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Makhtar DIAGNE authored


These components are a set of REST/JSON web services to perform CRUD operations on the business models:

  • customers
  • tenants
  • identity providers
  • profile groups
  • profiles
  • users.

There are composed of the web services themselves (api-iam-server module), the REST clients of these web services (api-iam-client module) and the DTOs shared between the two modules (api-iam-common module).

Run the web services

mvn spring-boot:run

En développement, définir également la propriété config.dir qui doit pointer sur la répertoire de configuration : xxx/api-iam-admin/api-iam-server/src/main/config pour récupérer le certificat serveur.


Start the MongoDB server


Connect to the Mongo shell (if needed)

mongo --port 27018 -u "mongod_dbuser_iam" -p "mongod_dbpwd_iam" --authenticationDatabase "iam"


Generate the certificate:

keytool -genkeypair -alias api-iam-admin-server -keyalg RSA -validity 1825 -keystore api-iam-admin-server-keystore.jks -storetype JKS -keypass keypwd -storepass keyspwd

keytool -genkeypair -alias admin-client-keystore -keyalg RSA -validity 1825 -keystore admin-client-keystore.jks -storetype JKS -keypass keyspwd -storepass keyspwd

Extract the public key:

keytool -exportcert -alias api-iam-admin-server -keystore api-iam-admin-server-keystore.jks -file api-iam-admin-server-public.der

keytool -exportcert -alias admin-client-keystore -keystore admin-client-keystore.jks -file admin-client-public.der

Import the keys:

keytool -importcert -alias api-iam-admin-server-public -keystore admin-client-truststore.jks -file api-iam-admin-server-public.der

keytool -importcert -alias admin-client-public -keystore api-iam-admin-server-truststore.jks -file admin-client-public.der

keytool -importcert -alias cas-server-public -keystore api-iam-admin-client-truststore.jks -file cas-server-public.der

Convert to PEM files (PEM = base 64 vs DER = binary):

openssl x509 -inform der -in admin-client-public.cer -out admin-client-public.pem