@@ -61,19 +61,14 @@ For each test case, given in a separate folder (e.g. testcase_ion_channel_small,
2. run.sh : run the application and print out the evaluated metric in a file called results (first numeric column representing ns/day corresponds to the evaluated metric to take into account)
3. validate.sh: validation of the simulation.
* The bench testcase_ion_channel_small is considered validated if:
* the evaluated metric is print out ;
* the simulation is completed with 20 000 steps ;
* the files small_ion_channel.log, small_ion_channel.edr, results and slurm*.out are present in the directory results-gromacs-ion_channel_small.
* The bench testcase_ion_channel_large is considered validated if:
* the evaluated metric is print out ;
* the simulation is completed with 1 000 000 steps ;
* the files large_ion_channel.log, large_ion_channel.edr, results and slurm*.out are present in the directory results-gromacs-ion_channel_large.
* The bench testcase_BSG_large is considered validated if:
* the evaluated metric is print out ;
* the simulation is completed with 1 200 000 steps ;