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  • add_cristal
  • add_horizon
  • add_hybrid
  • adjustable_xor_hybrid
  • delete_flat_mode_frioul
  • dev default
  • hello_world_ompi
  • master protected
8 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.09Nov25Feb28Jan2329Apr12823Jan24Oct12Sep108Aug712Jul113Apr15Mar129876Merge branch '7-xxlmem' into 'dev'devdevremplace skl224 par xxlmemmodif hello world mpi_omp_cudahello_mpi_omp_cuda : correction include pour .cpp et .curemove cuda_visible_devices indications for mpirunajout exemple hello mpi,openmp,cuda pour skl224Merge branch 'Add_CFLAGS' into 'dev'Add CFLAGS to MakefileMerge branch 'delete_flat_mode_frioul' into 'dev'Merge branch '3-how-to-contribute' into 'dev'Update adding contribute processAdd script threads omp auto-adjustableadjustable_xor_…adjustable_xor_hybridDelete Frioul submission script with flat constraintdelete_flat_mod…delete_flat_mode_frioulMerge branch 'dev' into 'master'mastermasterMerge branch 'add_skylake' into 'dev'ADD Skylake hybrid versionFIX Processor list for sklUPDATE scriptUPDATE job and and output nameUPDATE mv skl224.shUPDATE LARGE->SKL224Update visu.shadd_cristaladd_cristalUpdate : change hello_mpi in a.out in order to avoid users confusionsAdd skylake AKA Large scriptsAdd and visu scriptAdd first MPI scriptsFirst commitMerge branch 'hello_world_ompi' into devadding openmpi examplehello_world_ompihello_world_ompiadding openmpi examplemodify program for output readabilityUpdate README.mdMerge branch 'add_hybrid' into dev,add or hybrid node scriptadd_hybridadd_hybrid,add or hybrid node script,add or hybrid node scripttypoMerge branch 'add_hybrid' into devadd xor ntasks hybrid script for occigenadd xor nodes hybrid script for occigen