBinding, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { collapseAnimation, rotate90Animation } from '../../animations/vitamui-common-animations';
selector: 'vitamui-common-collapse',
......@@ -43,16 +44,8 @@ import { Component, HostBinding, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
styleUrls: ['./collapse.component.scss'],
exportAs: 'vitamuiCommonCollapse',
animations: [
trigger('collapseAnimation', [
state('collapse', style({ height: 0, visibility: 'hidden' })),
state('expand', style({ height: '*' })),
transition('expand <=> collapse', animate('200ms ease-out')),
trigger('rotateAnimation', [
state('collapse', style({ transform: 'rotate(-90deg)' })),
state('expand', style({ transform: 'rotate(0deg)' })),
transition('expand <=> collapse', animate('200ms ease-out')),
export class CollapseComponent implements OnInit {
......@@ -61,7 +54,7 @@ export class CollapseComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() collapseTitle: string;
@Input() collapseState = 'expand';
@Input() collapseState = 'expanded';
constructor() { }
......@@ -69,7 +62,7 @@ export class CollapseComponent implements OnInit {
toggle() {
this.collapseState = this.collapseState === 'expand' ? 'collapse' : 'expand';
this.collapseState = this.collapseState === 'expanded' ? 'collapsed' : 'expanded';
<div class="d-flex">
<div class="tooltip-custom {{className}}" [class.outline]="outline" @tooltip>{{ text }}</div>
<div class="tooltip-custom {{className}}" [class.outline]="outline" @fadeInOutAnimation>{{ text }}</div>
......@@ -36,21 +36,14 @@
import { animate, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { fadeInOutAnimation } from '../../animations';
selector: 'vitamui-common-tooltip',
templateUrl: './common-tooltip.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./common-tooltip.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('tooltip', [
transition(':enter', [
style({ opacity: 0 }),
animate(300, style({ opacity: 1 })),
transition(':leave', [
animate(300, style({ opacity: 0 })),
export class CommonTooltipComponent implements OnInit {
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
<mat-selection-list id="searchResults"
class="py-3 overflow"
<mat-list-option [value]="app" @slideLeftRight *ngFor="let app of filteredApplications">
<mat-list-option [value]="app" @slideAnimation *ngFor="let app of filteredApplications">
<vitamui-common-menu-application-tile [application]="app" [hlCriteria]="criteria"></vitamui-common-menu-application-tile>
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { MatTabChangeEvent } from '@angular/material/tabs';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { opacityAnimation , slideAnimation} from '../../../animations';
import { ApplicationService } from '../../../application.service';
import { Category } from '../../../models';
import { Application } from '../../../models/application/application.interface';
......@@ -19,40 +20,8 @@ import { MenuOverlayRef } from './menu-overlay-ref';
templateUrl: './menu.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./menu.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('opacityAnimation', [
state('close', style({})),
transition(':enter', [
animate('500ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)', keyframes([
style({ opacity: 0 }),
style({ opacity: 1 }),
transition('* => close', [
animate('500ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)', keyframes([
style({ opacity: 1 }),
style({ opacity: 0 }),
trigger('slideLeftRight', [
transition(':enter', [
query('*', [
style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(-20px)' }),
stagger(50, [
style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'none' })
transition(':leave', [
style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'translateX(+100px)' })
export class MenuComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
......@@ -34,9 +34,10 @@
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output } from '@angular/core';
import { DomSanitizer, SafeUrl } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { rotateUpAnimation } from '../../animations/vitamui-common-animations';
import { ApplicationId } from '../../application-id.enum';
import { AuthService } from '../../auth.service';
......@@ -50,11 +51,7 @@ import { MenuOption } from './customer-menu/menu-option.interface';
templateUrl: './navbar.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./navbar.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('arrowUp', [
state('true', style({ transform: 'none' })),
state('false', style({ transform: 'rotate(180deg)' })),
transition('true <=> false', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)')),
export class NavbarComponent {
<ng-container *ngFor="let step of steps; let i = index; let isLast = last">
<div class="step" [@stepTransition]="_getAnimationDirection(i)" [attr.tabindex]="selectedIndex === i ? 0 : null"
<div class="step" [@transitionAnimation]="_getAnimationDirection(i)" [attr.tabindex]="selectedIndex === i ? 0 : null"
[attr.aria-expanded]="selectedIndex === i">
<ng-container [ngTemplateOutlet]="step.content"></ng-container>
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { CdkStepper } from '@angular/cdk/stepper';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { transitionAnimation } from '../../animations/vitamui-common-animations';
selector: 'vitamui-common-stepper',
......@@ -46,12 +47,7 @@ import { Component } from '@angular/core';
// by other components.
providers: [{ provide: CdkStepper, useExisting: StepperComponent }],
animations: [
trigger('stepTransition', [
state('previous', style({ height: '0px', visibility: 'hidden' })),
state('next', style({ height: '0px', visibility: 'hidden' })),
state('current', style({ height: '*', visibility: 'visible' })),
transition('* <=> current', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1)')),
export class StepperComponent extends CdkStepper {
......@@ -34,24 +34,16 @@
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { slideDownAnimation } from '../../animations/vitamui-common-animations';
selector: 'vitamui-common-field-error',
template: `<div *ngIf="show" @slideDownAnimation><ng-content></ng-content></div>`,
styleUrls: ['./vitamui-field-error.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('slideDownAnimation', [
state('*', style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'translateY(0)' })),
transition(':enter', [
opacity: 0,
transform: 'translateY(-100%)'
animate('100ms ease-out'),
export class VitamUIFieldErrorComponent {
......@@ -34,24 +34,16 @@
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { Component, HostBinding, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { slideDownAnimation } from '../../animations/vitamui-common-animations';
selector: 'vitamui-common-input-error',
template: `<ng-content></ng-content>`,
styleUrls: ['./vitamui-input-error.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('slideDownAnimation', [
state('*', style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'translateX(0)' })),
transition(':enter', [
opacity: 0,
transform: 'translateY(-100%)'
animate('100ms ease-out'),
export class VitamUIInputErrorComponent implements OnInit {
......@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
import { animate, keyframes, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Component, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { tooltipAnimation } from '../../animations';
import { VitamUITooltipMessage, VITAMUI_TOOLTIP_MESSAGE } from '../../injection-tokens';
......@@ -44,15 +45,7 @@ import { VitamUITooltipMessage, VITAMUI_TOOLTIP_MESSAGE } from '../../injection-
templateUrl: './tooltip.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./tooltip.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('tooltipAnimation', [
transition(':enter', [
animate('300ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)', keyframes([
style({ opacity: 0, transform: 'scale(0)', offset: 0 }),
style({ opacity: 0.5, transform: 'scale(1.1)', offset: 0.7 }),
style({ opacity: 1, transform: 'scale(1)', offset: 1 }),
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ export * from './models/index';
export * from './account/index';
export * from './active-tenant.guard';
export * from './animations/index';
export * from './api/application-api.service';
export * from './api/logbook-api.service';
export * from './api/profile-api.service';
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<div class="d-flex align-items-center clickable">
<div class="col-1 d-flex" (click)="row.toggle()">
<i class="vitamui-icon vitamui-icon-bank"></i>
<i class="material-icons caret ml-1" [style.fontSize.px]="20" [@arrow]="row.state">keyboard_arrow_up</i>
<i class="material-icons caret ml-1" [style.fontSize.px]="20" [@rotateAnimation]="row.state">keyboard_arrow_up</i>
<div (click)="customerClick.emit(customer)" class="col-2 d-flex align-items-center align-self-stretch">{{ customer?.code }}</div>
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
......@@ -34,13 +34,20 @@
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { Component, EventEmitter, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core';
import { MatDialog } from '@angular/material/dialog';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Customer, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, Direction, InfiniteScrollTable, Owner, PageRequest, Tenant } from 'ui-frontend-common';
import { collapseAnimation,
Owner, PageRequest,
Tenant } from 'ui-frontend-common';
import { CustomerService } from '../../core/customer.service';
import { CustomerDataService } from '../';
import { OwnerCreateComponent } from '../owner-create/owner-create.component';
......@@ -52,17 +59,8 @@ import { CustomerListService } from './customer-list.service';
templateUrl: './customer-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./customer-list.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('expansion', [
state('collapsed', style({height: '0px', visibility: 'hidden', opacity: '0'})),
state('expanded', style({height: '*', visibility: 'visible', opacity: '1'})),
transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate('150ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)')),
trigger('arrow', [
state('collapsed', style({transform: 'rotate(180deg)'})),
state('expanded', style({transform: 'none'})),
transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)')),
export class CustomerListComponent extends InfiniteScrollTable<Customer> implements OnDestroy, OnInit {
......@@ -34,13 +34,11 @@
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { AuthService, buildValidators, ConfirmDialogService } from 'ui-frontend-common';
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import { Component, Inject, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { MAT_DIALOG_DATA, MatDialogRef } from '@angular/material/dialog';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { AuthService, buildValidators, collapseAnimation, ConfirmDialogService , rotateAnimation} from 'ui-frontend-common';
import { GroupService } from '../group.service';
......@@ -52,17 +50,8 @@ import { GroupValidators } from '../group.validators';
templateUrl: './group-create.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./group-create.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('expansion', [
state('collapsed', style({height: '0px', visibility: 'hidden'})),
state('expanded', style({height: '*', visibility: 'visible'})),
transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)')),
trigger('arrow', [
state('collapsed', style({transform: 'rotate(180deg)'})),
state('expanded', style({transform: 'none'})),
transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)')),
export class GroupCreateComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
......@@ -34,17 +34,19 @@
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
import { animate, state, style, transition, trigger } from '@angular/animations';
import {Component, EventEmitter, Inject, Input, LOCALE_ID, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output} from '@angular/core';
import {merge, Subject, Subscription} from 'rxjs';
import {
collapseAnimation, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE,
} from 'ui-frontend-common';
import { GroupService } from '../group.service';
import {buildCriteriaFromGroupFilters} from './group-criteria-builder.util';
......@@ -54,17 +56,8 @@ import {buildCriteriaFromGroupFilters} from './group-criteria-builder.util';
templateUrl: './group-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./group-list.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('expansion', [
state('collapsed', style({height: '0px', visibility: 'hidden'})),
state('expanded', style({height: '*', visibility: 'visible'})),
transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)')),
trigger('arrow', [
state('collapsed', style({transform: 'rotate(180deg)'})),
state('expanded', style({transform: 'none'})),
transition('expanded <=> collapsed', animate('225ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.0,0.2,1)')),
export class GroupListComponent extends InfiniteScrollTable<Group> implements OnDestroy, OnInit {
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