Project moved toMaterials browser front
Front application for materials browser. Use materials-browser-api project.
Required : npm
1. Download Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli
2. Clone project
git clone
cd materials-browser-front
3. Install node_modules packages
From project root, execute : npm install
4. Machine environment file
For each machine where the project is deployed, there must modify machine environment variables. It can be found into file src/assets/environment.json
// File example content: environment.json
"apiUrl": "http://localhost:8000", # Materials browser API URL.
"log": true # Show console log.
5. Run development server
Launch ng serve
from project root. With internet browser, go to address http://localhost:4200/
6. Create package to deploy
WARNING : API project directory materials-browser-api must be in the same directory than directory materials-browser-front.
Launch script
to create a zip archive :