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Commit 44588e8f authored by jourdain's avatar jourdain
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Add bench medium test case

parent f48f56c3
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#SBATCH --job-name=RamsesMedium
#SBATCH --nodes=147
#SBATCH --ntasks=4096
#SBATCH --threads-per-core=1
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
#SBATCH --output=ramses3d-BDW28-%j.out
#SBATCH --error=ramses3d-BDW28-%j.err
#SBATCH --constraint=BDW28
set -x
source ./env
SIMU=$bench_dir/PROD/ # Working directory
NML="cosmo.nml" # Namelist file
RAMSES=$ramses_dir/ramses/bin/ramses3d # ramses executable
DATE=`date +"%m-%d-%y-%H-%M-%S"`
cd $SIMU
srun --mpi=pmi2 -K1 --resv-ports -n $SLURM_NTASKS $RAMSES $NML > $SIMU'/run_'$DATE.log
Test case presentation
The small test case of the template application is doing nothing but watching videos on Youtube all day long.
It uses no DFT method, nor spectral method or anything else. The FFTW is widely not use for this case.
Case profile
A profiling of a small specfem3D test case performed on Occigen on 1 haswell node (64GB) is available in this folder:
It has been generated using Intel APS (infos:
This diff is collapsed.
source ../machines/occigen-bdw/env
echo "************************************************************"
echo "* Prepare medium case in $bench_dir"
echo "************************************************************"
if [[ $HOSTNAME = *"occigen"* ]]; then
tar xvf /store/CINES/dci/SHARED/abs/ramses/input.tar -C $bench_dir/.
elif [[ $HOSTNAME = *"jean-zay"* ]]; then
tar xvf $SCRATCH/abs/ramses/input.tar -C $bench_dir/.
elif [[ $HOSTNAME = *"irene"* ]]; then
tar xvf $CCCSCRATCHDIR/abs/ramses/input.tar -C $bench_dir/.
echo "Hostname not recognized: abort"
exit 1
echo "************************************************************"
echo "* End Prepare medium case "
echo "************************************************************"
cd ../machines/occigen-bdw
source ./env
if [ -z "$bench_dir" ]; then
echo "bench_dir missing"
exit 1
sbatch batch_medium.slurm
source ../machines/occigen-bdw/env
cd $bench_dir/PROD/
log_file=`ls -thlx run_* | awk -F " " '{ print $1 }'`
start_t=`grep startup $log_file | awk '{ print $5 }'`
end_t=`grep "Total elapsed time:" $log_file | awk '{ print $4 }'`
perf=`bc -l <<< $end_t-$start_t`
if [ -z "$perf" ] || [ -z "$end_t" ]
echo "bench is not validated"
echo "bench is validated"
echo "end = $end_t s"
echo "perf = $perf s (total simulation time excluding initialization and i/o)"
0% or .
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