- Jan 20, 2021
Ludovic BLANCHET authored
* [DLAB-4011] Fix initial values in color inputs * [DLAB-4011] create, update theme colors * [DLAB-4011] Color picker for theme inputs * [DLAB-4011] Fix custom graphic identity validation * [DLAB-4011] Fix inputs behavior and appearance * [Theme] Create primary & secondary variables * [TECH] Temp fix for repo npm URL * [DLAB-4011] Add custom theme to cas, identity and portal * [TECH] Change trusttore for dlab * [DLAB-4126] Upgrade deployment (PKI & Ansible scripts) - Upgrade functions.sh: Addition of genericity on the functions allowing to handle a vault file - Add ERASE as input parameters on PKI's scripts in order to preverse existing items when we execute scripts (add module, clients ...) - Upgrade generate_stores.sh in order to populate dynamically the linked vault file - Upgrade packaging in order to add the archive of deployment - Upgrade scripts according to the PKI in order to clean/fix deployment for keystores/trustores and linked configuration * [DLAB-4126] Update PKI according to the previous updates * Version upgrade to 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT * [DEVOPS] Fix unknown variable vitamui_services.x.dir.assets * [DEVOPS] Update scripts for deployment * [DEVOPS] Fix missing deployment for customer-init.yml * [DEVOPS] Clean scripts of the PKI * [DEVOPS] Add README and update cleanup method for certificates * [DLAB-4011] Add IT scenario & primary-dark color * [DLAB-4011] Set dlab theme config * [DLAB-4011] Set dlab colors on cas, identity & portal * compilation works * it runs * fix login/pwd authentication * handle provided username * some refactoring * login/pwd + authn delegation works (with or without service) * surrogation works * change password is triggered when the user is already authenticated using the doChangePassword parameter * refactor surrogation service definition * password management * final tests on surrogation * WIP MFA * MFA works * [TECH] Update project from JAVA8 to JAVA11 with dependencies * [TECH] Remove unused jks files in integration data * fix back links * don't lost surrogation when bad password * [TECH] CAS set metrics dependency for prometheus * clean Spring config and open management endpoints * fix surrogation lost on bad password * [TECH] Configure Prometheus for SpringBoot services * [TECH] Use smtp4dev in our dev environment * [TECH] RPM update jdk from 1.8 to 11 * [DLAB-4126] Upgrade deployment (PKI & Ansible scripts) - Upgrade functions.sh: Addition of genericity on the functions allowing to handle a vault file - Add ERASE as input parameters on PKI's scripts in order to preverse existing items when we execute scripts (add module, clients ...) - Upgrade generate_stores.sh in order to populate dynamically the linked vault file - Upgrade packaging in order to add the archive of deployment - Upgrade scripts according to the PKI in order to clean/fix deployment for keystores/trustores and linked configuration * [DEVOPS] Fix unknown variable vitamui_services.x.dir.assets * [DEVOPS] Update scripts for deployment * VitamUIInput : fix autofocus, remove AfterViewInit function & upgrade ui-frontend-common to 0.0.13 * New Frontend Input component : Allow only positive numbers & upgrade ui-frontend-common to 0.0.14 * Users App : Fix filter * Customers App : fix drag and drop issue for graphical identity * [FIX DLAB-3306] Sort subrogations * [DLAB-3453] Update operation in order to extend it * [DLAB-3453] Remove priority on OperationStatus * [US DLAB-3806] Add pdf generation with images[US DLAB-3806] Add TU on PDF generation * [ELCA-27] Expose NavbarComponent and childs to permit customizing * ⅜TECH] Fix merge deployment task * fix session hard timeout instead of idle timeout * upgrade to CAS v6.1.6 and pac4j v4.0.0 * [TECH] FIX vitamui input component * [TECH] Prepare version 1.0.2 * [TECH] CAS Security : add hostnameverifier optional property, activated by default * [TECH] Update package versions * [DLAB-4154] Update mongo init - Update PKI scripts: Restructuring scripts on an overload strategy - Renew PKI dev (missing CA, useful when we need to connect vitamui to others applications) - Update application assets according to the new dev PKI - Add/update readme * [WIP] Add function to externalize consul domain * [WIP] * WIP * [devops] add validation of java 11 * [DEVOPS] Fix vitam-ui dpeloyment * [WIP] Upgrade logstash config according to Java 11 * [TECH] Update deployment * [TECH] Security / Authentification : Fix token increment * [TECH] Fix deployment maven build * RABB-519: corrige l'erreur en cas de ticket expiré * [TECH] Remove compiler overloading in cas server pom * [DEVOPS] Clean old pki for dev * [DLAB-4126] Upgrade mongo init [DLAB-4126] Fix documentation * [TECH] Update SSL assets on UI-frontend projects * [DLAB-4126] Fix remote init for mongo * [DLAB-4126] Fix authentication detection for mongo * [DLAB-4126] Fix deployment for mongo * [DEVOPS] Improve mongo deployment * [DEVOPS] Add mitogen * [TECH] Update nginx conf in order to view objects * [devops] add tags for service installation * [DEVOPS] FIx rsyslog configuration * [DEVOPS] Add vitamui uninstallation * [devops] put consul as vitam service * [TECH] Frontend : Some cleaning & optimization optimisation * [TECH] Fix theme default logo * [TECH] FIx ui frontend plugin & configuration * [TECH] Fix recette configuration * [TECH] Frontend Optimization * [TECH] CAS : Set default data for twilio account * [TECH] Fix deployment uninstall when file is absent * [TECH] Cas : fix war build with tomcat dependencies * [TECH] Fix front tests * [TECH] Fix ui frontend plugin and configuration (bis) * [TCH] Frontend Optimization (bis) * [TECH] CAS 6.1.6 : update static templates, js & add theming variables * [FIX RABB-585] Add animation in progress bar * [FIX RABB-577] Add space above title * [FIX RABB-581] Fix VITAMUI_AUTHENTICATION Logbook code * [TECH] Fix console error on ICU comment Keys EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_USER and EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_OTP_USER defined in file event-tyoe-label.component.html are kept only for Legacy code and existing data * [RABB-626] Frontend Optimization : fix font * [FIX RABB-579] Fix error sending mail from iam-internal * [FIX RABB-37] Accept Timeout parameter as Http header * [TECH] Frontend use assets from ui-frontend-common & update branding * [TECH] Nginx : Add favicon link * [TECH] UI Frontend rewrite links in SCSS files with base-ref, deploy-url * [TECH] Theme : getAsset, normalize path for security issues * [FIX RABB-664] Show secondary color instead of primary for valid-check password * [TECH] Frontend use assets from ui-frontend-common & update branding : fix tests * [FIX RABB-577] Add space below group profile pop-in title * [FIX RABB-539] Handle redirections for CAS Authentication failure * [TECH] Remove default UI page title name * [TECH] prepare release 1.0.2 * [TECH] Frontend : add gzip compression * [TECH] Uninstall remove assets * [FIX RABB-555] Fix cas deployment config and password init for a new user * [FIX RABB-696] Handle Reset password when user password has expired * [devops] keep data dir at uninstall * [DEVOPS] Add packaging Maven module to our referenced modules * [TECH] Fix thymeleaf template for cas * [US RABB-681] seda model update * [US RABB-681] remove unused helpers * [TECH] Limit max memory for services launched by Springboot plugin * Merged in feature/fox/FOX-229 (pull request #36) [US FOX-229] Fix css filter-table * [US FOX-229] Fix css filter-table * Merge branch 'dlab-develop' into feature/fox/FOX-229 Approved-by: Zakaria TIRDAD Approved-by: Faouzi Ben Salah * [US FOX-231] Fix double scrollbar Approved-by: Massine CHIKHI Approved-by: Zakaria TIRDAD * [US FOX-242] delete confirmation to stop subrogation Approved-by: Makhtar Diagne Approved-by: Zakaria TIRDAD * [TRTL-207] Search by name or description in group attribution * [US FOX-252] handle search bar Approved-by: Makhtar Diagne Approved-by: Zakaria TIRDAD * [TECH] Improve code quality * [TECH] Update Vitam conf * [TRTL-206] Add search & order by on Groups list * [TRTL-206] Add filters on status & level * [TECH] Improve code quality * [TRTL-206] Fix frontend unit tests * [FIX TRTL-236] Fix theme colors form validation * [TRTL-236] Code review * [US TRTL-246] modification of SSL configuration for Interco * [US TRTL-246] feedback PR : modification of SSL configuration for Interco * [FIX TRTL-236] Disable tslint false positives * [TECH] prepare for next development iteration * [DEVOPS] Fix on Mongo scripts. * [US TRTL-287] fix subrogation focus on OK button * [TECH] Fix security-internal swagger * [US FOX-264] Add method to get rule duration based on rule identifier * [FENIX-58] add siteCode to user * [FENIX-58] add static constant for sitecode * [FENIX-58] remove println * [FENIX-58] add siteCode to user creation & update * [FENIX-58] add a script to init user's siteCode with an empty string if the property does not exist * [Fix TRTL-206] Fix criterions whitelist in Groups API * [FENIX-39] check criteria's subqueries authorized keys * [TECH] Fix unit test for date conversion * [TECH] Fix oauth authentication : use same token generation as CAS * [FENIX-86] add siteCode to allowed keys * [FIX RABB-808] Fix directory traversal security issue on getLogo * [TECH] Fix user app not loading groups * [TECH] Fix unit test for date conversion * [US TRTL-273] residual characters when Disconnect * [FIX TRTL-387] Fix mobile authent : add cors to cas conf * [TECH] Fix deploy * [FENIX-66] add elemMatch support for criteria * [FENIX-66] add elemMatch support for criteria * [FENIX-66] add elemMatch support for criteria * [FENIX-66] add elemMatch support for criteria * [US TRTL-113] Add internal code on customer creation form * [US TRTL-113] Fix TUs * [US TRTL-113] Remove address type from owner * [US TRTL-113] Code review * [US TRTL-106] Add internal code at user creation * [US TRTL-106] Frontend-common version upgrade to 1.0.5 * [US TRTL-389] Add customer internal code edition * [US TRTL-390 TRTL-391] Change customer & owner internalCode feature * [US TRTL-390] Frontend-common version upgrade to 1.0.6 * [US TRTL-392] Add internal code edition for users & owners * [TECH] Add pooling for httpClient for better performance * [TECH] Add pooling for httpClient for better performance * [TECH] Define a different token for each REST clientfactory * [US TRTL-268] fix switchmap without debounceTIme ? * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets * [RABB-856] set ticket expiration to 24 hours * [TECH] CAS SSO authentication : fix nginx authorized URLs * [FIX RABB-844] Fix login with leading or trailing spaces in username * [FIX RABB-791] Fix password policy pattern to require at least one lower and one upper case * [US TRTL-396] Change customer code pattern from 6 to 4 digits * [US TRTL-275] .content should not be > 90vh * [TECH] Set release candidate: 1.1.0-RC1 * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets authorize js & ngsw files in spring security. Otherwise it breaks post authentication redirections * [TS FOX-312] Add Server Identity Extension for tests * [TS FOX-312] Change visibility for swaggerJsonExistMethod * [FIX RABB-844] Fix email not trimmed when resetting password * [US TRTL-274] don't get profiles from archive & item * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets authorize js & ngsw files in spring security. Otherwise it breaks post authentication redirections * [US FOX-345] replace lodash by lodash-es * [TECH] VITAM Logbook Operations : access contract is mandatory * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets Authorize other assets files in spring security. Otherwise it breaks post authentication redirections * [UX FOX-348] remove locales from moment * [TECH] Pick up all latest developments for ui-frontend-common * [US FOX-348] remove local from moment ui-frontend * [TS FOX-329] Update pom.xml - Use spotbugs instead of findbugs - Upgrade plugin for java 11 - Add sonar-metrics profile * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets Add files in caching and fix nginx rewrite rules. Do not remove the unzip compression * [TS FOX-329] Update pom.xml- Use spotbugs instead of findbugs- Upgrade plugin for java 11- Add sonar-metrics profile * [FIX REC-4] Set owner code from 6 to 20 characters * [US FOX-352] Creating and editing email with capital letters * [TECH] Add WebClientBuilder * [US FOX-348] remove local from moment ui-frontend * [US FOX-356] handle peerdependencies * [US TRTL-274] don't get profiles from archive & item * [FIX TRTL-430] fix country order * [DEVOPS] Update project Maven versions to 1.1.0-RC2 * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets rollback nginx conf, wasn't working on preprod environment fix css display on post authentication14 * [FIX RABB-844] Fix email not trimmed when resetting password * [FIX FOX-363] Initialize tenantsList with data already retrieved * [FOX-374] Add cors for dev environnement * [TS TRTL-464] Add upsert operation * [FIX RABB-928] Fix access denied error when changing language in My account * [US TRTL-478] Add mail attribute to idp * [TECH] prepare for next development iteration * [TECH] Upgrade ui-frontend-common in order to pick up all the latest developments * [CAS] Use SAML attribute for profile id instead of SAML id * [TECH] Fix unit test for date conversion * [TECH] Fix assembly * [DEVOPS] Add theme engine process to ui-referential config file * [DEVOPS] Add uninstall referential * [DEVOPS] Update reverseproxy * [TECH] Update package version for referential modules * [DEVOPS] Update nginx conf for referential favicon * [TECH] Mongo scripts update for referential profiles remove the modifications in old scripts and move it in new files & remove duplicated profiles. remove auto tenant used in testing * [TECH] Update package-lock.json in ui-frontend * [DEVOPS] UI-Referential : do not execute test for all modules * [TECH] Fix assembly * [DEVOPS] Add theme engine process to ui-referential config file * Nouveau portail (#66) * [TECH] Add new portal development page * [US TRTL-144] : Add footer component [[US TRTL-144] : add customer info [US TRTL-144] : Code review [TECH] Add new portal development page * [US TRTL-147] : Add scrollTop component [US TRTL-147] : code review * [US TRTL-146 TRTL-148] Add new portal application list design * [US TRTL-145] Add welcome message in new portal application [US TRTL-145] Rename welcome message to welcome description * [US TRTL-167] : add new footer design [US TRTL-167] : code review * [US TRTL-146 TRTL-148] Add new portal application list design [US TRTL-145] Add welcome message in new portal application [US TRTL-149] Add filter by categorie * [US TRTL-143] add new portal header [US TRTL-143] Add header design [US TRTL-143] Fix header after code review [US TRTL-143] Add a module for tenant selection component * [TECH] Assemble and fix new portal component [TECH] Fix deploy [TECH] Fix new portal responsive display [US TRTL-163] Add new coloured applications icon [TECH] Fix VVitamUI vars [TECH] Fix VitamUI vars [TECH] Fix new portal responsive display * [US TRTL-150] Add Application menu launcher [US TRTL-150] without overlay [US TRTl-150] changes after new spec [US TRTL-150] review css [TECH] temp rebase portal [US TRTL-150] move in fronend-common & fix highlightPipe & fix select-tenant [US TRTL-150] fix tslint [US TRTL-150] fix modules [US TRTL-150] integrate menu button * [TECH] Add application sorting on new portal design * [US TRTL-189] Add common body container * [TECH] Sort categories in applications overlay [TECH] Fix select tenant component NP error [TECH] Fix scroll top component appear [TECH] Move new portal to portal component * [US TRTL-200] change select tenant [FIX TRTL-217] Fix wording * [US TRTL-175] Mutualise group by application and routing [US TRTL-175] Refactoring group by application and routing [US TRTL-175] Review improvement * [US TRTL-199] Performance improvement on portal [US TRTL-199] Lighthouse SEO improvement [US TRTL-199] Lighthouse Performance improvement [US TRTL-199] Performance improvement [US TRTL-199] Fix rebase conflict [TECH] Fix css load defer delay * [FIX TRTL-237] Fix application service for identity apps access [US TRTL-235] Search apps on change in menu component [US TRTL-235] Code review * [US TRTL-280] Test new application SVG icon [US TRTL-280] Add SVG icons MANUAL_INGEST_APP & ARCHIVE_APP [US TRTL-334] Fix apps icon dynamic color * [US TRTL-431] Remove moment-mini dependency * Add Categories Configuration Add deployment config + unit test * Fix jinja templating for categories + cleanup * [TECH] Change categories format and fix display * [TECH] Hide category with no app and init user category name as "Utilisateur" * [TECH] Change categories format and fix display * [TECH] Remove tar.gz assembly * [TECH] Fix version vitamui in ingest module * Mise en place du changement de langue avec ngx-translate (#68) * [US TRTL-157] component SelectLanguage & VitamTranslateService [US TRTL-157] MultiLoadHttpLoader & translate templates [US TRTL-157]add gulpfile to migrate from i18n to ngx-translate [US TRTL-157] save/update language & sessionStorage [US TRTL-157] sessionStorage & add ROLE_UPDATE_ME_USERS for portal & delete gulpfile.js [US TRTL-157] clean i18n for portal in conf files [US TRTL-157] review & fix ngx-translate version * [US TRTL-427] add httpLoaderChildFactory to use local assets/i18n * [TRTL-484] Fix ngx translate with lazy modules * [US TRTL-473] Hide selection language button * [TECH] Fix ngx translate unit tests * [TECH] Update categories for deployment & local configurations * [TECH] PR review fix for moment-mini which was unused * [Tech] Fix package-lock * Mise en place des analytics utilisateur et de la catégorie 'Dernières applications utilisées' (#69) * [US TRTL-157] component SelectLanguage & VitamTranslateService [US TRTL-157] MultiLoadHttpLoader & translate templates [US TRTL-157]add gulpfile to migrate from i18n to ngx-translate [US TRTL-157] save/update language & sessionStorage [US TRTL-157] sessionStorage & add ROLE_UPDATE_ME_USERS for portal & delete gulpfile.js [US TRTL-157] clean i18n for portal in conf files [US TRTL-157] review & fix ngx-translate version * [US TRTL-427] add httpLoaderChildFactory to use local assets/i18n * [TRTL-484] Fix ngx translate with lazy modules * [US TRTL-473] Hide selection language button * [TECH] Fix ngx translate unit tests * [TECH] Update categories for deployment & local configurations * [TECH] Remove tar.gz assembly * [TECH] PR review fix for moment-mini which was unused * [US TRTL-170] : save last used applications [US TRTL-170] : code review - rename applicationAnalytics class [US TRTL-170] : tag application us last used only at the first visit [US TRTL-170] : code review * [US TRTL-172] : Get last used app back-end [US TRTL-172] : Get last used app front-end [US TRTL-172] : Fix import [US TRTL-172] : Get last used apps update [US TRTL-172]: Fix after conflict resolve [US TRTL-172]: Fix last used app analytics loading [US TRTL-172]: Fix duplicate when searching an application [US TRTL-172]: Code review improvement * [TECH] : Delete logger debug in test * [TECH] Fix review - Create applicationIDConstant + userBuilder to test * [Tech] Fix package-lock * [TECH] FIX merge * Choix du tenant par défaut & Sélection du tenant ou de l'organisation pour les apps multi-tenants et multi-organisations (#71) * [US TRTL-172] : Get last used app back-end [US TRTL-172] : Get last used app front-end [US TRTL-172] : Fix import [US TRTL-172] : Get last used apps update [US TRTL-172]: Fix after conflict resolve [US TRTL-172]: Fix last used app analytics loading [US TRTL-172]: Fix duplicate when searching an application [US TRTL-172]: Code review improvement * [US TRTL-170] : save last used applications [US TRTL-170] : code review - rename applicationAnalytics class [US TRTL-170] : tag application us last used only at the first visit [US TRTL-170] : code review * [US TRTL-171] Persist last tenant identifier analytics * [US TRTL-216] Add select tenant dialog on first user auth [US TRTL-216] Fix last tenant identifier synchronization [US TRTL-216] Improvement & add tenant by app filter [US TRTL-216] Code improvement [US TRTL-216] Add hierarchy app new portal components [US TRTL-216] Fix select tenant component css [US TRTL-169] Add select tenant inside app engine [TECH] Add lastly used application translation [US TRTL-169] Fix selected tenant display in app engine [US TRTL-169] Code & architecture improvement [US TRTL-169] Add translation & code review [US-TRTL-216] Revert header features from identity * [US TRTL-408] Add unknown app icon [FIX TRTL-423] Fix tenant selection [US TRTL-425] Add customer selection in new header [TRTL-425] Code review * [TECH] Apply Translate modifications in selecttenant & selectcustomer * [TECH] Remove dev files for VITAM (these files are in .gitignore) * [TECH] Fix TU * [TECH] Delete ngOnDestroy not used Co-authored-by:
Fadil Zemmari <fadil.zemmari@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Delphine <delphine.coursier@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
pybelecalo <pierre-yves.belecalo@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Delphine <delphine.coursier@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Mickael <mickael.varlet@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Fadil <Fadil.zemmari@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
pybelecalo <pierre-yves.belecalo@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Delphine <delphine.coursier@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Mickael <mickael.varlet@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Fadil <Fadil.zemmari@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
pybelecalo <pierre-yves.belecalo@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Fadil <fadil.zemmari@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
BOUHADDOUZA <youcef.bouhaddouza@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Mickael <mickael.varlet@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Delphine <delphine.coursier@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
ludovic Blanchet <ludocic.blanchet.ext@culture.gouv.fr> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
pybelecalo <pierre-yves.belecalo@xelians.fr> * [TECH] Fix assembly * [DEVOPS] Add theme engine process to ui-referential config file * [TECH] Fix assembly * [DEVOPS] Add theme engine process to ui-referential config file Co-authored-by:
Maël AUDEON <mael.audeon@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Mathieu Leguay <mathieu.leguay@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Jérôme LELEU <jerome.leleu@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Abdelmoez GUETAT <abdelmoez.guetat@smile.fr> Co-authored-by:
Hamza GRAINI <hamza.graini@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Amine FILALI <amine.filali00@gmail.com> Co-authored-by:
Franck Bebel <franck.bebel@ouidou.fr> Co-authored-by:
deviller <burma@free.fr> Co-authored-by:
Amine FILALI <amine.filali@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
msayad <mahmoud.sayad@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Emmanuel Deviller <emmanuel.deviller@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Pierre-Yves Bele Calo <pierre-yves.belecalo@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Delphine <delphine.coursier@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
NOUMANE <ahmed.noumane@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Mathieu Leguay <mathieu.leguay@ouidou.fr> Co-authored-by:
Ritchie Nithoo <ritchie.nithoo@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Mounir Nayab <mounir.nayab@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Hicham Barhoumi <hicham.barhoumi@archiveco.fr> Co-authored-by:
Fadil Zemmari <fadil.zemmari@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Mickael <mickael.varlet@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Noureddine Ouaghris <noureddine.ouaghris@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Paul PEYREFITTE <paul.peyrefitte@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Julien CORNILLE <julien.cornille@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <mamakh@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by:
BOUHADDOUZA <youcef.bouhaddouza@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
ludovic Blanchet <ludocic.blanchet.ext@culture.gouv.fr>
- Jan 19, 2021
Thierry Devillechabrolle authored
This reverts commit 56c6458b.
pyXelians authored
* [DLAB-4011] temp commit * [DLAB-4011] Fix initial values in color inputs * [DLAB-4011] create, update theme colors * [DLAB-4011] Color picker for theme inputs * [DLAB-4011] Fix custom graphic identity validation * [DLAB-4011] Fix inputs behavior and appearance * [Theme] Create primary & secondary variables * [TECH] Temp fix for repo npm URL * [DLAB-4011] Add custom theme to cas, identity and portal * [TECH] Change trusttore for dlab * [DLAB-4126] Upgrade deployment (PKI & Ansible scripts) - Upgrade functions.sh: Addition of genericity on the functions allowing to handle a vault file - Add ERASE as input parameters on PKI's scripts in order to preverse existing items when we execute scripts (add module, clients ...) - Upgrade generate_stores.sh in order to populate dynamically the linked vault file - Upgrade packaging in order to add the archive of deployment - Upgrade scripts according to the PKI in order to clean/fix deployment for keystores/trustores and linked configuration * [DLAB-4126] Update PKI according to the previous updates * Version upgrade to 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT * [DEVOPS] Fix unknown variable vitamui_services.x.dir.assets * [DEVOPS] Update scripts for deployment * [DEVOPS] Fix missing deployment for customer-init.yml * [DEVOPS] Clean scripts of the PKI * [DEVOPS] Add README and update cleanup method for certificates * [DLAB-4011] Add IT scenario & primary-dark color * [DLAB-4011] Set dlab theme config * [DLAB-4011] Set dlab colors on cas, identity & portal * compilation works * it runs * fix login/pwd authentication * handle provided username * some refactoring * login/pwd + authn delegation works (with or without service) * surrogation works * change password is triggered when the user is already authenticated using the doChangePassword parameter * refactor surrogation service definition * password management * final tests on surrogation * WIP MFA * MFA works * [TECH] Update project from JAVA8 to JAVA11 with dependencies * [TECH] Remove unused jks files in integration data * fix back links * don't lost surrogation when bad password * [TECH] CAS set metrics dependency for prometheus * clean Spring config and open management endpoints * fix surrogation lost on bad password * [TECH] Configure Prometheus for SpringBoot services * [TECH] Use smtp4dev in our dev environment * [TECH] RPM update jdk from 1.8 to 11 * [DLAB-4126] Upgrade deployment (PKI & Ansible scripts) - Upgrade functions.sh: Addition of genericity on the functions allowing to handle a vault file - Add ERASE as input parameters on PKI's scripts in order to preverse existing items when we execute scripts (add module, clients ...) - Upgrade generate_stores.sh in order to populate dynamically the linked vault file - Upgrade packaging in order to add the archive of deployment - Upgrade scripts according to the PKI in order to clean/fix deployment for keystores/trustores and linked configuration * [DEVOPS] Fix unknown variable vitamui_services.x.dir.assets * [DEVOPS] Update scripts for deployment * VitamUIInput : fix autofocus, remove AfterViewInit function & upgrade ui-frontend-common to 0.0.13 * New Frontend Input component : Allow only positive numbers & upgrade ui-frontend-common to 0.0.14 * Users App : Fix filter * Customers App : fix drag and drop issue for graphical identity * [FIX DLAB-3306] Sort subrogations * [DLAB-3453] Update operation in order to extend it * [DLAB-3453] Remove priority on OperationStatus * [US DLAB-3806] Add pdf generation with images[US DLAB-3806] Add TU on PDF generation * [ELCA-27] Expose NavbarComponent and childs to permit customizing * ⅜TECH] Fix merge deployment task * fix session hard timeout instead of idle timeout * upgrade to CAS v6.1.6 and pac4j v4.0.0 * [TECH] FIX vitamui input component * [TECH] Prepare version 1.0.2 * [TECH] CAS Security : add hostnameverifier optional property, activated by default * [TECH] Update package versions * [DLAB-4154] Update mongo init - Update PKI scripts: Restructuring scripts on an overload strategy - Renew PKI dev (missing CA, useful when we need to connect vitamui to others applications) - Update application assets according to the new dev PKI - Add/update readme * [WIP] Add function to externalize consul domain * [WIP] * WIP * [devops] add validation of java 11 * [DEVOPS] Fix vitam-ui dpeloyment * [WIP] Upgrade logstash config according to Java 11 * [TECH] Update deployment * [TECH] Security / Authentification : Fix token increment * [TECH] Fix deployment maven build * RABB-519: corrige l'erreur en cas de ticket expiré * [TECH] Remove compiler overloading in cas server pom * [DEVOPS] Clean old pki for dev * [DLAB-4126] Upgrade mongo init [DLAB-4126] Fix documentation * [TECH] Update SSL assets on UI-frontend projects * [DLAB-4126] Fix remote init for mongo * [DLAB-4126] Fix authentication detection for mongo * [DLAB-4126] Fix deployment for mongo * [DEVOPS] Improve mongo deployment * [DEVOPS] Add mitogen * [TECH] Update nginx conf in order to view objects * [devops] add tags for service installation * [DEVOPS] FIx rsyslog configuration * [DEVOPS] Add vitamui uninstallation * [devops] put consul as vitam service * [TECH] Frontend : Some cleaning & optimization optimisation * [TECH] Fix theme default logo * [TECH] FIx ui frontend plugin & configuration * [TECH] Fix recette configuration * [TECH] Frontend Optimization * [TECH] CAS : Set default data for twilio account * [TECH] Fix deployment uninstall when file is absent * [TECH] Cas : fix war build with tomcat dependencies * [TECH] Fix front tests * [TECH] Fix ui frontend plugin and configuration (bis) * [TCH] Frontend Optimization (bis) * [TECH] CAS 6.1.6 : update static templates, js & add theming variables * [FIX RABB-585] Add animation in progress bar * [FIX RABB-577] Add space above title * [FIX RABB-581] Fix VITAMUI_AUTHENTICATION Logbook code * [TECH] Fix console error on ICU comment Keys EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_USER and EXT_VITAMUI_AUTHENTIFICATION_OTP_USER defined in file event-tyoe-label.component.html are kept only for Legacy code and existing data * [RABB-626] Frontend Optimization : fix font * [FIX RABB-579] Fix error sending mail from iam-internal * [FIX RABB-37] Accept Timeout parameter as Http header * [TECH] Frontend use assets from ui-frontend-common & update branding * [TECH] Nginx : Add favicon link * [TECH] UI Frontend rewrite links in SCSS files with base-ref, deploy-url * [TECH] Theme : getAsset, normalize path for security issues * [FIX RABB-664] Show secondary color instead of primary for valid-check password * [TECH] Frontend use assets from ui-frontend-common & update branding : fix tests * [FIX RABB-577] Add space below group profile pop-in title * [FIX RABB-539] Handle redirections for CAS Authentication failure * [TECH] Remove default UI page title name * [TECH] prepare release 1.0.2 * [TECH] Frontend : add gzip compression * [TECH] Uninstall remove assets * [FIX RABB-555] Fix cas deployment config and password init for a new user * [FIX RABB-696] Handle Reset password when user password has expired * [devops] keep data dir at uninstall * [DEVOPS] Add packaging Maven module to our referenced modules * [TECH] Fix thymeleaf template for cas * [US RABB-681] seda model update * [US RABB-681] remove unused helpers * [TECH] Limit max memory for services launched by Springboot plugin * Merged in feature/fox/FOX-229 (pull request #36) [US FOX-229] Fix css filter-table * [US FOX-229] Fix css filter-table * Merge branch 'dlab-develop' into feature/fox/FOX-229 Approved-by: Zakaria TIRDAD Approved-by: Faouzi Ben Salah * [US FOX-231] Fix double scrollbar Approved-by: Massine CHIKHI Approved-by: Zakaria TIRDAD * [US FOX-242] delete confirmation to stop subrogation Approved-by: Makhtar Diagne Approved-by: Zakaria TIRDAD * [TRTL-207] Search by name or description in group attribution * [US FOX-252] handle search bar Approved-by: Makhtar Diagne Approved-by: Zakaria TIRDAD * [TECH] Improve code quality * [TECH] Update Vitam conf * [TRTL-206] Add search & order by on Groups list * [TRTL-206] Add filters on status & level * [TECH] Improve code quality * [TRTL-206] Fix frontend unit tests * [FIX TRTL-236] Fix theme colors form validation * [TRTL-236] Code review * [US TRTL-246] modification of SSL configuration for Interco * [US TRTL-246] feedback PR : modification of SSL configuration for Interco * [FIX TRTL-236] Disable tslint false positives * [TECH] prepare for next development iteration * [DEVOPS] Fix on Mongo scripts. * [US TRTL-287] fix subrogation focus on OK button * [TECH] Fix security-internal swagger * [US FOX-264] Add method to get rule duration based on rule identifier * [FENIX-58] add siteCode to user * [FENIX-58] add static constant for sitecode * [FENIX-58] remove println * [FENIX-58] add siteCode to user creation & update * [FENIX-58] add a script to init user's siteCode with an empty string if the property does not exist * [Fix TRTL-206] Fix criterions whitelist in Groups API * [FENIX-39] check criteria's subqueries authorized keys * [TECH] Fix unit test for date conversion * [TECH] Fix oauth authentication : use same token generation as CAS * [FENIX-86] add siteCode to allowed keys * [FIX RABB-808] Fix directory traversal security issue on getLogo * [TECH] Fix user app not loading groups * [TECH] Fix unit test for date conversion * [US TRTL-273] residual characters when Disconnect * [FIX TRTL-387] Fix mobile authent : add cors to cas conf * [TECH] Fix deploy * [FENIX-66] add elemMatch support for criteria * [FENIX-66] add elemMatch support for criteria * [FENIX-66] add elemMatch support for criteria * [FENIX-66] add elemMatch support for criteria * [US TRTL-113] Add internal code on customer creation form * [US TRTL-113] Fix TUs * [US TRTL-113] Remove address type from owner * [US TRTL-113] Code review * [US TRTL-106] Add internal code at user creation * [US TRTL-106] Frontend-common version upgrade to 1.0.5 * [US TRTL-389] Add customer internal code edition * [US TRTL-390 TRTL-391] Change customer & owner internalCode feature * [US TRTL-390] Frontend-common version upgrade to 1.0.6 * [US TRTL-392] Add internal code edition for users & owners * [TECH] Add pooling for httpClient for better performance * [TECH] Add pooling for httpClient for better performance * [TECH] Define a different token for each REST clientfactory * [US TRTL-268] fix switchmap without debounceTIme ? * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets * [RABB-856] set ticket expiration to 24 hours * [TECH] CAS SSO authentication : fix nginx authorized URLs * [FIX RABB-844] Fix login with leading or trailing spaces in username * [FIX RABB-791] Fix password policy pattern to require at least one lower and one upper case * [US TRTL-396] Change customer code pattern from 6 to 4 digits * [US TRTL-275] .content should not be > 90vh * [TECH] Set release candidate: 1.1.0-RC1 * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets authorize js & ngsw files in spring security. Otherwise it breaks post authentication redirections * [TS FOX-312] Add Server Identity Extension for tests * [TS FOX-312] Change visibility for swaggerJsonExistMethod * [FIX RABB-844] Fix email not trimmed when resetting password * [US TRTL-274] don't get profiles from archive & item * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets authorize js & ngsw files in spring security. Otherwise it breaks post authentication redirections * [US FOX-345] replace lodash by lodash-es * [TECH] VITAM Logbook Operations : access contract is mandatory * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets Authorize other assets files in spring security. Otherwise it breaks post authentication redirections * [UX FOX-348] remove locales from moment * [TECH] Pick up all latest developments for ui-frontend-common * [US FOX-348] remove local from moment ui-frontend * [TS FOX-329] Update pom.xml - Use spotbugs instead of findbugs - Upgrade plugin for java 11 - Add sonar-metrics profile * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets Add files in caching and fix nginx rewrite rules. Do not remove the unzip compression * [TS FOX-329] Update pom.xml- Use spotbugs instead of findbugs- Upgrade plugin for java 11- Add sonar-metrics profile * [FIX REC-4] Set owner code from 6 to 20 characters * [US FOX-352] Creating and editing email with capital letters * [TECH] Add WebClientBuilder * [US FOX-348] remove local from moment ui-frontend * [US FOX-356] handle peerdependencies * [US TRTL-274] don't get profiles from archive & item * [FIX TRTL-430] fix country order * [DEVOPS] Update project Maven versions to 1.1.0-RC2 * [TS RABB-811] Add caching for files JS, assets rollback nginx conf, wasn't working on preprod environment fix css display on post authentication14 * [FIX RABB-844] Fix email not trimmed when resetting password * [FIX FOX-363] Initialize tenantsList with data already retrieved * [FOX-374] Add cors for dev environnement * [TS TRTL-464] Add upsert operation * [FIX RABB-928] Fix access denied error when changing language in My account * [US TRTL-478] Add mail attribute to idp * [TECH] prepare for next development iteration * [TECH] Upgrade ui-frontend-common in order to pick up all the latest developments * [CAS] Use SAML attribute for profile id instead of SAML id * [TECH] Fix unit test for date conversion * [TECH] Fix assembly * [DEVOPS] Add theme engine process to ui-referential config file * [DEVOPS] Add uninstall referential * [DEVOPS] Update reverseproxy * [TECH] Update package version for referential modules * [DEVOPS] Update nginx conf for referential favicon * [TECH] Mongo scripts update for referential profiles remove the modifications in old scripts and move it in new files & remove duplicated profiles. remove auto tenant used in testing * [TECH] Update package-lock.json in ui-frontend * [DEVOPS] UI-Referential : do not execute test for all modules * [TECH] Fix assembly * [DEVOPS] Add theme engine process to ui-referential config file * Nouveau portail (#66) * [TECH] Add new portal development page * [US TRTL-144] : Add footer component [[US TRTL-144] : add customer info [US TRTL-144] : Code review [TECH] Add new portal development page * [US TRTL-147] : Add scrollTop component [US TRTL-147] : code review * [US TRTL-146 TRTL-148] Add new portal application list design * [US TRTL-145] Add welcome message in new portal application [US TRTL-145] Rename welcome message to welcome description * [US TRTL-167] : add new footer design [US TRTL-167] : code review * [US TRTL-146 TRTL-148] Add new portal application list design [US TRTL-145] Add welcome message in new portal application [US TRTL-149] Add filter by categorie * [US TRTL-143] add new portal header [US TRTL-143] Add header design [US TRTL-143] Fix header after code review [US TRTL-143] Add a module for tenant selection component * [TECH] Assemble and fix new portal component [TECH] Fix deploy [TECH] Fix new portal responsive display [US TRTL-163] Add new coloured applications icon [TECH] Fix VVitamUI vars [TECH] Fix VitamUI vars [TECH] Fix new portal responsive display * [US TRTL-150] Add Application menu launcher [US TRTL-150] without overlay [US TRTl-150] changes after new spec [US TRTL-150] review css [TECH] temp rebase portal [US TRTL-150] move in fronend-common & fix highlightPipe & fix select-tenant [US TRTL-150] fix tslint [US TRTL-150] fix modules [US TRTL-150] integrate menu button * [TECH] Add application sorting on new portal design * [US TRTL-189] Add common body container * [TECH] Sort categories in applications overlay [TECH] Fix select tenant component NP error [TECH] Fix scroll top component appear [TECH] Move new portal to portal component * [US TRTL-200] change select tenant [FIX TRTL-217] Fix wording * [US TRTL-175] Mutualise group by application and routing [US TRTL-175] Refactoring group by application and routing [US TRTL-175] Review improvement * [US TRTL-199] Performance improvement on portal [US TRTL-199] Lighthouse SEO improvement [US TRTL-199] Lighthouse Performance improvement [US TRTL-199] Performance improvement [US TRTL-199] Fix rebase conflict [TECH] Fix css load defer delay * [FIX TRTL-237] Fix application service for identity apps access [US TRTL-235] Search apps on change in menu component [US TRTL-235] Code review * [US TRTL-280] Test new application SVG icon [US TRTL-280] Add SVG icons MANUAL_INGEST_APP & ARCHIVE_APP [US TRTL-334] Fix apps icon dynamic color * [US TRTL-431] Remove moment-mini dependency * Add Categories Configuration Add deployment config + unit test * Fix jinja templating for categories + cleanup * [TECH] Change categories format and fix display * [TECH] Hide category with no app and init user category name as "Utilisateur" * [TECH] Change categories format and fix display * [TECH] Remove tar.gz assembly * [TECH] Fix version vitamui in ingest module * Mise en place du changement de langue avec ngx-translate (#68) * [US TRTL-157] component SelectLanguage & VitamTranslateService [US TRTL-157] MultiLoadHttpLoader & translate templates [US TRTL-157]add gulpfile to migrate from i18n to ngx-translate [US TRTL-157] save/update language & sessionStorage [US TRTL-157] sessionStorage & add ROLE_UPDATE_ME_USERS for portal & delete gulpfile.js [US TRTL-157] clean i18n for portal in conf files [US TRTL-157] review & fix ngx-translate version * [US TRTL-427] add httpLoaderChildFactory to use local assets/i18n * [TRTL-484] Fix ngx translate with lazy modules * [US TRTL-473] Hide selection language button * [TECH] Fix ngx translate unit tests * [TECH] Update categories for deployment & local configurations * [TECH] PR review fix for moment-mini which was unused * [Tech] Fix package-lock * Mise en place des analytics utilisateur et de la catégorie 'Dernières applications utilisées' (#69) * [US TRTL-157] component SelectLanguage & VitamTranslateService [US TRTL-157] MultiLoadHttpLoader & translate templates [US TRTL-157]add gulpfile to migrate from i18n to ngx-translate [US TRTL-157] save/update language & sessionStorage [US TRTL-157] sessionStorage & add ROLE_UPDATE_ME_USERS for portal & delete gulpfile.js [US TRTL-157] clean i18n for portal in conf files [US TRTL-157] review & fix ngx-translate version * [US TRTL-427] add httpLoaderChildFactory to use local assets/i18n * [TRTL-484] Fix ngx translate with lazy modules * [US TRTL-473] Hide selection language button * [TECH] Fix ngx translate unit tests * [TECH] Update categories for deployment & local configurations * [TECH] Remove tar.gz assembly * [TECH] PR review fix for moment-mini which was unused * [US TRTL-170] : save last used applications [US TRTL-170] : code review - rename applicationAnalytics class [US TRTL-170] : tag application us last used only at the first visit [US TRTL-170] : code review * [US TRTL-172] : Get last used app back-end [US TRTL-172] : Get last used app front-end [US TRTL-172] : Fix import [US TRTL-172] : Get last used apps update [US TRTL-172]: Fix after conflict resolve [US TRTL-172]: Fix last used app analytics loading [US TRTL-172]: Fix duplicate when searching an application [US TRTL-172]: Code review improvement * [TECH] : Delete logger debug in test * [TECH] Fix review - Create applicationIDConstant + userBuilder to test * [Tech] Fix package-lock * [TECH] FIX merge * Choix du tenant par défaut & Sélection du tenant ou de l'organisation pour les apps multi-tenants et multi-organisations (#71) * [US TRTL-172] : Get last used app back-end [US TRTL-172] : Get last used app front-end [US TRTL-172] : Fix import [US TRTL-172] : Get last used apps update [US TRTL-172]: Fix after conflict resolve [US TRTL-172]: Fix last used app analytics loading [US TRTL-172]: Fix duplicate when searching an application [US TRTL-172]: Code review improvement * [US TRTL-170] : save last used applications [US TRTL-170] : code review - rename applicationAnalytics class [US TRTL-170] : tag application us last used only at the first visit [US TRTL-170] : code review * [US TRTL-171] Persist last tenant identifier analytics * [US TRTL-216] Add select tenant dialog on first user auth [US TRTL-216] Fix last tenant identifier synchronization [US TRTL-216] Improvement & add tenant by app filter [US TRTL-216] Code improvement [US TRTL-216] Add hierarchy app new portal components [US TRTL-216] Fix select tenant component css [US TRTL-169] Add select tenant inside app engine [TECH] Add lastly used application translation [US TRTL-169] Fix selected tenant display in app engine [US TRTL-169] Code & architecture improvement [US TRTL-169] Add translation & code review [US-TRTL-216] Revert header features from identity * [US TRTL-408] Add unknown app icon [FIX TRTL-423] Fix tenant selection [US TRTL-425] Add customer selection in new header [TRTL-425] Code review * [TECH] Apply Translate modifications in selecttenant & selectcustomer * [TECH] Remove dev files for VITAM (these files are in .gitignore) * [TECH] Fix TU * [TECH] Delete ngOnDestroy not used Co-authored-by:
Fadil Zemmari <fadil.zemmari@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Delphine <delphine.coursier@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
pybelecalo <pierre-yves.belecalo@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Delphine <delphine.coursier@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Mickael <mickael.varlet@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Fadil <Fadil.zemmari@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
pybelecalo <pierre-yves.belecalo@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Delphine <delphine.coursier@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Mickael <mickael.varlet@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Fadil <Fadil.zemmari@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
pybelecalo <pierre-yves.belecalo@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Fadil <fadil.zemmari@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
BOUHADDOUZA <youcef.bouhaddouza@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Mickael <mickael.varlet@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Delphine <delphine.coursier@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
ludovic Blanchet <ludocic.blanchet.ext@culture.gouv.fr> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
pybelecalo <pierre-yves.belecalo@xelians.fr> * [TECH] Fix assembly * [DEVOPS] Add theme engine process to ui-referential config file * [TECH] Fix assembly * [DEVOPS] Add theme engine process to ui-referential config file Co-authored-by:
Maël AUDEON <mael.audeon@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Mathieu Leguay <mathieu.leguay@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Jérôme LELEU <jerome.leleu@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Abdelmoez GUETAT <abdelmoez.guetat@smile.fr> Co-authored-by:
Hamza GRAINI <hamza.graini@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Amine FILALI <amine.filali00@gmail.com> Co-authored-by:
Franck Bebel <franck.bebel@ouidou.fr> Co-authored-by:
deviller <burma@free.fr> Co-authored-by:
Amine FILALI <amine.filali@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
msayad <mahmoud.sayad@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Emmanuel Deviller <emmanuel.deviller@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Delphine <delphine.coursier@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
NOUMANE <ahmed.noumane@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Mathieu Leguay <mathieu.leguay@ouidou.fr> Co-authored-by:
Ritchie Nithoo <ritchie.nithoo@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Mounir Nayab <mounir.nayab@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Hicham Barhoumi <hicham.barhoumi@archiveco.fr> Co-authored-by:
Fadil Zemmari <fadil.zemmari@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Mickael <mickael.varlet@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Noureddine Ouaghris <noureddine.ouaghris@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Paul PEYREFITTE <paul.peyrefitte@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Julien CORNILLE <julien.cornille@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <mamakh@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by:
BOUHADDOUZA <youcef.bouhaddouza@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
ludovic Blanchet <ludocic.blanchet.ext@culture.gouv.fr>
- Aug 05, 2020
Makhtar DIAGNE authored
* [TECH] Nginx add referential apps * [TECH] Fix theme default logo * [TECH] Fixes from PR review * [TECH] Strange fixes for ui-referential (why was it working) * Update ui/ui-frontend/projects/identity/src/locale/messages.xlf Co-authored-by:
CouzinieAtCines <62284459+CouzinieAtCines@users.noreply.github.com> * [TECH] Merge fixes * compilation works * it runs * fix login/pwd authentication * handle provided username * some refactoring * login/pwd + authn delegation works (with or without service) * surrogation works * change password is triggered when the user is already authenticated using the doChangePassword parameter * password management * final tests on surrogation * WIP MFA * MFA works * [TECH] Update project from JAVA8 to JAVA11 with dependencies * [TECH] Remove unused jks files in integration data * fix back links * don't lost surrogation when bad password * [TECH] CAS set metrics dependency for prometheus * clean Spring config and open management endpoints * fix surrogation lost on bad password * [TECH] Configure Prometheus for SpringBoot services * [TECH] Use smtp4dev in our dev environment * [TECH] RPM update jdk from 1.8 to 11 * [DEVOPS] Fix unknown variable vitamui_services.x.dir.assets * [DEVOPS] Update scripts for deployment * [DLAB-3453] Update operation in order to extend it * [DLAB-3453] Remove priority on OperationStatus * [US DLAB-3806] Add pdf generation with images[US DLAB-3806] Add TU on PDF generation * ⅜TECH] Fix merge deployment task * fix session hard timeout instead of idle timeout * upgrade to CAS v6.1.6 and pac4j v4.0.0 * [TECH] CAS Security : add hostnameverifier optional property, activated by default * [devops] add validation of java 11 * [DEVOPS] Fix vitam-ui dpeloyment * [WIP] Upgrade logstash config according to Java 11 * [TECH] Update deployment * [TECH] Security / Authentification : Fix token increment * [TECH] Fix deployment maven build * RABB-519: corrige l'erreur en cas de ticket expiré * [TECH] Remove compiler overloading in cas server pom * [DEVOPS] Improve mongo deployment * [TECH] Update nginx conf in order to view objects * [devops] add tags for service installation * [DEVOPS] Add vitamui uninstallation * [devops] put consul as vitam service * [TECH] Frontend : Some cleaning & optimization optimisation * [TECH] FIx ui frontend plugin & configuration * [TECH] Fix recette configuration * [TECH] CAS : Set default data for twilio account * [TECH] Fix deployment uninstall when file is absent * [TECH] Cas : fix war build with tomcat dependencies * [TECH] Fix ui frontend plugin and configuration (bis) * [TECH] CAS 6.1.6 : update static templates, js & add theming variables * [FIX RABB-579] Fix error sending mail from iam-internal * [TECH] Frontend use assets from ui-frontend-common & update branding * [FIX RABB-539] Handle redirections for CAS Authentication failure * [TECH] Frontend : add gzip compression * [TECH] Uninstall remove assets * [FIX RABB-555] Fix cas deployment config and password init for a new user * [TECH] Fix merge * [TECH] Fix merges * Update Jenkinsfile Changed label from "contrib" to "java11" for building purpose * Update Jenkinsfile * fix cas-server dependencies, styles ui-ref, deployment archive * fix test iam-internal * redo tar.gz * zip deployment * add prod profile for frontend * fix maven-assembly-plugin version and webpack profile * Try generating zip package archive Co-authored-by:
Makhtar DIAGNE <makhtar.diagne@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
CouzinieAtCines <62284459+CouzinieAtCines@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by:
Jérôme LELEU <jerome.leleu@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Mathieu Leguay <mathieu.leguay@teamdlab.com> Co-authored-by:
Franck Bebel <franck.bebel@ouidou.fr> Co-authored-by:
deviller <burma@free.fr> Co-authored-by:
Thierry Devillechabrolle <60743409+TDevillechabrolle@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by:
app-jenkins <romain.gordolo@xelians.fr> Co-authored-by:
Gaëlle FOURNIER <gaelle.fournier.work@gmail.com>
- May 15, 2020
Mathieu Leguay authored
* [DLAB-4126] Upgrade deployment (PKI & Ansible scripts) - Upgrade functions.sh: Addition of genericity on the functions allowing to handle a vault file - Add ERASE as input parameters on PKI's scripts in order to preverse existing items when we execute scripts (add module, clients ...) - Upgrade generate_stores.sh in order to populate dynamically the linked vault file - Upgrade packaging in order to add the archive of deployment - Upgrade scripts according to the PKI in order to clean/fix deployment for keystores/trustores and linked configuration * [DLAB-4126] Update PKI according to the previous updates * [DEVOPS] Add README and update cleanup method for certificates * [DLAB-4126] Taking into account feedback on PR Co-authored-by:
Mathieu Leguay <mathieu.leguay@teamdlab.com>
- Apr 09, 2020
Olivier MARSOL authored
* Add packaging for vitam-ui * remove useless script